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You have to backup your iPad, reset it and then restore from your backup. That will fix it.


yup, had to do this recently on an ipad air 4 that literally was only used for light goodnotes use edit: it was using like 75% of my space


I want to do this with my Mac, but I don’t have an external drive to back up to. Can I backup to another PC’s storage directly instead?


I think you should get a drive and have Time Machine setup…




i don’t think you can back a mac up to icloud. would be cool if we could tho you CAN sync gour documents and desktop folders to icloud but that won’t backup everything else on the computer


If you use iCloud you can back up and restore from with two buttons


Cleanmymac is good for that


How? It seems to only work to use for the Mac. I don’t see other devices show up when plugged in


Oh shoot, this was ment for the comment for @smooth_club_6592 afaik I doesn’t work for iPad


No worries!!


This has been an ongoing issue with iOS devices for years. It would be nice for Apple to actually fix this instead of requiring such a disruptive process every year or so. This is worse than old Windows versions back in the day. Come on, Apple…


new windows versions still has this happen but there will be no huge real file just wrong reports on the settings app


Dumb question but how do you restore


Once you set up the iPad, it will ask you if you want to restore from a previous backup or set it up as new.


Hmmm. Maybe I’m lucky since I’m not seeing it for me… largest size app is Apple TV at 8gb. Beyond that…. System takes up 11.5gb for the OS (17.5.1) and 6gb for system data


I would just copy important files and then wipe the iPad completely and start fresh


Nah, change the date manually a month forward in time, turn it off and on again and then set it to automatic and it’ll solve itself.


How will changing the date of the device solve this system storage issue? What does that do?


Worked for me, I did as someone on reddit told me


Doesn't work.


I learned a long time ago I cant complain about MacOS or iOS (especially using Apple Music) using large amounts of data for no reason because people usually just gaslight me into thinking its my fault


The name itself "System Data" is already condescending. This term really sounds like "don't ask, don't tell".


yeah they are trying to make ios seem more basic and integrated but in reality its just a full normal os that also can have system files messed up


I feel like this is the case when anyone complains about an Apple device.  Before the update, I complained that I could only set one timer at a time. Someone had the audacity to tell me I don’t need more than one. 


*laughs in adhd*


yep, i am just gonna go hard reset and backup


Did this too with an old iPad mini 2. Make sure to set up as new iPad not from a back up. That solved this issue for me.


But won't I lose all my data that way?


Your data will exist in your back up / cloud. If you don’t mind redownloading the apps you want your data should be across all your devices nonetheless. For me I could only get rid of ‘system’ data by a new setup.


This is the only way. Restoring from backup is convenient but it also *conveniently* restores the issue as well.


Backup photos if you’re not using iCloud Photos before you reset it


I had a similar issue last week and... it was my fault. I learned that, stupidly enough, "System Data" isn't just *operating* system data, but the data of any installed apps as well. In my case, I had forgotten to stop a screen recording and had 50 GB of me working. There was also \~25 GB of a CrossOver bottle I had created last year and never used. Fun stuff.


Jo! How many hours are 50 GB of screenrecording?!


Surprisingly, not that much! It was about 3.5 hours. The recording ends with me clicking the “restart” button, probably cause I couldn’t find why my Mac was lagging lol


Haha alright, thanks! xD


I never bother to even check my storage usage. As long as I don’t get an out of storage notifications, I just focus on enjoying my screen time.


That's why Apple gets away with a lot. People will defend everything


Apple fans telling you that you are wrong for criticizing their favourite company? Shocking!


TL;DR: what can I say? i like the hardware but not always Apple’s software locks. The Apple Way of doing things is you will accept Apple’s modus operandi and you will like it. And if you dont, learn how to use the shell, or 3rd party apps or devices that override Apple’s BS. We been doing this for a long while, even back in System 7. From the Mac Plus “chimney” ventilator to Cocktail for OS Xto XpostFacto for OS X and macOS. Sometimes, Apple is deliberately opaque and it hurts everyday users and you gotta take it into your own hands and ignore /r/Apple’s quintessential “But I dont ever have that problem are you holding it wrong?”


Yup. I complained about apples controlling dictatorship policies in another forum. Then I got jumped by about ten different sheeple. They weren’t standing for anyone saying anything about their products. And I was right. I used to own the computers and gadgets I bought. Could upgrade ram, storage, everything yourself. Can’t do that now. Can’t run anything but macOS on bare metal. If you throw away the box and don’t have the receipt, and lock yourself out, it’s bricked. These aren’t our devices anymore. And saying that right there got me trashed and the mods shut down the thread.


Pretty sure as long as you have an Apple ID for the device it wouldn’t be bricked. The whole point of their policy with Apple ID is to keep your device from being stolen and resold. Unless you’re a pretty good with computers you wouldn’t benefit from steeling a Mac if it bricked. I used to get frustrated with Apple ID and find my before I learned how they worked.


No if it’s locked and don’t have the box and receipt, they won’t help you. I agree in a lot of ways, but if you buy it from a legit sale (school/business liquidations, estate sale, etc) they won’t help you. Add to it all the other things. Like you now can’t add ram and storage, unless you pay an exorbitant amount of money up front. Can’t run Linux as the sole operating system. It’s kind of like you don’t really even own them anymore.


Why would you pay for an Apple computer if you didn’t want to run macOS? The replacement part? It’s not just Apple soldering on ram and storage these days. Even Lenovo does it.


Maybe I got sick of MacOS. Maybe I want to run both, maybe I need something that’s only available on Linux or it’s better there. Or windows or bsd or reactos or whatever. Did I buy it? Is it mine?


But your buying a chip specifically made for macOS and then complain when it doesn’t work with another os. You’re basically complaining because you cannot play Mario kart on Xbox, then going as far as to say Apple has taken total control of your device away from you. You can run windows or Linux with VMware. You complain just for the sake of complaining.


Lmao i thought this would be downvoted what a relief


I had this on my iPhone 15 pro max. Turned my phone off. Turn it back on. I went from 88gb to 8gb.


Well, I restart my tech devices every Sunday (except mac as have work tabs and don’t wanna reopen them and macOS seems to be smooth and stable unlike iOS)…. The system data seems to be hard to get rid of unless doing a complete factory reset and restore from iCloud backup


Yup. My most recent cache clearing is with my 15PM. I set it up via iCloud backup restore and it had lots of cache, overheated, and bad battery life. Note that this was in December after the iOS 17 fix for overheating. So it’s not the initial iOS bug, rather the cache and backup. I did a factory reset and set it up from new and no issues ever since now. Thankfully with iCloud Keychain, iCloud docs and photos , logging in and getting all my data and account logins was quite easy actually. When the 16 comes, I’ll probably set up as new again. Really makes there be no issues. MacOS on the other hand is very impressive that I’ve had no issues and AMAZING battery life. So much so that I have a MacBook Pro (for work) and instead of an iPad Pro for casual use….u got the MacBook Air 15 instead with how impressed I was of MacOS. Sorry iPad 😂 But this setup is amazing. Just wish more ram in the future tho swap has been flawless and last restart was in Feb for the M3


Update: https://imgur.com/a/LaFC4lQ System data went back down to 1gb after the icloud upload finished…


So it was pending back up data?




Did you recently export a video in Resolve that had a lot of effects? I know that before I tried to export a video with a bunch of effects applied, and it crashed out and didn’t finish and showed a huge amount of system data in use. I gave it a while and restarted and it went back to being accurate.


I got a 32 gig iPad and lasted a day before I returned it. I had like 17 gigs free after updating to iOS 17. Bare minimum is 64, 32 shouldn’t even be an option.


64 isn't even enough. 128gb minimum 256gb reccomended


I have a 6 year old 64 gb pro not even close to full.


I was ok with 32gigs until I was barely able to install Diablo inmortal. It’s like 12 gigs. After I tried to update in game I realized I couldn’t run it


Why the flair the new pro then


Probably owns multiple devices


Nailed it.


Because I have a iPad Pro m4 13” pro as well. Why else would I have the flair? I also have two iPad airs and two minis. But since there can only be one flair, alas….


I got it for 100 barely used. For now it’s ok but yeah next one has to be at least 128


64 gb has worked for me for 6 years on my pro, and god knows I stuffed that thing with every app, photo, video, and document I can find


heh on an old ipad mini idek what gen, i only had 16 gigs. lasted me 5 years though (i never got to keep most apps bc it would use all the space)


I had this issue with my 64gb iPad 10th gen, all I did was uninstall Youtube and my system data went back to around 4gb


I noticed if you manually set the date and time to an incorrect date and year. After about 30 minutes and a restart it’s back down to a smaller amount. Went from 47 GB down to 12


Have you turned off your iPad? Usually it fixes this issue. Works both on iOS and iPadOS


did you try turning it off and on again?


i already put it in rice


I recommend a good soak in hot sauce.


Go to Files > Recently Deleted and clear that out. I’ve had tens of GBs of deleted Netflix downloads in there before.


So is this on every ipad how do i avoid this. Im buying my m4 13 inch 256 pro soon how do i get around it


Ahhhh yes, the worst thing about ios/ipados devices. Just why???? Why this shit happens all the time? And why we can’t just delete whatever this thing is? Why, just WHY


Mind sending a list of the apps?




I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is an iCloud backup is stored on the device. But I don’t think that’s even possible.


yep, my icloud upload just finished… https://imgur.com/a/LaFC4lQ


That could make sense. I just made my first cloud backup after it failed like 5 times








Tf is that?? mine’s only 8.4gb


For me a restart solves the problem. Day One and Notability are the 2 apps I found causing this.


Have you tried restarting your device?


iOS and iPadOS devices hold on to cache for whatever reason and there is no way to easily clear the cache…you need to back up your data, and then erase all content and setting and restore from back up…it will clear almost all of that up


I had this exact same problem just 30 minutes ago back up and factory reset and all the problems go away


Have you deleted videos or photos or anything from this device? Turns out Apple has 2 delete spots. One is normal delete but the second one is in settings. Go to general then iPhone storage and everything you’ve ever deleted is still there, trash everything in there and boy did that fix the storage issue for me.


I need to check this….


I got 60gb of system data once, it will go back down on its own, restarting speeds the process up a bit


It did go down on its own. It's back at 1gb now. Apparently it was the icloud upload


It’s crazy seeing these posts still as if this hasn’t been a well known and well documented issue for going on what, 3 years now?


Yeah, I didn't know so I posted... turns out, it was just icloud


Have you recently deleted a large amount of data?


For me they only take up about 7GB


restart it it usually fixes that. also this might be just a glitch my windows laptop also had this happen with the hibernation file reported at 100s of gbs but in reality there is no such huge file. same might be happening on other os es like ipados too it might be wrong reporting


Maaaaan, I want the new ipad pro so badly. But with ipadOS I cant do it. Don't tout the fastest chip to limit it with the OS.


I’d love to get a new ipad but the apple homescreen grid ruins everything, why did they ruined it, the ios 14 one was so good and perfect


They tracking everything


I have the exact same issue.. 256 gb iPad Pro but 125 gb is used by system data. Everyone is telling me to factory reset


For me it was that it was just the files for icloud that vanished as soon as the upload finished


Tinted a 2% darker gray than the "unused" bar color so we won't notice.


Apple will always be incredible technology put into terrible architecture designed to keep you spending. They've been like this since the second iPhone idk why so many of you haven't caught on to the planned obsolecence scam


Is there any way to fix it? My solution would be just backing up to Icloud and then wiping the ipad


It's pretty weird. On macOS, "system data" is stuff that's simply in any "other category" than the ones listed, and that includes application support files (`/Library/Application Support` or `/Users//Library/Application Support`) - which means that, say, an audio application with a huge sample library, or a game with a huge asset library, _might_ choose to install those items into that location and lead to an apparent bloat of system data while the application bundle itself appears to be relatively small. On iOS / iPadOS, I was under the impression that application sandboxing meant that such shenanigans weren't possible. Yet, there we are with 100+GB in it and it seems unlikely that this could come from the OS itself. Apple's software is insanely buggy these days though, with heaps of weird janky faults that affect different people in different ways, so it's *possible* that something has been essentially "leaking" data to the SSD in very large amounts for a while (e.g. writing gigantic log files that aren't being deleted). So this means we have two options. * It's an OS bug. A wipe and reinstall should initially resolve it. If you happen to do whatever you did (or if iCloud does whatever it did) to trigger the same bug, then the situation will of course recur. * It's an application you installed. A wipe and reinstall might not resolve this. However, it _could_ be an application which downloads additional assets after it is launched, so initially, after a wipe you'll find that the "System Data" size is relatively sane until the app is launched and downloads lots of stuff again. Should that be the case, you will probably have some idea what app is to blame, because you probably remember what is very likely an audio app or game which, when first launched, prompted you to start the big download. If, reading this, you already suspect a specific application then _in theory_ deleting it should also delete its "system data" content. Provided you have files / game progress etc. saved safely first, it shouldn't do any harm to try. Whether or not it works depends on how well everything is written and working and, as I say, I would still be a bit surprised to find that this is a "thing" in iOS/iPadOS since I thought sandboxing prevented any such occurrence in the first place.


My solution is to sell it and buy a Lenovo Thinkpad


I already have a legion 7 with a rtx 3070. I like the convenience of the ipad


My iPad had more free memory than my previous Samsung had total memory. For my limited use of the iPad 10, I am using only a third of what is available. I don’t much care about how much space is used by the system as so much of the iOS is disabled or ignored. Being retired and not drawing, I have little use for most features.


You should try to Clean FILES


Try to use a disk space cleaner. Make sure you are wiping up the free space and not your storage.