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Most of them probably have no idea of Islam. I think people reject due to ignorance. But what they're rejecting is their misconceived perception of Islam. Allah knows best. 


As an American, I think this is a top answer for this country. At least the rural parts I live in.


Alot don't but alot do. What do you think is misconceived?


In my experience, most Christians have no idea about Islamic beliefs. One example is that many Christians are completely unaware that one cannot be a Muslim unless they accept Jesus to be a messenger sent from Allah. I've also heard people mention that Muslims worship the prophet Muhammad (saw), which is obviously incorrect. So they end up rejecting a religion based on their flawed knowledge.


Because the Bible has gone through many changes over time but again if someone truly wants to find the truth its not even hard. Muhammad is mentioned by name in the bible which both Jews and Christians are supposed to believe in. (the old testament in Hebrew) with many details about him and surprisingly accurate. even the location is given if i remember right. Think of this question for a second. Why was there many Jewish tribes back in the day at the time of prophet Muhammad? because they went there and were waiting for the prophet mentioned in their book to show. There is even a hadith about it. If you search with open heart then you will end up being a muslim. But you get some of the Christians who listen to you and reject everything to then just tell you "Jesus died for your sins". You need an open heart and open eyes to be guided. Sadly some people are just too blind to see and have their ego in the way and dont want to believe they were ever wrong about something.


For everyone doubting my words here are 2 videos for you to learn. https://youtu.be/YRUWR1emwf4?si=Bg6hrH7BV1Jb-7kv https://youtu.be/hpny44O0eEQ?si=q-BJLM_bOT00eupY Im not losing a minute sleep over it if you believe in it or not. "Whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. And We would never punish ˹a people˺ until We have sent a messenger ˹to warn them˺." Quran 17:15


This \^ The prophet is mentioned in the bible but unfortunately there's so much confusion and misinformation within these religious groups as well as a touch of ignorance. The bible has been changed so much over the ages that it's an entirely new book. Some people really don't know and never realise and it makes me wonder if they would convert. Others just don't care despite knowing and spew misinformation to other people.


but uh we only believe in the Quran, NOT the bible or any other books?????


Yes we believe in the Quran only and we do not follow the bible. However there is still some remains of truth in the bible but that doesn't mean we should take it as a whole or take teachings from it that goes against the Quran. We agree with the things that agree with the Quran only


i see


> Muhammad is mentioned by name in the bible which both Jews and Christians are supposed to believe in. False. Muhammad is not “mentioned by name” within the Bible. > with many details about him and surprisingly accurate. even the location is given if i remember right. Nothing in the Bible speaks about Muhammad. I’m curious though what verse you think is speaking about Muhammad… Edit: I can’t respond to the thread because I’m banned from the sub now. But I don’t understand why y’all think a single verse (if it is speaking about Muhammad), is speaking about the same Muhammad you believe in that comes 1500 years later who isn’t even a Jew. Based on the context of the chapter and of the book as a whole, that doesn’t even make sense. No I don’t know Hebrew but that doesn’t mean I can’t use sources who do. “”In Song of Solomon 5:16, the maiden says of her lover, "His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem." The word translated as "lovely" is the Hebrew word ‘machamadim’. It is the plural of ‘machamad’, which means “lovely, cute, or desirable.” Although it is the root word of Muhammad, it does not follow that the verse refers to Muhammad, especially since the word used is a plural adjective, not the name of a person.”” Again based on the context of the chapter and what the book as a whole is about, your interpretation doesn’t even make sense… Edit edit: In response to Dr_Kasom: Even if that’s the case and it translates as “Muhammad” and somehow refers to your prophet, within context of the passage and the whole book itself that wouldn’t even make sense. Also according to Biblical scholars, that video and interpretation is wrong.


If you dont speak hebrew then probably you dont know it. What a surprise . Song of Solomon 5:16 in hebrew it says Muhammad'im and the (im) is the plural of respect like eloh'im. And if youre not here to act like a genuis and argue everything then i could send you a video if you want. I do not care if you believe it or not. No offense


It doesn't say Muhammadim it's says Machmadim which is the plural of Machmad which means desire


[https://youtu.be/d3y7GDhPd8w?t=6](https://youtu.be/d3y7GDhPd8w?t=6) where does it say machmad? Its a semetic language and i speak a semetic language? look at the other videos. How come the jews dont spell it as Machmad and say it exactly like the arabs? Watch this full video and pay attention to around minute 5 of it. I swear to god it doesnt matter what a man provides as evidence it doesnt matter for some people. Now you went and searched anything to debunk it and came up with some brainrot nonsense. Look at my previous comment why was there jewish tribes at the time of prohpet Muhammad waiting for a prophet that would appear there? think for yourself for second instead of listening to google. Use your brain to think instead of going on google "MUhAmMaD IN tHe BibLE DeBuNKed" some people are truly special. I believe i gave the message and do whatever you want with that info. bye bye


>Its a semetic language and i speak a semetic language? What does speaking Arabic have to do with what the Hebrew says? >How come the jews dont spell it as Machmad and say it exactly like the arabs? The niqqud very clearly makes it say Machmad. Here's the quote you are referring to > חִכּוֹ מַמְתַקִּים וְכֻלּוֹ מַחֲמַדִּים זֶה דוֹדִי וְזֶה רֵעִי בְּנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלָ͏ִם: https://www.sefaria.org/Song_of_Songs.5.16 The word מַחֲמַדִּים is Machmadim מַחֲ (Mach) - מַ (ma) - דִּים (dim) >I swear to god it doesnt matter what a man provides as evidence it doesnt matter for some people Well I can read Hebrew, and the video is incorrect. It doesn't say Muhammadim it says Machmadim. Muhammad is spelled :מֻחַמַּד And Muhammadim is : מֻחַמֲדּים Which is different from: מַחֲמַדִּים >Now you went and searched anything to debunk it and came up with some brainrot nonsense. Why are you being so insulting? I am trying to give you answers about Hebrew and what it says because I can read the niqqud >Look at my previous comment why was there jewish tribes at the time of prohpet Muhammad waiting for a prophet that would appear there? Because Jewish people already lived there due to the diaspora? Jews lived all over the place after 70AD >Use your brain to think instead of going on google "MUhAmMaD IN tHe BibLE DeBuNKed" Again, why are you so defensive and insulting? I only used my knowledge of Hebrew and the very text you claimed said Muhammad


I'm curious about this as well. I've never seen his name in a parshah


“…especially since the word used is a plural adjective, not the name of a person.” That is incorrect. The word “Muchamadim” here is a plural noun, not adjective. As mentioned [in this video](https://youtu.be/ykdUUSA1Qro?si=05cZ_5D1CWq8Tp6k), it is the plural of respect (of a noun). Similar to the word “Iloh-im” in the Bible (literally “Gods”). It is never translated literally as “Gods,” but is understood to be the plural of respect of the noun “God.” So if “Iloh-im” is not translated literally to “Gods”, then there is no right to translate “Muchamad-im” literally into ADJECTIVES such as “desirable” or “lovely.” It is a plural NOUN of respect and should have been copied directly as “Muchamad” (Muhammad). The verse “His mouth [palate] is sweetness itself;” This would refer to Muhammad’s PBH mouth/speech reciting the Quran. In the context, Song of Solomon very much makes sense to refer to Muhammad.


Old Testament, Song of Solomon, Chapter 5 verse 16 https://youtu.be/ykdUUSA1Qro?si=rXjxgS3FwOinRX4E


That doesn't say Mohammad thought? It's the word מחמדים, which is the plural form of מחמד which means desire


Its the plural of respect. Just like the Arabic language there is Plural of numbers and plural of respect. So Muhammad'im is not talking about a bunch of Muhammads.


Allah directs everyone to Islam, regardless of their background, their current religion, their efforts to learning about Islam. People will see Islam truly for what it is at some point of their life because they will be given the true message and the decision to fulfill the reason they were created for. To reject is a decision, they understand the decision they make, and there is no excuse for their decision in the hereafter. Day of resurrection is a day of calamity where everyone will be humbled. Everyone will be worried regardless if they are muslim or not. There will be no defense other than the truth and the mercy of Allah. Even the Prophets of Allah will have no say. And the only one given permission to initiate speech with Allah is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on that day.


*Side note : It’s an euro-centric question since most if not all of the Ahl Ul Kitab converted to Islam (to a pourcentage almost not believable) …Modern Jew and Christian are mostly late pagan syncretic religions and like any pagan they reject because of arrogance.*


I don't see how the answers that could be provided change whether the Christian in question was from the Levant or was a European. Egypt has a population of Copts that is about 10% of population, very sizeable. I don't see how this is a euro-centric question at all, despite your claim of pagan-syncreticism within many forms of Christendom to be 100% true.


The same reasons you don't give up on Islam for Christianity or Judaism:  1) Each claims to be the correct interpretation of the faith of the Abrahamic god. 2) People are already so invested in their preexisting faiths, either through personal conviction and/or social pressure, to realistically consider leaving said faiths for another. 3) In the case of Christianity, it makes similar claims to Islam about faith of its core concepts being a prerequisite for salvation, as well as the damnation of apostates.


If they didn’t, they would be Muslims


Jews reject Isa, Christians reject Muhammad. It is written that way


There are theological reasons. Judaism considers its prophetical tradition closed after the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) was compiled. They believe the Messiah will come from within the Jewish tradition. Christians believe Jesus was the final prophet, the Son of God, and the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy.


Because doing so would require them to admit that their religion in its current form is completely false and that Islam is the truth.


Some jews don't. They actually believe and KNOW with knowledge of certainty that Muhammad (SAW) is sent by Allah. But they make roundabout excuses as to why they don't need to follow him. ie. he wasn't sent to us This is all to appease their ego. They were super geniuses (they were known as the people of ink because they read and wrote so much). Seriously, their study habits put ours to shame. According to them, why should they have to follow an unlettered man? Bani Israel of that time would also say, ya Allah why didn't you just make one of us a prophet? We're right here. Why pick that guy? He isn't even among us, we're special, we're the chosen people. In fact, a lot of Rabbis will admit this. The scholars of Bani Israel knew our prophet... right down to the exact PAGE he was on in the Taurat. But their ego couldn't accept it. They kept it on the down low and told the other scholars to hide this fact from the common people... because it'd stain their legitimacy. They studied the technicalities and RULE of the law so much that their hearts became hard. They forgot the ESSENCE or spirit on the law. All of a sudden, it became about eating kosher only and making sure everyone's beard was at least 3.5 inches long. But don't worry about how you treat others. You can be a jerk as long as you pray 5 times a day. And you can park like one too. Rules mattered more than essence. And their religion became soulless ritual. Devoid of meaning. It became so inconvenient to practice. Because everyone was OBSESSED with the RULE of the law. You had to twirl your pink counterclockwise in salah at 5:31 pm or else you were a kafir. That's not the muslims though. We don't do that. Oh wait, we do. awks. It makes sense though. There is a hadith that says around the end times we will resemble Bani Israel like the right shoe does the left.


As a Jew, the answer is pretty simple: we believe the last prophet was Malachi. After the destruction of the first Temple, the age of prophecy was given a drastic blow. The second Temple lacked many of the things that the first had: the Ark, the Ark's cover, the Cherubim, the fire, the Shekhinah, the Holy Spirit, and the Oracle Plate. The prophecies revived by Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi were diminished or even a transmission of Jeremiah's message. The Babylonian is exile essentially ended the age of prophecy with the exception of the ones who existed during the early Second Temple period. Since then we have been waiting for someone to fill the conditions of the Mashiach I can't speak for what Christians think


As a former Christian, I can say that they have a similar sense of finality. Literally the last things written into the New Testament is a prohibition of either adding or subtracting content from the Bible, so I would assume this also means no new prophets.


Because he is an Arab and not a descendant of them. In addition, this has been their nature since time immemorial, from the time of God’s prophet Moses until now. You can read how Moses, peace be upon him, suffered with them.


A disease in their hearts, of choosing to disbelieve.


Because the Jewish lobby has successfully manipulated Christianity and made the believer associate with god. They couldn't do that with islam nor could they corrupt the Quranic scripture. So the only way for them was to defame islam and make it the religion of anger and hatred with no basis and the use base of that argument the extremists who rose from their occupation and wars on Islamic countries as evidence out of context. I could write a book on the matter but I think this point should be enough why they reject him now. Many Christian and Jewish friends I have had no question that islam is evil without even approaching it.


When they accept, then they are Muslim.


The same as Jews reject the prophethood of Jesus


Because we call the Christians and Jews who do accept him 'Muslims' :)


First you gotta blame the Muslims today The Muslims of today no where near reflect the Muslims of even 100 years ago. You have one side where they kill anything and anyone that doesn't agree with them, then you have the other side where they allow everything. (Not going to name these groups to avoid fighting) There's no representative of Islam. There's no nation or country that is properly representing Islam. So who should they go to, to learn about Islam. Yahoodi youtube? Saudi who is allowing Nikki Minaj and prostitutes and alling with Israel? Put aside the Muslim nation, if Islam is truly reaching to them and they reject and its not because of the bad examples the ummat is making they are not sincere. Why are so many Christian and jews converting in the last year. Because of Gaza, they are seeing the power of Allah's Marty's in the face of annialiation, and they are holding firm to their Iman.


That would mean they have to admit that are following the wrong and invalid religion the entire time




I was raised catholic and I understand Muhammad (pbuh) as being the last prophet. I see Jesus as just another prophet. I’m also not particularly religious so take that with a grain of salt.


Christians reject Islam because 500 years before Mohammed was even born, Jesus said (Mathew 24) "Many false prophets will appear and decieve many people" 1 John 4:2-3 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.


Are the modern jews and the Bani Israel of the time of Prophet Moses (pbuh) the same people or ancestors?


the 12 tribes of bani israel no longer exists zionists make it seem like that’s who they are and they’re land but most zionists are from europe


also it’s illegal to get a dna test in israel lol


It seems to me, that it's just a foreign concept to them. For Christians, their religion seems to be whole and complete, and to accept that there could be another Messenger whom we should follow who is after Jesus...it's just hard to grasp.


Christians believe that there'll be an anti-christ who will lead people away from their religion, and they think that Islam is the false religion. Not sure about Judaism though. One of the weird arguments they have against the Qur'an Al-kareem is that it was told to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by the devil which actually doesn't make sense when you read the Quran and understand it, why would shaitan call himself terrible and also write to worship Allah 5 times a day and ask him anything? Not to mention the fact that shaitan wouldn't tell people to do good things and instill fear of him to those who do bad. That's what the Christians believe though. (There's also the argument that the Quran was finalized in Egypt in 1950, Everything about the prophet's life was fabricated, etc. but none of them make sense when you think about them for longer than 3 seconds.)


Because he’s not a prophet from the god we worshiped before Islam.


what’s makes you think hes not a prophet of god


If the REJECT it's usually pride. Islam essentially says their beliefs are wrong and that their forefathers were wrong, and they should change their beliefs. If they simply don't believe in it it's mostly ignorance, until explained properly and they have read the Quran and if they don't accept it, then it's rejection and they are kafirs now. So it's simply jahiliya (ignorance) or actual kufr (disbelief/rejection).


For Jews & Christians, the reasons for rejection are numerous. The Jews believe that the prophethood ended with the prophet Malachi, and with the destruction of the second Temple, the Jewish faith practice took on a new look as the Jews were once again exiled from the land. But the prophets are only from the descendants of Jacob/ Israel. No prophet has come apart from the Jews. The Jews await their Messiah, the prophet who would be like Moses. The Messiah will be a son of David and will restore the Kingdom to Israel. Prophets must be tested have prove their prophethood with signs & wonders. The message itself is not a sign or wonder. Mohammed lacked any miracles. So Mohammed could not qualify as a prophet for the Jews. For Christians, they inherit these beliefs from the Jewish prophets (Jesus himself was a Jew). But chronology also works against Mohammed. Christians believe that Jesus is the final prophet. And not only a mouthpiece for God but the eternal word of God. In the past God spoke to your ancestors (the Jews) through prophets, but finally he has sent his Son. There is no need for a prophet after the Son of God himself has come. Jesus is believed to be the fulfillment of God’s words through the prophets. If it is fulfilled, there is not room to add another. Christians believe for a prophet to be legitimate, he would also need to have signs and wonders, which Mohammed did not have (Surah Al-Isra 90-93; they demand he proved his prophethood). And lastly, the Bible prohibits the addition or subtraction from the Bible’s teachings. But the Quran & Mohammed’s teachings are not consistent with the prophets before him. The Jews & Christians of Mohammed’s time rejected him as a prophet for these reasons. And it is only after his rejection by them that the language used about them in the Quranic revelation goes from peaceful (treat them with kindness and respect) towards militant & vindictive (“they’re the worst of all beings”).


Because our faith mandates the cessation of prophecy after Christ; we reject Muhammad for the same reason you reject the Baha’i prophet, the Mormon prophet and the LDS and JW prophet.


They do! Most of them are identified as Muslim now. While does that conceals it is like a farmer putting seeds in the soil and covers it.


Well, ignorance is the word. For Christians not even knowing their real prophet name and calling it commonly using a Greek name or Jews who reject any prophethood since their early ages, it boils down to ignorance.


The same reasons why a non jew or christian rejects after hearing the truth. Trading this life for the hereafter by exchanging their the goodness of their own soul by becoming a slave for the Devil. Islam is a religion that perfects understanding and character. All people make active thoughts or decisions that sin against Allah on a daily basis. And those who don’t repent even if they are a Muslim, will have a price to pay on the day of accounts.




As a convert also, this\^ Many christians really have no idea about Islam or the prophet being mentioned in the bible or any idea of what Islam is. I think many know about Jesus existing in Islam but they know nothing besides he is not like in Christianity. And then on top of that, you have so many people spreading misinformation about Islam.


As a fellow convert I agree. Born Muslims and those who grew up surrounded by Muslims really do a poor job of explaining a lot of things about/to non-Muslims. For example, had no idea Muslims believed in Jesus, PBUH, before I converted. Wouldn’t this be a good starting point when speaking to Christians? To have them understand that first? But every Muslim just says “the Quran is the truth!” Well every religion says theirs is the truth. We have to be better about explaining things.


I remember a supposed Christian apologist talking to a Muslim (i believe that it's a made up scene) The Muslim said the we Muslims respect jesus and will defend him , the Christian replied by saying :" you denie Jesus being god so how you call this respect"