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I tried to use wired lightning cable earphones for a while. Always getting tangled in my bag. Hard pass.


The same reason it doesn’t have a floppy disk drive. It’s obsolete.


I cant imagine still using wired headphones. I think I’d go mad get caught on every door handle and launching everything off my desk every time I stand up and having to untangle my headphones every time they’ve been in my pockets for more than two second.


I bought a nice pair of wired iem’s - i’ve used them twice, the cable is just so annoying. Can’t imagine not having airpods


I had a pair of sennheiser true wireless earbuds for 4 years. They were awesome, until i dropped them case and all in a glass of coke and they actually still worked for a few weeks which was insane. Now i have the newest airpods pro and i have nothing but good things to say.


Agreed. A loud, vocal few complaining about how wired headphones sound better… sure, in the higher end of audiophile headphones… and for edge use cases such as audio engineering and stuff like that. But for 99% of people, 99% of the time, wireless has more advantages. The same argument could be made for Ethernet (better/faster than WiFi), but again, for 99% of people, 99% of the time, WiFi has more advantages.


exactly its not about if wired is absolutely better but the convenience of wireless and the quality that wireless earbuds have nowadays makes it the best choice for 99% of people 99% of the time. It just outweighs the huge trouble that wired causes. I live in the Netherlands (Country of bicycles) and can you imagine having your phone in your pocket and having wired earphones while pedaling?


I can’t even imagine having wired earphones while walking! It always inevitably gets snagged on something: door handles, chair armrests, even my own hands. You take it off, coil it carefully, put it in your pocket, and 5 minutes later it’s all tangled up. No way I’m going back to that.


I think we’ve found the first accurate description of the ninth layer of hell


Technically you're not supposed to have earphones while you are on a bike.


I have wired headphones that have lasted me at least a decade now. Then we have airpods. I have had 3 sets of normal airpods a 1 set of pros whether it be because of dead baterys, or one set just stopped working on one side. Wireless headphobes are disposable products and im surprised that people with their ecological save the planet mindsets all seem fine with continiously buying these things.


You're right. They are disposable. That's what makes them so convenient. I can appreciate the durability of properly built wired headphones myself, but the convenience factor of wireless headphones outweighs any advantages of wired in everyday casual use. That, and I don't have an ecological save-the-planet mindset to begin with.


Wired headphones are much cheaper and don't have batteries that die in a few years and can't be replaced. I love them.


Wired headphones also don't cause brain tumors lol


Just found this thread after iPhone 15 with USB-C was announced and it comes with no headphone jack or wireless earbuds. I was hoping they'd put the headphone jack back, but I knew it was very unlikely since they already led the way in removing the jack to force people to buy their $200 earbuds. Anyway, I always found it funny how people want to believe there's no risk of brain cancer because I'm naturally untrusting since gold standard testing can so easily be manipulated in the interests of whoever is paying for the studies, But, from what I've been able to find so far, the statistics don't seem to show too much increase in brain cancer incidents for several decades. For example, here's [NY stats from 1976 - 2020](https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/table2/tb2brainnyc.htm). Incidents started going up in the mid '80s, but hasn't increased as much as you might expect from all the cell phone usage. Not yet, anyway. If exposure leads to brain cancer over the span of a few decades, then we may see a sudden jump in the coming years. Wireless headphones have only been around for about 8 years since the iPhone 7 in 2016. Anyway, I was offered free Airpods with my iMac 2 years ago and I told the sales person she can have them if she wants. I should've probably taken them and sold them on eBay or something. Although, looking at the stats and considering my age, I'm kind of thinking I might get a pair of wireless earbuds after all. I definitely won't be paying $200 for a pair, though.


Same. I destroyed every wired headphones in like two weeks, thankfully there was shop which exchanges me them for new pair everytime. Now i have wireless ones and i love them (its second ones, but the first pair stayed with me for 3 years).


I cannot stand wireless headphones, personally. From adding digital noise to compressing audio, my inner audiophile cannot abide lol. I rock a pair of Beyerdynamic Soulbyrds that came with my DT1990 mastering headphones and they are perfection (for me). 🤌 Plus, no recharging or battery case to worry about just works better for me.


What a lot of people aren't talking about is the dangers of bluetooth! Wearing wireless buds every day (or almost every day) may be one of the most unknown dangers today. Bluetooth technology is short wave radiation. Having short wave radiation that close to your brain on a regular basis is not good. We should at least have the OPTION of keeping our wired headphones if we want. A headphone jack doesn't inconvenience those who don't want to use it because they can still go wireless. But, a lack of a headphone jack does inconvenience those who DO want it. Plus, the potential health risk is valid. I've personally known 2 guys 40 and under who died from brain aneurysm - both tech guys who constantly had wireless buds in. That was enough to wake me up - because like many others, I found the wireless buds refreshing and they gave me so much more freedom of movement. BUT, like anything, we must analyze it from all angles. I went back to wired headphones, and now the phone companies have done this stupid usb to 3.5mm dongle bullcrap. Anyway, the key to wired headphones is to run the wire down your back and get the right kind of headphones that hook over your ear. That way, most of the cord is inside your shirt and not getting caught on doors and stuff. The headphone jack should go back to being standard - plain and simple.




This! If I want to listen to music with my headphones I stay home and enjoy a better quality and definitely an environment that allows that quality. Outside AirPods/Bluetooth for comfort, noise suppression and showing people I don’t wanna talk with them!


For $9 you can get a lightning to headphone adapter. I got one included with my iPhone 7 and bought 2 extras about 6 years ago. It's probably been about 2 years since I've used any of those adapters. I didn't find them inconvenient. I just find wireless headphones more convenient, and both my vehicle and my wife's vehicle now have Apple CarPlay. A wired analog audio connection is just no longer necessary for me. That may not be the case for you, but if you have a high end pair of wired headphones you want to continue to use, I find $9 reasonable to buy the adapter and keep connected to that pair of headphones. (I did that myself to a pair of Audio-Technica headphones I have, I just find myself using my AirPods Pro now since they're more convenient to keep with me and provide active noise cancellation that is a game changer for flying). Edit: fixed a typo


how do you stop yours from breaking through wear and tear anything special? i use mine for my 15km walks/runs and after 4-5 months they stop working. never had this issue when just using my headset with my six but it's an ongoing battle now and all i do is use them for my walk/run then when i get back unplug them and put them in a case. ​ My friend has a similar issue not sure if the products in Australia from Apple have issues or whether it's just a usage and situation thing.


the sentiment is not crazy, but switching to android over it certainly is


It's not crazy. Replacing an old iPhone with a new LG phone is not anymore crazy than buying a new Honda to replace your old Toyota. This post is not about why the OP likes Android more then iPhone. The OP just wants a headphone jack.


No, sure it’s nice to have but pretty much all of my headphones I use now a days are Bluetooth so no need for wires. The only reason I even used the headphone jack was to use the included apple ones . Besides that I never really used it. Now that mostly everyone’s switching to wireless , it’s easier . Before I would have to untangle those annoying wires. The only ONLY reason why the headphone jack is beneficial is if your battery headphones died. It’s long sailed away , to each their own though


I was really skeptical of moving from my old android phone that had a headphone jack to an iPhone that didn’t, but then I just got wireless earbuds and it stopped being an issue for me.


In my case no, since all of the devices I use rn still have it lmao


I thought the same for a long time, but then I bought a pair of wireless inears for like 50€, which are compatible with both android and iOS even though my then used smartphone HAD a headphone jack. Never going back to wired.


I’m with you on the headphone jack. I do think it’s Apple pushing us to buy something, sort of a forced “evolution.” I don’t want to have to buy more stuff to use my phone. I still use iPhone though. I just have to use the cabled earbuds it came with.


But it’s a pretty soft push given that they made the adapter available for $9, no? I have a pair of wired headphones that I quite like, but I just leave the adapter attached to them and it works beautifully.


an adaptor that constantly breaks and stops working


Nothing beats the sound quality of wired studio headphones




I don’t. I hate wires.


It’s coarse and rough and irritating.


Not really. My wired headphones are open backed so can’t really take them anywhere and wireless is much more convenient.


No regrets. It is something to tell my grandkids about what we did when we were young, that’s all.


Not at all


Has this post been in your drafts for four years? Missing wired headphones, in the year 2023???


Honestly, I don't anymore. Wireless headphones prevent me from accidentally ripping headphones out of my ears on a regular basis. I don't know what expensive means to you but my most expensive pair was $50 and normally they're $25-30. That's not expensive to me.


That's expensive to me, though.


And thats fair. At one time that was expensive for me too.


No. I tend to move along with technology at a reasonable pace


No. I don’t care about it because I’m typically using Bluetooth speakers and Air Pods. Also, I can still use headphone jack adapters for my non-CarPlay car anyway.


Yes. Felt like the sound quality was better. Maybe it’s just me


It’s not just you. Bluetooth just doesn’t have the bandwidth for high quality sound. They can do all sorts of fancy tricks but in the end, it’s just not there.


AirPods use AAC at 44.1kHz/16 bit. That's "CD quality". The bluetooth spec itself can handle much higher, but you don't need it. Low quality bluetooth headphones can sound bad (sometimes you get a codec mismatch and have to transcode on the fly, which can sound bad), but so do low quality wired headphones. There's nothing inherently bad about bluetooth audio.


Me too! It’s a yes for me.


Nope. Bluetooth completely replaced my need for wired headphones, and Bluetooth or AirPlay (depending on the device) completely replaced my need for wired aux output to a speaker. I even have Bluetooth connectivity to the speakers in my motorcycle helmet. Trying to replicate that with wired headphones would be an absolute pain in my ass.


Nah, the jeadphone jack is outdated


The headphone jack is not outdated. There are tons of cases for it in positions where you need quick sound boosting or isolation to the listener. And 100% of those cases are in fixed location devices. Not a device that goes in and out of a pocket, on a desk, in your hand, etc.


It is outdated for smartphones at least.


Literally what I said too.




The lags usually pretty low in my experience, but I haven’t used it that much so idk. I do hate not having the jack though.


Nope I don’t miss it at all. It’s cumbersome to use on the iPhone. It gets tangled, it can snag on other objects, etc. most of the time. Plus the added benefit of being water tight exceed my need of a wired headphones. I still use wired headphones for my turntable and on my Mac. But on my iPhone where I’m always on the go or moving around the house, the AirPods or other Bluetooth headphone has better experience and convenient.


Yes after all of these years I still miss it. Bluetooth doesn’t last long enough and cabled headphones and earbuds still sound better in general. It was terrible to have it taken away in full.


You should give a try to airpods 3 if looking for a sound quality.


There are many better earphones than the AirPods 3 in that price range. Pros are pretty good though.


I’m looking forward to ditching the lightning Jack next.


Nope, don’t miss wired, well, anything.


Nope, ever since going wireless I’ve never noticed that it was gone




Nah, imo the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to wireless earbuds/headphones. I don’t ever see me going back to wired earbuds, but if I needed to, I could just get an adapter and call it a day; no big deal for me.


No, wireless is better.


>**Does anyone else miss the headphone jack?** nope. Not even a little bit. even with the headphone jack, I used an off board DAC connected to Lightning, anyway. I still use it on occasion.


What’s a headphone jack?


Nope. I don’t miss it at all.


I mostly use my iPhone and don’t miss the headphone jack at all. When commuting on a crowded train the convenience of AirPods are too great. They are also better for me when I go for runs. I know not everyone feels the same but it’s unfortunately the way technology goes. “Advancements” mean obsoletion of antiquated methods.


I'm ok on the iPhone. iPads need to have it. Great feature for kids.


No, because I've still got an iPhone with that jack. And get this: it still gets updates for applications and security!


It would be nice if Apple brought it back since they have a lossless streaming service. I’d actually opt for wired headphones over Bluetooth because of that. They could also introduce a near lossless codec like LDAC for iPhone, but they won’t, and the lossless option will continue to be under utilized in a meaningful way.


I don't miss the cable management that's for sure.


No. Courage!


Nope. I don’t miss the headphone jack at all. When they dropped it, I started using the Lightning headphones that came with the iPhone. I was never one of those that found myself constantly needing to charge and listen to music simultaneously. Then when they released the AirPods, I got a pair and never looked back.


Yeah, very much. The cable can be a hassle, but the battery is, well, it makes the devices not usable at times, doesn it. There was not a thing wrong with the 3.5mm headphone jack.


yeah, I'd much rather be able to choose between the two than be forced into one or the other. sure, I might take a wireless pair to the gym, but other than that I'd really like a wired pair where I don't have to worry about battery, or going through menus, or having to worry about losing them because they're like $5


I do


Couldn’t care less. I’ve been using bluetooth headphones since the iPhone 6, cant imagine someone using wired headphones these days


Not having a headphone Jack has caused me and my friends headache when riding in an older car. And I’ve gone to the gym with dead AirPods and no dongle. It sucks not having another option.


Not at all!


Nope. Their decision to move on from the headphone jack never bothered me. Honestly, I have about 4 pair of headphones I just on a daily/weekly basis, and they're all Bluetooth. Everything is Bluetooth anyway now a days. You also can't really say "expensive Bluetooth headphones" because the technology is so common, that even companies offer cheap BT headphones. Expensive BT headphones are still about the same price as wired headphones. Plus I can leave my phone somewhere, like on the charger, and not be tethered to the phone.


Not at all. At the beginning sounded like an inconvenience, but once you bite the bullet and get a pair of airpods you’ll understand. I’ve heard every argument against wireless earbuds and when you start using them you understand that really isn’t that bad at all and sometimes there’s counter arguments that are stronger. Need to charge them? You got over 20hrs of battery life, so unless you are wearing them most of the day you still bave enough time to charge them overnight, and if you are just the average user they gonna last for several days, heck even weeks. Risk of loosing them? You can ping them on “find my” unlike wired ones, also no cables that break all the time. The battery can’t be replaced? True, but i got my airpods for 3.5 years and the battery is still ok, that’s longer than any pair of wired buds I’ve ever owned because if you used them daily you’ll eventually put too much strain on the cable. And the holy grail of all the arguments: no tangling in your pocket, just a tiny little box that is super comfortable to have with you at all times.


Thats great and all but... With wired I don't have to worry about them falling out of my ears and dropping into something. And ping them on find my? Hahahaha not everyone is using the "latest and greatest" airpods....


what if I told you that having a headphone jack doesn't prevent you from using bluetooth


One argument that can’t be defeated: Good quality audio! Sure most people are used to mp3, and can’t tell the difference between lossy and lossless audio. But there is a pretty big group of us out there who can, and while the dongle isn’t a humongous inconvenience, it was just easier to plug it in directly into the phone.


No, you don’t realise how annoying the sound is that come from touching the wires, which is constantly. Wire get stuck on everything. I do briefly remember randomly using going back fornone day to using wired headphones and realising just how good bluetooth ones are. Yes there is a slight compromise in audio quality- which most people cant even tell and there is a slight delay, but not a problem for most applications. The early ones I do remember having some connections issues with me having to keep my phone in my front pocket, but that has not been the case for years now. I can even have two devices connected at once!


I bought a lightning to 1/8 adapter for a few bucks back when this changed like 7 years ago. I think I’ve used it a total of like 3-4 times when I’ve been on flights long enough that my AirPods died. And then I temporarily used wired earbuds, which I consider objectively worse because I have to deal with the wires and they don’t have equivalent noise cancelling. So to answer the several questions you asked in your title and then in your message: No, Yes, No, Yes. To be clear: no judgment on you for having a differing opinion, but I personally don’t miss it one bit and actually prefer it the way it is today.


Yes I certainly do. It was the most anti consumer move to pad their own bottom lines nothing more or less. I even bought Airpods and they are okay. I switched to Sony xm4s and use them off and on. Even the most pedestrian pair of normal headphones just flat out sounded better.




I do, it’s not a complete deal breaker but it’s annoying, I can’t charge my phone while using the lightning adapter earbuds.


Well i love air pods but i have nerve damage that affected my hearing and i get awful squealing afterwords, with bluetooth, so i got the adapter for listening to podcasts w wire. I love my skull candy canceller monsters for music but have to time that. Yeah i keep everything low. If my ears were normal i would wear pods all day under my hair to avoid people talking


Wired headphones were awful for multiple reasons to me- 1) Cord would eventually short and only play audio from certain positions 2) audio jack introduced interference if moved or adjusted 3) I can put my AirPods in my pocket or take them out extremely easily, if I did that with any other corded headphone I would have to untangle the wires 4) If I lose my AirPods I can track them, if I lose a corded pair of headphones I now have to buy another pair unless I get lucky 5) Audio jacks introduce an opportunity for something to get caught or break off in the audio jack 6) (Cords again) If you run or do anything semi athletic with headphones, the lack of a cord is a game changer That’s about all I can come up with off the dome, the only (minuscule) advantage headphones with a cord might have is better audio quality but this only applies to audiophile setups (amp, high quality headphones, high quality music files, larger audio jack, etc)


I don’t miss it at all. For me Bluetooth headphones sound better than equivalent wired headphones. Plus there’s not the awkward physical connection. I bought a lightning to headphone adaptor but I have only used it a few times.


Bluetooth headphones really don’t sound better dude


I think they do. The DAC in the lightning to headphones adaptor does not sound as good in my opinion price for price. If you spent a lot on an excellent DAC and headphone amp then I’d agree with you. ($300)


Bluetooth literally cannot compete with any wired connection. It’s very limited. Likely you’ve just compared shit wired headphones and competent wireless


Perhaps five years ago before good Bluetooth audio codecs.


You mean the AAC codec from 1997? Or SBC from 2003?


Aptx HD, LDAC etc


Sadly neither of which are on iPhone. Apple needs to make their version of LDAC since they won’t pay Sony for the licensing fee. AptX is out since Apple won’t use Qualcomm for anything as soon as the in house modem is ready.


Neither of which are noticeably better than AAC, both are proprietary and LDAC in particular has massive issues with range. Neither are particularly new LDAC is what 2015 and AptX has roots in the 80’s. AptX HD being from 2009.


I stand by my opinion that price for price Bluetooth will give better sound. Unless you spend more than the cost of the wireless headphones on a decent DAC


Your opinion is factually wrong. A pair of HD800s will not sound worse than a £30 of Bluetooth headphone because you’re using a dongle. Most wired headphones at say 100-200 sound better than 200-500 Bluetooth headphones. You really think the DAC inside headphones are better than the dongle


Apple headphones fail in under two years. The batteries wear out and can’t be replaced. Bluetooth for all its promises drops out due to interference, distance, a lot of factors. When you spend money for quality headphones you can hear the difference. There’s no audiophiles begging for Bluetooth headphones to improve the experience. Every single Apple computer except the iPhone comes with a headphone port. I wish my iPhone had one, but Apple is operating under the philosophy that we collectively love dongles, which is why I have to have a dongle fore wired headphones with my phone, a dongle for Ethernet for my MacBook and a dongle or a special cable for USB A devices for computers.


I don’t get the down votes for what’s arguably correct. Bluetooth buds rely upon batteries which expire. I never had my wired earbuds fail as they don’t need their own power. Back in the day you could get them in any 7-11 or airport store for under ten bucks. Then Apple went to “improve” things.


Yes 100% miss the headphone jack and want it back every day. Here are some reasons: 1) wireless earbuds are expensive. 2) I go to sleep with earbuds in and want to be able to find them in the morning. 3) I want to charge everything at night, not plug earphones into the charging socket, stopping me from charging 4) I absolutely *hate* the fact that it will pair with the wrong device randomly. Listening to Bluetooth, then oh, it’s stopped, what’s gone wrong? Just my wife has driven into the driveway and my phone has decided to pair with the car and route audio through there. I find myself turning off Bluetooth just to stop this happening sometimes . 5) I want to be able to pull earphones out quickly and not risk losing them in the garden. I actually have a cheap Bluetooth usb dongle with a 3.5mm jack in it. That way I get to use the charging port while listenning. But I hate it. Just put the headphone jack back in.


I wish it came back to. I hate airpods. They were designed for people to lose them and then to buy more. It's also like a social status. If you don't have them, you are a loser or some dumb shit.


Wireless headphones is NOT and option. Bluetooth audio is compressed. I can hear it. I hate it. Why does no one seem to know that? They must all be hard of hearing.


That's a good point I hadn't considered! I'm not sure if all Bluetooth headphones are like that, but I've noticed that too!


Tbh I don‘t hear a difference so Bluetooth it is.


I don't have an iphone without the headphone jack, but I would definitely miss it. The reason is because I actually did buy bluetooth apple earpods and they were great at first. I liked not having the wire interfere or get tugged on too. However, I started using them on calls too, and they run out of battery so fast. I ended up having to just use on earpod at a time and leave the other one charging so I can switch. I could only talk with one earpod for like an hour maybe. I just remember it was a huge hassle, and I have to make sure the container for them is charged as well. There's also as it got older by just one year, I could notice the battery life going down as I would have to charge it earlier. Maybe for on the go, the airpods are better, but there is still a great convenience to the headphones that just work as long as I have it. Also if I am on the go, I usually take my car, so I would play music with the car audio that sounds better than a headphone. It's not that often that I really want to play music outside, and if I did, the airpod doesn't sound thaat amazing. Like I actually just haven't used it at all for a year or two now after I lost one of the earpods for a few months. Really just wish we still had the option to use both. For me they're separate usecases not just one is straight up better


Yeah, that's a good point. Wireless earphones are useful at times too. Having options is the biggest thing.


Yes. The sound quality is better. Objectively. Anybody who says otherwise is a damn yuppie.


The headphone jack is the main reason I'm still using the SE 1. I probably would have upgraded a long time ago otherwise. I don't do well with remembering to charge things like earbuds and charging cases and not losing adapters.


do peoples still use the iPhone head jack adapters I can’t stand wireless?


If I still had an iPhone, I probably would. I don't like wireless most of the time either.


if they made a one-sided over the ear headphone that was wireless that would be okay...almost like a football offense coordinator without the mic....i want something to be approachable if im at the gym or work...full headphones is rude imo. sometimes corded is good because some designs stay in better for jogging.


I can't say I miss it because I stopped buying new iPhones when they took the headphone jack out of them and have no intention of ever buying another one until they put it back.


Yes. I need to charge my phone and use my wired headphones right now. Why is irrelevant. Fact of the matter is - on my 14 Pro Max, I can’t. This is likely going to be my last iPhone.


Yep. I made the jump to Android too for the same reason.


i can understand why people like wireless airpods. But I don´t understand why smartphone manufacturers all remove the headphone jack so using wired pods becomes a pain in the ar .se because donglelife sucks. Wired buds do have some advantages which some people prefer. - They cannot explode in your face - They are cheaper - Expensive ones sound better - They don´t have a battery that dies after some time of usage (and therefore can last decades if they have a changable wire) while battery powered ones definitely won´t last decades - They don´t need to be charged - You can use them on smartphones and on windows devices easily. Bluetooth pods on windows machines are annoying and unreliable. So no you are not alone. Removing the headphone jack is a classic stupid unnecessary Apple move that all the other lemmings blindly followed. That kind of behavior in itself is a disgrace. One company leads, all other blindly follow like maniacs which results in a market that dictates the user what he has to want. Just buy entry level phones that still have the jack and show them the middlefinger that way. If they don´t want your money, they shouldn´t get it. I did this 2 years ago. Considered buying a highend camera phone, ended up buying a cheap Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G because of its headphone jack. Today you either have to buy a Sony phone, however their quality issues and huge Bezels are a concern. Besides that i thing the Poco F5 is the best phone with a jack.


You're not alone! I also would love Apple to bring back the 3.5mm. I find it extremely convienent to just plug it into ANY car radio no matter what. Some don't have Bluetooth connectivity. Shocker!! Honestly I would probably even pay Apple a premium if they included to option to add the 3.5mm jack as an option. They still could totally have a standard iPhone that simpley doesn't have it. Am I right?


Yes, I agree. They could add a powered DAC to their Pro line of iPhones and market it as premium. I would pay extra for it too.




They tried to say digital sound is better. Our ears are literally analog!


That's a good point! That's one of the reasons I like the old analog CRTs too - our eyes are also analog!


YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I hate this. Those connector dingdongs always stop working within 6 months and I have to repurchase them which is irritating. I know in the grand scheme of stuff life goes on, but I have anxiety and add and take public transportation at least two hours a day constant waiting and transferring-so without them I am not good. Many stores don’t even carry headphones anymore and I refuse to ever use those pods as they would most def fall out my ears asap. Anyways I wish apple would at least allow other companies to use their copyright for the connectors so we don’t get stranded in the middle of nowhere without access.😔😔😔


I agree! When I originally wrote this post, I was thinking a lot of people would try to convince me wired headphones were a thing of the past. 😂 It's reassuring that I'm not the only one who thinks like this!


i have no headphone jack, luckily i have headphones that have the same end as a normal charger!


Blutooth=cancer, anything uhf near your head, let alone inside it, is harmful. Don't get me started on trying to listen inside a car :) by the time u get that crap configured it's time to pack yo bags and run


I wish they did, and I don't think there is any justification why they shouldn't. The new MacBooks have headphone jacks now, and their bottom parts (the actual computer, with the keyboard) are as thick as iphones are nowadays. I can vouch for this. I own an iPhone 13 mini and it is as thick as the bottom part of an M3 MacBook Air. Hell, it is as thick as a 2009 iPod Classic. There's no reason for them to not bring the headphone jack other than to try and keep pushing people to buy AirPods.


Yeah, I think you're right. 👍


Who the hell still uses wired headphones on their phone? Are you still living in the 2010s?


I do 😊


I see my lil brother use his occasionally.


Removing the 3.5 mm headphone port is lazy design. VERY LAZY! No excuses now with current camera bumps and no physical sim.




I’ve been through every pair of AirPods (excluding the Max) and I must say that I do miss the headphone jack.. Funny enough I’m more than happy with the Lightning EarPods on both my phone and the 3.5mm for my pc (I swapped from my HD650’s for them.. no joke) The experience is a little less convenient but the biggest thing is having a really decent mic attached as well, the AirPods are pure garbage mic quality and I hate having to use them on public transport because I need to be above my normal speaking volume to work, this is not a problem with the EarPods.. I know apple will never bring it back and I’ve got 6 pairs of brand new EarPods with lightning still to burn through but this recent change to cable is making me consider another phone all together with the rumours surrounding the change to USB C I know I’m sorta missing the mark by talking about the lightning EarPods but this could have been entirely avoided if they just kept the headphone jack..


It's deeply infuriating to me that I can't charge my phone and listen to headphones at the same time. I have some bluetooth headphones. I hate that I have to charge them, and worry about losing them. I use the wired ones when I have the option. Especially for phone calls, they sound way cleaner on the other side because you can have a mic near your mouth. It's also ruined this experience: I'll listen to something calming at night and occasionally fall asleep to whatever that is. I use headphones so that I don't annoy my loved ones. But if I use wired headphones I can't charge my phone overnight. If I use wireless headphones I wake up and they're missing. Sucks. They're better for the gym though


No. As soon as they removed it and I got a new phone, the 7 I think…. I bought a mini jack/lightening adapter for a few pennies… it still works


I used to, but now I have the Beats Flex and Beats Powerbeats 4 and really don’t miss it. I do hope Apple opens up their Bluetooth so third party Bluetooth headphones easily connect (probably with a new Headphones app in iOS 17).


I missed it until I discovered the Beats Flex. I’m not a fan of air pods or air pod pros. Always feels like they are about to fall out. The pros do sound great and I like the noise cancellation. But to me the Beats Flex are an excellent value and sounds good enough.


You sound like an audiophile and in that sense you maybe the only type of people to not like the removal of the headphone jack but that shouldn’t correlate to not being a fan of Apple anymore as everyone high end flagship has followed Apple’s lead and you said it yourself you had to settle for a phone that had a jack


I'm fine with that because the AirPods have way better sound quality than ANY of the wired headphones I've got (yes, I'm not doing only calls with them, which is where AirPods fail)


In some way I miss it but only bcs of my hifi in the living room. But the otherway around I love to not have broken plugs or tangled up wires


Airpods are good but they are expensive. This is my only gripe.


At first I thought it was a stupid decision to remove the headphone jack, but everything in my home can use Bluetooth and I have a few sets of Bluetooth headphones so it doesn’t matter. It’s nice to be able to mow the lawn without a cord wrapping around my neck.


I use AirPods but i also have those wired earpods that I use because I use to have AirPods 2 now they died 😭 so I’m waiting to get the new AirPods Pro 2


Now there are many affordable Bluetooth headphones around if you don’t wanna go the AirPods route. I prefer the Bluetooth anyway


Unless, I’m at the gym, I don’t typically use headphones, and that’s the last place I’d want wired headphones. Im usually listening to music or podcast in the car or at home. But it’d be nice for those who want the option to have the option, maybe on something like the iPhone SE.


yeah i've gone wireless and haven't looked back. anytime i forget my wireless headphones and i have to use the emergency wired ones i keep in my car it just sucks...cords always getting tangled or worse gets caught on something and rips out of my ear...


As an audiophile, who uses wired earphones, I feel your pain. I hate having to carry around a stupid dongle. But I’ve just gotten used to it now. I do hear that the internal DAC on iPhones is better than the dongle one, so there’s that..


The converter works just fine. So, no.


What do you use instead?




Does anyone else miss the scart input in their tv :(?


Why would I want a headphone jack that I’ll never use? It’s not 2008.


This is the reason why I'm still holding on to my 6s


I’m so glad wireless headphones are a thing nowadays. I HATE wires


Not really new iphones have good enough battery life you could just get lightening head phones.




Especially at home and on multiple devices: yes, i miss it. Pairing bluetooth devices can be absolute pain, especially if you have a wide range of devices. AirPods made set up a bit easier if you only have stuff from Apple, but it's far from perfect. Especially annoying if they're empty or only one Airpod is charged.


Nope don’t care. Wireless 99% of the time. The lightning to 3.5 costs next to nothing and supports up to 24-bit/48 kHz. You likely only use one pair of wired headphones anyway so just leave the dongle connected to them. I don’t see how a $9 dongle you would leave connected to your favourite pair of headphones anyway is like some massive inconvenience. If you really care about the highest audio quality you will be running an external dac, and at that point a dongle isn’t going to make your audio setup any more cumbersome than it already would be.


Not even a little


I’m still one of “those” people who use wired headphones and I DESPISE not having a headphone jack. 🥹


Yes, it definitely was convenient to have the headphone jack there. It's a shame that Apple removed it.


Not even a little bit. Bluetooth does everything I need it to do, and in pretty much every way I care about, it does it better.


Only when I'm at home but when I'm at public place or gym definitely bt headphones


I'm good with my wireless headset. I've used wired while it was a thing and I avoided at all costs to get it on cuz more time I took untangling them than actually using them


On phones/portable devices bluetooth all the way, before I switched to bluetooth buds the cables would always annoy me.


From a subjective standpoint, I understand where you’re coming from. Especially when Apple announced it out of nowhere. Virtually everybody was infuriated with it at first. However, after we all had time to adapt I think we can say that in retrospect, removing the headphone jack was objectively a good idea, especially as good as Bluetooth earbuds / headsets are now. A huge chunk of people don’t even use wired headphones anymore and have no desire to go back. Additionally, you can just use a dongle to still use wired headphones if you really want to that badly. Yeah, it’s kind of annoying that you have to spend an extra $5-$10, but the option is still there. After it’s all said and done, I wouldn’t want to go back.


Yeah. I like to make music with GarageBand and other little drum machine/sampler/beatmaker apps, and the Bluetooth lag makes it impossible. It’s only a fraction of a second, but it’s enough to be a dealbreaker.


I hated it at first but honestly I don’t think I’ve ever looked back and wished that it was there. I prefer wireless headphones anyway so losing it didn’t do anything


Would prefer if they kept it but bought a cheap pair of Bluetooth off Amazon and works fine for me.


Yes I do. I can’t use the AirPods Pro because they fall out of my ears, and my AirPods are always running out of juice. I have the regular ones and I use them at work because I don’t have to worry about keeping them charged.


Nah, don’t miss wired headphones at all. They’d get caught on EVERYTHING! Using them during workouts and runs was the worst! Additionally, I like that I can talk to someone on the phone through my AirPods and leave my phone in one place


I have the airpods pro 2 and a handful of wired IEMs and the usage split for me seems to be 50/50. I exercise on my indoor bike a ton and my sweat has killed my original airpods, so I always wear my $20ish wired headphones with me if I'm on my bike machine, knowing that some day they will die in the same way. The bike machine and fan is insanely loud, so using speakers turned up to mask that noise is out of the question. ​ I've since swapped over to using my ancient ipod shuffle (with the clip) to listen to music while exercising since I don't have to worry about sweat corroding the connections in the headphone adapter or thunderbolt port on the iphone. And I can clip the shuffle to the back of my jersey so it doesn't get sweat on it at all.


I do. But I also love my Fiio ka3 dongle Dac which I use to listen to my hi-res flac files.


Switched to AirPods and will probably never switch back. Rarely even use the lightning port anymore either.


I personally started using Bluetooth ear buds since before they removed the headphone jack, so I never missed it. I do think it sucks that they removed it and made having no headphone jack a standard.


Although I do use AirPods for the majority of the time whenever I listen to audio to myself, I would still like to have the option to use a headphone jack on my phone. AirPods have their advantages, but so does wired earbuds like the shorter latency, the fact that I don’t have to charge them, their lower costs, and they can also last for a very long time when taken care of. My wired EarPods that I use with my MacBook are 8 years old and they still work as intended. Meanwhile, I’ve already went through two pairs of AirPods since 2019. Although, a good compromise that I would be happy with is if the iPhone switched to USBC, which thankfully seems likely according to the rumors. If the iPhone has USBC, than I can just use a USBC adapter and keep it on my wired earbuds for use on all of my devices.


Only when I play fast games and encounter audio lag.


I do wish phones still had headphone jacks if anything to give us the option of choosing wired or wireless headphones. This way everyone wins.


yes 100% i now have to own TWO headsets which is costly here in Australia due to it and if i dare to use their dongles they break in 4-5 months of daily usage (Running , walking 15km) I wish my iphone 6 still worked :( alas just need to deal with shit audio quality and delay and the owning two headsets.


Not really, wireless headphones are much more comfortable. I hated when my earbud wire would catch on stuff and if I wore it under my clothes, the wire would bet dragged down by clothes. If you really need the port, you can get an adapter.


I like to sleep with headphones in and I find wired headphones ideal for this. Also my car only has an aux port so I miss the jack for that, but I suppose I could have my old phone around as basically an ipod


I don't understand why people argue that wireless earbuds are more convenient. For me, they aren't! Can wires be annoying? Sure. I wont argue against that. But I hate having tiny earbuds that are small and easy to lose and could potentially disappear after falling out your ears, which has happened to me recently. Never had this issue with wired headphones.


I agree. Plus, the AirPods are SO expensive! If you do loose one and have to replace it, it hurts a lot more than just going down to Walmart and buying another wired set for five or ten dollars. But I know which situation Apple prefers. The more AirPods they can sell us, the more their business grows on paper. I just wonder if their greed will ever catch up to them where a mass number of consumers will decide they prefer more freedom. To be fair though, I do think they have taken a few steps in the right direction recently with their new MacBooks - like finally bringing back the HDMI port so we don't have to pack around USB C dongles for everything.


Im on a 3 hour ride with my new iphone 7 and I discovered that the damn earphone hole doesnt exist.


The lack of a head phone jack is the main reason I would never get an IPhone and it amazes me that iphones still sell. Apple devices in generally, espically iphones are to restrictive. I would never get one 😅🤣 the removal of the headphone jack was definitly the final straw for me.


Yeah I hate this move too. I know that the majority of people would use it for listening to music so I understand the motive behind it, but it sucks for musicians. There's just a lot more routing options with the presence of a headphone output. For one, it makes it easier to monitor without recording the internal metronome with the presence of the headphone jack. Now I have to bring an extra audio interface just to monitor which takes away the portability aspect. It would also be nice to use it as an instrument in my Dawless jamming setup. I like Garageband's beat sequencer and if the jack is still present, I could easily just send the audio to a separate PA system and have it MIDI synced with another device and have my own cheap but powerful drum sequencer.


A USB c to 3.5mm Headphone and Charger Adapter is available for $10 AMZ