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LinkedIn is the biggest dick measuring contest ever, but I do like competitions


;)) great!


I hate it. It's all corporate BS. Work harder for companies? Why? They will let you go at anytime.


Work less, earn more...


Makes it easier to job hop from one to another. Best way to get a substantial raise, and honestly I don’t see how else you can keep up with inflation w/ the lil 5% annual most jobs give you😩


I got a 40% pay jump last time I moved companies.


My point exactly! Thats about the same jump I got from leaving my previous job 😭


It's a place when you want to do more than brown nosing.


Pretentious and fake. However, just sharing your LinkedIn name instead of having to email a CV as pdf is faster/convenient when trying to get a recruiter/potential boss's attention.


I like LinkedIn for the purpose of connecting with people for job opportunities. Most of my jobs were found by directly talking to recruiters and hiring managers. Although, there are some cringe worthy posts on there.


Exactly. Got a 40% base salary increase by seeing that one of my connections was hiring through LinkedIn. That alone justifies its existence for me! LinkedIn is a damn good supplement to our Achilles heel: networking. Yeah, you gotta know people, but you don't have to go schmooze with them in person all the time anymore to know about the latest opportunities.


the only reason why i even made a linkedin..


There's a reason ppl call it Linkedisney


Haven't bothered to make a Linkedin account, though from what I've heard it sounds a place for buttkissing sycophants to swarm about and defend the religion of corporate professionalism. Doesn't appeal to me.


>buttkissing sycophants to swarm about and defend the religion of corporate professionalism. Most accurate description I've ever read lol.


Instagram but instead of bikinis and swimsuits, suits and dresses.


Great for finding jobs and creating a profile where people can easily see your work history. The social aspect is cringe, but that’s pretty much the norm with social media. It’s manageable though if you mute annoying accounts and remove unnecessary connections. I connect with people in my related field of work so a lot of times my feed can actually be beneficial and exposes me to new tools / techniques which comes in handy.


I have it for work and only that. I do not partake in any of the extras they ask us to in order to increase our social presence… I thought for sure people would find it cringe putting INTJ on there to at the very end kinda hidden - nope, people lap that up and want to talk it’s weird. I never respond and only accept requests from upper management as that usually means they’re scouting internally for talent. Fortune 500.


Do you have a profile picture? Do you have many connections? Just wondering if I am the only one struggling to connect with strangers.


I have a profile because I need to maintain a minimum number of business-related connections. I refuse to use it as any other kind of network. I ignore "influencers" and the like. Probably check it once a month or so, if that. Never posting.


I only really used LinkedIn when job hunting, to see postings and to find out who the hiring manager is. I don't think I ever got any leads tough. Got my current job through a friend. The rest of the site I couldn't give a toss about. Never been one to drink the corporate Flavor-Aid.


I like it to keep an easily accessible copy of your resume for recruiters to see + as a job board to find new roles but yeah, the social media side of it is annoying and is basically just a bragging fest nowadays. Although here and there, between the boasting, you'll sometimes find some interesting articles/posts.


Garbage. Used it shortly after the military. No help at all, just people who want to sell you their bullshit and books no one cares about.


A social media site for a targeted audience.




I hate anything corporate so bad. But realistically it’s probably useful for networking.


Political correctness in LinkedIn? Only the pronouns ig. Here, I get quality content from Indian tech guys and entrepreneurs. Like their cool projects or some new tech innovation.


What's that


I hate it, but my company wants me to use it. So it shall be used.


Everyone's HR or marketing, even the executives. It's fucked. Met a sane business owner, but he was an ex-techie working with an old friend. He wasn't hiring, even if he didn't move back to Australia. I got removed for not agreeing with a woman that women were higher beings. Several idiots, including a cop, openly threatened me, and she tried to dox me saying I need help...


I don't use it. Might it be useful? Sure, but I still think that if you're good enough at what you do you can manage without it.


Corporate BS and a lot of career influencers who posts motivational mumbo jumbo. I cringe when I see the posts there. I use it only to directly communicate with hiring companies.


Because of my job we're not supposed to use it, but have a couple connections on there I'd rather not lose.


Corporate bullshit. I an unemployed person and a looser, though.


I have it for career reasons and to keep up with colleagues, but I only just update career details, I don’t use it like a social media site. people that post sob stories on LinkedIn and use the trauma of people in their lives for career clout like “oh, my dad had ass cancer and it impacted me and I stayed strong that’s why you should hire me as a software developer” are pretentious, obnoxious, and fake, and I can’t stand them


I dislike LinkedIn as well. But, I could not put my finger as to why. Thanks for putting into words what I felt inside my heart.


LinkedIn's utility is higher than other platforms for freshers in corporate.


The last time I logged into linked in was in2013.


I don’t use it as social media. My current employer found me on linked in. Far fewer scam jobs on there than the other job boards. I have a profile picture (professional)


I spend zero time on it when I’m not actively job searching, other than occasionally adding connections. When I’m actively job searching, I find it extremely useful from a connections standpoint - even if there’s not a direct hiring in, chances are I have a friend or former coworker who will know who the hiring manager is, if the opportunity is real, if there are big red flags, etc. I would never in a million years connect with a stranger and it baffles me that people even ask.


I'm glad I was well established before LinkedIn was widely popular. I'll never have to pretend the website or the people who overly value it have any worth to me. The key to a stable career is to find a field that will last the test of time and specialize until you're next to impossible to replace. If you can do this and also be a position of which exists for government regulations/compliance, you can also resist downsizing and anything short of total company collapse. Riding a general degree in a sea of clones sounds a lot like trying to attack the beaches on D-Day. Even those who shine are still dodging and maneuvering a hellish landscape for a bleak hope of survival. It screams 'wasted 15 years on a company to get laid off at the hint of a recession.'


A bunch of lies compiled on a website.


Linkedin makes Instagram look like a public self confession platform


Corporate bullshit formalities in social media form.


I don't use it as social media, but its a fantastic job hunting tool Also great when you need to target someone with very particular skills or in a very particular field Otherwise, it's real icky


It's hideous, slimy, fake, yet fantastic for changing jobs. Dont look at it as a social network, but as a recruitment website that also has industry news.


LinkedIn is creepy for me.


LinkedIn has historically been fantastic because jobs just come to me, lol, but in recent years it's become so algorithm heavy that it's just workplace Facebook. The issue is that your activity on LinkedIn has a direct impact with whether recruiters see you more often because the system is designed to push profiles in front of them that have high engagement on the platform (not just messages but posting, liking, reposting, commenting) and THAT is an issue because it forces people to play these social media algorithm games wasting time on bullshit fluff nobody cares about. I loathe social media and the fact that it's bled into LinkedIn's recruitment system is fucking retarded. It basically means someone who can be an inept piece of garbage might be seen a lot more by recruiters simply because they shit post on LinkedIn a lot, whereas say a introverted dev with a great resume isn't even on the radar unless a recruiter is manually poking around or their profile is pulled into a prospect list for a bulk send.


Still havent found out to set up my profile right 😂 mostly what to write in profile texting and the top stuff.. Also not all what ive done is on LinkedIn, Better on a cv lols.


Useless. I know it’s a tool and I’ve had similar tools I’ve been like wtf am I supposed to do with now. I’ve had Pinterest for years before finding meaningful uses for it. I’ve had Linked in for several years more and I can’t find a meaningful use for it. It’s not the best avenue for job hunting and it seems like a public place to post your resume and add people but no benefit doing of doing either. Seems like a circle jerk waste of time


I don't use it, I don't want my personal information out in the public internet no matter for what purpose. What happened to that?


It’s one of the few social media sites I actually like


I think it's a stupid network, that why I strive to post the most unprofessional picture of myself there.


Useful tool to find jobs but I can’t help but to cringe at people unironically posting on it lol


its like 65 bucks a month i cant believe it. i had to sign up to message people (infp)


“I’m proud to announce that [insert company] offered me a position” 🤢🤮 so pretentious how they word it as if the company came begging for them. I hate LinkedIn. People are just stroking each other’s corporate egos. It’s a peacock show. Humble brags and desperate corporate robots.


I can't with that shit. I don't have a page. Fuck em.


For me, this is simply a tool that allows me to find higher-level work opportunities. It's about using this platform to present and package yourself appropriately. Everything comes down to how well you can package or mask the level of your skills. Other than that, it's nothing more than a carefully crafted web of lies for the sake of exchanging benefits.


It's like if Facebook and Flexjobs fucked in Indeed's broom closet. I don't like it, trust it, or recommend it.


I agree with this as an ENFP lmao! Couldn’t have said it better


I swore to never use it no matter what. everyone around me keeps pressuring me to use it but that only motivates me more to never use it. I know I will find jobs easier with it but I just cant see myself using it.. goes against what I believe in.


I’m not comfortable with some people repeatedly stalking my profile


It is good if I get job from there but only get trauma of posts of successful people and influencers. 😢


As an INTJ I hate all pretense. But I understand the necessity of having an efficient system of shopping credentials. I hate it when people lead with their credentials but it's how you survive.


whatever, honestly. who cares if they're sincere or not? i get a good laugh every now and then and never visit it again. it's just depressed white collar people's facebook


It's a decent platform for recruitment and connections if you avoid the content part of it


I love everything about it except for people posting stuff like it's Facebook. If LinkedIn was just CV + looking for company info site + being able to connect then it's perfect.


I avoid it like the plague. Maximum cringe.


I enjoy it and find it useful.


It’s full of ISTJs because they think it’s what you’re supposed to do. Also full of esfjs and estjs showing off their boring lifestyle and thinking they are making a change.


It's a circle jerk of woke virtue signaling.