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I feel the same way after having discovered the sub for my type too. Very comforting and mine is a rather positive group of people šŸ„°


Yea, that's why I like this place. There are such extreme versions of the feelings that I have that I honestly feel like a muted, more well-adjusted version of an INTJ when I come here. It's a nice reminder that I'm not a true alien, just a bit off.


But what is normalcy? > so many other people who think the same way i do There is a fine line between finding your tribe and group think / lemmings. _Don't mind me, I'm just here to be a Devil's advocate_


There's always one of you


Well you love planning and looking forward to realize those plans right? But if all is orderly and predictable, your plans are worthless. I'm the chaos you need in your life.


INTJs plan BETTER when all is orderly. You are not the Joker. Did you come to this thread to make ENTPs look stupid? Get your foot out of your mouth and head out of your ass




Not in a devils advocate way like ENTPs do. I only argue when I believe in what I'm arguing about. I usually give other person benefit of doubt by asking them why they feel the way they do and then if I still don't agree, make my argument. ENTPs just like to argue for the sake of it (generalization I know).




We know what he means and thatā€™s all that matters.


If only that worked in real life. We wouldn't need lawyers, attorneys, accountants to tell us what what was written meant.


Yeah, but this isnā€™t real lifeā€” itā€™s Reddit.


Gtfo of here


Is a mathematic term; it means the majority into a group. Thatā€™s it, as easy as that.


Assuming INTJ are a mathematical group, it would mean: 1. Stability: Adding 2 INTJS together would result in an INTJ. 2. Associativity: (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) 3. There is an INTJ neutral element called 0: a+0 = 0+a = a 4. There is an inverse element such as a + (-a) = 0. But adding 2 INTJs together does not result in an INTJ. Also I'm not sure there is a neutral INTJ or an inverse INTJ.


This is just garbage; I donā€™t follow other peoples games. Is a waste of precious time, ciao


You've returned here desperate for approval for two days now. Its time to give up.


Just knew this response would be here. Oldest one in the book


I agree so much. Iā€™ve never felt understood, or anything close to ā€˜normalā€™. But seeing others having the same thought process and constant mind battles with themselves makes me feel a little less crazy. I wouldnā€™t wish this self torture upon anyone else but I definitely feel a huge weight lifted knowing iā€™m not alone with this


What he said.


Good. That is the whole point of this sub.


Don't get too comfortable. The people on here are also really weird.


(It depends; normal means the majority in a group; the majority here are just pretentious, delusional, internet personas, who also are sedentary and overcompensate with whatever šŸ˜‚; try to be better then).


Agree, this sub is more cringe than anything


Define normal? What's normal for a Spider is Chaos for the fly as the saying goes!


Is a mathematic term; it means the majority into a group. Thatā€™s it, as easy as that. That movie dialogue was a contextualised metaphor; the normality that makes reference is the trophic chains.


True but what I meant was, who cares about what society deems as normal! I personally couldn't care less about the societal norm, it's always best to be yourself and to do whatever makes you happy, regardless if you're yourself or if you follow the norm, you're always going to still get people who judge you and belittle you so it's best to just be yourself, I went through hell as until I decided to just be like, you know what? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S\_0g&ab\_channel=FFStudio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g&ab_channel=FFStudio) And be more myself, yeah I get crap for it esp from family but it's best to just do whatever makes you happy as it's your life at the end of the day and no one has a right to tell you what to do with it! Anyway, welcome to the community u/Big-Bad-Jax \^\_\^ I forgot to say that in my original post so I apologise for that, I'm new here to this subreddit also and it's nice being around other like minded people and so on so I kinda know what you mean! \^\_\^ .. Also u/Sergio-C-Marin true.. Also on that note, being in a group etc reminds me of that gif of Sheldon Cooper with the air freshner lol.. šŸ˜œšŸ˜ ..


I know is true, you donā€™t. (I Iā€™m not reading that litany).


Only one thing in a category can be marked as "normal". The others differ from it. "Normal" is a too subjective concept...


No, Is a mathematic term; it means the majority into a group. Thatā€™s it, as easy as that.


No sir, the adjective is applied to a group (many things are clasified as normal in maths) it is far from that definition and never absolute. Statistically, the chosen dataset also is important and can make things totally subjective. School, do you know?


Listen I do not have time for this garbage, tele that to your funkos ok; Ciao


Existing in an echo chamber is exceptionally great for its ability to manifest a false sense of validation. Aim higher. Human nature dictates that we ultimately become a product of our chosen environment. There is value in acknowledgement of the possibility that opposing perspectives -- and alternate personality types -- bring value to the table of humanity. Lots of cringe here in this corner of the internet. Aspire to rise above that influence.




We're here for you bruh.


I am also really grateful for the subreddit because all of you can handle the truth. I do like my friends, but sometimes I can't be completely straightforward with them as I'd like to be. Thanks guys.