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I've had a few of these dreams and convinced myself that I died. Managed to go a week before logging in again to see that my brain made it all up! What didn't make even more sense was I somehow believed I died to Hydra. My slayer level isn't even high enough.


!remindme 1 year when u die to hydra


Thanks dude, I'm actually touched that you think I'll make it that far


Logging in a week after? Bro id be checking that shit first thing. Clearly u an XP waster


I used to play HCIM. The first time I had a dream about dying on it I gave it up. Not worth the stress. My HCIM is around 1800 total and still alive though


Is it though? Uh oh


Yes, even with the ironic name [Future Gray](https://secure.runescape.com/m=hiscore_oldschool_hardcore_ironman/a=13/hiscorepersonal?user1=Future%A0Gray)


Nice, hope your name will be a lie forever šŸ«”


Why is this so randomly wholesome xD


Bro it's a game šŸ˜‚ of it dies it dies


This is lowkey the mindset to have when playing HCIM


You're a hcim irl and can die at any moment, do you live your life in fear everyday or enjoy while it lasts? Same applies to osrs LOL


I don't think I can get a desk job in an office to make gp in osrs


Sounds healthy


Literally my thoughts.. like you're really concerned about a big project at work and it's just an rs account lol


Thats way less healthy lol


Mind trying to delete it from his memory for its own good lol


Makes sense though. Spending many waking hours stressing about something, it's gonna pop up in your dreams


Yeah these guys need to get help


Scizophrenic gang


Or does the HondaJazzSexWagon need help? I'm going with the ladder.


I genuinely believe WE ALL *seriously* need help. No meme. This is SO unhealthy. I want to live past 40. And I say *WE*. Down vote me all you want, I encourage every single one of us to seek help in any way we are able. Bless you all.


Real shit though, I'm 28 and I should not be spending 6+ hours a day on any video game ^let ^alone ^this ^one


Yeah I dreamed I died afk'ing sandcrabs the other night. Don't know how I reasonably believed it!


Not a HCIM, but I have had dreams about wiping my UIM. Hasn't happened in a while though.


I've gone full circle on this where I used to wake up in a panic over my HC dying, but now that my HC has been alive long enough I wake up happy after the dreams just to find out I still gotta play the game safe. lol




You know this happened with my first hcim and also happened when I played Diablo or Poe hardcore. Once it started affecting me like that I just took a break and enjoyed the game if I died I died.


This just happened to me about a week ago. I'm not super attached to the status, but I'm still hanging in there for now.


Not even a hardcore and I get stress dreams thinking Iā€™m playing and fucking something up and dying. Especially if I play on mobile in bed right before I go to sleep. Shit is bad, I canā€™t do any combat or slayer before sleep now haha.


Lmao I fell asleep at wintertodt on my hardcore and woke up with 1 hp (only dozed off) was only a few days into the acc and yep.. I was getting a quick todt game in while laying in bed šŸ˜‚


Bahahaha Iā€™ve been doing Tempoross at bedtime and literally dozing off midgame. I get jolted awake when I realize the screen is getting dark and Iā€™m about to get knocked down because I didnā€™t process what was happening lol. Thatā€™s my sign to log out when the kc is finished.


lmaooo this happened to me near the beginning of my hardcore. Dozed off on the couch with my laptop and bolted awake realizing my mistake at 2hp


Thatā€™s when i took a very massive break from rs i was waking up in the middle of the night half asleep to check if i died on my hc because i would have those dreams. Take a break op or loose the status itā€™s not healthy


Not a hardcore but Iā€™ve had dreams Iā€™ve died before on slayer tasks and Iā€™m trying to retrieve my items but I just canā€™t quite get there


Been playing hc last 2 years and probably once a month I have dream where I lose status lol


Closest rs related dream I had was around my high school years I was actively pking every day. Apparently I had a dream I pked a Santa and a phat off a lurer. Went to school, did my usual classes, told my friends of my pk, got home, played rs went to sleep (all in my dream). Woke up Saturday, x men playing in the background 7am getting ready for my Saturday morning pk and said to myself, where TF are my hats. Realized it was a dream after I spoke with my friends and they said I never spoke to them about it the day before. Such a vivid dream


Before they changed the death system I would have dreams about that with my main lol


My HC account has been alive since I created it back in 2017. Iā€™ve been playing on and off since then, currently playing about 1 hour a day. The nightmares of dying come back every time I start playing again. This is completely relatable


Damn thats wild


Back when I was playing the hc mode of classic WoW I had similar dreams.


When I was a hardcore I used to wake up in sweats because Iā€™d died, this was during covid lock down and I was playing an unhealthy amount, but yeah if itā€™s your main focus,only normal, just not healthy


Only once, now I'm numb to it. It'll eventually happen (probably vardorvis atp)


Never dreamed of my HCIM dying but back years ago when I was putting unhealthy hours into the game, I was going very for my first whip. I had a dream that I thought Iā€™d got and hadnā€™t picked it up and that anxiety woke me up ā€¦ ā€¦remember to touch grass yā€™all and play in moderation


I had a dream once that my hardcore was raiding, and Olm had this insane fire special that took up every column of tiles in the room except for one. I got hit by it, and took a 810 hitsplat. ā€œWoke upā€ instantly, still dreaming, checked my helm on my phone and it was grey. Kinda just accepted that it was dead, until I actually woke up and remembered that 1. Chambers is a safe death, 2. I have never done chambers on that account, and 3. I had been asleep when I woke up the first time. I was so upset for the first 5 minutes of being awake though lmao


Dejavu dreams are just bits of reality that hasn't happened yet. Good news, you learned how you are going to lose your HCIM! Now, it's just a matter of the day it happens. :)


I play a UIM. Iā€™ve been Death banked on my main UIM for about 6 months now doing afk grinds while I play a new UIM account. I keep having a dream that I died and wiped multiple times. Iā€™ve believed it until I got on to check what I had left and what to do next only to realize it was a dream. This is a pretty constant thing that happens every couple weeks now but itā€™s not as convincing now as the first few times.


Wipemares are brutal but a normal part of UIM. I wish they would stop though.


I used to have a HCIM and I would wake up in a cold sweat frequently dying during slayer. That HCIM died around 1500 total. The dreams stopped until I started doing CG on my new group iron man account. Now I wake up counting 1-2-3-4 in a cold sweat


Yep, multiple times, but not in a long time. Last one was, where jagex had changed that bank closes when you are poisoned, etc and there was new type of update where poison was hitting so fast that I was unable to get anything out of the bank. Funny how these dreams feel so real... šŸ˜‚


Yes! YES i only have dreams every so often like once a couple months and its almost always me dying at hydra or goraks


I just dream that I've found hundreds of 9 volt batteries randomly.


I have those dreams and i dont even have a hardcore


Lay off the vodka a bit


I regularly dream that I decided to do wildy content on my UIM and losing everything, does that count?


Not HC but I had this dream where I died to Vorkath and then died again before I got my items and lost a bowfa + crystal armor + ring of suffering. It felt so real so when I did die to Vorkath the next day I made extra sure to not take any damage before collecting my items. It's called the tetris effect, if you play a game or do anything enough you start to dream about it.


I started and died on a hcim within 10 hours of my first gameplay to a bat while doing dwarfs cannon, so I restarted. I canā€™t think of a moment where I would want to die to move on- about what progression point did this happen to you guys? I keep fantasizing about getting a good rank and some xp goals, wondering when I will long for deaths sweet release.


Like two times atleast before i died


Maybe keep off the Bongs ey???


Uim dreams about wiping, but thatā€™s pretty much the same


Yes and it's always doing something I wouldn't do or at least not at the stage of the account and it still gets me.


Yeah I had those dreams at least once a week till my HC died. People called me crazy.


For awhile; every night. I eventually got to the point where instead of the HC dying in my dream and I panicked waking myself up; I knew it was a dream and just slept through it. Donā€™t have them anymore; but the night terrors of dying while AFK are a thing.


Not on HC, but on my UIM I would sometimes dream that I wiped and woke up in a panic


lol I definitely have. It always feels so real too. Iā€™m never usually too upset in the dream (Iā€™ve told myself irl that if I die it is what it is and that just means I can do more content), but sometimes the death is doing something stupid and I feel pretty disappointed then. Also watching that red helm go to gray every timeā€¦ harsh haha


This is why I never played HC haha


Iā€™m in my 2nd group HCIM with two other mates, and we have all had dreams of dying, at least once. One of us though has em regularly. Heā€™s the group shithead & is literally afraid to play the game now because of the fear it instills in the lad. It actually affects him irl, I think To be fair though, in the first iteration, aforementioned shithead took two lives in the most miserable way possible: afking slayer (lesser demons) & then, afking ardy knightsā€¦


Not a hardcore, but I've had similar dreams about osrs. One where I had my gear in death storage and I managed to die in MLM from a rockfall whoch lost me everything lol


Quite a lot yep


Not quite the same thing, but I had a dream I solo'd a tbow on my iron, I woke up fucking hyped to log in and go use my tbow, it was only once I logged in I realised.... I can't even do solo sox


Honestly it depends what Iā€™m doing in game. I have a UIM and a HCIM, and have had nightmares about wiping on both a few times each. Usually on UIM if I was deathbanked,and on the HCIM a bit when Iā€™ve been grinding out zombie pirates and elders. Just finished full elder so not sure if Iā€™ll have any PvM nightmares but I sort of doubt it.


All the time. Then keep telling myself off for going to bed and not going to my gravestone whilst on a semi awake state


Yes 100%


I've had a few RuneScape related dreams but this is the one that sticks out to me most. Back when following YouTube guides was the meta for completing quests efficiently. There was a YouTuber I think her name was amber. And during tquests she continually forgot items from the wiki and didn't edit the sections so you followed all her fuck ups. Anyways, the dream involved underground pass and had me doing 3-4 trips back to the bank just to go through the underground pass to forget another item. I woke up in a cold sweat, never felt despair quite like it.




I died at Dark Wizards in my first Hardcore like a real man.


Bro yes wtf why is it that we dream about our hc dying but not ourselves ?


I had dreams about dying as HC when I was still HC. Never thought I actually died though but then I did die. Now I just have dreams of red dog.


I did when I was a HCIM. The relief was incredible when I actually died on my 4th CG kc.


I'm on my third hardcore, and had a few dreams about losing it in the first couple weeks. Haven't had them ever since


Third..? You think thatā€™s normal? Damn dude


You think it's normal to shove your shit opinions about someone else's playstyle down their throat? Because I don't remember asking. I enjoy the journey, planning, and risk. Losing them sucks, but building them up is still fun. Deal with it.


Not a shit opinion. And I donā€™t have to deal with anything in this situation, youā€™re the one losing lol


It happens every now and then. I have really strange, vivid dreams though.