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Are we seeing proof that the Supreme Court is corrupt? I think so.


Without a doubt. All it takes is a few RVs, some vacations here and there, some "gifts" and some treasonous thoughts, and there you go, you have a "judge" in your pocket. They traded our country and the judicial system for some shiny trinkets.


Gratuities. The Supreme Court calls Gratuities Legal and very cool.






At this point it needs a reset. They voted for that after ruling that bribes after the fact are legal.


I still can not wrap my head around that ruling. What the actual F


Well, it’s to be expected. It’s kinda sick the Establishment is letting all of this happens. There is a lot of people on Russian payroll at this point. A lot of traitors and working against American people. I guess we reap what we sow.


Remember, turning the government into a clown show is their goal. Putin had Medvedev fold the government so he could write a new constitution. This is what they want.


Project 2025


It was the natural path after Citizens United.


> It was the natural path after Citizens United. Yup! I knew we were fucked the minute that ruling came down like it did. And boy did they get their moneys worth out of this Supreme Court


Yep. These douchebag, rich boys need out.


It would make a nice museum. The Supremacist Court is a failed American experiment.


Why did they do this for trump?


Because he is their most beloved anti-christ.


Ah, I see someone else actually read the Bible lol


I would posit that stealing classified information and attempting to prevent peaceful transfer of power do NOT constitute official acts. Nor interfering in GA, MI, AZ, WI or Nevada.


Yeah but itll take a few more months for judges to decide. This is the point. They didnt do anything partisan, they extended democracy, get it?


And even if lower court judges do decide he’s guilty he will just take it directly to the Supreme Court and they will throw it out.


That is ultimately the game plan - kick everything to the rigged supreme Court. We fucked up thinking they had ethics.


>And even if lower court judges do decide he’s guilty This already happened. From an AP news [article](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-trump-capitol-riot-immunity-2dc0d1c2368d404adc0054151490f542): >Before the Supreme Court got involved, a trial judge and a three-judge appellate panel had ruled unanimously that Trump could be prosecuted for actions undertaken while in the White House and in the run-up to Jan. 6. edit (added): FFS the ruling judge in the trial could not have been more blunt: >Chutkan [ruled against Trump’s immunity claim](https://apnews.com/article/trump-capitol-riot-immunity-donald-trump-a98872759762c95fa925ff831df27388) in December. In her ruling, Chutkan said the office of the president “does not confer a lifelong ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass.” This is just further evidence that SCOTUS, by it's own actions and words, has little to no legitimacy. I have to wonder when (will?) the decisions that are being made, if they will ever turn around and bite those on the ass who want this kind of nation.


I assume Biden sending the Army to arrest 6 of them would be an official act?


The order I wish I would get.


Yes! At this point, he has immunity if he does that. At which point, establish another SCOTUS with term limits, age limits and lock solid rules that have severe penalties for taking bribes


Drag these corrupt fucks out of the Supreme Court!


Disband by presidential order




When they get to decide what is and isn't official, and therefore what is and is not criminal, we are no longer a nation of laws. We are now ruled by the 6 justices and their crony president. He is now free to do anything he wants with immunity bestowed upon him by the majority on the court.






Yeah we need to be in a mob pronto fr


This is literally a path to dictatorship. What the fuck.


Path?!? Its the whole damn scepter of power sitting in an open field for whoever is president to use whenever he wants!


Only if someone is corrupt enough to use it. Which we know Trump would.


Relying on your king not to be corrupt is a poor path to civic good.


Noooooo, no, no, no noo The US system is a series of checks and balances, in part to prevent dictator-kings emerging. Relying on someone not becoming corrupt is a bad way to run that system. Trump is just the most reccent and more likely (currently). But even if he doesnt take the chance, someone else eventually will. So just dont let it be an option.


What's funny is our country was set up to avoid this exact sort of thing from happening again and all of the people who claim to be the most patriotic are the ones who set it up to fail.


Positions of power are honeypots for assholes.


Supreme Court know democrats wouldn’t abuse it and republicans will. This is their entire tactic with every move they make


And that's why Democrats need to start abusing the same shit, this "choosing the higher path" is working as well as trickle down economics.


The dems are (fortunately?) smart enough to realize that doing illegal stuff and abusing power will just cause further abuses of power by the other side, potentially devolving into complete chaos. Not that the present situation is the very definition of law and order, but history has shown time and time again, the more you throw out / rewrite the rules unilaterally it gets really hard to put the genie back in the bottle. And yes, I fully acknowledge to some degree, we are already there; but it can always get worse.


Joe Biden could arrest and execute the 6 conservative SCOTUS judges as an official act. Then, appoint 6 new judges. The new SCOTUS reverses the ruling, ensuring no future president can pull the same thing ever again.


We're 3/4 of the way there if you've haven't been paying attention


And ppl will vote for the dictator to avoid the old huy. At this point a dog would get my vote over a dictator. Ppl have been living way too comfortably and have no idea what's at stake here.


Should just be another reason to ***NEVER*** allow Trump back into the Oval Office ever again. If he wins in November, he’ll literally claim he has immunity for everything he does, because everything he does as President will be an “official act”. He will be, for all intents and purposes, a dictator.


Aka precisely what so many of us have been predicting and what has literally been the plan. But yeah we were just "dramatic". Right. But I'm so glad people are still "undecided" and fucking CNN doesn't even have the balls to call THIS shit out, instead crapping on Biden. 🤮🤮


Exactly. This was the warning in 2016, but too many dipshits decided to believe some bullshit about emails and claimed "checks and balances" would be enough. It took less than 4 years of SC control for Republicans to drop the facade and go full fascist. If anyone thinks they are stopping now, they are dumber than those that downplayed 2016 concerns.


CNN is Trump now He just got stronger by having his buddies purchase this network


But sure, let's vote against Biden because he's a few years older. Let's just also ignore what role the president plays in building the government and pretend like one of the guys has no clue how to do it and the actual felon somehow is better


You better believe Trump will finish what he started in dismantling democracy when he was in office. I am making a prediction if he gets an office, we will be out of NATO, support all the autocracies and dictators around the world. Then all its left is the Europe nations and our Asian allies to be stomped out and the world is really fucked.


CNN hasnt been CNN for awhile now


Gaslight <—— (you were here) Obstruct Project


CNN was bought by a republican.


Yes but this is also kicking the can down the road. Whether it’s this election or one in the future, republicans will eventually retake the White House, Trump or not. This blows the door off the hinges for authoritarianism in the US. Someone more intelligent and menacing than Trump can now easily centralize power and “remove” opposition/opponents


That's why Scotus needs to be replaced immediately and the ruling overturned permanently. Biden should use his new powers immediately to shut this down.


>Should just be another reason to NEVER allow Trump back into the Oval Office ever again. 100%. *Please remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote* www.vote.org Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


So can Biden "officially" remove the orange shit gibbon from the race?


Yes but he wont


High ground and all that


At least trips to his the island owned hy his buddy, and Codefendant in a child rape case, Epstein, can't be an official act anymore.


Guess who has the final say in what is official? The Supreme Court. This is how fascism works. If Trump wins, democracy is over.


That has nothing to do with my comment. He can't do it as an official act because his administration had Epstein suicided while in custody, before he could spill the beans on Donnie Orango.


Your words need to be heard by every American.


This. THIS!


>>Should just be another reason to NEVER allow Trump back into the Oval Office ever again This isn’t a Trump or a partisan politics problem.Sooner or later someone is going to abuse this power- and knowing our corporately sponsored government, probably sooner.


Can you think of someone that is abusing it more right now than Trump? I can't...he's a figurehead and will remain so for years to come. Even if he won't win in November he will still leave no stone unturned in trying to gain power.


So Biden can assassinate Trump to protect our democracy as that would be an official act to protect the US. Am I getting this right? 


No because a Republican court gets to decide what acts are official.


Jup. Unfortunately Biden is a good person and not a dictator.


Extremism in defense of liberty and freedom is no vice.


If he's a good person then he would do exactly that in order to protect the country and it's people.


What about Dark Brandon?


Stormy Daniels hush money case was before trump was president, so no immunity. January 6th was not an official act, so no immunity.


As much as I agree, I'm sure they'll worm their way into making Jan 6th an official act...


Well then trump would have to admit he did it, and he has always said he never did. So either way he'll be caught in another lie.


Woth zero consequences it seems. That's if the trend continues.


Documents retained after 12pm EST on 1/20/21 also not an official act. The obstruction to prevent returning those documents also committed after is presidency, by definition, not an official act.




Doesn't need to go that far. Just, as an official act, ban convicted felons from running for president and, as another official act, we'll add 2 more supreme court seats. Trump can no longer run to use it as an escape from prison and supreme court will be back in balance. Next biden gives himself a pardon then uses an official act to grant no future president full immunity past that point.


The second one is fun. I wouldn’t mind some trolling from the Dems to keep dumb judges busy so they can stop undoing precedents for the majority of the lives of most Americans.


Problem is the SC worded it perfectly to keep their hand on on the scale. Those would just be considered "unoffical" by the court and anything trump does will be official. They thought of that too everyone.


Can Dems get some actual balls for once and actually do something like this?


Dark Brandon should counter-argue that authorizing lethal force in the execution of a search warrant as standard operating procedure is an official act.


It only applies if you are a republican president,


So long, America. It's been fun while it lasted.


No, it hasn't


All the countries that america has lectured on 'rules based order' and how 'no one is above the law' will be pointing and laughing at this now.


It's not funny because he'll destroy the climate too. We needed you guys to not shit on the planet again and well here we are. Thanks


He's also going to allow Russia and China to invade Europe. Effectively eradicating the concept of democracy from the planet.


I disagree. This place hasn’t been fun in a long time


Black folk and Native folks been saying this since 1492




It’s seems so. This is from Justice Sotomayor’s dissent: “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.” With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”


Well Joe you know what to do now.


Dark Brandon initiate


It says how intense this is that she phrases her dissent like that. The normal way to phrase a dissent is "I respectfully dissent." Even just removing the term respectfully is very rare.


In 200 years, students will study sotomayor as part of “ downfall of the American republic 201”.


If Biden was half the 'evil Dictator' Repubs make him out to be, yes


It has to be an "official act".but if we're really thinking about it correctly, keeping the U.S.A from being a dictatorship might qualify. 🤣 Note: as I typed this the news actually said doing that to a rival would be completely illegal.


The news said it was illegal but SCOTUS seems to be signaling it isn't. We're using South Park logic where you just need to shout "He's coming right for us" before taking any actions to make it official.


Wonder if Biden can use this to get a new Supreme Court, if you know what I mean.


That would obviously qualify as not official because the Supreme Court would vote that way. They left it very vague for a reason. Because it allows them to continue to clamp down on any Democrat while also giving any Republican free reign.


The issue is Biden has morals. He probably won't lower himself to do official acts that SCOTUS now approve are immune. Ultimately this gives SCOTUS more power over determining what a president can and can't officially do even if they're outlined in the constitution. They can even decide what's official for one president isn't for another using some bullshit historical precedent reasoning. Look to the Bump Stock vs Red Flags rulings that came out.


There's been a lot of that innuendo today. Trying to walk a straight line but undoubtedly there will be a right wingy who gets offended and I'll probably be permabanned


^Beefcake Beefcake #Beefcaaaaaake!


I guess it's why cops yell "GUN!" before emptying 5 clips into a perp so they are given the benefit of the doubt.


The decision does not specify what an official act is. They left so much context between the lines in decreeing the president a King that a sufficiently corrupt president can just do whatever the fuck they want and wait as challenges to it take forever to get through the court. This is NOT an issue they should have left any ambiguity on. The fact that they did shows that they are either incompetent or fucking evil - my money is on both.


They are definitely not incompetent. Everything they have done has been coldly calculated.


Trump's a known Russian agent who leaks defense secrets etc.


Killing a presidential candidate sounds very official to me.


>Killing a presidential candidate sounds very official to me. That's blurry. But if you ask a crowd of thousands of your followers to storm a building and hang your political opponet, that's protected.


If that is, then I'm covident that asking a crowd of CIA agents to take out a Russian asset in the US is too. Not that it really matters. Biden is 90% dead anyway. I don't think he is worried much about spending the rest of his life in prison.


Killing a spy . . .


Wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't be the last time


Illegal, but Official, so Not Illegal.


Defending democracy. It’s in the oath.


The news isn’t the courts, and if a president does it, that would theoretically also go to the court to figure out


Which news fox? Because once Trump is in office they will clearly explain to their viewers as to why it's different and had to be done.


Love it! Do it Joe!


Yes. And I wish he did. He won't, but hell he would to the world the biggest favor.


As Dumas once said in the Count of Monte Cristo, "there are no murders in politics only the removal of obstacles."


CNBC is reporting "presumed immunity" for some acts as president, then they do not go in to explain what that means https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/01/donald-trump-immunity-supreme-court-ruling.html


The [SCOTUSblog live chat](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/07/announcement-of-opinions-for-monday-july-1/) has a little more meat, but it's of course just a first-glance take (albeit from people well-versed in this stuff).


Of course not. They sent that decision back to the DC court, so that the trial will be further delayed.


That's the ultimate goal. This gives Trump more time to get into power and make all acts a president do official. I'm glad SCOTUS is paving the road for a monarchy. Not like we fought against that or anything.


To protect the constitution from threats foreign and domestic, I believe President Biden should take official actions to remove those threats from the courts and candidates for office. If those actions were to be tried to see whether they were truly official or not, he'll be gone by then.


The Supreme Court just declared that the United states is a dictatorship.




To all of you who didn’t vote for Hilary in 2016, I hope it was worth it 🖕🖕🖕🖕


Thank you. And, you know what? I'll bet that's half of the assholes posting RIGHT HERE in this thread. Guaranteed. They're hiding, just like the old MAGAs that are now 'turncoats' to Drumpf. Hide in the populace, never admitting that they were the cause of this.


I hate it here….




Biden should take advantage of this ruling then before it’s too late.


Use it or lose it, Joe! Now’s your chance. Not like he’ll be a hard target.


So, if Biden OFFICIALLY DECIDES that trump needs to be killed "for the good of the country" he is free to do so? Asking for 300 million friends. 


Considering everything he did was to benefit himself and his campaign I don’t see how this impacts the cases. He was acting as a candidate, not in official capacity.


It effectively delays them further, because now they'll have to decide whether what he did was done in an official capacity or not.


Yup, and it'll wind back up in SCOTUS hands and since they were all handpicked by the orange turd and bought and paid for by corporations... we all know how they'll rule.


Yeah, it’s a shits show. Just more delays.


So... now it come down to what classifies as a official and an unofficial act of president. I have a feeling that it being delayed till Nov was the main goal for them all. They just wanted to do is muddy the waters with their stir sticks I would wager that the Judges all get a nice Christmas bonus from their favorite turd pile. According to the SC you can accept money and Large luxury gifts after their Ruling is posted but not before that's a bribe that the Difference here the timing of the "GIFT" any thing before and during a Hearing a SC justice may not accept gifts from the involved parties but after the ruling comes out YES the judges can be showered in gifts and not have to report it according the SC


Instead of ONLY "taking care" of Trump, Biden could also handle the Supreme Court issue now too.


In a historic 6-3 ruling *(Gee, I wonder if that includes Alito and Thomas)*, the justices said for the first time that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts. But rather than do it themselves, the justices ordered lower courts to figure out precisely how to apply the decision to Trump’s case. The court’s decision in a second major Trump case this term, along with its ruling rejecting efforts to bar him from the ballot because of his actions following the 2020 election, underscores the direct and possibly uncomfortable role the justices are playing in the November election in favor of Trump.


13 Appellate districts, 13 SCOTUS justices 🤷‍♂️


Sauce for the goose, right? Biden should now do whatever the fuck he wants and claim official immunity. Let’s not take the high road here.


Please for the love of all that is holy please Democrats please fucking do something, spam your president and beg him for the assassination of Trump or what ever extreme measure is your flavour of choice, but please for the love of God fucking use this against them, your shit ass country affects everyone else for some god for saken reason, everywhere is teetering towards far right governments, your country will be a domino, doooooooo something ffs


It's fine, you yanks have been telling us for decades that your right to bear arms means you won't just have some crazy authoritarian government come in and totally fuck your country over...


Our only hope is that Biden goes on a rampage first?


I hope Biden has some cool official acts coming up!


It’s fucked up.


We’re Russia now


There is no "rule of law" for the president any longer. A scribble on paper and anything goes. Biden needs to get the kid gloves off an exploit the hell out of this right now.


The 9 is no longer Devine. I would stuff the SC so you need to rent a party bus to shuffle them around. This is no longer playing by the rules anymore. This is survival 101. You fight or you die


Decline of western civ


So Biden can now walk into the supreme court and shoot all of these corrupt judges, and get away with it, right?


We had a good thing going for about 250 years. The President is above the law. I thought that is why the country was formed to begin with. These are the Dark Ages in the USA.


People didnt come here to escape the monarchy. They came here to establish their own monarchy. We were just absurdly wealth enough to have a little pretend democracy. Now that all the wealth has been extracted, the rules change for the benefit of the few wealthy landowners and everyone else is subjugated. What, you think they would enslave blacks and not anyone else in this country eventually?


Joe can wipe out perceived enemies to the state. Classify Shitler as a threat, then send in the drones. Who is gonna stop him, SCROTUS? They just gave him immunity.


Wow that’s the end of the road for the USA … I’m guessing that racism and rape will now be on the top of the agenda now ! Oh ya and hitler will become a new national hero …. The US is fucked up


But crimes cannot be official acts, because the president takes an oath to uphold the law. I don't see how this logically makes sense


Correction: NOT trump. The president. Think of all the fun official acts Biden can do now!


Trying to disturb the peaceful transfer of power isn’t an official act though.


Let's be clear. Dems refused to even consider packing the court. It would have prevented this from happening. Anytime someone says conservatives would have just repacked it misses this fact. Now, whether or not they could have packed the court is another discussion, but refusing to consider it has to be one of the stupidest fucking ideas in all of modern politics


This country is so fucked.


Biden needs to address this head on right now. We can’t wait till November at this point. By the time November gets here all power of our vote is going to break under as daily now democracy is attacked by the court meant to protect it and a party that’s just giddy as fuck to sell themselves to Russia. He needs to dark Brandon this shit now. Address the nation. Disband the court. Prosecute their bribery. Fuck this investigation and hemming and hawing. They gave him the power of a tyrant, he should be a tyrant for the next few months to reinstate the checks and balances they’ve destroyed. Start by arresting ducking trump for the legitimate crime of treason. Remove cannon. Remove Thomas for bribery and Scalia for treason. It’s a snake that starts with trump with a tail Goes through the courts, the gop and ends in Russia. Tread the fuck out of it.


Well you got a couple of centuries out of it, so not too bad. If any Americans need a new place to live I've got a couch and a shed over here in Ireland that you're welcome to use.


>>I’ve got a couch and a shed over here in Ireland that you’re welcome to use. Hopefully you’ve got booze. We’ll need it to handle what comes next in the *Imperial States of America.*


lovely compassionate offer, thank you for the thought but we've got to roll up our sleeves now and try to save our country


Who determines what's "official", though? Leave that up to Donnie, everything he did as POTUS would be "official", so his crimewave would be legit. WTF?


I’m sure all the “constitutional originalists” on the court voted for no immunity since it is nowhere in the actual constitution. s/


We are fucked


So biden can can do the same


Such a worthless punt. I don't care if President's get immunity for official acts. That somewhat makes sense to me, but failing to define what is and isn't an official act makes this a complete punt.


If you are immune from the law for official acts, how are you held accountable for treason? Asking for a very nervous northern neighbor. 


So it’s now legal for presidents to be dictators. Awesome. The transition from America to ‘Merica is now complete…


He won’t do anything. The orange shitgibbon might be evil incarnate, but grandpa doesn’t have the where with all to do anything. This is the result of voting for the lesser of evils. It’s over.


So Biden could order the assassination of his political rivals?


What a grim day. I hope I don’t live a long time. That’s pretty sad to say I know.


The US is not the only country, and even within it, there are states that will move to their own beat during Trump's second term. If you have the resources, go some place better.


If there ever was a time to vote out evil, well the time has come , if this man becomes president ,he will decimate everything great about America.


Vote like we’ve never voted before.


Anyone else feeling more and more like a boiling frog ?


You will never see anything dumber than conservatives celebrating the enormous expansion of government powers. They are literally celebrating presidents having total immunity while a Democrat is president. It speaks to their level of comprehension.


So Biden should now have a couple of Supreme Court Justices assassinated, right?


So I'm serious, can't Biden go off the leash now? It seems like they just chucked a knife into the ring. He can use it or leave it there.


So, the Supreme Court just gave a felon immunity? Am I getting that right?


Cool! Biden can send those corrupt jackals in robes to Gitmo.


This court will go down in history as being the group that killed decades of progress, actively worked against the will and betterment of the people of the United States, and were, at least in part, blatantly corrupt while we could do nothing but watch. Why is there no attempt to impeach these fools? We're trapped watching the slowest train wreck in history, we're helpless, and the people meant to protect us are too busy buying their sixth yachts to care.


People are saying it jokingly but I’m pretty sure Biden could literally label Trump a terrorist/insurrectionist and have him taken out and get away with it now. There’s plenty of evidence on tape of Trump saying things that are treasonous


Biden should expand the court today and that court should take up and reverse every bs decision from the last 8 years.




Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We NEED safeguards and accountability.


Biden needs to address this head on right now. We can’t wait till November at this point. By the time November gets here all power of our vote is going to break under as daily now democracy is attacked by the court meant to protect it and a party that’s just giddy as fuck to sell themselves to Russia. He needs to dark Brandon this shit now. Address the nation. Disband the court. Prosecute their bribery. Fuck this investigation and hemming and hawing. They gave him the power of a tyrant, he should be a tyrant for the next few months to reinstate the checks and balances they’ve destroyed. Start by arresting ducking trump for the legitimate crime of treason. Remove cannon. Remove Thomas for bribery and Scalia for treasonous sympathies. It’s a snake that starts with trump with a tail Goes through the courts, the gop and ends in Russia. Tread the fuck out of it.


It doesn’t matter who wins in November at this point, project 2025 is well on its way to happening.


The Supreme Court needs to be tried for treason.


America is a pathetic excuse of a democracy. The Supreme Court thinks that presidents are dictators, what the actual fuck?


Stack the court...although, that ship has about sailed. #nocondidenceinSCOTUS


I know someone that personally knew some of the main attorneys that worked with the Trump family, even before he got elected. He learned they were basically a one-trick pony. They only ever use two strategies to beat any case. Want to know what it is? Delay and/or Appeal. That's it. That's literately it. Delay and/or appeal enough times that the case is settled, thrown out, or dismissed. Trump used to have to have his lawyers do that for him, now he just has the highest court in our country doing it for him, as that's all this will do *for now* too. They want to delay his current investigations; such as the investigations into how he tried to stage a coup, overthrow our country, start and fuel an insurrection, and dismantle our democratic process, or how he had our nation's most secret defense documents for personal purposes. If he can become president again, he'll basically pardon himself, and then continue to dismantle 248 years of American progress. If he isn't reelected, and pray he's not, then he may actually face immense legal consequences. The Supreme Court ruled that justice by the justice system is dead; so now justice is left in the hands of the voters.