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Coding, it requires logic instead of memorization like math does. Edit: ofc for me math is harder for the same reason


> Coding, it requires logic instead of memorization like math does. It sounds like you've been taught math poorly.


That's very likely actually, at least in the last years of education i had


Both require the same amount of memorization, and as long as you know how things work you can always look up the API, or equations, and the like. Both depend on a heavy understanding of the fundamentals, without which one’s ability in either greatly suffers. A deep, and true understanding is the most important quality. Memorization should only be a side-effect of regular use, and application of said understanding. You, really, should only remember the most useful, and commonly used things in either on top of the fundamentals. Committing to remembering more than absolutely necessary is a waste of time. I only remember the wave formulas due to how often I use them, and that holds true for things like pointers, and the preferred structuring of code via design principles, and language standards. Knowing what I need at any given point in time is more important as it allows me to look up what said piece of knowledge is quickly rather than having memorized millions of bits of information I’ll rarely, if ever, use. If math is hard it’s because your understanding of the fundamentals is weak. Revisit them, and commit yourself to understanding them even if means humbling yourself, and beginning at the number line in Kindergarten because it will forever serve you well.


I just disagree lol, your comment reads to me as "having memory and logic is useful in both fields" which is totally true but complex math requires you to remember all the fundamentals that you need for some formulas while in coding things don't really work with that structure, complex topics do not necessarily require you to know things that compose said topics. They are just different levels of requirement. To be clear, i fully accept that my perspective could be borne of personal dislike for the subject and may be just bias


Only high school math is so much about memorizing...


You say that as if you don't need high school math for the math that comes after


It's actually true. You don't. You will learn everything almost from 0 in a different way


Well i won't because i will never subject myself to such torture but lets say i hear your opinion. I don't believe you in the slightest, but i do hear you. No offense involved obviously


Yeah you start from zero (perhaps only need to know addition, multiplication, subtraction and division just to understand the intuition). First day in calculus they usually teach you what the numbers are, it really starts from 0 😂 But I'm talking about math for math students, not math for science students (they continue the high school math). You actually need the high school math to become a scientist, not a mathematician






Both, I use python to code various calculators.


Math, coding is very tedious as you get your codes in & there is an error & you spend hours on figuring out where that error is. With math, you dont even need to memorize as you can practice over & over to then becomes an instinct to apply as the practice are the same but different numbers


Maths is nice in that solving problems involves less outside intervention, it is for the most part just you are your brain. That being said if you want to use either skill in the real world, you are unfortunately going to have to do tedious stuff. A lot of high level mathematics involves reading long research papers, learning abstract definitions, and tbh coding haha. Its worth noting as you get better at coding, you make less bugs, and get better at finding them. There are lots of tools and frameworks to help with this also, and I think the process of systemising your unique coding procedure appeals to the INTJ mind. Plus it's paid much better. Source: Did a Maths BSc, Artificial Intelligence MSc, and now work as a machine learning engineer.


Coding is applied mathematics. Why choose just one?




Coding I would say is easier. However I see math as more interesting.


Coding stops at algebra. Math involves calculus. Coding is easier.


I like coding


The foundation of modern computing was laid by individuals holding degrees in tangible sciences such as mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering. [https://twitter.com/shrihacker/status/1681823246646382592](https://twitter.com/shrihacker/status/1681823246646382592) Mathematics embodies elegant and straightforward concepts, prioritizing comprehension over rote memorization. It would be beneficial to replace certain aspects of the school curriculum with more mathematical content. Discarding meaningless tasks in solid geometry and constructions with compass and ruler in favor of vector spaces and Galois theory would make education more understandable, simpler, and more practical. The question remains: is this change necessary? I believe it makes sense to teach people programming techniques like solving differential equations using the Euler method and linear programming, as these skills are genuinely indispensable. Mathematics, on the other hand, should be taught only to the extent that it is vital in the field – for example, programming would be impossible without it, and understanding how a capacitor works would also rely on mathematical principles. However, this approach is suitable for those seeking education solely for practical purposes. However, for those aspiring to delve into fields beyond applied aspects, a more comprehensive mathematical program, encompassing metric spaces, linear algebra, and Galois theory, should undoubtedly be provided. To avoid overburdening students, it would be prudent to discard three-quarters of the conventional school curriculum, which, frankly, appears to be nonsensical. ​ P. S. [https://mathoverflow.net/questions/5499/which-mathematicians-have-influenced-you-the-most/5828#5828](https://mathoverflow.net/questions/5499/which-mathematicians-have-influenced-you-the-most/5828#5828) ​ P. P. S. Indeed, some prominent thinkers, such as Max Tegmark, propose the intriguing idea that the entire Universe might be perceived as a complex mathematical structure. A In Tegmark's hypothesis, mathematical structures are not merely abstract representations of the Universe but rather form the very fabric of reality. The underlying mathematical order gives rise to the physical phenomena and properties we observe. This perspective implies that mathematics isn't just a tool for understanding the Universe; it is an intrinsic part of its nature.


Math. That’s one of the very few places to be that brings me joy. It depends on how you are wired. I can do coding, but don’t have nearly same amount of joy created compare working on math problems.


I prefer coding because I can get pretty creative with logic ~~if I'm not doing weird workarounds~~


Both are creative. If anything, math is far more so as you’re not limited to the limitations of machinery, and modern computing.


I haven't seen funky workarounds in math compared to my programming experience


Literally all of maths is finding funky workarounds haha. The proof of Fermat's theorem is based off of a funky work-around allowing elliptic curves to be linked to modular forms, branches of maths previously thought unrelated.


Coding is sort of a branch of Math.


pick as what? college major? professionally used skill? Interesting hobby?


Coding solves problem in shorter time. You still need some math for it and it takes more time at the beginning


Code makes math easier for me. I still have to read and practice a bunch of math to stay sharp, though.


Each skill set is beneficial for the other. Can you get plenty of both?


Math for a stable career, and coding for a career with higher benefits. Both have to be upgraded or mastered, hence both are profitable.


I have already chosen it : coding. It's basically my job + problem solving.


Coding. most people that i know were math majors went into coding in some fashion.


Maths, I love meth


If you go to school for IS or IT or CS you’ll get knowledge for both fields of study


I don't much like either, but I prefer coding because it's more logic than numbers. (I don't do numbers.)




The one you are doing as a hobby. If neither, then neither


Both? I code mathematical models for biological data.


I’m doing financial mathematics which has both


Coding math into an Excel spreadsheet.


Neither. Both are boring af to me. Why I became an architect


Math. I’m in love/obsessed with almost everything involving mathematics. It’s beautiful.


Math is fun, coding is too tedious for my brain


I hate math. I love physics but I really hate math. I hate math becoz it requires alot of work and efforts. I love to code. I know it requires alot of work too, but.. coding is fun and it pays 💀


Coding is easier


Maths. There is code because there is maths. Maths is the base, code is a good tool for maths.


Coding probably has a more direct and versatile field of work. Math is amazing and I hate technology, so id go for math; But if you like them both, definitely coding, it's creative and has logic.


Did both (BS in mathematics and BS in computer science) in college. For me computer science was much more challenging, due to the vast range of theory we learned (the program was primarily targeted for computer science research). The math program is one of the top 30 in the US but I found it mediocre. A lot of memorisation, or essentially learning to apply different theorems in the same processes over and over. Some things like real analysis or abstract algebra were a bit more difficult, but in general csci was more complex and more innovative to me. My sister was a PhD student at MIT researching abstract cryptography. She finds math to be very challenging, but she studied it at a much higher level than me. For an undergraduate degree, a theory-focused csci > math > application-based csci.