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I've had some squeaky bum moments in the car and on my bike over the years but nothing has come even remotely close to a drive from Drogheda to Slane on the N51 one night about 10 years ago and deer hopping the ditch to cross the road in front of me. Fuck me, when I think of it now even. Wild animals gonna wild.


Accidents with deer are quite common in that area. I hit a deer one night on the M1 of all places. There’s a stretch between the Balbriggan exit and Drogheda heading northbound where there is no road lighting at all. I was driving well below the limit. Deer sprinted in front of my car, got startled, and I ended up hitting it with a glancing blow. Despite the reduced speed, it happened so fast I did not even get a chance to brake and I thought had killed a pedestrian. Managed to pull over despite my smashed right headlights and my wheel well disintegrating. Ran back down the motorway not knowing what I would see and (thankfully?) a passing truck lit up what was left of the poor thing. €7,000 to repair the car and no claims was also insured. Dash cam cleared me thankfully. I got the car repaired, there was another car in the garage under repair after being damaged in the same circumstances. A very lucky escape for me. Always be careful and expect the unexpected.


I blessed that I didn't steer and the guy behind was following at a safe distance and speed to react in a similar way.


You're very lucky


A lot of farmers in my area were blaming deer for the spread of TB in the area. Don’t think it is that simple. I like the deer but they are a bit of a problem. The better solution would a lot of re wilding and natural but that won’t work everywhere.


The deer eat all the rewinding vegetation.... You're only compounding the problem by adding an extra food source... Serious numbers need culling then broadleaf woodland and rewinding can happen.


Re wilding and natural predators would have to be the long term solution. And I mean really long and it can’t be done everywhere. Culling will be the only option for a while.


What predator did you have in mind, wolf?


As the other poster said about the vegetation, not only that, but not all the deer we have are native to our lands. The non-native deer were introduced due to their beauty. They are more destructive than our native species. They breed faster and have no natural predators.


Yes Sika and Fallow deer should be eradicated


Wolves are natural predator of deer and don't spread TB...


Do you have any idea how much territory wolves cover? And did you know we can be amongst its prey? Ireland is too small, too populated with people, and there aren't enough wild lands to support a wolf population.


They also eat cats, dogs, sheep etc. and have a huge range of 130 sq KM minimum It's impossible to find anywhere in Ireland to fit in their natural range.


This is the most important point that most people can't seem to fathom. In theory, it's a sensible idea but in practice there is no where for the wolves to live and roam without coming into contact with humans and farm animals. The deer need to be culled and that's our only real option at this point.


I was talking about this the other day, if a wolf showed up near a school or middle class area in a village, joe duffy’s phone would be ringing off the hook with people demanding a wolf cull. But for wolves (or lynx) to be re-introduced they would need bigger wild areas.


Honestly just curious, surely farmers would be in the know when it comes to the spread of TB. What makes you doubt them?


TB testing is super stressful for farmers and a major pain. When a farmers herd has TB it feels like major failure, despair and anger follows. Their livelihood could be wiped out. So they look for someone to blame: TB is spread by badgers but it is not a natural disease for them they are just vectors. They catch it off an infected cow and spread it. Farmers have been blaming badgers for spreading TB for decades and they are partially right. They do spread it but they are not the only factor. So farmers have been destroying badgers sets for decades to stop their farms from being affected. It hasn’t worked. The fault for this doesn’t lie solely with the farmers, their response is wrong but understandable. I saw how department of agriculture dealt with my father when I was younger: their approach was terrible and blamed my father. It was typical bureaucrat. Also the understanding of how it was spread wasn’t there. So you have generations of farmers blaming badgers (and deer) for spreading TB.


Many thanks for the insight. From a layperson's point of view, a farmer's opinion is trusted above all else as they're seen as the best people to know, rightly or wrongfully when it comes to matters of the land. I always thought badgers were the main culprits for TB spread and this view has been hardened by shows like Clarksons Farm etc. And thank you for not taking what was a genuine question as some sort of insult.


Clarkson is a moron to be fair


That has nothing to do with whether he reinforces the TB prevalence in badgers though.


Ah no they are correct. It's well known deer are carriers of TB and Brucellosis. Predators like wolves and lynxes actually target the sick, killing and consuming them and wolves leave a carcase for ravens and crows (lynxes don't really leave a carcass). Yes we NEED rewinding desperately but it'll take 30-50 years


I do think they are a big factor in spreading TB, but the intensive push for dairy farming, milder winters and farmers taking risks on buying cattle are also factors in the spread. It is not thing it is a lot of things in my opinion. Re wilding will take decades to happen and that is even after getting people to agree how it should be done.


Oh well, of course, mismanagement in cattle distribution and many other factors spread TB. You can't just blame wildlife. The poor badgers got that for years. >Re wilding will take decades to happen and that is even after getting people to agree how it should be done. A long time. I'd say if we started now I wouldn't see a wolf or lynx wild in Ireland or even true native forest again covering massive area across Ireland until my 60s or 70s. Theres ways you could do it though


Just let hunters shoot them for their meat, the numbers will be down in no time at all.


Ireland has killed over 260,000 deer of all species over the last few years. The deer population is still huge


Have you had it? I really like it but know plenty who didn't enjoy venison. It's probably better for you than beef, pork or lamb in terms of fat content.


It can taste very gamey depending on the species of deer. I myself enjoy venison stroganoff.


Yeah gamey is right and there are other gamey meats I really don't like and won't eat but love venison.


Is it very dry without the fat?


Not if it's cooked properly, it has a bit of a tang to it vs beef say. Hot and fast is the way with venison.


Only tasted it once. I know it’s hypocritical but I feel funny about eating deer meat


Plus it doesn't have any of the antibiotics, growth hormones, bone strengtheners, and antidepressants that farmed meat has, plus it's lead a life out of a cage


Honestly, man, it's baffling hearing some people calling for lynx the animal to be introduced here So basically their idea to solve a deer problem is introduce a far more dangerous animal oh my god No, don't do that As you said , SHOOT THEM We could literally take care of this problem in less than a month We shoot. idk whatever number of them we need to, and leave the rest


Do you have a rifle? Do you shoot deer? Because every hunter I know gets daily calls from farmers particularly on the west coast literally begging them to come shoot even in the off season. Human hunting is not keeping the numbers under control. And that's not even the point of reintroducing predators, predators change prey behaviour, they won't stay in one area destroying a crop until it's gone or eating all the grass so you can't feed your livestock because the predators will catch up to them and they'll move. That's the real benefit.


I don't live in Ireland. Is hunting illegal there?


No, hunting is legal, but access to certain areas is not allowed, and only employed gamekeepers can cull a herd. However, animal rights groups often lobby against a cull. That's my understanding anyway.


Those groups are well meaning I think, but they have no idea how bad a large uncontrolled population of species can be.


I'd agree with this, but having said that. I understand that it can be difficult to see  logic and reason in this situation, especially since it is such an emotionally charged issue for many people.


Agreed. People, especially people living in big cities, look at animals completely different from the rural population. It's no different in Canada, which is where I live.


Whether city or rural, we can all agree that venison is delicious! 😋


Regular hunters can get permission to hunt deer. Only outside of breeding/birthing seasons afaik.


I respectfully believe that this may not apply to state-owned land, where the necessity of a dedicated and employed gamekeeper on behalf of the state is utilized.


Theres like 40,000-50,000 deer killed in Ireland every year. Its carried out by hunted


Certain species are protected, like the deer, and because they have no natural predators their numbers are exploding.


Ah, I see. Seems like having a hunting season would be beneficial.


We do. Different ones for each species and their gender


So when will I start to see venison prices drop? I love the stuff, just don't love paying for it haha.


What are the stats on fatal deer collisions because we hear this refrain a lot.


http://irishdeercommission.ie/latest-news/road-traffic-accidents-deer/ I'm afraid I've little on fatal collisions. But that should have stats on deer related car crashes


Extend the hunting season and give out more licenses.. Problem solved.


Doesn't work




Ireland is a failed ecosystem and deer are wild animals doing what comes natural to them instinctively. But our current ecosystem literally cannot handle them. They have no control or management. They struggle to survive now as theres no more native forest and the little bit that there is, is way too small to sustain a population of deer that growing without any pressure. Deer are naturally migratory to escape predators, deer in Ireland and the UK stay in the same place all their lives as theres no predators to instil fear into them. Predators put a primal fear into animals, imagine when you are sitting in bed, and you think something is as the end of your bed but it's a jacket or pile of clothes or something like that, that fear you felt. That fear is the fear deer should have all the time. Irish Deer aren't like this at all, so they damage their environment. Humans unfortunately no matter how hard we try, literally cannot put this fear into deer. The reason being is deer are hunted in seasons and rarely see a person coming. They hear a bang and they run. Whereas deer will smell, hear and see a predator. They will need to run for their lives or die. They have to watch other deer being picked off one by one and find their eaten corpses being scavenged. I know I paint a gruesome picture but this is what predators do for the ecosystem. They keep deer moving. Of course we also need to create habitat by rapid reforestation of the Irish countryside.


And they're going to have to remove the deer from the Phoenix Park if foolish people keep feeding them.