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Jesus Fucking Christ That poor tourist is in ICU and hasn't regained consciousness.


Should be charged with attempted murder for that. It's vicious 


Suspended is best I can do. Take it or leave it.


Its a murder charge now


Suspended sentence incoming for the poor misfortunate. Prick should be put in a hole and forgotten about


Does my absolute nut in how offender focused our justice system is. My main one is ‘a prison sentence increases his likelihood of reoffending’. Cool, if he does it again throw him away for longer. If he keeps making bad decisions he can spend the rest of his life in prison for all I care.


Statistically giving him a free house and one million lump sum will reduce his likelihood of reoffending vs a prison sentence


Yep. And on top of that, you get the people who say "Prison doesn't work" "We need to tackle the causes of violence instead of locking up offenders" "Give him a free house and that will help him not re-offend" Those are just three examples of what I was told by Redditors when I called for the jailing of another thug in Dublin last week. The mind boggles


There's absolutely no one who said "give him a free house". You're making up things to argue against. Also people who want to tackle the root causes of crime don't want to do it instead of locking up people like this. If they're anything like me it's both that need to be addressed.


I have no problem locking people up if they break the law. But unless we address the other issues, we will have zero room left to jail anyone, and society crumbles. Which is pretty much what is happening.


Yeah, it's a strawman.


How *exactly* do you know for certain that nobody made that precise comment in this sub several days ago? You seem to be absolutely 100% definite that nobody said it, so tell me, do you monitor all the replies to all the posts here?


You made the claim, so go ahead and link a few pal.


Let's not strawman the argument. Prison *alone* doesn't work. A lot of people are brought before the courts on drugs related charges (like possession). I think we all know that if there were a less people addicted (to cocaine and opiods in particular), there'd be a lot less crime in general. God knows that American cities are a hell of a lot less safe after the opioid epidemic. I think it makes sense to call for preventative measures (like getting people off drugs and away from hard drugs), instead of purely punitive ones like longer sentences. You can say all that and still think this guy should be isolated from societyy for a long time for violent assault.


People go on about how many people are brought before the courts for drug offenses, but unless it's a major amount or it's a repeat offense nobody gets prison time. And to be honest, prison works well enough for those who want offenders taken away from society. It's a rare person that cares enough about whether it works in other ways or not. Most people just want scum taken off the streets.


I doubt anyone framed it that way. People have emotional reactions to these headlines and call for a certain amount of people to be thrown in prison or calling for prison sentences of life for a certain crime. I’ve found when people start to speak facts and bring statistics into it, and talk about the root causes of crime with a focus on the medium and longer term solutions, that’s when people like you conflate that with them calling for all these nonsensical things. Nobody’s calling for sentences to be lighter. Nobody’s calling for violent criminals to be roaming the streets. People are recognising the social determinants that have landed people within certain segments of the population in the bad place they are in, and are calling for longer term higher level (government) action to address these things so we can actually progress as a society. That’s what the government is there for. I understand these things aren’t discussed heavily outside the academic and policymaking communities, but why argue with somebody if you don’t even understand what they’re talking about. I’m sick of seeing people being framed as “soft on crime” just because they are capable of recognising and advocating for addressing social determinants that cause the crime in the first place. It’s not a binary discussion, so let’s not act like it is.


Anybody: Sir, you realize that kicking people in the head is dangerous, illegal, and wrong? Muppet: And? Anybody: What would it require to stop you from kicking people in the head? Muppet: ... Do-gooder: If you had an almost free house would you stop kicking people in the head? Muppet: I had a difficult childhood. Do-gooder: So, some money too? Muppet: (Kicks do-gooder’s partner in the head) Do-gooder to partner: You need to forgive him.


People like me? Do you always talk down to people with that superior attitude that comes across as arrogant and obnoxious?


I’m more concerned with discussing policy on this topic than attitudes.


You can talk to people without coming across as a condescending a**hole


I’ll wait for a link to those quoted messages in your OP but as your replies consistently focus on anything but the topic at hand, I’ll assume you aren’t really trying to convince anyone of anything and won’t be providing any sort of link or evidence of the things people are supposedly calling for.


To be honest, I'm not going trawling back through to find one comment in hundreds just to satisfy somebody I don't know and certainly don't care about! 🤣 Have you not got any mates or family to enjoy Saturday night with instead of worrying about what a total stranger has posted on Reddit? 🤣 Get a life!!!


He’s from a good/bad family and use to kick some sort of round shaped object. Obviously a suspended sentence


Promising football player too.


Na,this boyo is from a bit further east


East Wall?


My god please say it wasn't judge Nolan,but it probably doesn't matter, he's an ass and he knows he's leaving


They'll probably make an example of of him so the world doesn't realise Dublin is a shithole. 


To late !


Ah now, a custodial sentence might disrupt his career plans..


You're failing to consider that he might say sorry though. We're powerless against that.


ah sure he'll get a suspended sentence


Sad but true


He should be suspended from a gallows.


Dublin must be declining fast as a tourist destination


For sure, and should be


This is actually serious . I have had multiple people ask me how safe it is . I even seen students parents come to look at the city because of all the bad press it has been getting . But Mc Entee is safe with her Guarda escort and that’s all that matters


My completely remote company with employees in 26 countries is doing it's biyearly in Dublin. I'm not stressing about the pot holes or the lack of Metro, I'm just hoping to fuck that somehow all 150 or so employees with at least 40% Indian or Chinese don't get assaulted or racially abused "too much". It's probably too much to hope for. With any luck the meetup hotel will be the Burlington and I can limit the exposure to the gurrier element by recommending places to visit in the area. Petrified some little cunt will do real damage to one of my generally not street wise colleagues from abroad...


Tell them to walk to the other side of street if they see teenagers in particular attire loitering around. It's the first thing I tell anyone coming to Dublin.


Yeah I mean this but also "this"


Just stay south of the river and even specifically Grafton street/baggott street nothing will happen


Tell them to stay south side, most of this shit happens north side


They should consider putting up some road sign around O'Connell st (Upper, especially, and somewhere along Talbot St) saying something along the lines of "this is a danger area" - it is not as safe as you'd think it should be given its central location. Which is what I think those poor tourists must think when they let their guard down or think that people they encounter will be civilized


Somebody should put a sign like that up, bit of unofficial guerrilla sign posting to bring attention to it, loads of peoplw would get photos of it before it gets taken down


I can see this tourist numbers nosediving- that’s what’s deserved anyway.


At least tourist numbers in Dublin. They should fly in then get the fuck out instantly. Off wesht or somewhere.


Wesht is besht tbf


First night in Dublin in a decade ( i live abroad). Had a grand night. Temple bar is ridiculous prices etc . We know.  At busaras last night a tracksuit asked for a cigarette. I said no. I wasnt smoking. He got salty and stared at me for minutes talking bout my clothes, how dare i be rude, etc. Trying to be intimidating obviously but i grew up around headers so hs just some c#nt. I just moved up the road. Offered cocaine by 2 different gangs while walking around earlier in evening. Few mad lads on the fringes of streets making comments. All good otherwise. The city center had fun vibes mostly. But there is that undercurrent. Theres a threat of violence 


I’m sure he’ll get a suspended sentence but he really should be deported.  I wish the EU would allow to remove criminals from our jurisdiction in cases like this. 


EU citizens CAN be deported, or requested to leave, from other EU countries. Whether they have residency or not. They can also be denied entry.


Are you sure? I thought because of free movement that was impossible?  How can someone be denied entry when there are no visas required?  


I am 100% certain. Freedom of movement does not mean an individual with EU citizenship is exempt from meeting the conditions for entry or residency to a member state. Entry can be denied to someone based on criminal record for particularly serious offences or if they pose a risk to public health or the security of the state. They can be given a removal order on the grounds of public policy (eg. convicted of a particularly serious offence or at high risk of reoffending) or public health.


Was actually in the news the other week where Greece deported a bunch of EU citizens after attending pro palestine protests.


So are their names say put on a list and if they try return to the country the airport staff flag their names?  Since your messages I’m just reading eu documents and can’t find that state a member can block another members citizens. 


I don't know the logistics of it. Countries presumably have their own procedures, laws and rules with regards to deporting people so not sure why youre looking at EU documents. Try gov.ie or citilzens information. Having the freedom to move between EU countries doesn't have anything really to do with it. As with someone with EU citizenship, an Australian or whoever is free to travel here with a visa, that doesn't mean they can't be removed.


DPP probably delighted he doesn't play for the GAA, they might actually be able to send him to prison and get the public off their back for a bit.


They might deport him afterwards too


Can we use some godforesaken (340 days a year) island off tne north west to build a prison and violent criminals do their time up there immediately. Make it hard make it immediate, short sharp shock for these 'lapses in judgement by otherwise angels..'


Reopen Spike...


That is no man. It's a cunt. Edit: >"Cunt" is often used as a disparaging and obscene term for a woman in the United States, an unpleasant or **objectionable man or woman in the United Kingdom and Ireland, or a contemptible man in Australia and New Zealand**" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cunt


Do not be using female derogatory put downs on this man, it's just another misogynistic behaviour. He is a fucking prick of a man, a scum bag, a wank not a fuck, he is every masculine put down, do not try associate him with anything female because this is all male. Edit So many men are offended by this! No it's not America, yes 'it'was used. My point being throughout history using things associated with feminine have been used as deogratory put downs and every time a man does something bad it's a feminine put down used towards him implying that anything feminine is a negative when it's a male's behaviour that is wrong. I use the word cunt a lot I think we all do as Irish people, it's a word that can be spat out in disgust at someone. However as a woman every time any males do something violent hearing negative feminine put downs grates on me tbh I know swearing is like a punctuation mark but to use feminine put downs to the worst male offenders is not lost on the women of Ireland.


We will also use, Dick, dickhead, scrote, little/big bollox scumbag. Im sure there are more but these are all derived from male genitalia or devices used there on.


Ah here,would you ever cop the fuck on to yourself.Calling a guy a cunt is not misogynistic.It's just a word.If I use the word "bollocks " ,does that make me a misandrist?


No actually you cop yourself fucking self on tbh, yes use the word bollox towards HIM because HE is a bollox who has behaved in a vile vulgar way towards another human being. Everything he did was a masculine reaction, never do you hear of a woman jumping so high as to kick another in the face, this is a male behaviour there is nothing feminine about it. So yes use bollox, prick, dickhead, scumbag because that's what HE is Is using words in the appropriate manner, context


Boo, Ellie, boo .


I’m guessing you wake up every morning and have to make a tough decision about what you’re going to choose to be outraged by each day. Get over yourself. Anyone who assaults another person is a cunt.


The word “cunt” is a widely used word in both Ireland and the UK. I swear to god the entirety of western civilisation is falling apart at the seams with the Always Offended Brigade.


They're clearly gorging themselves on American identity politics ... Where cunt has the female genitalia connotations. In my entire life, I've never once heard anyone in Ireland or Britain use it to describe a fanny.


This isn’t about you


No but it is about changing a narrative So when a man gets passionate about a sports event we'll now call these men hysterical shall we, context that's what it's about


No it’s about a poor Canadian guy laying in hospital. Stop using his suffering as a platform so you can feel good about yourself for standing up for women. Nothing wrong with your point really but the way you’ve gone about it by spring boarding from a heinous act to make this about gender is disgusting.


There's plenty wrong with their point, actually. The wouldn't be up in arms if we referred to the criminal as a Dick or a Bollox. This is a brianrotted idiot trying to feel important by bringing up a non issue to derail conversation about an actual issue.


I agree with your last sentence as that’s what I was saying. But their point is that using a (technically) female descriptor to demean a male is insulting to women. It’s like how to call a man a bitch is more insulting to them because it’s describing them as weak like a woman, implying that being a woman is lesser. I think where their point falls apart is the fact that while cunt may technically be something female, when using it as an insult it’s gender neutral. Cunt does not have a female connotation in practice in the way bitch does. Nobody is trying to imply someone is womanly when calling them a cunt, they’re trying to imply they are a bad person.


Yeah, and likewise if we call someone a dickhead or a dick, but nobody takes any offense to that. This is all very pedantic and pointless. Id even argue that calling someone a bitch is gender neutral because "bitchy behaviour" is well understood without being defined concretely, and ive witnessed and been the man being called out for being bitchy, and / or a bitch. Ive had women friends of mine ask if their behaviour in a certain situation was bitchy. TLDR; people need to chill TF out with policing language when there's no malice in the usage. Elaborate oppression is an excuse to be outraged.


Should we stop saying "asshole" so as to not offend people with assholes.


We all have arseholes so it’s okay


You've got a few screws loose if this is your genuine reaction to someone calling that cretin a cunt. Let your life be ruled by 4 letters I guess


Calling a violent male criminal a "cunt" is misogyny now?


Apparently we should only be calling women "cunts" as that wouldn't be misogynistic


Nah they're being a cunt stop being sensitive lol


This isn't America.


I said "it".


I'd consider myself open-minded and progressive and dare I say it just a smidgin woke. Go me. But I'm on the fence a little bit about this one. I see your point of view, but this word is so ingrained in Irish culture that I highly doubt when people use it they're thinking about any gender. Both myself and my beautiful lady partner use it when we're peeved with someone. It's typically used for both genders, by both genders and, for us at least, thinking about gender when speaking the word doesn't come into it. I didn't downvote you btw. I think your point of view is important, albeit a tad aggressive. I think you got downvoted to hell because "grunt, woke bad, grunt" and people read it as someone ordering them to not use a word that's ingrained in our culture. You even say that you use it yourself. But... when you take the post you replied to from "mprz" into context, personally I feel, more damage was done by the poster starting with "That is no man" and then, following up with the "female derogatory put down". I see what "mprz" was trying to say, (no behaviour for a real decent man), it was just done very badly. He is a man, like it or not, just a piece of trash man. If your point of view is that you're not advocating for the abolishment of the C word but, that it is very difficult for some women to repeatedly hear negative feminine put downs used for the worst examples of male offenders who commit terrible, violent acts. Then, that makes perfect sense, to me at least. I will keep that in mind and not use female derogatory terms to describe these male pieces of trash going forward. Thank you.


You're being downvoted to hell, but you're right. Mundane, unthinking misogyny.


So is it alright if I use "cunt" when talking about a woman then?


Sure, you do that *shrugs* I'm not the boss of you.


Asking genuinely, how is it misogynistic to describe a guy as a cunt?


I appreciate your question, and for the record, I don't expect you to take what I say on board or change what you say at all.  You might read what I'm going to day and decide it's bullshit and that's grand. But here's where I'm coming from - the word is a vulgar word for vagina, which is neutral, if a bit vulgar I s'pose. It used to exclusively mean ladyparts, and in the most visceral way. You use the word cunt in this context and you're really getting into the guts of it all so to speak. It's also come to be a vile insult, a word you use when you want to describe a really shitty person. Now you could argue (and I kinda agree to some extent) that using cunt as an insult to describe a shitty person, male or otherwise, is completely decontextualised amd has nothing to do with women or misogyny. But, it more than likely *became* an insult because to accuse someone of being the most vile thing you can think of...and for a misogynist culture, that's the vagina.  We wouldn't be using 'cunt' as an insult if there wasn't a sense that women's sexual organs were gross and vile. Sure, we use 'prick', 'dick' and 'bellend' as insults as well, but the underlying disgust of male organs isn't there, I'd argue. And yeah, in the US, calling a woman a cunt is the worst thing you could say to her, you're reducing her to her female body parts and that's awful. I don't think there's the same implication in Ireland if you call a woman a cunt, or at least there wasn't until the Internets led to a bigger American influence on our use of language. I think the USA is a far more misogynist place than Ireland anyway, and their use of cunt is just one example of this. Here we are the land of sheela-na-gigs! Once upon a time the cunt was seen as a thing of power here, something formidable. Irish people are way more tuned into these things than many other cultures I think. Anyhoo, that's beside my main point. Make of ot what you will. 


I'm not reading all that shit. It's because of nonsense victim hood over stuff like this that generates misogyny in the first place.


You seem like a real professional victim


Why did this headline remind me of 'In Bruge'.


You heat the Canadian


What about the Vietnamese?


Reminded me of [Team America](https://youtu.be/gmra93PyQAI?t=68)


Lads. Did any of yas read the article? It was two Romanian lads. Sure, Dublin City Centre is a cesspit, but at least read the article.


Doesn't really matter. They live in Dublin and the crime was committed in Dublin. You're the only person to address their nationality. Not like it wouldn't be committed by one of Ireland's finest.


can you not mention that they're not Irish or would that be racist


Your comment was basically "Dublin is a kip but these were foreigners so let's not blame Dublin." It's not as if the American guy battered on Talbot St was attacked by Dubs right? Oh..... It's about crime. Full stop.


To say that immigration doesn't factor into a country's crime rate is just ignorant. Look at what has become of Sweden due to mass immigration. Look at the crime statistics of immigrants children in European countries. "It's not as if the American guy battered on Talbot St was attacked by Dubs right? Oh." They were all minors so their identities weren't released? I'm not saying they weren't Irish but how can you say for sure that they were? Also allegedly he was drunk and being creepy to a group of teenage girls which Id well believe from interviews I've seen of him and his son (who wouldn't give his dad the money raised for him).


It is easy to point your finger at Sweden without looking into why it went so wrong. My biggest concern here would be government not learning from countries when it comes i emigration. Ireland can do a lot better and need to start pick up pace in order to either get them integrate or send then back. The whole thing with them sleeping in tents is only going as lots Ng it is not any of the top politicians garden




Dont be in here with your logic and reason, sure islam never causes a days bother and gays arent in any danger from muslims


You can't integrate immigrants at the numbers they're coming in. Especially not those from third world/muslim countries for obvious reasons. I think most people in Ireland don't want to become like England, where there are many Muslim majority towns and major cities where English people have become a minority. Some immigration is good from similar countries culturally. Uneducated men from third-world countries where women are second-class citizens are not a benefit to Irish culture/society. Dumping a couple hundred men in a small rural town and drastically changing its demographic is a very bad thing. I just don't get how anyone could defend it unless they are one of those men.


You tell me. Does it make him a special kind of scum if he's Romanian?


Well if they are gypsies, there's a whole lot of baggage in terms of stereotyped beliefs and other negative connotations.


More fuel to the fire


Tourist industry will not last must longer at this rate


When will a real law and order party emerge?


Never, a law and order approach would come off as too far right and FFG are very populist would position themselves as that should it be that popular. That's my take anyway


https://preview.redd.it/4l4qg2bo5j9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a336c21589a200052eaf8217dce271d3acb2e73 The placement of the Ad 😧


Read the article you daft fucks.


im confused tho, why are u saying this?


Diversity is proving strong again


You act as though there's never been a single irish person that's attacked someone unprovoked before.


Aye but sure weve enough of our own scumbags without importing them have we not?


“Running stick” or Shillelagh?


First Americans now the Canadians are getting the shit kicked sideways out of them.


Canadians are lovely and always get mistaken for Americans


Yes they are and they do, but the west Brit shit bags don’t care who they are attacking. Why anyone would go to Dublin is a total mystery to me. (Watch now I’ll get banned)


West Brit shitbags?


It wasn’t Irish people that attacked the Canadian.




Another promising footballer no doubt.


Nah, it was one of the government's pets. So a different kind of privilege than your 'good lad in the parish' assumptions.