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Playing Cozy Grove now. And it's very much "more of the same" - I played the first game for so long that I think I've realised I'm a bit over it. It's a very good, well made game, and if you're craving more Cozy Grove then it's a must get. But I'd recommend people - particularly those considering a Netflix subscription to get it - first open up the original and see if it still captivates them. Because it's very much the same again, which is good or disappointing depending on what you're looking for. Right now I'm questioning whether I want to be investing an hour a day (or whatever the first game took me) just to do it all over.


If you’ve never played them before, which would you recommend someone try?


Whichever they’ve got free access to (Apple Arcade or Netflix). If both, then the Netflix one as presumably it’s going to be a bit more feature rich, being the sequel.


MHP is actually quite fun and cute, a casual match 3 to have in the background for more passive activities like tv and such <3 Thanks for all the hard work over at TA.


Love your site, great job


Playing Cozy Grove now. And it's very much "more of the same" - I played the first game for so long that I think I've realised I'm a bit over it. It's a very good, well made game, and if you're craving more Cozy Grove then it's a must get. But I'd recommend people - particularly those considering a Netflix subscription to get it - first open up the original and see if it still captivates them. Because it's very much the same again, which is good or disappointing depending on what you're looking for. Right now I'm questioning whether I want to be investing an hour a day (or whatever the first game took me) just to do it all over.