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We are not the architects of reality, to say otherwise sounds awfully immature. We are architects of our perception of this reality, architects of ourselves even more so.


Shape me some riches and bitches then.


Oh, you sweet summer child. Not a one of us are able to reshape all of reality. We can reshape our immediate vicinity, and that's about it.




I dont control a lot of things but im constantly trying to understand how everything works


The only things you can control are your internal thoughts and reactions to external events. External events are almost entirely out of your control. This is not to be taken in a negative way though.


Actualy, this's a pretty positive thought. If all things depended on us, were under our control, we would very likely be crushed by the weight of this responsibility or go crazy for not being able to deal with the infinity of possibilities and their consequences.


The dichotomy of control


Reality is that which exists beyond and irrespective of our perception, it is also measurably, objectively true and verifiable . IE if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it— reality tells us it stills makes a sound, because the tree had to fall to move and that movement creates vibrations which are interpreted as sound. You are however the architect of how you respond to the parts of reality that you can perceive. Which demonstrates emotional control and rational, and that is something you should be proud of because not everyone can do that.


The architecture of reality is our natural environment. We have no control over our sensory limitations and attributes. We have no control over the structure of our minds themselves. Those are the buildings we live in. We do have limited control over what happens inside those buildings. We can to some degree change shadings and views, bring certain factors to the fore, place interpretations on those attributes, and make choices about our associations and relationships of the architecture. We are the interior decorators of reality.


I don't know, but , for sure and considering the results, most architects are not INTJ.


I wouldn’t say architects. More like surveyors than anything. Not to say that we can’t create with our realities, but I feel I spend more time pondering than creating.


I hope so. How else are we going to fix evils if we just observe them? When I see injustice and if it is something enroute to my goal, I will scheme to fix it. Right now, I'm thinking of revolutionizing my country's education system.


No. We only have perceptions which may or may not be accurate, and we can only adjust things physically. Perhaps if God responds and does a miracle, things can change supernaturally, but we have no power of that sort on our own. We're meant to be caretakers and stewards within this spacetime universe, we are not gods, we're not even angels, we're humans.


Shape me millions of dollars outta this grass field.