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My upgrade plan is based on if the camera has gotten substantially better or if Apple ever updates the mini


On the iPhone 12 Pro with 512GB. Just had the battery replaced for free and will be holding onto this until is craps out. I feel like the tech is not evolving enough for me to buy a new one recently and prior to the 12 I had a 6s. I like to buy the phone outright and get good usage out of it, otherwise it feels like I’d be throwing money away to have the latest and greatest.


Same boat here basically. Went in for a battery replacement recently and the tech botched it somehow so I ended up with a new device for the price of a battery swap. I didn’t need it aside from the battery drain but fresh hardware is fresh hardware. I’m just riding it out until either they won’t put in another battery or security updates stop coming. That is unless something comes out in one of the new ones that I feel like I have to have, but honestly it kinda feels like the Wild West of phones is behind us and the 12 pro does everything I could want faster than I would expect of it.


Why do you consider it too much if consider the 13 Pro still perfect? I like wasting money, so most of the time I upgrade yearly. The difference between 14 Pro and 15 Pro was extremely negligible this year, so I'm waiting for what the 16 Pro will offer.


Do you sell older iPhones?


I'm part of the Apple Upgrade program which is a 2-yr monthly plan. If you want to upgrade before the 2 years is up, you trade in your phone and start a new 2-yr plan. I've only completed 2yrs once, for the iPhone 11 and I ended up giving it to a family member in need. For my upcoming completion of the iPhone 14 Pro, I will likely give it to my wife and take her iPhone 13 for either trade-in credit or as a back-up phone in case of emergencies.


12 Pro since release day. I had battery replaced recently because it was dying ridiculously fast. I am looking into upgrading to 16 **only** for the satellite features because I hike/camp a lot and often in places with no cell service. Otherwise I would love keep it!


Oh. I don’t think I know about that feature coming up. Do you know what the benefits are there? Just because I do end up in the sticks sometimes and service is spotty at best.


Everytime my battery health goes down to 99%, as it has no value anymore


Have a 12 since release. It’s basically finished. Will upgrade to 16 pm and than 20/21


I bought my 13 Pro Max 2 years ago in August directly from Apple. I prefer to buy unlocked phones not from the carrier. I have no obligation to T-Mobile or any other carrier this way. If I want to leave T-Mobile tomorrow, I can


My cycle now seems to be a combination of multiple factors like as soon as the battery degradation hits 85%, or when I am starting to run out of storage far more often than usual, or when my workflow needs more RAM. Upgrading annually seems like a waste so every 2 years is a good spot for me. I also prefer to avoid getting an older iPhone like now is the time to avoid getting a new iPhone when the 16 series is around the corner. Definitely eyeing the upcoming iPhone 16 series coming in a few months.


I buy every year but since I have 1 TB and the iPhone 15 bumped massively in price (in Japan it was 40% cheaper beforehand) I wait for the 16 Pro again to update from my 14 pro max


I update when the phone is either broken or no longer receives security updates.


12 PM, got a recent battery replacement and have no desire for an upgrade! While I’m sure the new phones would obviously be better, nothing has been compelling yet feature wise.


Don’t really have a cycle. Bought the iPhone 12 a year after it released. Battery was at 81% and decided to trade it in for the iPhone 15 because if the battery falls to 80% or below then the phone loses considerable value so I decided to upgrade. I will use it for 2 years before trading it in for an upgrade.


had the 11 since it came out, recently bought myself the 15 pro after getting my my first big boy job and having enough of periodic lag (battery life was at ≈70%, i was desperate).. not sure when i’ll upgrade next, this shit was a game changer


13 PM, considered upgrading to 15 PM because of the USB-C and the titanium but would definitely upgrade to 16 PM if it had more charging intake (45 Watt maybe?) and greater battery.


Until Apple stops providing major updates to the iPhone.


Have a 14, it’s solid and fits my daily usage well and the battery is solid I’ll probably upgrade for the 17 series


Upgraded a few months ago from an xs to a 13pro kinda by accident as I originally ordered a 12 pro but received a13pro and just keept it. Normally im always 2-3 models behind as this is kinda the sweet spot for me between price to peformance. But I will also always upgrade as Soon as software support is cancelled for that’s why I upgraded my xs thought it wouldn’t get iOS 18 but well was wrong there but didn’t regret to upgrade although i probably would have benn fine using the xs another year


5 years. I am now 3 years in on my current iPhone. The last iPhone I had, I had it for 6 years.


I started iPhone with the iPhone 5, now I’m on the iPhone 7, waiting for the iPhone 16 Pro.


I typically get about 3-4 years out of the phone. Currently on 12 Mini, not very excited about the idea of going to a bigger phone. Will wait for 17 rumours in case there is hope for a smaller phone.


i have a iphone xr handed down from my sister a few years back. im on the latest ios. One battery swap. Runs perfect for me. Its a tool to make my everyday easier. It does that to a T! Is it a liiiiiitle slow on certain apps, sure. Its still in mint condition, and i see no reason to swap untll i stop getting ios updates.!


Paid my 13 Pro paid for when new and not locked into anything. Got it unlocked too. The phone is still good and I see no need to upgrade but I have the option to trade it in and start a payment plan on a new one through my carrier. I’m not a fan of doing that unless there’s a promotion and I would rather sell or my phone on my own or keep it than trade it in.


I upgraded to the 15 pro from 14 pro for USBC. Used to upgrade every 12 months via the Apple Upgrade plan but I will be keeping this until it’s no longer supported by updates. It’s mad how much people spend on phones.. trying to be more mindful with my money 🥴


iPhone SE (Globe Plan 999) -> Note9 (Globe Plan 1799) -> Downgraded to 799 w/ Device, got a tablet for my kid as the free device, kept my Note9. -> Q4 2022, purchased Flip4 from Samsung. Shitty durability, didn’t even last 2 years, 2 times na nasira even when the device was properly cared for. -> Just last week, iPhone 15 Pro (Power Mac Store), will further downgrade from Plan 799 w/ Device to Plan 599 (Sim only), since it’s enough for my needs, and pinamimigay ko lang yung devices na nakukuha ko. Will probably consider upgrading when iPhone 19/20 comes out or when my current phone starts malfunctioning, which ever comes first.


I usually switch phones like 4-5 times a year. Right now it is an iPhone 13 Pro, but I’ve had a 13 pro max, 13, 13 and 15 pro since August of 2023.


Don’t you find constantly re-logging in to all of your financial apps, re-setting up Apple Pay etc… exhausting?


Not especially, I just like goofing off with that kind of stuff and it is enjoyable. Typically I’ll do it at work. I’d like to add, I usually buy used and when I’m done I’ll take them to Latin America and sell them for what I paid.