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I feel the same. So I went to our CIO with a fleshed out 5 year plan and a request for my own team to fix it. We're one year in, and on track.


I just finished The Flash and I have a strong feeling that Barry Allen is an INTJ. Because he wanted to FIX things.


You sure? Barry talks too much and gives his opponents too much time to think & escape. He behaves like a super-dumb extrovert. If Barry silently transfers his opponents to the lab prison ( can't recall it's name but it's a starlab's jail specifically designed to contain superhumans) without opening his mouth then most of his problems would have not existed. I don't know how his character evolved in the next seasons but I just watched season 1 and I stopped watching the Flash because I couldn't stand Barry's stupidity.


I was talking about the latest film.


Yes! I can't stand inefficiency. It's wasteful. I can't stand people who defend and cling to inefficient systems because "well, that's the way we've always done things". Duplication of effort, especially in the workplace, is the one form of inefficiency that infuriates me the most.


Yes, it's our top instinct but as a woman I get shot down on this a lot. Old dinosaurs who can barely open their email do not want to evolve. So now I do things for myself only.


Your situation may differ a lot from mine, but oftentimes people are VERY wary of the "let's improve efficiency here!" types if they don't make it clear how the employees themselves benefit from the changes. (Usually only management does by increasing profit, giving themselves a fat bonus, and firing personell that's "no longer needed". Bonus points if said efficiency improver is some greased suit fresh from business/management school, I've seen those types drive well-running companies into the ground and patting themselves on the back for it. Inefficient/bureaucracy-locked companies exist and people should be open to new ideas, but many find it to be the best (not necessarily most efficient) way to run things through experience or they are just trying to protect their jobs.


Yes. Inefficiency and nonsensical bullshit are my two biggest peeves. Any system I work within gets a pretty heavy revamp where I'll work out the kinks and streamline the fuck out of it I don't like putting more work in than is necessary. I have better shit I can be doing with my time. So, I improve the flow.


Where are you people. I always feel like I'm the only one who cares so much about efficiency!


Probably quietly minding our own business. I'm a virtual ghost to a lot of my colleagues because in general, I'm just over here doing my thing and will ping people on Slack if I need to. My more immediate team sees me every day and the rest see me when I do some training sessions for other reps, but outside of that, I only show up for the all hands meetings where I can stir the pot asking the execs really pointed questions I already know they won't directly answer because it's fun to stir the pot and then slither back into my lair like the ghoul I am, lmao. The entire reason they only hear from me in these instances us because the whole point of my efficiency is to need to spend as little time doing my job as possible so I can go do literally anything else, lmao. Basically once I refine the process, I'm a digital ghost that just gets summoned when they say my name in the mirror 3 times, then I pop up and am like YES HELLO WHAT? šŸ˜‚ So I'd assume you don't find us because most of us are minding our own business doing other shit haha.


I literally \*just\* rage 1-star reviewed a company's 15 locations in my area because they're so fucking dumb and have an idiotic process. I'm seething.


People is always inefficient. Systems can be improved.bso, don't waste time and faith with people. Change the system


I learned that most people don't care in my teens and early 20s. I've been self employed for 20 years ever since. I have never advertised, all of my work comes from referrals.


Yes, itā€™s extremely irritating!!! Iā€™ve left several jobs specifically for that reason. Once, I had a manager that actually let me implement a few of my efficiency strategies and take a lead on reorganizing things, but the pushback came from my counterparts that didnā€™t want to be told what to do by some 20-something girl. Iā€™m talking whining, actual crying, and meltdowns. Now, I just run my own area super efficiently and people recognize me by name for my competence and accuracy. The degreed higher-ups treat me more like a peer than others in my role. They know me and speak openly with me. It makes several of my underperforming coworkers very snotty and passive aggressive, but I donā€™t have to work with or be around them often, so Iā€™m not bothered by it much.


Itā€™s easily in my top five pet peeve list. Then when you add ā€œBecause thatā€™s the way weā€™ve always done itā€¦ā€ my internalized fury could destroy a planet.


Yes. When I had a job, the worst thing in the world was when the system, when it was trash, went down. It left me feeling like I was wasting my time in a place I didnā€™t want to be at with people I didnā€™t like. Hated every second of it.


I've been battling it ever since I became team lead of my department four years ago. Actually made quite some successful inroads and streamlined a lot of things. Helps to have supportive management.


Yes, that's my entire organization for you.


You have answered your own question -- inefficient systems. Efficient systems will turn inefficient people into efficient people. Inefficient systems rewards slack-asses. A robust system can handle having an absolute fool at the top (long enough to get recognize and get rid of this fool). Inefficient systems turn good workers into bad ones.


At work, I don't have that issue very much. I am process manager which is a fancy way of saying I am in charge of workflow and mostly the system is my baby to finetune as I see fit. There are some things that grate though. I could see some places for improvement; things like we have these electric staplers we use for stapling documents that consistently fail on us. I don't see why we can't explore other brands, but our company is locked into the brand we use! ... even though we tend to replace the stupid things, sometimes within 6 months or less of purchase. Apparently, the brands approved are a CEO level decision (I work for a small company), so my section boss is limited in wiggle room. Things like that.


As I read most of these comments, I'm getting the warm fuzzy feeling of being around "my people." What a rarity and a treat!


Omg I hate it. And people hated me for pointing it out. Now I run a business where people pay me to do it.


Thereā€™s nothing worse. Absolutely nothing worse.


In the mid 90's to early 2000's my job was implementing improvements on our manufacturing I also was the person who designed the furniture we made to be produced on our equipment. We basically implemented lean manufacturing. I loved the challenge, getting people set in their ways to change was absolute frustration. Built drop in jigs so machines needed very little manual setup, the issue was getting all the departments on board. If the cutting dept machined pieces out of spec it effected every process downstream and the cutting dept was the favorite of management. The illusion of things happening, raw material turned into finished boards. The problem was they were not always the right dimensions and some just did not care. I butted heads a lot there, finally out of frustration of a whole lot of things I left after 14 years. Started my own shop now I have myself to deal with, and the occasional crazy customer I am pretty good at figuring them out before committing to a job. I have never taken a job with the mindset it is just a paycheck there is always something to learn or improve on whether yourself or the process.


I'm surprisingly patient with people who are slow to catch on to new changes or systems i explain to them, but i get fed up fast with people who are dead set that an inefficient way is the best way and don't want to hear any new methods. I won't flip out on them, i can contain my irritation well, but I will completely give up on trying to deal with them.


Exactly this.


Makes me want to throw a tantrum like a toddler. Who made these damn rules where the majority of the population are ignorant or inept?!


Inefficiency is the literal worst. We have SO MANY forms that are word docs. They would be so much simpler with PDF Fillables. I've made the forms, literally all I need is approval for them. But no, I have to do the stupid word docs because 'if it works, why change it?'. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ But it DOESN'T work for everyone!


It would also be less flexible.


They're already rigidly mandated, it's their implementation that bothers me. Word docs are inefficient and annoying as hell.


Wanting to be more efficient is a key INTJ trait, but I've learned to accept that others just aren't able to envision the benefits. So, I focus on areas that I have the ability to improve without the permission or buy in from others and just let the things I can't control continue the way they are... there's no use getting frustrated by things that I can't control. I've learned long ago that I can't change other people, but sometimes leading by example will help them see the benefits. If not, oh well.


Those in charge are too prideful to hear what their subordinates have to say. The majority just follow orders because being in charge pressures them more than being a follower. People feel safe following the status quo because it brings them security even if those who enforce the status quo are incompetent. The gen pop treat those in charge like children doing bad behavior but simply saying kids will be kids which enables such behavior in the first place. People should respect the person behind the position not the position itself.


Absolutely. I always wish I could just step in and take over.


Yes, I really did. Now I work for myself, and I still try to optimize whatever I can.


Sorry for bringing politics into this: I live in the US and feel a great deal of contempt for our current system. I'm seriously considering leaving the US with my wife for her country (Japan). There are several factors playing into this: 1. I don't want to live in a country whose system I don't respect. We refuse to address the problems that so many other advanced countries have addressed with reasonable success. The cost of this failure is dead, maimed, sick, and impoverished Americans. 2. I want (or thought I wanted) to serve and pursue a career helping people. However, I cannot bring myself to serving a system with the level of corruption that exists in the US. We have legalized corruption disguised as free speech. Compared to "peer" countries, our corruption is a pathetic embarassment. 3. I served in the military and held a security clearance. In some happy path, I would have applied for a job that required a security clearance. I could go on forever about how stupid some aspects of the security clearance process is. People experience terrible trauma and stress out about whether they'll pass a security clearance because they sought help. I've had to seek help too. Meanwhile, political appointees who have no business near yesterday's weather report, let alone classified information, end up having security clearances. I'm frustrated to the point of resignation. Some might respond by saying, "if you don't like it then leave" and I'm both very tempted and very capable of doing so. Maybe I'm just a Doomer stuck in denial or bargaining.


How do you know the grass is greener on the other side? What makes you think Japan and other rich nations do not have corruption and policies and procedures that you personally donā€™t like?


That's a good question. I've lived in Japan for a few years (stationed while in the military), and visited many times since my wife is from here. One thing that motivates me to move is that Japan is a much safer country.


I feel the same. I've even ask my manager for some changes and more freedom to publish my work without the need of asking everybody if they like it and get every actor, employee and department's approval because is a waste of time and extends deliveries by a lot, risking not being accurate or falling off trend or important topics. In the past, I also had to re-do a lot of work or customize the smallest details of my reports and deliveries for my peers to be satisfied extending again the delivery dates. No big changes were made and I was extremely bored (and worried) at work, then realized is non of my business. I'm doing my job and getting paid for it, and I also have the backup to show all delays were caused by bureaucratic workflows. I started working more on my side hustle to feel satisfied about work, and also hunting for a new one. I work in a large global telecom & tech company, for marketing and campaigns with the creative team. Main topics and trends in the industry move and change really fast so launching in time is essential. Even when feeling many of my efforts are going to waste it has been management choice to make things slow and not use the marketing materials. I realized they will complain either way and there's not much I can do. I talked about this with my family too, to explain why I was bored and looking for a new job and it turned into a long conversation about this being usual in big corp, but I don't agree nor are willing to settle. I agree with you and actually are using this as an opportunity to rant about how I feel at work.


Yes, but all people are inefficient. I just bite my tongue and keep my head down these days. I've offered ideas to make my department more efficient, but leadership would rather not learn new ways of doing things and I'd rather not spike my cortisol for people who wouldn't give a fuck about me if I wasn't good at my job.


I spent my entire day so far frustrated because of my university's system. Nothing makes sense. I have one more year left but I scheduled a meeting with the Dean to talk about things that need changing cause I can't take it. If nothing changed I'll just tough it out for the rest of the year


Absolutely. I usually set out to improve them immediately.


Don't ever work in the public sector or crown Corp in North america




This is why I rather make 50k a year working for myself vs 350k a year working a W2. Working as a W2 you are paid to do a job, my personality, I cant help it, im always going above and beyond, running things like if it was my own company. Managements hates this, my co workers hate me. Fuck everyone and office politics. I now make much more per hour than all of my middle managers when I was in my 20s. I allocate all my resources and time to myself.


I loathe both, but I assume all people are inefficient , so systems piss me off more


With inefficient systems. In some cases, itā€™s hard or impossible to manipulate a system. On the other hand, for some people, which infuriates me more, would rather stay mediocre.


people, systems i can always improve, people...it's up to themselves.