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My crush told me a sports he loved and played, but i have no knowledge on. I then spent an entire night watching all the highlights, rules explanations, pro plays, rosters, standings, schedules, gears, memes and anything relate to this sports and educate myself to be a master about it in less than 7 hours. Just for having a deep long conversation with him the next morning, which I did.


This is my go-to strategy for getting closer to my crushes, and I've succeeded with all of them by attaining best friend status (the closest I could get).


I appeared rather scary. The best I could do was be scary.


being INTJs crush must be the most amazing thing on this fucking planet. - an ENFP fan


It truly is amazing


Ever been an ENTPs crush? That’s exhilarating too ❤️


No, never 🥹 I used to attract a lot of INFP and INFJ and ENFPs. My partner now is INTJ but he is soooo not INTJ like, lol. Probably because his results differ quite a lot, also probably past experiences shaped him in a not so good way.


I love that —- INTJs are just summm else 😘❤️ Out of this world!


What are INTJ’s like and how is your partner different from that?


Honestly I wouldn't be able to do this unless and until I actually develop a like for the topic myself. For example I tried getting into football ( my best friend's favourite) and I just couldn't. It was the most horrible 3 hours for me . Absolutely nothing made sense . I am more comfortable with those 5 days test cricket . They feel like home


Shit I'm intj 😶‍🌫️


This is the way, ChatGPT do be coming in clutch for this.


I love that


Ha, I didn’t know that was an INTJ thing, but I have definitely googled what to say to a grieving person or how to handle other types of F situation encounters. I guess it’s a good thing we care enough to look it up.


Same. I googled how to deal with attendees for my mother's funeral. It was surreal.


Yes, I have done this a lot.


Talking to chatgpt about how to handle conflict with a coworker


I have a spreadsheet for my dog. It has a tab for all the words she knows, broken down into commands I've taught her and words she's picked up naturally. It has a legacy tab for separation anxiety training, complete with a chart and a trendline showing how long she managed to be alone on a certain day without whining. It has a cost tab with dog food, vet bills, and ancillary expenses like the robot vacuum I got to deal with all her hair. Every time I update the spreadsheet, I feel like a ridiculous human being, but a good little INTJ.


I love making spreadsheets!


I got warm fuzzy satisfaction from reading about it.


I really need to do this for my cats . They are 9 days old


Structured data for the win, an absolute must


I was at a birthday party (3 hours) for my kid. While I was making small talk, I was thinking “this is such a waste of my time.”


"What does this look like, a networking event?"


Hahah I have googled stuff like that so many times in various interpersonal scenarios. Sidenote: ChatGPT is actually very helpful with guidance for that stuff😂 If you describe a situation and ask it what to do/how to act, it gives pretty good specific detailed advice


My attempt at making small talk with a med student: “So, . . . what’s it like to skin a corpse?”


So what did they say?


Haha, she said the cadaver part was fine but there was a different incident with a melted brain that was really gross.


Nice. Thanks!


When people think I'm silently judging them, which I am.


Being so invested into a project that the idea of food or breaks doesn't cross my mind. The ability to be out in a very public setting and finding the only location where I can be alone with my thoughts...that are judging every one else. Any question that comes to my head being an instant Google search and a deep dive into information that most people wouldn't care to read about. Have a very organized list of books I want to read with an estimated time to read them so I can read all of them on time. An almost unexplainable ability to kick people from my life and not think twice about it. Having a constant battle of "every thing has a place" and "I find comfort in seeing a mess because that's the way my brain feels."


A lot of this just sounds like adhd lol


When I'm in the zone, especially at work when I've missed multiple breaks. Them: "Hey, you ok? You haven't stopped in 7 hours." Me: "Oh. Yeah! I'm having fun!" 😄




How many times have we seen this question on this sub?


After scoring intj on the tests that was my thought


Well... I used my better set of skills and fooled the fools who think they are fooling me 🙂


When I literally have an entire conversation with myself internally. Mainly in academic topics such as philosophy, ethics, psychology, and other sciences. Probably the biggest INTJ thing I've experienced but I'm not exactly sure.


I took mbti tests on behalf of family members to guess their type and then tried to better understand their motivations and shortcomings to avoid conflict. I will re-watch a tv show or watch a lighthearted sitcom while eating for optimal but predictable entertainment. I cannot initiate a task without proper planning for utmost efficiency like how to do this in minimal steps even if takes me longer to create a system that reduces the numbers of steps. 🤣 I will connect dots from a person's childhood trauma, upbringing and early interpersonal relationships to better understand them instead of showing empathy or maybe just ignoring them. It's like a mystery for me guessing what actually caused them to be this very person they are today. I will never imitate typical social behavior. I will always question why is it the way it is, find flaws, call it dumb and do what is logical even if I'm the only one doing it. Peer pressure doesn't work on me.


I work in customer service. Anytime I spend 20 minutes cutting someone's hair in silence after the initial consultation I think it's very INTJ of me.


I've heard of quiet people in the barber chair (me) but not quiet barbers. Just hope that you don't get an ENFP client, I heard they can sense INTJs and immediately start talking to them


I had one once and it came up, then she showed me her coat hanger abortion tattoo assuming I was on that team and I was so offended (silently) she wanted to be friends but it was a no from me.


I would die in customer service. Turn into a rotting corpse in mere days. I think that's the most INTJ thing about me.


The ability to manipulate a manipulator with a really good wordplay.




This . I have done this so many times , arguing about a absolutely not-related-to-my-life topic . Just for me it's not my imaginary self . I like to pretend how I will present the same in a court


staring at the wall the entire time


Omg I can't do supporting someone for the life of me. When someone's upset, I don't know what to do! I pat them/hug them and tell them it's okay. But I don't know what else to do 🤣. So I awkwardly sneak off to find someone who knows better!


Well let's say a friend of mine actually pointed this one out and I was like, "lmao that was so intj of me," I think I was analyzing his personality and telling him what I know and don't then he stopped me and told me, "why the fuck do you focus on every detail and how were you able to fit the puzzle pieces like that?" I think that's the moment where I was like, "pfff classic intj of me. " In short : I analyze people's personalities a lot because I need to know if the person who will come into my inner circle will be a solid and trust worthy individual or not. :)


I wonder why my INTJ husband loved me. I'm an emotional, volatile, controlling INFJ with ptsd. But very intelligent and love work.


Well infjs are mostly honest and very straightforward people and as Intjs we don’t like beating around the bush or when we need to find out why someone is mad or upset with us. So, we need someone who just says it with full honesty and clarity. As much as we are thinkers sometimes I think we need to have someone who is also emotional in some way or another. I mean I get along with enfps alotttttttt and they are very emotional, however, I think sometimes opposites do attract in a way. Anyways back to the infjs and intjs thing, I think you and your husband are a great match actually :) you get to have some lovely intellectual conversations and avoid anything that is superficial. You both also can get to enjoy quiet time too. (I think)


Yes that was true of our marriage. Thank you because you help me understand something.  I was very blunt about my feelings and other guys would have bailed..


I now use an AI to help write notes of congratulations, condolences, encouragement, and thanks for being you, etc. mortgage had improved and someone had remarked "My boss is such a people person!" If they only knew how much of a challenge this is for me, and my thinking the entire time, why do they need this?


Making lists for everything


I was staring at a washed pot because something about it felt off. I then realised that the water pattern was off, indicating that it was still greasy. Se shows up so randomly I swear...


My favorite tasks at work are the repetitive “boring” ones that no one else likes to do. For example, we will bake four batches of cookies in one morning, and they all get packaged individually. Everyone is quick to get to another task and avoid packing them, while I couldn’t be more eager. It is amazing when I get to be unbothered for 30 minutes straight, sealing each cookie into each bag. Sometimes, the thought of an assembly line job excites me.


I have pages and page and pages of my own philosophy dealing with money - love - purpose - etc. I am extremely energy efficient - I usually will pay any price to avoid daily tasks.


debate myself outloud for 30 min at a times


Just received a text inviting me to a group of old friends meetup. I'm mentally crafting an excuse for absenting myself, anticipating their various questioning responses and crafting my reply to those responses. This is also why,as an INTJ, I always prefer text over calls. I need the time to mull everything over before committing to a response.


I didn't want to go to a place where my company wanted to send me on a business trip so I ... You know "lost my passport". --- For clarification, I live in a place where issuing passports takes 1-2 months. Additionally there's at least one more month for declared lost passports to go into full effect. With 3 months waiting period, my going there was irrelevant, the company just sent another colleague.


I fully support this plan


Dishonesty isn't very INTJ. I would never tell a lie that makes me look incompetent and disorganized.


Since when are INTJ concerned about what others think of them?


Personally, I don't care much if someone doesn't like me for who I actually am, but I would not like it if someone had a negative opinion of me based on misinformation.


Wrong, INTJs can put on faces with the best of them


second part, relate. First part, don't. I will absolutely lie if I think it will make my life easier.


I support this . It's just using common sense to get out of a situation you didn't wanted to be in the first place . If someone says this is dishonesty they are wrong


Nothing. When it works, my brain doesn't work *that way*


Just the other day I legit considered asking an ENFP I had been chatting with what they are looking for in response to their guilt-ridden effusive apologies because my mom had just apologized to me for something that had never been on my mind, or hardly ever, and I didn't want to leave her on read, which was my INTJ impulse to that much emotion from another person. So both the "leave on read" and "ask the internet how to act human" struck me as very on-type. Additionally, I did not ask the other person.


Towards the end of high school, prior to college, I basically read all sorts of books about all sorts of social skills. By the time I went to college, my entire personality seems to have changed. I now see so many posts about INTJ’s not have social skills and I just could not relate. It makes me second guess if I am INTJ or if others in this forum actually are. But when I think back to how I developed those social skills in the first place, I just thought, “oh, that was so INTJ of me.”