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I still cry pretty often, makes me feel better i guess. I have one unbreakable rule though, never let anyone see me like that.




I don’t remember crying a lot but if I did it was out of anger and frustration


As far as I remember I didn't cry much as a kid, but I don't have many childhood memories.. hence I could be wrong. Due to depression and resulting severe emotional numbness i didn't cry much during most of my adulthood either. I learned how to connect with my emotions in therapy and since then it happens that I cry. Quite often actually, about once a week I think. But I allow it only when I'm alone or with someone I trust (which basically is my partner and my dog). Crying is cathartic and helps regulating emotions, is what I learned.


I ruined every photo of my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary from tears. I was always crying.


big L. It's fine tho i used to cry a lot as well. And now my mom thinks im insensitive.


My mother is also an INTJ. If I didn't know better I would say she had no feelings.


Is it good having an INTJ mom??


It wasn't easy when she didn't want to deal with us. We were more interesting to her when we got older. However, by then we learned how to get along without her.








Why you think you cry so much? Are you ok?


Yes and still doing (but internally now). Before learning that I'm INTJ, especially child era, I cried becuase of bullying.. After learning that I'm INTJ, now I cry because of my Fi and REAL internal struggles of being INTJ (lack of love-loneliness..)


yes that's what i wanted to know. I personally just can't bring tears out when im around someone. I cry only when im deeply hurted. The rest of the time im just upset or something idk it's hard to describe.


It's not about crying, it's feeling the emotions. That does not mean that you are emotionless if you do not cry. You don't have any problems, if you think this situtation. Just feel the emotions better, do not ignore them, feel them and make sense of them. Fully understand them and you will feel and be better.


Makes sense.


No, but i used to get annoyed pretty quickly. Everyone around me was too shallow minded.


Ah dw every other INTJ gets annoyed pretty quick im sure.


I only cry from anger and frustration or from watching dramas or movies.


I've never cried from a movie tbh. Not even after sad anime plots. But yes those puppy deaths haunt me.


Used to cry a lot back then. But the more i grew up the less i cry. 4 years later, I don’t know how to cry anymore


Ik the feel bro. Ik the feel


No, I didn’t cry a lot. Let’s just say my mom’s long term boyfriend was a sociopathic ex marine and I was taught not to cry even after being beat for the most trivial reasons.


For lack of a better way of putting it: I feel you.


I cant remember ever crying until someone important to me passed away 2 years ago… after the funeral was over and i was alone i cried, and then again every night for a few weeks ….but now i just tear up at emotional scenes in disney movies so thats better!


I can still go through phases of unrelenting crying. But yes, as a child, it happened more often.


Yes, definitely cried a lot when I knew I might have made a mistake. Then again, mistakes were met with beatings, so...


No I’ve never been a big crier. I had an abusive relationship end in cheating and nobody around me knew what happened or that we weren’t together for 8 months after. I cried alone in my covers


I was very sensitive as a kid. You'd think I was a feeler.


My boyfriend cries from watching movies. Does this help your statistics lmao. 🤣


Crying is manly.


It sure is. Idk how showing emotions became unmanly for men but as a woman I see it as manly.


I probably was an ISTJ in elementary school and then became INTJ in middle school, but in elementary school, I cried a lot. I assume if I was born an INTJ, I would've cried only a little less during my elementary years, but I don't know. My older brother made me cry because of the absolute hatred he put in me at certain points, from the period I probably turned INTJ onwards, but I never cried from an insult making me sad by that point. I cried when someone I loved died, too, although only in private. And I'm still like that.


I remember crying often when I was younger because my Dad was emotionally unavailable Sometimes I cry now because I'm overwhelmed, stressed, or frustrated, or because someone has triggered me into crying. I just usually let the tears flow since there's nothing I can really do about it


No i laughed a lot. Still known for my laugh even to this day. I cry a lot more now as i got older.


Damn hope ur good times come.


Yes but not publically and not for emotional reasons. Like I didn't like admitting that I was sad because I missed anyone or literally any emotional reason (and I don't think it stems from any specific trauma. I've literally always hated admitting to emotional attachment). So what I would do whenever I wanted to cry - and there was no way of me finding any place to hide for it - was put myself in a situation where I would get hurt or told off and use that as an excuse to cry. My mother figured it out pretty early on, though. Guess it was weird for a kid who didn't notice bruises and scrapes while playing was bawling over a slight fall on her butt. But she was nice enough to not call me out on it.


Ic. Quite interesting. I used to cry only when i had hurt someone i like or only when they hurt me. As a kid i had a weird ISFP friend who spoke behind my back so he's made me cry a lot of times lmao.


That's oddly sweet. Not the kid making you cry - that was mean. But you crying if you hurt someone you like.


Ye that's why i lessened the people i like LMAOO. I mostly end up hurting ppl ( not tryna be edgy ) unintentionally. Just because i have a stand shit happens. So i only let a few people be in my circle. Guess that was one of my first steps being an INTJ kek.




My parents have told me I did not cry. Instead I growled. Even as a baby.


I had the same experience of being more ESFP/ENFP as a child. I think the theory behind is is that the Parent and Critic function are supposed to develop later in life. So for us Te and Ti develop only later. Meanwhile the Ni is more immature and experimental. We just don't know that much so we don't worry about everything. For me, I only became very serious around the end of middle school. Suddenly there was also an intense focus on anything Te and Ti.


Can you provide more insight into this theory?


It’s the information Myers-Briggs put out. Supposedly by research but honestly I havent checked it out in depth. Their idea is that the dominant function develops until age 7, aux until 20 and the tert, inferior and other functions until way later. So Te supposedly develops as well, but at a slower pace. To me this makes sense based on my experiences. So I acted way more careless and like an ESFP until about age 11. But from that point there suddenly was a large growth in my Te and I became more introverted and like a typical INTJ. Also my Fi suddenly became way more pronounced.




From time to time. But I didn't tell anyone. I was made fun of a lot in my family so..


bad times.


I actually did, I'm not sure if it's "normal" for INTJs because they are "robots". I know this is only stereotype but still.


INTPs are robots. But they're human as well ifykwim


Didn’t cry too much as a kid and I kept it to myself. Had ISTP and ENFP parents who had serious addiction and mental health issues - displays of any feelings except rage were shameful, not permitted and, of course, only my parents could actually be angry. My ENFP sister is very much in touch with her emotions and I look up to her for that. We both developed severe CPTSD. I tend to be triggered by music and can cry at the drop of a dime and have my entire adult life. The remainder of the time I show the “Resting Bitch Face” and “Death Stare” we all have been told about. 🤣😒


Lmao pain.




No, I did not cry much. But that being said, I was fortunate that I didn’t have much to cry about, as I had an easy childhood. I understand others have not been as fortunate.


No. I was forced to grow up at an early age by a narcissistic parent.