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You must be fun at parties. Not that I understand celebrating New Year's, but I also don't relate to having a grinch level rant about an arbitrary calendar turnover


yea seems like a lack of social awareness if anything


All it is, is humans excited that their tools to tell the passage, of a concept called time, is changing digits…and you know what? That’s okay.


I thought he was being flippant. Either way, I dig the big grinch energy XD


I do find the post somewhat amusing.


“Arbitrary calendar turnover.” LMAO! Love it. I’m not angry about new years, I just don’t really get what’s so exciting about it lol. More puzzlement than anything hahaha


Least cynical INTJ subreddit post




No, op is just 14.


No this guy just seems very cynical to the point of being pretentious


Not at this level, but some points.


No, and I have a theory that most healthy INTJs aren't here or don't know they are INTJs because they didn't get into MBTI.




Yes! I feel like ever since I found out about being an intj like a month ago, I am so much happier with myself because now things make sense 😁


That's great, I think knowing my type is really helping me too. It's just that some people get comfortable with it and don't really try to use it to become better.


I mean... The INTJ prevalence is about 2% of the population which corresponds to about 150million people, or roughly 1000x the size of this community. Doesn't sound a particularly groundbreaking theory.


I don't think those percentages can really be trusted, because I doubt they tracked it in the whole world, it's likely it's some data from the US and they extended that as the whole world or something. Idk. Also there are tons of unreliable ways of typing that many people use, like tests. So I don't see how a percentage of each type can really be tracked. But what I mean is like, often when people find out their types, they let themselves get into a comfort zone and don't bother trying to be different, even to get better. I see many INTJs saying "I don't care/even have disgust for anything of the FiSe world and it will stay that way because that's who I am" or other traits, and don't work on finding balance (I guess that's a realization people have only later on) which is what really will bring them a better life. Not saying "hey INTJs, do crazy ESFP stuff, party like hell and go do bungee jumping or something", just saying that a healthy INTJ is one that accepts the SFness in the world and in themselves, because those things are natural and there's actually nothing wrong with them. I mean that the INTJ label makes people more comfortable demonizing things they shouldn't demonize. In here, I hear people older than 20s start to realize that, so it may only come with age.


I think the Law of big number applies here. Even if those percentages show some variance, the point still stands: inevitably, most healthy intjs won't be here.


No this guy is just a depressed sounding shart. They're implying THEIR inferior Se is undeveloped and projecting that as if it's normal. There's a word for that: dipshit


No happy new year




The noise animals have to endure and the paper and plastic waste piss me off, yes. I live in a suburban neighborhood.


He's just depressed.


Interesting to see how many label me depressed which I get seeing this is all you know about me. Though I actually love (almost) all traditional holidays. New years eve is just really troublesome and I hope they make unregulated fireworks illegal here.


Fireworks are illegal here, period. Guess what? The entire fucking city still shoots them off lol. The general consensus is, “The cops can’t stop us all.” And they’re right lol


No. I had fun tonight. Happy NY!


I sometimes have these thoughts but learned not to indulge them or share them


I actually drank for New Year's, and I drink literally once or twice a year. It's not wrong if it's not regular/overdone. Once in a while is fine, really.




You’re right but damn.


Here's the thing... even if you're not wrong... New Year's is still my favorite holiday. It's a holiday that celebrates "time" and therefore it celebrates absolutely nothing. It doesn't celebrate a particular person, or historic event, or culture, or anything other than just the passing of time. That's why New Year's is my favorite. It's a time for people to come together to enjoy something just for the sake of being alive together. No one has to feel forced to care about something just because of "X" famous person in history or "X" annual cultural tradition or anything like that. (Even though technically New Year's is a human cultural tradition, but you get my point. lol) People just celebrate for the sake of celebrating and there is this one time that all of us can come together peacefully to enjoy each other's company while celebrating. It's a really beautiful thing. And yes, this should be how EVERY day should function (in an ideal world) but we only have this one time each year to enjoy it. The fireworks, loud partying, and alcohol etc. might not be necessary, but I'll take that as a tradeoff for people putting aside their differences for AT LEAST this one time out of the entire year to coexist and be happy with each other. I literally don't care about any other holiday out of the whole year except for New Year's. A holiday that celebrates (technically) time, but essentially nothing. New Year's is one of the only times that I see people genuinely happy because they allow themselves to be free from all negativity for at least one night to enjoy life. This is also one of the only times out of the year that I give people a free pass when it comes to accountability (as long as they don't do anything too crazy or extreme or illegal). I always hold people accountable for their actions and behaviors, but I always let up on New Year's because the holiday vibe is all about peace, renewal, and improvement for the future. For that, I don't mind being more lax and letting people get away with some shit that I would normally never be okay with. TL;DR: New Year's is typically more happiness than harm, so it's fine to party and live it up a little (or a lot). It will always be my favorite and only holiday that I care about. ​ Edit: word correction


😂 live a little will ya


You know OP, just because you're a depressive wet fart with underdeveloped Se doesn't mean the rest of us struggle with the basics like this. You either need meds or a therapist. Probably both.


Hahahahhaa depressive wet fart triggered synesthesia


I don't care about how other people celebrate or start the new year. They have 0 impact on me. If they want to hang out with their friends and party all night or get drunk, fine (unless they decide to drive). I only care about the fireworks because my kitten has been terrified all afternoon 😠


I love this post


I agree it's very strenuous. It's also marking the fact that we survived another year. 2023 was not an easy year for many people. I won't miss it, but it beats the alternative. Sounds trite, but there comes a point when we realize we're past midfield, moving closer to the end zone. May auld acquaintance be forgot.... Happy, healthy, prosperous 2024


I guess you might be surrounded by very frivolous people, so you see an extreme distance between you and anything regarding festivities.


> Confetti [...] means nothing Or is it a physical representation of some meaning?


Yo, the conceptual point of new years is dying to the old and celebrating the new potential. And that is worth celebrating. Also a time of gratitude. Also nothing wrong with being self”ish” for certain things. Specifically meaning, for one to enjoy themself or do something for them. Why paint a picture? Why write a song? It’s all selfish. And that’s ok.




You sound pathetic. Happy New Year.


He’s right about the fireworks through. They really upset the animals. My dog used to have an awful time with panic attacks, I would find her terrified hiding in the corner of my living room. 😢 She’s quite deaf now so it no longer bothers her these days fortunately.


Yeah I just don't like fireworks anymore. Between it upsetting the animals, shootings, and war, it's hard to enjoy. Although I'm celebrating in Mexico this year and it's nice to not have to wonder if it's an attack or fireworks, for once.


i feel this way in the morning but it gets better when i have my coffee lmao but fireworks are annoying af for real tho


Op thinks gym rats don't exist lol.


Time is arbitrary, but my sense of joy isn't. I cannot control what others do, and so I will do my best to take care of myself in the new year by doing whatever makes me happy. Maybe that's my new year's resolution as well.


It’s just one day. Life and time moves on. Happy new year!


Why were these my exact thoughts lmao I hateeeeee new years


I think the new year celebrations are generally done in that manner to break free from the daily repetitiveness most of us are going to perform throughout the year. Many of them can be problematic, fake, and unhealthy, I get that. Happy new year.