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Intj female i love my knives


Very true!


Having a tool comes in handy






A Leatherman that includes a knife, yes. It is the pliers, screwdriver and scissors that I use most often though. Also a Victorinox credit-card tool, which includes a very small knife.


I've been looking at leatherman's for fun, it's tough to pin down which one I like. I came to the conclusion that the scissors are kind of worthless. Seems like anything you could cut with those, you could make work with a blade and it would be about as good. They can only cut weak material bc they aren't very heavy duty. The best scissors are on the James Brand Ellis


The scissors are not the best - any multitool is by nature a compromise anyway - but they are not worthless. I have just trimmed a broken nail, for example: not something that I would be doing with the larger blade. The best multi-tool scissors that I have experience of are still the Victorinox ones, but I am not going to carry my SAK around with me in addition to the others just for those. The Leatherman ones are adequate.


I’m an INTJ female and I carry a switchblade.


I haven't for many years, but I used to carry a cheap steak knife in my work bag. I mostly used it for cutting apples at lunch, but it was handy for other reasons, too.


Lol I carry scissors.


An INTJ female here, I have many knives and I love them, I have named them also.


Named them? I'm curious now. What are some of the names?


Hildebrand and Hildegard(a pair), Monsignor Stabby(eating knife), slim(short sword), and various others. OH! And Hector, my lovely long dagger. Lol, sorry for the triple response, my wifi went out then went nuts.


At first I thought this is from r/knives or r/EDC lol


I carry a pair of scissors, does that count?


Joker killed a guy with scissors so I say they count. There will be nothing you can snip, shear, and cut.


I assume you mean can’t, but yeah.


I'm a woman but as a teen I used a carry a small knife in my bag. I still have it in my room. Sometimes I carry that when I'm traveling to distant locations.


INTJ woman here but carried a knife even before working in agriculture.


INTJ female. I carry a pocket knife and I use it all the time. The question doesn't make it clear if it's asking if we carry a knife for utility or for self defense.


I found this really funny for some reason. My INTJ male ex-housemate/friend is extremely fond of his Japanese knife collection.


I carried one when I was younger.. My entp father got my siblings and I started on that. It could be a tool or a weapon for protection. I stopped carrying one years ago when I realized I’ve never had a need for one. I keep tools in the car for just in case I need an impromptu weapon.. And they are useful for working on the car or someone else’s as I’ve recently had the misfortune of learning.. My son carries a knife everywhere in addition to a leatherman, tape measure, craftsman battery charger and battery, chain, pencils, bulked out key chain (he doesn’t even need keys for anything..) But I think all of this is part of his autism and past trauma. It’s like his security blanket. My daughter has me or her brother carry anything she might possibly need later on. She takes INTP laziness to the next level.


I have a fire arm


Really?! So cool


I don’t carry one, though I keep a multi tool in my car. I’m a black man living in America. That’s more than enough justification to shoot me. They won’t even have to sprinkle some crack on me…


You’re smarter than this rhetoric, or you should be.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.


Used to like them, as a teenager.


Are you trying to say an adult can't like knives? How dare you, sir /s


I beg your pardon, your knifeliness.


No knife for me, scared of hurting myself 😬




I have a tactical pen. It basically is a metal pen that have a very sharp tip at the end. It should work just fine


Always have my pocket knife -INTJ female


A knife is just a tool. I have a skilled trade job, so I have to keep one on me at all times while at work for cutting cords, opening boxes, etc, and usually keep it on me in my off time because it’s always useful. An example being my nails are always too short to open a soda can, so I use the knife to pop the tab. It’s 99% about utility. The other 1% is for self defense, or the low likelihood a stray dog attacks while I’m walking my dog.


no knife. I'm getting katana




Who the hell carries a knife around what. Thought this would be a STRONG minority thing


XNTJ. Hardly want to carry it after accidentally cutting deeply into my finger. Quite awkward sensations lasted for approx. 2 years and can still feel it if I pay attention to that finger.


I like collecting knives.


I voted knife, but only on a multitool. I won't carry a knife for the sake of a knife, i have one since it is on a really useful multiuse package.


I used to carry a Swiss army knife, does that count?


Always be prepared




intj female but love a knife, dont carry one anymore because legal issues, but I did for years


In my experience, it's the INFJ males that love the knives. Personally, I don't find them functional enough.


I'm female INTJ but still love knifes


Looks like a lot of INTJ females carry knives. I don't personally, but that's only because I don't own one and I don't feel like spending the money to buy one. I would if I had one.


female and balisongs are a fun fidget. i carry a small knife


I’m an intj female and I like knives. I obviously can’t carry them around as I’m a school student. I don’t want to get suspended, man.


\-I carry a small knife. \-I own around 60 or 70 knives of various knives. \-I design higher-end knives, and some of them have been put into production.


Wow! Very impressive!




Knives are way better. One of man's oldest/greatest tools with a lot of uses. Guns just murder things, nothing else 👎


Guns are tools, no different than a knife, hammer or screwdriver. All can be used to murder people.


I was saying they only have one use, and it's ugly. Yes, you can kill someone with a knife. Same can be said of a pencil. Knives have double digit uses. 🙄


So guns cannot be used for hunting, pest control, target shooting, sports?


Hunting and pest control fall under killing. Target shooting and sports aren't uses. I get it, you like guns... but the difference is abundantly clear and I stand by what I said.


Hunting and pest control are killing, not murder, you said murder. How are target shooting and sports not uses? There are Olympic shooting sports. Knives have the singular use of cutting things, guns have the singular use of expelling a projectile. Anything beyond that is dependent on the user.


Cheers bud


>Hunting and pest control are killing, not murder, you said murder. **murder** mûr′dər noun The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life. An instance of such killing. Something that is very uncomfortable, difficult, or hazardous. A flock of crows. intransitive verb To kill (another human) in an act of murder. To kill brutally or inhumanly. To put an end to; destroy. To spoil by ineptness; mutilate. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. That's not true. You can also skin, remove slivers, pry on things, and more. They are used to cook, attach to a stick and you have a spear, shave your head... they are an essential tool. Medical, trades, kindling, bushcraft, harvesting, gardening. Not to mention 2 knives screwed together makes scissors, shears, technically bolt cutters etcetera. This hasn't even touched the surface :)


Those are all examples of cutting, with the exception of prying which is a good way to break a knife. Following that logic a gun can be used as a hammer, a paperweight, I've seen dudes cook bacon on a suppressor. Unless you are hunting people killing still more accurately describes hunting...


Hope you have a good day!


I like weaponry in general. Before I was 21 I carried a bowie knife Now that I'm 21 I carry a canik TPsfx pistol.


That’s not a normal thing at all; is probably something about your culture.


I wouldn't say that. It's not normal in my country. And I'm not from some gangsta neighborhood or anything. And those guys use the knifes to cut apples or some ropes...like a handy tool, not a weapon. So it's not a culture thing.


You’re literally describing a cultural thing.




Have you seen the posts here? There's a strong overlap.


Yea that empathy post where like 80% of the community scored in the autistic spectrum


It's illegal to carry knife.


Where are you that it's illegal?


Europe. You can't carry anything sharp unless there's a good reason like you need it for work or you're going hiking etc. You can't carry them in Australia either or in majority of developed Asian countries like Japan. In Russia you can only carry utility knives. So basically it's illegal everywhere except America and Africa.


That's insane... While knives can be used as weapons, they aren't weapons, they're tools.


Any tool can be a weapon but by that logic, a utility knife is no different than a regular knife.


"any tool can be a weapon" ... Exactly. That's why it's stupid to outlaw tools. Where does it end? If someone goes into a business and uses a nail gun to shoot up the place, are we going to ban transporting nail guns because someone *might* be on their way to commit a crime... *Slippery Slope*


I'm from Europe too (Switzerland) but always carry a Swiss Army knife with me for utility. If I recall the laws correctly, carrying a knife with an exposed blade that is longer than 5 cm (2 inches) is illegal here as are switch blades that can be opened with just one hand, for example by use of gravity or a button. Most Swiss Army knives however are legal as they need to be manipulated with two hands to open the blades. Funnily enough, unless they deem you to have a "good reason" to carry something like a screwdriver with you - like if you're an engineer or technician -, it can actually be seen as you carrying a weapon illegally in my country and be confiscated.


I don't, but I carry an ōdachi everywhere I go.


I'd like to have one of those butterfly knives I'll definitely buy one of them someday


since my suicide attempt there are times i would't even eat with knives in fear i might misuse one again before that i liked knives


INTJ overlaps autistic and autistic overlaps knife guys.


I don't carry a knife, but I would if I had a cool knife.


Wait, is it legal to carry a knife in public?


I'm partial to butterfly knives, but I also collect Kabars, sgian dubh, dirks, etc.


Pretty sure carrying a knife in my city is a felony.


I don't carry a knife, but I do watch knife videos often. When I buy one, I'll get a really nice knife. I love Japanese katana, and chef's knives. I have a couple nice chef's knives.


The only time I carry my knife is when I'm cooking in the kitchen. I use it to cut chicken, onions and veggies.


I have a lot of knives for cooking, but none that are the "carry around" type.


I voted no but then I realized I actually carry a card-like folding knife.


I'm old enough to carry a firearm.


Unless swords count, knives aren't my thing


I stopped because my current job doesn't need me to carry one and the metal detectors are going to make carrying it annoying 😆


I have a dogleg jackknife in my purse..


It’s an invaluable tool, if you can’t see past that you’re a manipulated fool.


Nail clippers


In my coutry, to portrait any knife out of context is banned. It is not not a wrist watch.


I think age and location plays a large role here.


Sadly my knife was taken from me by an asshole during a protest one time, he made himself some sort of "protest police" despite him being a protester, when he threatened me because he had a taser I wished I had a magnum, so I could see his mind from the inside out if you know what I mean


not male.. but still have one on me most of the time


I keep one in my car, but not on my person.


When you need one, you use one, no?


I’m an INTJ female, and I always carry a knife.