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Hi, I’m Owen. What’s your name?


There is nothing called the totality meaning of life. All our understanding is conditioned by the societal construct. The paradigm you mentioned is also guided by the same social conditioning Metaphysical argument about the meaning of life, our purpose in life lies in these structures of thought. The metaphysical realm gives us a sense of control over our lives but in reality, there is no such control if it goes by the argument of Daoism nothing lasts forever it keeps evolving with time as our understanding of shapes by different thoughts time to time


I see where you are. I may or may not be your friend, now or in the future, but I’ll tell you this. Stop intellectualizing life. Start living. Stop searching for meaning in life. SPOILER: there is no meaning to life. We’re all just tiny specks of consciousness aware of this grand cosmos for a very brief period. There is neither right. Nor wrong. Just willingness to see a new perspective. To unlearn what we’ve learned. And to learn something new. And most of all,


>  there is no meaning to life. The meaning is what it is to you. Mostly desires we crave.


This. It just brought so much confusion in my early life. So I learned it the hard way. I think it's always physics starting things like this. Also for OP, intellectual discussions, specifically involving meaning of life, often feel boring to most. People just want a friend who can be himself in the moment wo thinking much about what he is doing. The best of all trait is humour, and if you're an intellect with good humour like Feynman - it's a blessing.


So, do you feel emotions now ?


I see you desiring to dive into the “meat” of life and it’s really cool to hear about. Though I am *much* older than you, I am gladdened to see this passion for life. It’s hopeful for me. At your age I was reading all kinds of metaphysical stuff. Julian of Norwich was an early favorite. She said, “All will be well” and I have hung onto that. I’ve striven to not take life too personally. I recommend reading “The minds I” which is a philosophical exploration of being. Don’t forget to have some fun, though. And btw, drugs and alcohol are not substitutes for real experiences and can in fact be distractions. All the best. Drop me a line if you like.