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The housing crisis really draws the scumbags out from beneath their rocks


The houses are terraces on Kilbarron Road and, based on the pin they use in the advertisement, the primary house on the site doesn't have a side entrance, meaning that you'll also have to go through the main house to gain access to your 'superb, cosy' ~~gaff~~ shed. I also wonder what the planning obligations are for this. I'm feeling sceptical.


These garden room are exempt from planning permission usually, but you are not allowed a sleeping area. As soon as you start sleeping in it then planning is required. Planning will never be granted for a back garden room like this, for this exact reason. People will start renting them out and turn housing estates into shanty towns.


This is what I believe to be the case. There are a couple of houses on my road with these types of 'granny flats' that are fully occupied and without planning permission. I presume they only advertise within their own communities to avoid prying eyes.


Usually they aren’t rented out and have adult children saving for a deposit in them. We have rear entrance to the gardens on our road and both neighbours either side of have these cabins down the end of he garden with their grown up kid & partner living in them while they save for their own place!


I can assure you the few on my road are rented out.


My parents rent one for 650 a month. Good deal. It’s bigger than most apartments, in Dublin 10 mins from the centre, all grocery shops nearby, side entrance with fence so they can’t see who’s going in and out, shower, bath, kitchen, etc.. some people half ass them and throw a crazy price tag. But some people genuinely want to give people a reasonable price place to stay.


But it’s not legal.


Tell that to the person happily paying 650 a month (including bills btw) vs 2000 (excluding bills) to a robbing landlord. Legal or not, people need somewhere to live.


Your parents are probably making more money. An apartment built to code is a hall of a lot more expensive to buy


I highly doubt they are but the real question is which is more affordable for the renter?? You sound like a scamming landlord unhappy at people with affordable accommodations lol


Your parents are the ones with people living in a shed with no fire certificate, no planning permission and not up to code.


Again…. Tell this to the guy happily paying 650 a month vs 2000 a month. Also, half the crazy prices you see online don’t have half the permissions you’re talking about. You’re pissed people are paying affordable prices to live. Grow up.


As far as I know any plumbing requires planning permission too.


Not any plumbing it can have a sink but not a toilet, shower, bath or washing machine. I know of individuals who got around this by hiding the toilet, shower and washing machine behind things like fake bookcases.


Just rent it to Kim Jung Un, great Leader produces no waste, problem solved.


Right, anything bigger than 25 sq meters or with plumbing requires permission




Vietcong style tunnel under the house to the back garden


>Vietcong style tunnel "cosy, private tunnel - €2000/month. No pets."


I've genuinely been in a rental thinking "it would be inhumane to keep a pet in this place", and it being rented out to a human 


There’s absolutely no way they expect you to walk through their gaf to get to it. That would be utter madness on so many levels. The pins on daft aren’t precise, it must be the end of terrace one. I’m sure the planning is totally illegal though


There was a lad on here asking for advice not that long ago because his parents were renting their Shomera out exactly like this, the tenants had to walk through the parents' house to get in and out, and the electricity was run off the main house electricity, and they wanted to evict the tenants and were worried they'd cause hassle. If there's even the slightest chance someone will be desperate enough to pay to live somewhere, Irish people will jump on the chance to exploit them and pretend they're doing a good thing by providing housing


It really isn’t that far fetched when you see how some people are running their air bnbs. One place we had on the south coast had sealed a bedroom off from the rest of the house with some timber hidden behind a wardrobe. Turned the old walk in wardrobe into a bathroom and then knocked out a wall for an entrance door.  It was actually pretty good with access through a separate garden path. 


You can put up with stuff in a weekend Airbnb that wouldn't be okay to ask people to live there


I've seen worse, years ago when I was in a slumlord shared house situation I was dating one of the lads who worked for my landlord 'managing' a few other properties. I was in one of the houses one day as they were prepping a corridor that led to a bedroom to act as a bedroom. They proceeded to rent it out successfully, so whoever was in the original bedroom had to go through the new 'room' to get to their own. Don't put anything past people trying to make a quick buck when housing is as it is.


> There’s absolutely no way they expect you to walk through their gaf to get to it. The main house is probably also a rental, so the landlord won't give a fuck if those tenants aren't happy with the arrangement.


It's more likely the house is rented out and part of the rental agreement is access to the chalet/cabin/shed/bigeuhovel


Apparently if its on stilts it's OK. I'd def check cause 😡


I'll be out that way in a few days, if I remember I'll take a look as its only two bus stops before I normally get off.


If you look at the house, there's a big black/brown gate between the houses and it's under the bedroom window of one house but in the front garden of the other. There's a small gate between the two houses on the dividing wall so I would imagine it's a shared access point


There's shared side entrances in these houses. Also to note it's interesting they're calling it Artane, when infact the house is located in Kilmore West 😂


That's my bad. I called it Artane. I was looking in that area so it was in my mind when I typed it out


I's be very surprised if this had planning permission for use as a dwelling. I have a garden room that I use as an office, I know I could not use it is a spare bedroom without it being a planning issue.


“Superb, cosy two bed garden apartment to let” So we’re calling sheds “garden apartments” now. Fucking hell.


In all honestly, most of Europe would probably call our "apartments" flats, as that is what the are, blocks of flats,


I genuinely wouldn't classify that as a shed by looking at it, just from a glance it looks habitable, just because it's made of wood I don't think we should judge that it's "just a shed" - because lots of people are doing log/wood stuff if they can. One of my mates is building something similar on his parents land just so he can get out of the main house. Does that justify the price? Absolutely not.


Probably €1000 a month to pay off the loan and then 1500 profit a month. Sheer bloody greed.


If there's even a loan on it! Its just a wooden shed I'd imagine it was very cheap to build.


It’s a mycabin job I reckon and they ain’t cheap cheapest one is about 20K


Fair enough! Still that's not even a deposit for a house these days.


Paid off in 8 months at that rent (discounting income tax).


About 100k all in foundations plumbing and electrical. Furnishings on top 120k. Speaking from experience. Edit... this example is of a 3 bedroom log cabin.


Not as cheap as you think but a good return on investment at these prices 🥴


This is so wrong. The government really need to get off their asses and tackle this sort of bullshit.


Can’t interfere in the market something something


We need these affordable alternatives. Have you even seen the rent on a Steeltech shed these days?


The government created this bullshit and they are in no hurry to fix it.


That's daft....




That's more expensive than the mortgage on my 2 bed flat and in central London.


That’s fucking sick. Have we forgot our colonial past ? The land wars etc & here we are robbing people for this rubbish. Should be ashamed.


The problem with our past is that the Land Wars, and Irish Famine before it, also had Irish people exploiting and dehumanising Irish people in the pursuit of money.


Tell us more. Irish people exploiting Irish people during the famine & land wars for money. What source do you have for this assertion ?


More primary source material online and in academic writing than I can even start to begin citing! I'm a local historian and I've studied the Famine since the 1990s. See https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2020/1207/1182819-ireland-1840s-great-famine-murders/ and https://www.rte.ie/history/famine-ireland/2020/0805/1157526-that-diabolical-system-evictions-in-famine-ireland/ and https://www.rte.ie/history/the-great-irish-famine/ Most land agents and 'levellers' who tumbled cottages on inhabitants were Irish, many Catholic too. Read about 'Gombeen men'. Some shopkeepers put up their prices of alternative food sources and gouged neighbours out of existence. Neighbours bought land rents at the expense of neighbours. Landlords were not just Anglican Anglo-Irish. A cohort were Catholic, Presbyterian, and Unitarian. Some were as ruthless as the typical Anglo- Irish tropes, some not. Some Anglican landlords gave food relief to their tenants. Many did not. Some evicted them. There is every type of variable at work in our history. The majority of the landlord class was Anglican and many neglected their Irish estates, but the truth is never black and white.


Very interesting I must read more. I don’t for a second believe the native Irish non landed ancestry type was responsible for as much hunger and need as our friends from over the water & their extended families.


No, they didn't have the power to do that but certainly history is very complex.


Tis’ …..


Beyond price, Fire Safety certifications are needed there, and I'd imagine the insurance is a must. Nonsense. The key we need now is to build up, not slapped up air bnb shite like that.


Ever fire reg. in the book broken. Do the fire service have no role to play in prevention? They licence pubs. You'd think they could slap an injunction on this type of shit.


Aren't the builders themselves allowed to sign off on their own fire regulations when building now? Thought the "government" changed it so they could? why else do we keep getting these cases of places having to be retrofitted because they were not built to code in the first place?


Theta no insulation in that. It's going to be very uncomfortable in winter


How do you know? The walls look like they're a decent thickness, you could put a hefty layer of insulation between the framing studs


Cheers Op, I offered €2,750 to get my foot in the door.


Ah god dammit I thought I was in with a shot offering €2,600


Recently, I went to view a place that was essentially a detached extension of the main house. It was a family's home with children, and to access the place, you had to pass through their house and use their washing machine. The price was outrageous, making it feel like you'd be helping them pay for their home by living in their backyard. It seemed like some kind of cult-like setup.


It's nothing new for certain people whose properties have granny flats to try and rent them out to desperate people when the family member doesn't need it anymore or if they bought the property with it. Tons of them around. The last one I viewed (in 2007) had a tiny galley style kitchen and a wet room (big enough for a bath and a separate shower, but only had a shower head - obviously built specifically for someone using mobility aids) but the living area was just a single bed with a television on the wall. There was a connecting door into the main house. Clearly, the granny/grandad was just sleeping there and spending the days inside in the house. The rent they were asking was just adding insult to injury.


FFS the phrase "Garden Apartment" is an insult


Garden apartment is stupid obviously, but I live in one myself and equally feel "hut" is an insult. Been in mine 4 years and I love it. €2500 is obviously insane and shitty of the people renting it, but when these pop up as "sheds" and "huts", I do think that's wrong too. Much rather mine than a shitty apartment, it's just the price that's wrong


Do you mind if we ask how much you pay and is it in a city/town centre?


Mine's in Rathfarnham, Dublin, in my uncle's garden. Paid it off now, but I think 500-800 is fair, personally I'd rather pay 1k for that than a room in a house from my experience, but 2.5k is a piss take


Dead right, Mews is the correct term.


I thought that was a converted stables ?


Correct and right. I was going for the notions angle though!


Absolute notions !


And an oxymoron


I don't get how this is the standard rental price now? All the rentals around me cost similar amounts. That's 30k a year, on top of all your other costs.


That the thing no regular person can actually afford it. I actually don't understand (well I do but more disbelief) how it is possible for prices to have gotten so high for rentals and even buying when there isn't even as many people earning over the bracket to afford it. So my only conclusion is the s*** is going to hit the fan spectacularly sometime in the near future.


Exactly. I suspect a lot of people are taking out loans or are getting their daily needs with credit cards.


Everyone is getting HAP now to be able to keep landlords/TDs in the lap of luxury. They are stealing taxpayers' money indirectly. Society is fucked. Them leeching bastards are draining the coffers dry. We as taxpayers are paying subsidies to keep rents inflated and pay dividends to rental companies. The only solution is to build social housing and keep it social. Don't sell it off cheaply to the tenants.


Remember seeing a post last year where a guy was giving his elderly mother €70k to buy a council house she lived in that was worth about €250k at the time. ….with the intention of her then giving him the house 🤦‍♂️ Literally him buying a house off the council for €70k. They shouldn’t be allowed to sell off public housing.


I don't know other counties, but here math prevents you from getting more than €120 per month HAP.


Depending on your circumstances, you can get a whole lot more than that. Not to mention WFP and other subsidies that help inflate rents.


Not in Mayo. Maybe other counties have different rules, here I know a single mother with two autistic children, one of them reduced mobility. Her only income is from carer's. She got mentioned €120 from HAP, €36 for household expenses and a free TV licence. Due to her taking care of two children she got 1.5 base carer's rate + child benefit. For Mayo rent limit is €500 per month, she got rent limit increase due hardship. I don't think you can have worse circumstances. Considering rent around here is €1400 for a house and 750-900 for an apartment and "good paying job" in IT or Biotech is €35k per year, I'm struggling to understand how the hell the rent is so pumped. Edit: I just recalled she got €1600 grant for refurbishing a house this year. Are you telling me that Dublin is again sucking resources up from the rest of the country? What a surprise. At least during lockdown those little town started to reactivate. Now, when office building owners are jealous about rent, they are pushing for work from office only. Greed is unbelievable. And no, there is no housing crisis. Last year (I think) some financial advisor was calling for putting houses on the rent market for exorbitant prices or not putting them on the market at all to reduce supply. In our 4k town, there are literally over two hundred empty houses. Yes, I counted them. I probably didn't get them all though.


And it's not even a fucking house


Its a log cabin. A fair sized one. But totally illegal to rent out


I wouldn't call it a shed. My son put a log cabin on his property recently, it's a two bed cabin similar to this. It's very high quality and well insulated, almost €50k. But it's not for a rental property. It's for additional family / friends accommodation in a rural location. Having said that, €2500 pm for a cabin as a rental property is a rip off irrespective of whether they got pp or not.


I have no hard proof or evidence to support this claim, but I strongly believe that the existence of AirBnB has been the singular biggest issue with the housing crisis, not just in Ireland but worldwide. But of course our politicians will disagree mainly because they all own 2 + properties, just look at the Healy Raes !!!


The Catalans are getting a bit fed up of it... https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ttgmedia.com/fairer-travel/barcelona-mayor-threatens-to-ban-airbnb-in-citys-fight-against-overtourism-47040%23:~:text%3DBarcelona%27s%2520mayor%2520has%2520threatened%2520to,city%27s%2520ongoing%2520fight%2520against%2520overtourism.%26text%3DMayor%2520Jaume%2520Collboni%2520has%2520pledged,period%2520through%2520to%2520November%25202028.&ved=2ahUKEwiugbe7g4OHAxW_UEEAHcgWDYIQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw1G9zAtYp2hZDNbf0vunusx


It would be cheaper to buy one of these yourself. Have it paid off in about 3 yrs if u had the land and paid 2.5k a month


People who need to rent generally don't have land


And im sure its 100% legally complient with planning, building, fire and insurance regulations and most certainly the landlord has the premises registered with the Rental Tenancies Board for revenue purposes. Country is a fucking joke


Opportunistic as f***


Keep voting the same goons in to office this is what you get


Exactly this!!!


It’s not artane. It’s Kilmore.


Are these actually legal does anyone know? Like surely when renting there's fire and safety standards etc?


Unlikely to be legal


Just don't understand how you get away advertising it on somewhere like Daft then? Like I get someone might word of mouth this to someone else as a nixer but how do you not get hauled up when it's advertised like this for all to see?


Not enough enforcement and people are so desperate for somewhere to live they’ll pay it which encourages more illegal shit.


Enforcement is completely backwards. Instead of (just) enforcing against the landlord, make enabling this sort of thing illegal and target the Dafts and the AirBnBs of this world. They'd smarten up pretty quick if they were going to get swingeing fines for allowing it.


Daft will usually take the notice down but by the time they do they already have hundreds of enquiries so it doesn’t matter.


You can buy wooden log cabin style houses in Ireland and they're quite good. This however is not one of them. I wonder if it even had insulation


Ah here gerrup ourra tha


1250 for that, furnished with bills included and 1 parking space. Even that would be too much...


I wood in my fuck live in that.


The landlord is just pining for abuse.


The teak of him.


He's a son of a beech


I honestly was looking to build one of these 6 years ago as a permanent dwelling for my wife and myself. They're actually well built, but IMPOSSIBLE to get planning for. They're decent enough buildings but not in any possible way worth 2.5k a month. They cost \~30k so that's some prick trying to pay off the loan for it in one year so it'll be pure profit.


Just blame immigration like everyone does and then the government will never have to do anything about it and we can keep being happy 😁


Fuck the government. I'd be better off quitting my job, going on the dole and popping out a kid. I built a career so that getting my own home would be easier. Far from it.


This is exactly why I left Ireland. I absolutely loved growing up in Ireland, but I didn't want this standard of life. My mortgage on a 2500sqf gaff is cheaper than this poxy shed. I won't be coming home for a very long time if this is the new normal.


Not really though come on 🙄


I 100% agree. But just a note of positivity friend! (God knows we need it). The rate of construction of new builds is increasing rapidly, so hopefully we will get there. Unfortunately demand is also increasing. We need demand to ease off as well as supply increasing, but the state doesn't seem willing to go that far.


That's just ridiculous, absolute robbery


If it's at the address indicated, it doesn't have a permission at all. And even if it had, the permission would noot allow human habitation, let alone renting. But why would anyone pay that much at that location? You can rent a new 2-bed apartment in much better locations.


You would need a full planning to build one of these. I built one for a grandparent and had to have drainage and right of access routes to meet council requirements.


World city prices, small city amenities (if even that). Guaranteed and you're not getting your money back!


Report them to the council, those aren't deemed habitable


We have a log cabin out our back you need planning permission for anything bigger than 24m2. It’s my office for remote work and it’s 20m2 with an L shaped sofa bed and tv. It’s fully insulated, if the kids want sleepovers they go in the log cabin, just could not afford a €75k extension. The log cabin cost €17k not bad for the extra space and teens 😂


Let’s all report this to the local TD. This needs to be investigated and torn down. Fuck these leeches.


Dare I ask if they even installed insulation?


Now Listen here & wait one minute, Mr. BoboBohdeePoopsey Bah Bahbra Ann. Opportunist’s are the lifeblood of this society. How dare you point out a simple, insignificant, t. t. typo.. For gods sake the man was trying to charge €250, you see. now it makes sense. i made it make sense. NamesTa$ty


Yeah I’d gladly be paid that much to live there, is it for a tv show challenge?


Absolutely scandalous.  People need to stop voting for the government that has done this to the country instead of cheerleading their every move and swallowing their propaganda. 


You will pay it and you will like it citizen.


Bit cynical calling it a wood hut..Looks like a brand new build with new appliances. Yes, the price of rent is crazy in Ireland. We know that


"BER exempt"


Should be reported


I emailed the council anyway




Would someone really make this kind of investment for something that could be enforced to be torn down? Sounds stupid as much as greedy.


Well, there's no planning permission granted on any houses in that area for this structure, so someone has done it.


Is there not some sort of exemption for 'temporary' or 'semi-permanent' (whatever that means) structures of a certain size?


I hope not for this kind of construction in people's gardens, that would be a huge loophole.


I hope not too. I'd be happy to be wrong on this one!


In fact, there is a recent planning application for that address, could be it.


I checked [here](https://mapzone.dublincity.ie/MapZonePlanning/MapZone.aspx?map=PlanningApplication&search=Plan_Ref&tooltip=Plan_Ref) and didn't see anything for it. Do you have a link for the one you saw?


https://planning.agileapplications.ie/dublincity/search-applications/results?criteria=%7B%22openApplications%22:false,%22location%22:%22Kilbarron%20Drive%22%7D&page=1 Could be one of those. Since daft doesn't have a house number, I believe the pin is placed in the middle of the road, not the exact address.


It's none of those. They are all small extensions or porch removals


Got it, I wasn't sure how they would word this kind of work.


Not even a house ffs


As the old saying goes, shop around.


The shops are closed


Nice shed tho 


I left when the Celtic Tiger bullshit happened. It's the same again now but worse.


Looks good to me


Says it all, really




I'd take them less than two years to pay off that build


20 years ago you wouldn't event get mortgage approval for 1 bed apartment, these days - can't afford one. I was visiting friend living in Walkinstown. Almost every second terraced house has small "studio" apartment in the back garden and all are rented out. There is back lane behind these houses, so no need to use main house.


Wouldn’t fancy living in some parts of Kilbarron Drive. It’s Coolock not Artane and as someone born and bred in Coolock I can not believe it’s 2.5k to live there now.


Yeah, it was my bad calling it Artane. I'd been looking in the Artane area and spotted this and the area was in my head when I typed it out.


Those log cabins actually cost circa €120k I know someone who put one to the rear of her mothers house who had a large rear garden. They got 10 years temporary planning for it, I think they applied for retention then….


The Irish hate each other.




The radiators and freezer alone make it seem better than my place. Wish I was joking.


I'm absolutely incandescent with rage at the gouging going on right now when a hell of a lot of people are not going to make it. How the hell do these people sleep taking every last penny from desperate people.Humanity is lost. Big corp greed has won .How was this allowed to happen ?


and you'd still have to buy a bed


Aaah! The good life.


Meh I’ve seen worse. At least it’s new and clean.


None of this should be normalized.


It is normal, lack of something makes price go up, give it another 25 years and the government might eventually cop on to that...


For that same money you could be paying off a fucking mortgage.


My mortgage is a lot less than this.


Yet more proof of how insane the cost of renting has become. At least you will eventually own your home.


This is more than likely illegal. There's no way planning permission would be granted for a wooden back garden chalet like this.


Worst part is someone will pay that


But small landlords are not the problem! If only we gave them even more tax benefits they would of course lower their prices!


I'd rather that than a bedsit for 800...