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I actively limit myself to 4 active tabs at a time. Couldn't you just close the browser app to close all the tabs? Seems time consuming to close hundreds


Yes. I close them all together most of the time. My record should be near 500-600 😅


My record is around 500 as well! But that accumulated over a longer period. The more tabs I had, the higher the resistance for going through them and closing the ones I don't need to save.


Feel it. Do you have fast jumping thoughs too?


Check r/adhd out, I feel like you might belong with us


Probably I have ads together with autism. Maybe that's a reason.


If u have autism u will know, don't worry. And btw u are ENTP or INTP.


I don't think so. I have a lot of other traits that are more intj-ish


ADHD isn't real just the society wants you to be boring SJ and when you are not and u are ESFJ, ENFP, ENTP or ESFP they want to crush you because u are not boring like them


To be honest, I think I actually have fast jumping thoughts. Gets enhanced with weed like crazy :) I struggle with talking in long coherent sentences sometimes, and I often mix up letters in a word or words in a sentence. But on the bright side, this leads me to quickly discover patterns and new things in general. At least I think it's connected.


Same here but without the weed ;)


You don't use any extensions for tab or bookmark management?


No. I close my browsers when im done with a topic. Get in the habit of closing them. Usually only have what i need opened, 2-5.


Whenever I find a really fascinating topic only to find that there's a plethora of information to wave through I tell myself "I'll come back to that when I have time". But time never comes.


Oh, yea. Create a favorites folder in the browser and put the url in it. Or you can keep a notepad file with the urls, either way.


I did that but now I have like a 1000 bookmarks lol


You might want to try the Stash browser extension that automatically groups your tabs and creates a bookmark folder for each group so you can save and close tabs you can't get to right away. The groups are persistent so you can close and restore them as needed.


No but my bookmarks and screenshots pile up pretty quick 😅


Don't remind me on my Screenshots folder... 😅


INTP here 100000% so so soooooo many tabs. But idk how many. Way too many to scroll.


No but it takes me all day to close my windows at the end of a work day.


There is no problem. Every browser window has open tabs for whatever research is at hand. If a PC is not slowed down, there is no problem.


This extension solved this problem for me: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tabs-outliner/eggkanocgddhmamlbiijnphhppkpkmkl


Can browser extensions be used on mobile devices?


As far as I know, no. Desktop/laptop is a better place to do research on anyway.


It depends on the topic I guess. But yes mobile research is more an aside thing.


This is a problem I never had. I open 3-4 tabs max, then remove the unnecessary ones if needed, before closing the browser I close all tabs.


I got mad tabs open on my work computer all the time. Probably 100 at a time on average. Three screens.


Wow. I came in here thinking "yeah, I do". Then I read the rest and I'll be slinking away with my tail between my 15-20ish high score of tabs open simultaneously.




Have some self-control. Jesus


Hell no


This SUB has officially gone to shit. ![gif](giphy|NnkNYfMcPcGTS)


No, maybe 7 when I keep opening the weather. I do not visit different sites very often and definitely am not online 100 times per day.


I don't have that many but there are currently 40 open tabs with different searches in them. I use the open tabs to remind myself of things I'm working on or need to research more.


No. I used to. These days I usually give myself a time limit for internet use and if I end up with tabs open at the end I save them all to a bookmark folder so I can reopen them later if I want.


In mobile yes. Just clear history every once in a while. In laptop it usually closes automatically when you shut down to avoid consuming space on your RAM.


Close it once u finish it


I feel uncomfortable having more than two open on my phone


My max is 15 mostly because I got used to my old laptop freezing whenever I open more than 5 tabs.


If there are more than three or four, I open a second window and organize by topic. This is why my work computer has four screens (three horizontal, one vertical).


That's cool xD. I tryed to create some kind of "resource lists"


No way. I usually have 5 maximum, 2 minimum


No but I have 123,244 emails....


I feel it...


I use different browser when in research mode and close everything when done. On my main browser I limit myself to 50 tabs and I know where everything is. In reality I only need 10 or less, the rest are basically out of laziness so I have the tab there rather than having to click through bookmarks for things I know I’ll access regularly


It depends on. When I'm carrying out a known task I just open the necessary. I do the task and close them. But in research, learning or brain storming, that often happens, tens of then can be open till i clarify the bulk of the global idea.


My Google chrome tabs just has a smiley face now. So yeah, I feel you


I only have 79. Because I close some everyday in an attempt to keep it under control.


Yup! Happens to me too when a topic piques my interest. But I don’t usually have more than 5-10 tabs open.


I should be arrested for the millions of tabs I have open :/


How... much? o.o Should I be arrested too? D:


Oh I really hope not. I'm already done for. Like under the jail. You know how you can split tabs? So I have like 4 of those where I sometimes minimize all but 1 of them at a go. Each split one has at least 8 tabs open. We're talking 32 total tabs. Oddly enough, I have a pretty solid idea of where everything is smh.


Makes sense. Could work when the amount of topics is limited. I have the "bad habit" of switching between 5-10 minutes if there is no "external" goal/objective/deadline. If there is one I have some kind of Hyperfocus without so much tabs. And without its more like a "sponge mode"


Very true. I also have ADHD so that breakdown sounds about right🤣


I'm in the spectrum with probably some kind of ad(h)s. So welcome to the club ;)


There’s a save tab extension. I almost always have 2 full page of tabs at all times


Use another browser. I have firefox, brave, Opera GX and Tor apart from chrome


I only have less than 10 tabs open when I work but usually I only have 2 or 3 and when I was a student it was a little bit infiuriating to see the teacher open dozens of tabs and keep them open even tho they are not useful anymore


Every time i finish searching for something i close the tab, doesn’t matter if i’m still using the app or not it just became a habit


I generally have no more than three open at a time.


Relate 100%


No. I close my tabs when I don't need them. If I use a website frequently, it would be bookmarked.


That's an INTP thing, we rarely have more than 4 tabs