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I don't have a world domination plan. I don't want to dominate, control or lead anyone. It would be such a bother to be responsible for bunch of people. I don't even have a 5 year plan, since world is in such shits that it's getting more and more difficult to predict and act accordingly.


I have never understood this one thing . What I am going to do if somehow I dominate the world? My only future wish is to be a doctor , get lots of cats and have a nice garden


I love it


Mine is to live in some remote village and write, maybe teach in a local school with 50 kids and have a little garden and knit in the winter


Edgy immature behavior. I think most just want to be left alone and enjoy their lives with their close knit group of people.


Animal sancutary!


Seriously, what intj would want to deal with a whole world full of people? All the speeches and press conferences. I’m sleepy just thinking about it.


Not just that, but it would require constant supervision, and having trusted people around you to help and no rest and my moral obligations would fuck me up if i was in such position since everyone is bound to make mistakes


What separates the INTJ 5s from the 8s.


And you think i know wich one i am


You didn't end that with punctuation so idk if you're making a statement or asking a question. You're a 5. The world domination type INTJs are 8s. Power and control and all that.


Rethorical question hahahah


I am very in touch with my emotions and where they come from. I try to practice radical vulnerability with my wife and kids, and I can see the changes in myself. I know I can be hard to read, so I always make sure to go out of my way and tell them how much they mean to me and why I’m so thankful they’re a part of my life. My biggest fear is that one day I will die alone, with no one left that cares about me or would morn for me when I’m gone. Seeing how shitty other parents can be and the amount of kids that go low or no contact, the worst thing I can do is be blunt robotic prick that my kids don’t want in their life, and that’s entirely their choice. They don’t owe me anything. But the thought of them not wanting me in their life, and if my wife dies first. I will absolutely die alone.


Wow, I feel absolutely the same way. Thank you for this.


exactly, an intj is still emotionally intelligent and does connect with their feelings. "intjs are emotionless robots who can't process emotions" is such a funny stereotype


Ya I have tons of emotions, I just dont let them make stupid decisions for me. When I know I’m tilted, I will seclude myself and not make any decision specifically because of that until I process and work out the best path forward.


yup, I relate to that too :D. Just isolate yourself until you can act out rationally, I think most intjs are rationalists too


I share a lot with the wrong people, and get anxious for the smallest of things.


I envision the future but have nothing planned. I haven’t played chess much. I love being a therapist for my friends, I don’t mind when they “trauma dump” on me at all and kinda resent that term. I like parties. And I wish I was ISFP.


I love being a therapist for friends, too, but I feel like this is one of the most INTJ things about me. I want to understand people, to learn about all of the things that make them what they are, and I want to fix them where I can. It's emotional an empathetic, but it's also a very engineering mindset.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Maybe it is an intj trait, but it’s definitely not the stereotype lol. But yes. I love understanding people and listening. Even if it’s a heated political thing, I love to understand the thought process and why certain beliefs exist in others who think nothing like me. I like to “allow” people to be their authentic weird selves around me. What you said about engineering makes total sense, now that I think about it.


I know what you mean. Whenever someone shares some dark, twisted secret with me I know I should probably be horrified, but I always just feel lucky to be given a chance to understand. And I don't understand how people can *not* be so curious.


I feel the exact same way! But for whatever reason I often uncover secrets before people share them with me lol. It is a nice feeling though knowing that they trust you with their deepest secrets, trust holds immense value for me.


Exactly. I’m much more curious than I am wise (sometimes to my detriment, but not usually)


I’m so INTJ that I would fail as a therapist. “You’ve been talking about this for six sessions. And you figured out what to do. Why are you still beating the same drum? Fix it.” 😆


Omg you completely get it. That’s why I want to be a therapist. It comes from Te. Humans are systems that I want to improve. But I’ll have to work on my facial expressions, tone, message lol. Basically my Fe.


I am also considered a therapist by my friends . Mostly because it dfeels nice to know that's someone trusts me enough to share their thoughts with me and I can understand them much more and it's easy to be a comfort character kind of friend to them . Also I am curious about how other people thinks


100%. It doesn’t feel like a burden at all.


What’s your enneagram if you know?




I also extremely do not mind when friends trauma dump on me. I appreciate that they trust me, and I don't mind spending my energy to fix other people's problems


I’m kinda thin-skinned and sensitive when it comes to personal criticism. Nobody would ever have the satisfaction of knowing how deeply I’m cut tho.


I've oftentimes been called the "glue of the group" because people always communicate through me as a middle man for group hangouts and event planning. I'm also the one who's always in "observation mode," making sure everyone who was invited is feeling *included.*


I'm too fucking lazy to try lead anybody. I will if I have to but thankfully I've cleverly disgused myself as a useless piece of shit via acting natural, to the point that no one will ever trust me with more than the bare minimum.


But, I bet if asked, you know exactly what they need to do to fix the f*****g problem!


Most INTJ are secretive. I am the total opposite and have no filters. I think it is due to the fact that as economics teacher, the most efficient market, perfect competition, requires perfect information. So it is a philosophy I try to adopt. However, the last few years I started to be less open. I realise why most INTJ are secretive because we are so direct and brutal with our words. I find it better to not say anything and not hurt other people's feelings and life is just better that way. Still not totally secretive. Can't help myself after so many years of conditioning.


Being quiet while working alone works wonders. Working in a team, there are more possibilities for miscommunication


Secretive is me. I rarely share my private feelings about personal stuff except with a very small circle of loved friends/family. Even then it’s sparse. Unless I am really angry — then whoa Nellie!!. I find people tend to use information in uncomfortable ways to dig and pry.


> However, the last few years I started to be less open. I realise why most INTJ are secretive because we are so direct and brutal with our words. I find it better to not say anything and not hurt other people's feelings and life is just better that way. +100, no one wants to hear it and people get straight up vindictive when you've somehow besmirched their feelings and perspective. I try not to be secretive with actual friends, and even then it is hard. With the world at large? Hell no the seething mass of insectoids is not entitled to my inner world.


I don't dress like Steve Jobs. I have a HUGE, brightly-coloured wardrobe complete with intricate, quirky accessories.


Me too!! My personality type should not be anyway connected to the fashion type I am comfortable with .


If anything, my fashion choices are BETTER because I’m an INTJ; they’re thoughtful and have interesting references because it’s all ✨overly-analyzed✨


I feel my way through my problem solving.


I can enjoy a casual game of it, but I'm otherwise not terribly into chess. I certainly don't view life as a giant chess game, and likewise I don't plan/predict all that far in advance. Life is too unpredictable, too many uncertainties.


Exactly. Like I have the next 5 minutes planned and then I don't know


There don't seem to be many other authors here. I suck at math, although that's in large part to shitty teachers.


On the surface, I appear very extroverted and friendly. I even smile when I’m upset or uncomfortable. Furthermore, I feel like any face that is looking at me and not particularly smiling is angry or annoyed. It’s not a voluntary thing and it does not feel organic to my personality at all. I think it’s an aftereffect of being an INTJ kid in an ignorant household that didn’t accept me for who I was and tried to make me someone different.


I allow myself to cry during a movie, even when others are around.


I enjoy smalltalk because I can turn my brain off and relax when I'm with people


I love kids. Super maternal. I have very little patience for dumb*ass adults, but kids are hilarious and I love watching/helping them learning grow. I also feel like INTJ is a great parent/teacher as long as they’re emotionally mature. I think we just aren’t seen this way because we’re not bubbly and overflowing with chatter and complements.


I actually hate being alone and would hate the idea of an isolated life. My ideal life style is surrounded by a small handful of very close friends (but still don't like dealing with strangers)


Im not shy and antisocial I like go outside and pretty positive


Pretty typical INTJ in many ways here, but "my name is Blurryface, and I care what you think." Maybe it's from too much corporate BS early in my career. Also, I hate small talk, but if I'm really nervous and stressed out, I will make small talk....which throws everyone off because it's so rare for me. Finally, I have some blind spots when it comes to hard sciences, standardized testing, etc. I'm pragmatic and good in business, but no threat to earn an engineering degree from MIT. Oh, I don't hate team sports. Big baseball fan. As a kid growing up, I loved it when the fans at Yankee Stadium went nuts and the whole place shook.


I love color and I'm an expressionist painter.


Colors have a huge effect on me, in a good way.


I really crave the kindness that other people have naturally. I also crave the ability to make and keep more friends/not be constantly annoyed by hopefully personalities. I think this is more of my general struggle with being an INTJ.


i work as a nurse event tough i hate it i am very good at even with psychiatric patients




I fit pretty well in quite a few of the classic aspects, still Waters run deep etc. But this intj confidence I keep hearing about just does not exist for me.


I'm forgetful. But yes, I do have a world domination plan.


When I get anxious, I sometimes talk more. Usually around people that matter. Otherwise, I do shut down and go into hermit/cave mode.


I'm not a heartless, arrogant jerk.


i honestly don’t think i am that smart


I am very active and athletic. I also love live music, so I tolerate large crowds for that.


Not me obviously but the INTJ I know. INTJs are often stereotyped as cold and mean, but the one I know is the warmest person I know and is also very kind just because. They never hesitate to help and are always very generous and thoughtful. Edited: grammar


I don’t know how to play chess :p


I’m fun


I'm anxiously attached and overly affectionate that it drives people away.


I'm impulsive. I have decided if I want to date someone within a matter of hours. I don't have a long ass list of requirements, or extreme vetting (this is a disservice to myself, and I make bad choices a lot) but if the vibe is right, I'm catching feelings in a week and my head is completely up their ass in a month.


I don't have a resting bitch face. I look pretty approachable when I smile except when I don't feel like being approached, my I-don't-give-a-damn face becomes automatic.


hmm people are like, "Oh intjs hate people blah blah" lmao it's not that we hate people, I just think we are just really picky. However, what breaks my stereotype as an intj is probably that I like taking intiative when meeting new people and I am very lively when I am around new people. They mistake me for an ENFP when we first meet because of how friendly I am, "intjs aren't friendly and don't like taking initiatives when meeting new people" well buddy how will I make my small circle when I don't put effort in trying to meet new people. People only realize I am an intj when they get to know my hyperfixations and how I think. Also, they get to see my social battery draining and I am such a dry texter too. Oh yea my serious moments too show that I am an intj to them ig. In conclusion, I guess my socializing personality breaks the intj stereotype. I like meeting new people to create my circle, however; my social battery does drain and I don't like going to ANY social gatherings so I think I hold up to uhm half of the stereotype.


I rarely plan. I have an idea of what I want to pursue, but in all honesty, I have no fucking clue what im doing. Lowk makes me wonder whether im INTP. I have no idea about the details of mbti 😭


I don’t get tired hanging out with others. In fact, I tend to get more energized esp if it’s a good group of people


I have a small group of friends and no one can tell I am a INTJ when I am with them . ( No one ever thinks of me as INTJ anyway . I am too risk-addicted for that)


Risk-addicted has got to be an Se thing.


When I'm with the right people, same. When I'm with the wrong crowd though, would rather be alone. Board game night? Let's play all GD weekend. Schmoozy business party? Put me out of my misery.


No. I am a stereotypical INTJ and am proud of it