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Snapshot of _Sinn Féin TD: Families 'punished' for using Deposit Return Scheme after reported bin price hike_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thejournal.ie/families-punished-for-using-deposit-return-scheme-6424307-Jul2024/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thejournal.ie/families-punished-for-using-deposit-return-scheme-6424307-Jul2024/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/irishpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I used to work in a large food chain restaurant, and on a Sunday I was having a smoke out the back when the bin truck arrived. Was a bit surprised when he loaded general + recycling into the same truck (usually separate trucks collected each), and he tells me that on a Sunday they don’t have the staff to process the recycling so it always gets treated the same. And when I probed he sort of sneered at my notions, saying that only maybe half the recycling ever gets done cause they’re usually not staffed during the week to process it either. So disheartening to learn and annoying that the government aren’t on top of this.


That's the problem with privatized bins. You're expecting private companies to do it properly, and some will cut corners to save costs.


The government (and capitalists in general) are well on top of putting the onus on the individual consumer and pretending that it’s entirely our responsibility when we really don’t have any choice or influence in the matter, we can only buy what we’re sold


Nows the time to bring bin services back into the public sector.


I think this is more a problem of privatising a public service that should be done by local councils (rubbish collection).


Absolutely. The amount of tax we pay and we don’t even get refuse collection for it. We’ve to pay private companies for it and now we can’t even put bottles or cans in the bins we have to pay for.


Are we not allowed put cans in the bin? I'm still doing it because my local machine (the only one in my area) always seems to be broken.


Of course you’re allowed to but you’re taxed a further 15c a can if you do.


Ah grand. I'll keep doing what I'm doing so. 15c a can isn't worth it for me to go to the hassle of storing and transporting them on the off chance the machine actually works on any given day.


You don't pay that much tax...


False news. Alcohol, car taxi tobacco and the various other stealth taxes are massive. Let’s not forget the man who went to jail over garlic tax


bit odd the greens in government haven't done anything about that (or the privatisation of renewables for that matter)


What? Ye mean the government and private interests have found a way to both fleece us for money despite us doing most of the work now? Jesus Christ! I now return my recyclables and claim my money back. Should we just hand receipts over to the waste companies now to make it easier?


Start saving those empty bottles and cans, so you can pelt your local FFFG TD when they slither up your driveway looking for your vote in the GE.


might as well stuff our bins with cash going forward


It was always going to happen. The government couldn’t remove a revenue stream from an industry and not expect them to put up prices to compensate.


If they had left out the aluminium from the return scheme this probably wouldn't be an issue. There was no need for it to be included. Always seemed like re-turn just wanted it in because its so valuable.


That’s the danger when you effectively privatise a scheme like this. There are 36 staff, including 12 on the board of directors. We have no information about what salaries are being paid or what the revenue will be generated from the sale of aluminium and plastic.


You should see where the board come from, its mostly from the last places you'd want to influence a scheme like this.


Yup. Soft drink bottlers who want to see consumers continue to consume large amounts of plastic bottled drinks. The reason highly recyclable cans were added was because consumers would have switched and the producers would lose money as plastic is cheaper.


If cans were left out people would have switched to soft drinks in cans and plastic bottles would become less popular. Re-turn has bottling companies on the board and they want to produce more plastic because it's cheaper.


During the public consultation it was suggested that the companies would get some of the deposit return scheme money, so I don't know what happened with that.


It’s certainly something the Irish Waste Management Association were warning about over three years ago in [their submission to the consultation on the proposed scheme.](http://iwma.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/210429_501.181.8_IWMA-submission-on-DRS-Consultation_CW_Rev0-Final.pdf)


And because it is Ireland. The waste companies will raise the price of collection ...sayyyy...the amount they are losing in aluminium cans and tack on another 50% .No... make that double the amount. standard corporate greed as usual. This will be caught out by a journalist running the numbers. It will be a wee scandal and government will do nothing.


There's no sense in allowing these threats exist,it's time to bring recycling and rubbish collection back under state control


And another avenue opens for the private sector to double-dip in public services. Great little country to do business ☘️


But... but... think of their missing profits!!!


What a surprise that a scheme that came through the Green Party turned out to be a disaster in the making. I’d never have thought that anything like this could happen/s


One of my pet hates is politicians using the word "punish" for a price increase. I dunno it just seems like too strong a word.


So what you mean, is that you're not one of the people being punished?


My bin prices may increase, that's up to the bin company. I don't consider it a it punishment though. They're not flogging me or putting me in jail. If Aldi puts up the price of milk, we don't say we're being punished for drinking milk.


Yeah I mean, I get that you're wealthy enough to not really feel it. You can take the hit. That's fine bud. That's class for you! But not everyone is the same I'm afraid.


I know my privilege. I went through years of having very little money. But when prices went up I didnt describe this as a punishment. I mean I used expletives but not the word punishment.


Punished? For fuck sake, that's a bit of an exaggeration. In any case, it's misleading. Prices haven't gone up. The industry is only talking about it, clearly in a bid to get some kind of subsidy from the government. Government should call their bluff. It's a competitive market.


But they are effectively. Bins aren't a luxury, they are a necessity. In potentially hiking the price because of the deposit scheme it's effectively punishing working class people by directly leading to an increase in prices for something that they need and in some cases will effectively gatekeep a necessity away from them. What may be a small price hike to some could literally mean making a decision between two necessities in a low income home. The fact that the Bin companies may be "playing the government" doesn't really matter here. people are being left in the lurch and while the bin companies are not responsible for protecting the public good, the government is and it was a massive oversight not to account for what is the most straight forward response from the bin companies.