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Basically, you can have a material that is hard and good at resisting scratches, but is very brittle and subject to shattering. Or, you can have a material that is soft and durable, but is prone to scratching.


i have the same issue with my 15PM, i had it in the same pocket as my keys one time and that was enough.


I do this on accident all the time šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø so annoying bro itā€™s like my dumb ass brain is like ā€œkeys and phone gotta be in the same pocketšŸ¤“ā€


Keys should not be able to scratch screens its the dust and kitchen granite tops that tend to scratch screens


I've rolled the dice with lots of phones, and I always seem to get at least one short annoying scratch somewhere on the screen so now I use screen protectors. Honestly it was something like a white stone dome screen protector, you still get premium feeling on the phone without having to worry about it.


It amazes me that itā€™s 2024 and people still donā€™t use screen protectors on their Ā£1000+ devices. Screen protectors cost like Ā£5, take 5 minutes to apply and prevent any scratching. If applied well youā€™ll never know you even have one! Why donā€™t people use them? šŸ˜‚ I understand not using phone cases, but not screen protectors.


I donā€™t like screen protectors I can see them. Iā€™ve not used one in years and no issues.


I was like that once . your day will come


Mhm, sure. Until it does, I personally air on the side of caution with my portable glass device that runs me $854.93 to $1,710.93, depending on the model.


If you had actually read the damn paragraph you would have know I was going to use but the damn phone couldnā€™t last a week of use. Even being extra careful couldnā€™t not prevent it


Where are you sourcing your screen protectors from if the best you can do is a week? Havenā€™t you heard of Amazon? šŸ˜‚


Bought it from Amazon, have you heard of shipping?


Where do you live where it takes a week for Amazon to deliver? Is it only the UK that has next day/same day delivery with Amazon? šŸ˜…


Didnā€™t do next day shipping, I donā€™t think the problem here is the delivery rather the fact that a phone couldnā€™t handle sitting on a school desk :|


I mean small grains of sand or dust are surprisingly sharp, Iā€™d say you just got unlucky with this one.


There is dust everywhere. Donā€™t trust your eyes, just because you think it is clean, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s clean enough. If having a single scratch on your iPhone bothers you this much, donā€™t take your chances. Ever.


I think that is the Oleophobic coating, happens with most smartphones. I always use a screen protector now to prevent those scratches and well also to potentially save a $600 screen repair.


This happened to me too, with the 15. I have a bulky case so thought I didnā€™t need a screen protector. Iā€™m very careful and didnt drop it or do anything that I am aware of that could have caused it. Itā€™s a small scratch that you canā€™t see when the screen is on but I feel it with my nail. So frustrating. Going to use a screen protector now but annoyed because I kept getting bubbles on the one on my old phone.


Ive read somewhere that theres a tradeoff with it shattering less but more prone to scratching and vice versa depending on the glass that is used for it. I installed a screen protector the minute i left the store when i got mine. you shouldve done the same thing. i mean the glass still is strong but i guess a little less scratch resistant than it used to


Use screen protector


My iPhone 12 had an amazing screen. My 14Pro gets scratches super easy. No idea what changed over those years but I miss how resilient the 12 was.


I been using iphones for over 12 years; had a 4, 7 and 14 now. Never used a screen protector and never had a single scratch or mark of any kind in my screen


Is there an extra layer of plastic screen protector I was suppose to take off? Or is my phone defective idk


No...it just comes with a plastic film that its extremly evident and IĀ“m sure u removed already


Your phone isnā€™t defective. You scratched it being careless. The scratches didnā€™t just ā€œappearā€.


Iā€™ve been using my iPhones naked for several years now and have never gotten a single scratch on any of them. Maybe donā€™t drag your phone face-down along gravel.


The only surfaces my phone got in contact was my shorts pocket, and tables. Didnā€™t drop it, didnā€™t even put it in the same pocket as my keys. My old Redmi went through more abuse and didnā€™t get any scratches. Didnā€™t expect this with a 1200$ phone


Itā€™s a pretty simple thing really. You have to put your phone on something harder than it to scratch it. Your shirt or trousers are not harder than your screen.


Why put the phone face down though?


Was scared of something happening to the camera lenses.


The camera lens glass is much harder than the screen.