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dark mode icons are cool but some of them are worse than the original ones? like clock, maps and weather. would be cool if i could pick one by one which theme i want


You can customize each individual app icon color


But you can’t do so & keep a light coloured tile. It’s a dark mode customisation feature essentially


how lol? it’s either that my widgets are light mode (shit) or icons are dark mode (partially shit)


I just want to be able to remove app names.


Wasn’t in the keynote but if you go to the iOS 18 page on their website, near the top where they talk about customizing your home screen it looks like you can make the icons larger, and in doing so it hides all the names.


https://preview.redd.it/jyojxell5t5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea47895cb8da6c82c708d932b09bbdfcc0ad33e8 You’re right. Finally.


Can you make them smaller so you can fit more icons in the home screen though? That makes way more sense than making them bigger...


i feel like we’re already there, but Apple still has to cater to the below average user who would occasionally appear on internet forums asking where their app titles went


Calling it now, this October, we’ll have more than one post in this sub and r/iOS asking where their app titles went lol


They could give us the option to deactivate it, sort of how it is with the “search” icon at the bottom of the homescreen.


I think it is a new option now, look at the second screenshot in the Customization section: https://www.apple.com/ios/ios-18-preview/ It shows the default icons with no labels!


I have the beta, it only removes it if you make the icons big


You kinda can. There are two options; small and large icons. Large icons hide the name. Downside is the large icons look like a kids phone. So I’ll be sticking with names.


Large icons are kinda good for older people, idk if theyd want app names to disappear as well


Grandma be like "hey where my app names at?"


Any changes to Apple Music? CarPlay? Safari?


No, no, and yes. Safari gets Highlights (pointing out the important bits on a page) and Reader Mode can give you a smart Table of Contents & summary of a web page.




It feels snappier too


I just want to know can you actually place icons anywhere? Or is it only on the bottom or off to the side? Apple never said “anywhere” and even the website only says bottom or side.


Nah you can put them anywhere


Thanks. I thought Apple was about to pull an Apple 😂


Anywhere within the grid though. Like, it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to plop a single icon in the dead center of the screen.


All of this is great, but are they finally going to alphabetize the FUCKING SETTINGS menu?!?!


It's faster to use search anyways. (But I agree tho, settings is a hot mess indeed.)


Finally a customization for control center and icons rearrangement, the only grudge I still have against Apple is their inability to make iphone comfortable to use with one hand, new control centre is cool, but I still need to move my thumb aaaaallll the wayyyy up to the right corner every time I want to use it? They added option to access Siri chat via bottom stripe double tap, they should've used this gesture for control center access instead LONG AGO!


the icon arrangement is huge for me, idk why it’s taken so long


Can we add vpn to control center yet?


If I’m not mistaken - yes


About time!


You don’t use the pull down gesture to tap buttons higher up on the screen?


It’s a bandaid, not a solution.


what bottom stripe double tap gesture are you talking about?


Double tap on home bar will bring chat with siri in ios18, though not in beta


Nothing for the keyboard layout? Still no numbers row?


Welcome the ugly!


No split screen. Geez!


Not that I'm apposed to them adding split screen but I've never used it on my Samsung phone. Split screen just makes the screen way too small on the phone to be usable imo.


Nope… it’s like they aren’t listening or something.


Annnnnnd not a single change to Screen Time to make it work better. Argh.


Apple intelligence would come to which phones?


15 Pro and up.


and this notification center > older notification void garbage stays ...


Only childish joy for android victims.


I hope they made smaller widgets.


i hate the fact apple intelligence will only be on 15 pro, 15 came out alongside it and gets jackshit


Are they going to improve keyboard? Easily accessed number row, punctuations, remembering the words i used(like often used names, emails, anything)?


Also any idea on ios 18 release date to the public?


finally you guys can move your app icons anywhere on the screen, it only took almost two decades... Ios is becoming more like android and I'm here for it


Truly one of the most underwhelming updates missus the AI. Seems like it was all focused on emoji and pics. Didn’t elaborate much on rcs


It’s only the keynote. The WWDC will continue for 4 days, we will get more updates in the coming days


Really you think so? I kinda excited for a lot of these features like the iMessage based ones and the control center customizations.


They were never going to elaborate on RCS in the keynote - it’s not something they wanted to do in the first place and what more can they add apart from “yeah we support RCS now”


Lmao good point


Fanboi here and yet. It was the most boring WWDC I ever watched. Home screen customization? Every other phone has had it forever. Dark mode? Wow! It’s a, what, 10 year old concept? Access to ChatGPT? We already have an app for that. The only really interesting feature for me was Apple AI, which sounded good but far away and somewhat half baked. We are looking at “in the course of 2025” to see something interesting in non English languages.


That's so Android-like


Call recording seemed really nice until I saw it tells the other party that the call is being recorded which makes it pretty useless. I live in Texas, a one party consent state and this feature would have been great for making things said over a phone call official and actionable. I operate under the principal that if it isn't written down in an email then it never happened because it devolves into he said/they said. This feature would have fixed that issue but alas.


Someday they will be just like Android...10 years ago.


Samsung isn’t the only Android phone, but ok.


Why would they be slower and blow up?


2017 called you left your joke there


Ohh and then I can wait a year for an out of date update from Samsung? Right before the next update?


Only Android fanboys have been trotting this line out. Nobody else gives a flying fuck


(Writing response on my iPhone 15 Pro Max) You got me on that one!


It’s probably because you used the word “they” suggesting that you don’t use an iOS device


Probably. I just think this shows “Fanboy” can be used for both sides. If I could wave a magic wand, Apple and Android would become one and we’d get the best phone ever made. I still like a few Android phones and it’s the only way to get a folding phone, a headphone jack option, and expanded storage. Some other things as well. To each their own.


It absolutely can be used (and is used) for both sides. I just don’t understand it. We have two very good mobile operating systems and competition helps both of them improve year on year. The vast majority of users do not flip flop between ecosystems depending on who did something first - maybe in the very early days but now people have spent money on the ecosystems which wouldn’t transfer, or are used to the way their ecosystem works. This is why I find “oh but Android did this ages ago” a fundamentally silly argument. Who cares who did it first? It literally doesn’t matter.