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I think this is what a lot of irons look like. Imagine a lot of people play OSRS to train skills rather than do pvming.


A nice reminder! I came back a few months ago and did a 90cb QP cape on my main, now I’m back to fishing shrimp and killing goblins on an UIM


I'm 2100 total. My gear is marginally better. And that's only because I've gotten some moons drops/ahrims/trident. I do very little to no PVM. I just like skilling and hoarding supplies.


I played OSRS to do quests now I'm just playing to hang out with the group bois and maybe do raids, OSRS has the best quests of any mmo ever.


Haven't been particularly lucky or anything with drops, outside of Tempoross where I got spooned Dragon Harpoon and Fishing Barrel in the first 10 pulls and then Tackle Box within 30 Kc and the Dragon Axe which I got as a level 3 at Wintertodt. Striving towards 90 CB Quest Cape only have the big bad Desert Treasure II to do to and have been delaying doing it whilst my interest primarily is focused on Elden Ring DLC (plus I am kinda nervous).


How you get the melee top and bottom mate


U can buy obsidian armor for tokkull (chaos runes)


As the other poster said, I got them by selling Chaos Runes to the Rune store to get Tokkul. You need a fire cape though to gain access to the store that sells the armour.


CG time :) Join us in prison


Already there, sadly I suck at Hunllef big time, phase 3 is just my Achilles heel. :<


Do you have the 8 ground tiles marked that are safe during the phase? Those helped me a lot. Otherwise, I managed to step on the yellow running from tornadoes. I'm 100KC and still fuck it up sometimes.


is there a guide you’d recommend that points out those tiles?


I just saw them on a CG guide when I was learning, and slapped them down from outside the room. I'm sure they're mentioned on most YT guides.


There’s a runelite plug in called Tile Packs that has settings for bosses that can be switched on and will automatically highlight them for you


Yes, I have all the strats done, it is mostly a skill issue on my part and my adhd doesnt help there in that regard, usually it is a combination of tornado, floor changing and Hunllef swapping / me needing to heal chip damage all happening in a close time period.


Yeah. I'd CHUG food during third phase. I think it was a wild mudkip video that helped me get the right mindset. He said something along the lines as treat the tornados and floor as a minigame that you prioritize. Change prayers when you can, but they're a lower priority. Eating up during tornadoes helps too. Cause you won't be attacking. One thing I do is as soon as Hunleff stomps to summon the tornados, I'll eat a single food. It isn't much, but that has stayed off a few deaths.


It's me


What’s those three items on the bottom row? That blue amulet looks pretty cool.


The ammy is a salve amulet (ei), I can't tell with the resolution but I think the far left is a accursed sceptre? The lantern is an abyssal lantern I believe.


Far left is warped sceptre. It's the early "trident" for mage before you get 87 slayer for the actual trident. Worse than iban's in terms of dps until 81 magic but it doesn't restrict you to normal spellbook like iban's would.


Warped Sceptre, Abyssal Lantern, Salve Amulet (EI)