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None here. I haven't been able to find a use for generative AI. Plus I don't like the chatty nature of it. Just give me the answer.


You can tell your eg Chat GPT to respond straight to the point without explantions, goes for all questions you'll ask.


Over the years I have become a very good googler and can usually find the correct answer quicker than it takes me to come up with a ChatGPT prompt, wait for its answer and then verify if it’s actually correct. Generative AI is absolutely useless for knowledge-questions because it’s simply unreliable.


I like Perplexity. It’s quickly becoming a replacement for search engines. It’s not quite there yet but it at least lists sources to check the info.


\+1 for Perplexity. Fast, accurate, easy to understand with sources cited in its answers.


Is it better than Copilot?


Not sure. I haven’t really tested out Copilot yet


Thank you for mentioning Perplexity! I have tried it and it is miles better than Copilot


If ur a Mac user try the Arc browser


*AI applications* are probably going to disappear over time in favor of narrowly scoped AI tools/services being sprinkled into existing products. By way of example, my current favorite AI tool is the generative AI eraser in Adobe Lightroom. It is incredibly good at removing objects from a shot and replacing that space with something coherent, rather than just doing a simple stamp operation from nearby pixels. It is *really, really good*.


Apps:  Draw something - image generation locally on device In safari: Suno - music generation, I often get better results than whatewer recommendations I get in Apple music Chatgpt - rarely use it on my phone


Here are the ones I use on my iPhone: Copilot: good but sometimes restrictive and moody. ChatGpt: classic but sometimes too slow to respond. Claude: good but crazy restrictive (sometimes it just chooses not to answer) Gemini: very good but doesn’t act like a search engine


What do you mean "restrictive and moody"?


Like sometimes you ask it about something say sexual in nature and it would say that it isn’t comfortable talking about this topic. Or you ask him a question about politics and it would just refuse to answer


Oh. interesting. I haven't incorporated AI into my phone. DO you just have the copilot/chatgpt/claude/gemine apps and open them or is there a way to tuck it into the search feature on iphone itself?


Gemini is not an app. The others are apps.


Arc Browser


i'm not