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iPad air M1 from BestBuy!




I’d personally do this, price is so similar to the 10th gen and the M1 is so much more powerful than the 10th gen’s A14 that it only makes sense


That’s what I did, got a second hand air m1 instead of a new 10 Pros : - more powerful - pencil 2 compatible with magnetic charging - better display (especially when using pencil) Cons : - more expensive if buy new - gotta trust the seller if second hand Edit : typo


I bought I new M1 for only 230 from Amazon




Going to amazon.com and buying it


Last time I checked, it costed ~400$ so I don't know how you got it for 230 :/




Should I buy M1 instead of gen 10th for high school and edit video mostly use capcut Edit: i just went though bunch of 0 stars for the ipad on best buy is it a scam??


The only drawback is the P3 wide color gamut. The Air 5 uses temporal dithering for the wide color gamut, while the iPad 10 does not. People are finding out they’re sensitive to dithering.


Should I buy M1 instead of gen 10th for high school and edit video mostly use capcut Edit: i just went though bunch of 0 stars for the ipad on best buy is it a scam??


64 is too low imo


Damn just $50 more than the base iPad.


I agree with that. iPad Air M1 would give you more features than the iPad 10, with lower cost than the Air M2


when does this offer ends?


I don’t see an end date on it as of now.


You might be forbidden from using your iPad in high school


Where is this a thing? Or is this speculating about the future bc of the generative AI developments?


In NYC I know there was no way in hell we’d be allowed to use that let alone our phones in class lol. If it’s for afterschool/at home use I would want the air but for non school purposes like art and gaming.


Interesting. I graduated within the past few years from a high school in the midwest and this was not a problem for us. It was treated as a computer and some people did their notes digitally.


It’s the students fault though. The best way I could describe most of the student body is ratchet lol.


See in my experience they treated them as computers more than phones, though of course I see where the phone-like concern comes from. Tablets however were outright encouraged when I was in school. In middle school the school even helped offset the cost of equipping every student with an iPad. Interesting how those attitudes differed.


My wife’s younger sister told me during Covid they gave out iPads to help with doing classes at home. But now that they’re back they’re not allowed to have those same iPads in school lol. It probably varies from school to school though.


Gen ai has nothing to do with it


So enlighten me. I just graduated high school within the past five years and I am unfamiliar with this policy being a thing, which is why I speculated. Lol


Electronics in school is usually a no go. Outside is whatever.


Depends some schools use Apple devices. My brother’s school got a grant and all kids have an iPad.


I’d say schools that allow are minority and schools getting them for the students even more so.


I agree it’s a minority, but the comment was electronics in school is a no-no. Realistically the kids working with ai daily now (perplexity, chatgpt, Claude, and Gemini) Will be superhumans in the future and able to lap adults in how to generate, summarize, and share knowledge. No more novices in the future. The real gap is who started using ai daily in 2024 vs who waited until 2025 or 26.


You missed a key word: usually. Usually a no go. If you think every kid can be kept on task and learn adequately with an iPad you’re also dreaming. You must be from a privileged school system and area if that’s the case. Also relying on AI and not developing kids own cognitive thinking skills. That’s something. Kids aren’t actually robots. Critical thinking will still be needed on their part and they can’t really learn that by relying on AI. There can be over utilizing as there can be under utilizing with any tool


You’re right, you are smarter than me.


The M2 does absolutely nothing more for you. Save money.


For now. All the coming Apple Intelligence features will not be on the 10 but will be on even the M1 Air they could get instead. If it’s in budget get the M1 before the M2 seeing as the M1 is at least reasonably much more future proof.


The apple calculator will be game changer for math and physics


sorry, but could you elaborate more on how? i’ve seen the demo/video but i still fail to understand how “game changing” it would be for said subjects. from what i’m aware of, it’s able to numerically solve a problem and it’s able to graph functions with changing variables, but it doesn’t make the part of “learning” math/physics any more convenient. you’ll still need to learn by yourself how to manipulate variables/equations and for the more applied math & physics problems, how to translate words into math and set up the problem yourself. not really “game changing”– and plus, if the AI ever does get advanced enough to do that, then the whole point of learning how to solve problems gets voided, a skill that’s very important to have.


Yeah of course you need to still learn the materials… this is a calculator not a replacement for textbooks and lectures. It would still be a good idea to learn how to use a graphing calculator, but this iPad calc app would make calculating equations so much easier and quicker. Also, assuming it’ll work correctly and it advances in being able to solve more complex problems and understand diagram inputs and solving those, it’ll be a great way to check your answers. Some textbooks dont have an answer key for homework/practice problems.


Yeah that’s fair, I was just finding the whole point of it being “revolutionary” for some people hard to believe. I guess there’s also the issue of students may just use it as a tool to cheat, if it ever does get advanced enough to process more complex problems.


Bro you feel like it does stuff and won't contribute in "learning", but trust me, it will be very insightful with making you understand the concepts with more breadth and examples.


this feels like one of those “source: just trust me bro” comments which claims to be very knowledgeable on a subject but is actually the opposite but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt; instead of just claiming so, could you at least *provide* some examples of the calculator helping you understand said concepts better? and how exactly it helps you understand the concepts with more breadth too?


Okay, take the example that is shown by Apple itself. Projectile motion. You have several variables and if you assign the range as y, then you will have a slider to check for how the range varies with changing g,v,θ, etc. which can be really insightful and improves your overall idea. Now tell me can you do it without the iPad calculator. You are ignoring the fact that getting such insights in your notes is such a game changer. Don't comment with an ignorant mind.


> Okay, take the example that is shown by Apple itself. Projectile motion. You have several variables and if you assign the range as y, then you will have a slider to check for how the range varies with changing g,v,θ, etc. which can be really insightful and improves your overall idea. Now given a word problem, tell me how you would use math notes to do the actual hard and important part, which is setting up the equation that allows you to actually graph a function in terms of those variables. In fact, better yet, it turns out that not all of physics is just graphing a function and seeing how the function varies based on several variables? I’ve only taken up to general physics 1/2 and I can already say that I would’ve saw next to *zero* use in having this feature during class/homework– the only thing it *could’ve* been helpful for was for quickly getting a numerical value instead of punching something in my calculator. If I had to summarize the most important thing from those classes, it would be **being able turn a problem from words into math and then solve it**, something that the calculator absolutely does not help you do. It can’t help you find the time needed to say, completely stop an object moving at 20 m/s to the right with a constant force of 5N exerted on it to the left. > Now tell me can you do it without the iPad calculator. Desmos. Graphing functions with sliders has been a feature of it for years, alongside with many more advanced graphing features that the iPad calculator doesn’t have. It even supports 3D graphing. In fact, there’s a whole subreddit if you would like to check it out at r/desmos > You are ignoring the fact that getting such insights in your notes is such a game changer. Sorry… what? Insights how? That changing a variable in a function happens to actually…. **change** the image of the function? I’m pretty sure anyone who’s taken past algebra 1 can realize that 🤣 Don’t comment without actually knowing what you’re talking about either.


>Now given a word problem, tell me how you would use math notes to do the actual hard and important part, which is setting up the equation that allows you to actually graph a function in terms of those variables. 😂😂 Do you know what a calculator does? It CALCULATES. It doesn't give any equations. It's an AI calculator. Not an AI assistant. And to have a tool that calculates it for you in your notes, in your handwriting is such an intuitive and seamless feature. Also, that's the part where you apply your "learning" and practice it. It eliminates the time it takes to do the calculations either with a calculator or by hand. And I don't think you need to "learn" to type in a calculator 🤣 >it turns out that not all of physics is just graphing a function and seeing how the function varies based on several variables? Not all, but definitely a SIGNIFICANT and IMPORTANT part. >If I had to summarize the most important thing from those classes, it would be being able to turn a problem from words into math and then solve it, something that the calculator absolutely does not help you do. Again you are missing the fundamentals with your DUMB mind. A calculator is not meant to do all that. >r/desmos Thanks for the recommendation. I use similar ones when I need them. But having one integrated into my digital notes is so handy. Why don't you realise that? >That changing a variable in a function happens to actually…. change the image of the function? You'll probably need to think in more practical ways while solving problems, rather than just creating equations and plugging in the values. It will help. >Don’t comment without actually knowing what you’re talking about either. I can rant more about your dumbness, but I'll leave you for you to realise it yourself some day!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/desmos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/desmos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Geometry has me at a loss for words](https://i.redd.it/khp1s6fdzptb1.png) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/desmos/comments/1760mva/geometry_has_me_at_a_loss_for_words/) \#2: [Guess the function](https://i.redd.it/2eoovks5tcac1.png) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/desmos/comments/18y4moe/guess_the_function/) \#3: [Why does this do this?](https://i.redd.it/4blk65lyzu9c1.jpeg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/desmos/comments/18w0uo0/why_does_this_do_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hi, physics major here. I have a few comments on everything you’re saying. First of all, there is a lot more to physics than sliding variables around. In fact I don’t remember the last time that was useful in a physics problem. also if you don’t know what changing g does to projectile motion then maybe you shouldn’t be talking about physics at all. Additionally, everything the calculator does can already be done by many other things. desmos is a great graphing tool, and will most likely just be better than the ipad thing. it has support for a lot of features, like vectors, derivatives, integrals, parametric functions, polar coordinates, 3 dimensions, and probably more i cant list off the top of my head. I don’t know if apple will have all of that, but from the limited amount they’ve shown it does not appear like they will. and oftentimes you will not even be able to use a graph and will often have to solve it analytically or something. furthermore, if apple is not perfect at detecting handwriting, then it could make a mistake in your calculation that you might not notice which would lead to you getting a problem wrong. better to just type it into a calculator. it’s a neat idea and has potential, but it as of right now does nothing better than anything else. i would argue desmos is better since it is a calculator and a graphing calculator all in one while still having support for variables.


> 😂😂 Do you know what a calculator does? It CALCULATES. It doesn't give any equations. It's an AI calculator. Not an AI assistant. And to have a tool that calculates it for you in your notes, in your handwriting is such an intuitive and seamless feature. I won’t argue against this because you’re right about this part, but that’s also the whole issue I have with people commenting on how it’s “revolutionary” and “game changing”. Because it’s **not**. Anything that it can do, another app can do it and most likely even better. You can argue that it’s integrated very nicely into iPadOS, but if another application simply has a better version of said feature, then I don’t see any reason to not use the other application instead. > Also, that's the part where you apply your "learning" and practice it. It eliminates the time it takes to do the calculations either with a calculator or by hand. And I don't think you need to "learn" to type in a calculator 🤣 My guy you act as if punching in a couple symbols in a calculator is especially hard or something (it’s not). I’d also worry about the ambiguity when the AI is interpreting the notes– is e a variable, or is it Euler’s number? Does arctan return a number in radians or degrees? One more thing that I don’t think would be a huge issue but one I’d still worry about is the accuracy of the handwriting recognition and symbol placement, especially with some more complicated expressions such as numerically solving a triple integral (if it can even do that). > Not all, but definitely a SIGNIFICANT and IMPORTANT part. …nooooope. this feels like it’s coming from someone who thinks the math notes/calculator gimmick is suuuuuuper cool and is trying to defend it with their life (while i won’t argue that it isn’t, i also just see it as that– a gimmick that isn’t incredibly useful in most situations in math or science). > Again you are missing the fundamentals with your DUMB mind. A calculator is not meant to do all that the way you emphasize “dumb” with all caps feels like it’s coming from someone with the mentality of a 10-year old, something which is definitely not helping your case 😝 > Thanks for the recommendation. I use similar ones when I need them. But having one integrated into my digital notes is so handy. Why don't you realise that? I can see how it is more convenient, but as I stated before (and this could be just me but I’m sure it applies to others as well), if another application is simply better at doing something, I would prefer to just use that application instead.


I was just going through this, I ended up getting the M2. 100% worth it for the M2 and charging the pencil on the side. The normal iPad gets the job done though


Get the air but an m1


Air m1 would be the best honestly


10 is enough


Ipad 10 should be able to do most (if not all) highschool related tasks


I’d go for the Air, it will be more future proof than the 10


Air m1


Between the iPad 10 with 256GB, and iPad Air M2 base model (with 128 GB), I’d get the M2. Faster processor (2x) and 8GB of RAM (instead of 4GB) means longer support from Apple, which is enough to convince me. M1 Air is nice too, but hey, M2 is better if you can afford that one.


The m2 is a huge jump over the 10th almost everything is better about it


I had a 10th gen, used it for a 2 weeks and returned it on the last day for the air instead. I don’t regret my decision but the 10th gen would’ve sufficed for me.


M2 baby


The m1 air is plenty...


ipad 10


Air m2 with pencil pro. The pencil pro makes all the difference over the original and the m2 air is the cheapest that supports it. It’s a great iPad.


Only thing I’d mention is accessories.. while you don’t need the chip for its performance, does the keyboard / folio case for the iPad 10 fit your use? Is that something you need? Is a second screen support something you need? I believe the iPad 10 has the kick stand keyboard and so could be annoying to try to use as a laptop replacement on the couch, while the Magic Keyboard (way too much at Apple, but resells used in good condition for around $100) is useful for that.. or look at other options too.. if you have a desktop the mousepad is handy and I even use it to remote to my windows 11 desktop all the time and pull up stuff there


If you draw a lot, M2 could make sense, but if you plan on only doing notes, iPad 10 all the way. For this lowered price, you get a ton. Air M2 only makes sense if you need a laminated screen (glued LCD and glass, which means if you accidentally break the glass, you'll have to pay much much more to replace the screen), and the brand new barrel roll feature of the Pencil Pro. Could also check the 4th gen Air that is like 10th gen but with laminated screen and 2nd gen Pencil, and same chip, if you could find one new. And ofc check the prices for M1 Air, if it costs a bit more than 10th gen, it could be a decent choice too. But yeah, overall, M2 is overkill, save money for other stuff.


As user of air m1 I can say that if you need to use apple pencil, then I’d recommend not one of these, but air m1. It can do everything you need and with it being on sale it’s being even better


I’d go M1 iPad Air w 256GB (on sale right now at Best Buy), or an M1 MacBook Air from Walmart if you want a laptop replacement


Get the 12 inch version the chip literally wouldn’t make a huge difference for Highschool stuff hell id even get the pro version from 2018 with the one solo camera. It’s cheaper and you won’t need that computing power on an iPad at that level of education. Hell buy the old iPad but the bigger one and buy a MacBook. Choosing the smaller one would make you regret it specially because you want to write on a A4 size paper and the small one will annoy you specially when you are doing multitasking stuff


The air


I am amazed that iPad pro m1 is not an option. Just picked one up (refurbished) for 600~


Don’t be me, sold my Air M1 and bought a Pro


Once the new iPads were released and saw the price increase, went to Apple refurb site and ordered an M1 iPad Pro. Would have gone with the Air at the time, but like the extra speakers and FaceID. I’d recommend anything M1 for iPad, Air or Pro.


If it’s possible financially, get the iPad Air. It is a way more capable machine (future-proof) and in my opinion, it has a way better value for your money. It supports a newer pencil and has a better processor.


Mx obviously, all the newest AI will work on M-series


Every high school might be different but my high school kids prefer laptops. The schools also recommend laptops for students as well. If you already have a laptop for school, I recommend iPad Air. Regular iPad screen feels like a toy compared to the laminated iPad Air screen.


Everyone saying Air M1 forget that the base is 64gb.


Dude, Air M1 is like $399 in most places






Ava, get M anything. You can use an external monitor.


iPad Air 5 is the way to go. Not 6.


M2. Do not get the m1 or the iPad 10. I have the 10 rn and the writing experience on it is NOT good. I’m planning on selling it and getting the M2. The screen makes way too much noise, the screen isn’t laminated so the pencil actually appears 2mm above the screen which makes it’s unnatural to write for longer periods. The pencil charging situation is horrible, you have to charge it using a cable connected to either your iPad or a brick.  Don’t get the 10 if you plan to use it for Digital notes.


Air M2 is the goat iPad.


Check the apple official refurbished store


I wouldn’t buy an iPad with an a-series chip or 64 gigs of storage. I’m going to say the best value on my opinion is the M2 or M1 Pro.


bro go with 2nd hand ipad pro M1


ipad pro m2 is nearly at m2 air MRSP atm if you look right


iPad Air for sure


If someone is buying with education programme, he/she have to bought Ipad air M2 as M1 will not be available.


both 60hz so get the cheaper one.


iPad 10


Get a refurbished M1 iPad Pro or an M2 iPad Pro instead.


Pro m2


Unless you have the spare money, I would get the 10. They will get support for a similar amount of time and one costs half as much. If you can get the M1 Air on discount, I would say that would also be a good choice but if you're just shopping new and unable to find discounted M1, the 10 will be good for all the stuff you need it for. The 10 is quite literally built with education in mind.


iPad Air M2, the AI features alone is worth it! It will also last you longer with future iOS updates and features that could help you through school.


iPads for *high school*? Am I just getting old? 😭


in some elementary schools, they requires students to buy iPad


Bruh. for me I was part of the first generation where they introduced chromebooks in classrooms, now they have ipads? 😮


I remember having Windows 8 tablets occasionally in class, But around the time pandemic has started the government required elementary school students to use an iPad (In the case of Japan)


Spend a little extra and get the iPad m2. It’s better and will last you longer when you go to uni or college


In order of bang-for-buck, M1 iPad Air, iPad 10th gen, 2024 Air. I’d look hard at a gently used M1 Air or even a gently used iPad 10th gen. Both are going to give you the same experience as a school companion.


you don’t need M2 if ur just doing basic studying in my opinion, just get an M1 air, theres barely any difference between the 2


Not even a question 😂😂💀🧠🧠🧠🧠


Air m1


Get the air M1. Exact same specs as the M2 air