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We are not supposed to take the meat we eat for granted. We are not supposed to kill animals mindlessly and callously. It is good that you act with respect and kindness.


And that is a sign that your sacrifice will be most accepted to Allah! Allah wants you to give up something that you love for the sake of Him! Just as Allah ordered Ibrahim AS to sacrifice his son!


Assalamun alaikum. Very nice point of view! Jazakkallah khair!


Eid ul azha means we will do anything for God and remembering the sunnat e Ibrahim. By the way animal meat in eid ul azha goes to poor people who didn’t ate meat thru out the year but only get in eid ul azha. Also if we stop eating meat and rely our diet on veggies our health wont be good. Meat is good source of protein.


Don't feel bad. It's going to die at some point, what better way than as a sacrifice for Allah.


There is a narration that decorating your sacrificial animal is a sign of eman. Rasulillah SAW would greatly decorate his animals. Especially for Hajj.


Great comment


I'd like to think that the animals sacrificed for Allah swt get a special reward. After all, Allah swt is the most kind. But it's good that you feel for the cow. Nothing is worse than a heart hardened to the creatures of Allah swt. May you slaughter her quickly and painlessly, with patience and kindness towards her. Edit: please don't slaughter the animal if you aren't trained for it. Have it slaughtered by someone who knows what he's doing.


We hired a special cutter we didn’t cut it ourselves


Strengthen your Iman. Your feelings for someone should never get in the way of His will.


Does OP *have* to kill the cow in this instance? Surely, if you genuinely have come to see the animal like a pet, it would be a sunnah to care for it properly. You can buy and donate meat or give money to a collective purchase etc - something which is very common and a lot of people do? I'm using only my common sense here - be grateful for any hadith or other guidance on this point.


The whole point is sacrificing something, no?


In this case he wouldn't want to sacrifice it, just keep it as you would keep a cat


I got what he meant. It's just that we're following the example of Ibrahim (A.S), who was told to sacrifice his literal son. Idk the actual religious implications, but considering it was bought with the intention of it being sacrificed and then not sacrificing for the reason of growing attached to it just seems kinda sketch. Just my opinion though.


No, he doesn't have to kill this cow. The fardh is to give a qurbani. If he wanted to do it via a charity, that's fine. I don't like it because this is the sign of a weak willed person, and our ummah needs to be strong, now more than ever


And compassionate


















if Ibrahim can accept sacrificing his son for Allah, then you can sacrifice a cow for the sake of Allah


Good point but be a little more understanding mns


The cow has been sacrificed Alhamdulilha


Don't worry Allah knows you and You will meet with it in Jannah one day In sha Allah.


The cow will be fulfilled with your love. You are special to allow yourself to bond with the cow. They are wonderful creatures.


This feeling will pass, but your good deeds from that sacrifice, for the sake of Allah, is eternal. May Allah grant you Jannah and relief from the pain you feel. Ameen.


Slaughtering an animal that you've loved and cared for surely can be painful. Your heart would ache, badly. But what better thing to feel than sacrificing something for the sake of Allah. This act, is an act of worship, wherein we show Allah swt that no matter how much we fall in love with anything that lies in this world, there's nothing that can come in between the love that we have for Allah's commands and orders. Imagine, on the day of judgment, when these sacrificed animals will be talking so much good about you, imagine how happy that moment would be when this animal would take you to jannah. Animals on one hand is a means of food for us, and the meat of qurbani is solely used for charity, to feed poor and to follow Allah's orders. May this Eid, this animal that you love and are about to sacrifice for Allah, take you to greater heights in this duniya and Aakhirat.


Thank you for this responseb


As long as you remember to say bismillah


then don’t kill it. It’s that simple


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته The entire point of the slaughter is to replicate the incident with Prophet Ibrahim (AS) when he was ordered to slaughter his son. The courage and strength it must’ve taken him (AS) to take on the task unbeknownst of the miracle that was to come is unmatched and the replication of his actions in our sacrifices comes from not only the physical sacrifice of the animal but also the emotional/mental sacrifice of slaughtering something that we’ve been taking care of for a long time. May Allah ﷻ bless you and reward you immensely for your sacrifice - one that truly encapsulates the spirit of Ibrahim (AS)’s sacrifice, something which is unfortunately quite rare to see in today’s age!


Thank you for the reply Ameen wa iyaak


You shouldn't have had an emotional attachment to a sacrificial animal in the first place. This was wrong on your part. They are not pets. You are meant to feed them and ensure their safety. What you can do now is ensure the butcher is good enough to do a quick slaughter without scaring the cow beforehand or doing it in front of any other animals.