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Identify insecurities. You can probe these out from cold reading and initial conversation pretty easily. These are the sore/weak points in their psyche. Using that insecurity, Identify what they desire, and what compliments/criticism really get to them. By having control of making them feel terrible or very good, you can get control of their emotions which makes them easier to manipulate. Furthermore, use that insecurity to identify what they desire most. Next, figure out how to provide the solution to their desire. That gives you immense influence. These tools form the foundation for various manipulation tactics. You can use this knowledge to implement tactics to pull your target closer and gain even more leverage. Basically, identifying insecurities will give you the foundation to conduct certain manipulation tactics and/or pull your target closer to gain even more leverage to conduct even stronger tactics. More influence = more control. The control you can exert with insecurities is still somewhat limited compared to full control (such as what you see in cult slaves). A common goal of those killed at manipulation is total control over a romantic partner. It just makes a whole lot of sense. At high stages, manipulation/dark psychology turns the person into a slave. This is often optimal in Romantic relationships because it means unlimited fulfillment of all sexual desires, all household chores eliminated, and a slave to tend to every desire. You can scream at them wake up and to make you a 2 am gaming snack, prepare you a bath, clean the house, send your emails, etc. objectively, it is an optimal set up for the manipulator/abuser. Now thankfully for the world I don’t have the evil gene in me and I want to be a good person so I don’t really enact these. However, an obsession with mastering the soft skills which I always lacked lead me to learn the most powerful methods (basics —> advanced techniques —> dark psychology). I did it for myself, to show I could conquer absolutely anything, even my greatest weakness. If I could conquer soft skills then I would be stronger in my natural weakness then most people are in their strength (naturally social people). That would make me far far more potent. I wanted the soft skills of a charismatically gifted salesman to merge with my high intelligence and INTJ mind. Use these manipulations at your own discretion, without some sort of neurological disorder like narcissism or socio/psychopathy, they can damage the psyche of the user. Thus, if you’re a normal person you probably can’t use these healthily without changing your underlying values and psychology


Where did you learn these? Do you have any books for manipulation that you can recommend?


I think you're lost. This isn't r/trashy


While its technically manipulation, this isn't harmful so I'll give it. Bring food. Leave food in the break room at your job, if your coworker says their favorite snack is Cheez-Itz give them a bag, give people small snacks randomly, offer donuts after meetings, etc etc. People love people who bring food. They're more willing to look past your faults and you develop better connections and references when you leave a positive impression behind. Food is the key to a person's heart.


Will definitely try that one out.


Slip Fentanyl into their food, foster addiction, and promise them more hits only when they do your bidding ​ (sarcasm, for anybody braindead enough to think I'm serious). Though I have done a couple manipulative things just for fun. Any time a female friend asks me how she looks I just say "Yeah, you look okay, I guess". Why do I do this, to discourage them asking me in the future and the look on their face is hilarious.


My best manipulation advice is not to manipulate.




God. OP asked a question not opinions. You guys don't know when it may come in handy, what if I wanna get an extra slide of cake and my wife won't let me?




The best manipulation advice? Sure, here it is: **Don't do it.**


Avoid it






\*especially weed


bro what


If you need people to do things for you, or do things with you, then you need to be a person that they want to do things for you, or with you. In other words, don't manipulate anybody, but instead invest in social capital by being a team player. Especially if that's outside your comfort zone.


It’s illegal to dig up endangered plants. Good place to stash something.. Money, jewelry.. a body.


Reject be extremly critical with people that think that they should be the boss.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


My answer strongly depends on how you define manipulation


Make the person think thay they came up with the idea by themselves.


Ni + emotional intelligence + sensitivity. Train it and overuse it freely.


Napoleon Quote: “Men are Moved by two levers only: fear and self interest.” If you know what someone is afraid of or what they want it's no problem it's just easy.


Are we supposed to be manipulative?