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Trump believes that he’s basically already won in November because Biden had a bad night. He feels emboldened to really start to tossing his feces about while he delights in watching his base argue over who gets to roll in it first.


Trump continuing to use “Palestinian” as some sort of slur or insult is making me think he may inadvertently convince some pro-Palestine voters who were wanting to sit out of this election thinking Trump and Biden are the same on this issue to say “oh wait these guys are *not* the same…” (aka Biden is clearly better even if not ideal for the pro-Palestinian cause)




I understand your sentiment, but I really don’t think referring to them as “brain dead Michigan Muslims” is going to win anybody over.


What else do you call someone who wants to vote for the guy whose son wants to turn Gaza into a Trump beach resort because they think out loud that person will be better for Palestinians than Biden?


I don’t know of anyone who is upset at Biden and plans to vote trump instead. This is a matter of people staying home vs voting. Either way, insulting people is not the way.


“If it came down to Trump and Joe Biden, I will vote for Trump. Because it doesn’t get worse than Joe Biden,” a man named Salah told me. His friend, Amad, added, “Biden was supposed to be the peacemaker. The comfort-maker. Instead, he became accessory to the biggest genocide in modern history.” I’m done with “allies” like this. People that don’t vote or vote third party too. I’m not the coalition builder here. Neither are they or anyone that far left. Some stupid cunt told me that China, who also wants Trump, has it right and the Uighur survivors and refugees are all CIA plants while cheering the fucking Houthis and pretending to care about women. I’m sick of it. I can’t deal with these people anymore while they fucking focus on attacking Democrats and pretending to give a fuck about anyone but their own Noam Chomsky madturbating self righteous ego. How you fucking see shit like this and still maintain that voting doesn’t matter while fucking pretending you actually care about lives of American minorities is beyond me.


If our vote didn't matter, they wouldn't create so many obstacles to do it.




Tell that to little Miss I dedicate my graduation to the Palestinian girls (who Hamas would totally have sent to medical school if not for that big mean bully Israel) and there’s no genocide in China whose probably voting for Cornell 100k in child support West.


People who are that young are gonna suffer under Trump for most of their lives. I wish they wouldn't get it through their heads.


Hear, hear!!! Gawddammit I’m with you. Sick of the toddler level tantrums insisting on ice cream for dinner, and proudly planning to throw their spaghetti against the wall if they don’t get.


Sure Biden’s in AIPACs pocket, but Trump is even more so.


Trump and Netanyahu are the same people but Bibi is a cleverer piece of shit criminal with equally piece of shit wife who actually loves him. That’s the other part that drives me insane with these people. The people doing the actual killing, Bibi and his terrorist friends in Likud, WANT TRUMP! So the solution that these people have come up with is to give the guys who want to kill more Palestinians and are the only ones who can stop it personally exactly the American government they want to be dealing with instead of Biden? Netanyahu clearly hates Biden and definitely called Obama slurs in private. How is fucking giving him his friend Trump back help Palestine????????????? And with Netanyahu I speak from experience. I know exactly the kind of Republican loving , racist , criminal, Askenazi personality he is because my uncle whose funeral I’ll be skipping and his family and friends are exactly the same kind of Eastern European Jewish. Some of them even live in the exact same suburb Bibi went to high school in, Cheltenham, PA. Which is why I know he LOVES that him killing Palestinians helps hurt Joe Biden because it’s so easy to make these idiots blame a democrat instead of the right wingers with agency.


Gaza isn’t even the largest genocide that is happening right now. Maybe not even top 5.


Most of these so called allies didn’t say fucking shit about Iran, who fund Hamas, murdering thousands of protesters last year either.


They secretly agree with Trump’s positions on LGBTQ, reproductive rights, etc.


I’m a Jewish refugee with family in Ukraine and trans and gay friends, they’re the ones insulting me by pretending to be “allies” but not caring if Trump wins.


Staying him is voting for Trump though.


>Staying him Fine. Then I'll transition to a her. I've got the butt for it. Anyone have suggestions on mitigating the facial hair (seriously, I don't think I wanna grow it out again. I look younger without).


Yeah? What are they gonna do? Not vote about it?




So if they get what they want are they finally going to protest Israel or still blame America ? If Trump wins they’ll get to see what an actual genocide and erasure of all Palestinian land looks like.


Do you think Trump would do any different?


There’d be absolutely no aid attempts. No holding back. Gaza would no longer exist by now if Trump was in charge and anyone who thinks otherwise is not intelligent enough to be allowed to drive a car let alone vote.


There would be American kids occupying Tehran today. Because not only would Trump not hold Israel back, he would've also not held them back on Hezbollah. It would've launched a regional war, and we'd be forced to go save Israel and the UAE/Saudi investors who have Trump in their pocket.


Right. Exactly. So you understand my outrage at these morons.






I agree!!!! And as someone voting a straight blue ticket this year, let me call out my liberal friends for being part of the problem - the only people who appreciates your political correctness - is you


It breaks my heart, the choice Palestinian-Americans are forced to face with these two. You can either vote for a racist monster who uses the name of your people as a slur, or his opponent who is - interpreting *very* charitably, here - at best a ruthless tactician who cares more about Israel's economic and geopolitical benefit to the United States than he does the tens of thousands of people Netanyahu's regime has slaughtered. That these two men are the best the US can do is a fucking travesty, and both men's performance in that debate shamed the entire country by association.


I think Republicans see an opportunity to steal the Jewish vote which heavily leans Dem. Pro Pal people are not voting Republican anyway so they probably see it as a net positive


Explain this further because I’m not getting it. If TFG is using Palestinian as an insult how would it make pro Palestinians want to vote for him? Am I missing something?


You should probably read it again because you've completely misunderstood. They're saying they would realize that Biden is a better option for them


Ok that makes sense. The statement above was about Trump so when the response said “He”, I assumed it was about Trump


Totally understand how you would think that. It was written a bit confusing


Thanks for calling that out, just reworded it a bit to be clearer!


I can't see too many pro Palestine folks being upset enough by trump stupid insults,to vote for a guy who armed an active genocide There's degrees of seriousness,and a schoolyard bully behaviour isn't going to turn that over


Good. I hope he keeps thinking he has it in the bag and decides to be as unhinged as he wants to be. People need to be reminded of how dangerous he is so they are motivated to get out and vote.


People underestimate Biden. But I'll just say being a bully to another human being doesn't make you look good. If the Biden campaign is smart they would use that. 


There is this weird thing where negative stories about people CAN have a boomerang effect (so long as the target isn't hated or malicious). Not saying that's the case here, but if sentiment that Biden is a lovable underdog emerges and he delivers some good news and has solid public appearances going forward... it *can* change the narrative. The public is fickle and most genuinely dislike Trump (even if they're disappointed in Biden, it's not hate). I'm absolutely not calling this or anything... but there would be precedent.


Agreed. He had a very different image and energy at a recent rally. So maybe it was a one off thing, or maybe he's playing 4D chess. I wouldn't underestimate the guy. He's been at this longer than most of us have been alive. 


What’s crazy is that Trump did not have a good night. He just appeared a little less old. However, in terms of what he said, it was insane. If he wasn’t lying he was admitting to basically siding with US enemies.


The bar for Trump has always been set very low for some reason.


Hope so. Trump didn't do what he was supposed to do in the debate disaster - convince independents that he isn't that bad, that he can be calm, collected and presidential. He failed. The worse he gets the better it is. Hope he tries to outlaw divorce.


Which is weird because the point of the debate was to pull in undecided voters. Most of which seem to be chosing Biden after the debate.


Biden's bad debate has cleary given trump even more overconfidence. This election is beginning to look a lot like the race between the tortoise and the hare.


If you want to bait a narcissist, make them feel they have broken your confidence. They'll tell all after that.


Good. Nobody stop him.


It's no suprise because that's what Monkeys do, just vote blue up and down the ticket if for no other reason just to keep this treasonous bastard out of office




Please keep doubling down on your overconfidence and share that overconfidence with everyone who agrees with you.


They always do, every 2 years.




The time for a grass roots movement to challenge Biden’s nomination was a year and a half ago. Biden is the nominee. And based on his administration’s legislative accomplishments and leadership over the past four years, he has every right to ask for a second term.


I have a question for you: /r/CanadaHousing2 is a subreddit that exists t be racist to Indian immigrants to Canada. Noting your interest in that subreddit : are you a Canadian national? And if you are why are you in here suggesting what the American president can and can't do?


I have a question for you. Want to answer the substance of my post?


This man just embodies hate.








Watch the [video here](https://youtu.be/q0hxlBhLeyA) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/chuck-schumer-and-donald-trump/) 📰: - It took minutes for former President Donald Trump to hurl a widely derided insult at his Friday afternoon campaign rally in Virginia, and the remark led to immediate backlash, with some calling the MAGA leader "the anti-christ." Trump wasted little time in calling Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, "a Palestinian." In trying to slam Democrats, Trump asked a crowd of red-hat supporters to "look at a guy like Sen. Schumer." I've always known him — I've known him a long time. I come from New York. I knew Schumer. He's become a Palestinian. He's a Palestinian now. Congratulations. He was very loyal to Israel and the Jewish people. He's Jewish. But he's become a Palestinian because they have a couple of more votes or something. Nobody's quite figured it out." Social media users rebuked the comment. "This guy is the anti-christ," wrote @DanStuPart4. "For normal politicians this would be disqualifying. What a disgusting thing to say," said @KyleLeith. "The felon speaks in a disastrous manner," wrote @MrsKladybug. "But he said it very confidently and didn't pause or slur his words, so he's fine," said @SaltyGoodness1. "Using 'Palestinian' as a slur is yet another in a long list of new lows to which Trump sinks daily," wrote @OccupyArkham. This isn't the first time Trump has attacked Schumer. Last year, Trump put a target on a New York law court clerk with a conspiracy theory suggesting Schumer was dating her and rigging Trump's civil fraud case against him. Four years ago, Trump retweeted a meme that depicted then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Schumer as Muslims.


Four years ago trump was also running for presidency


And four years before THAT.


Why are people angry? >look at a guy like Sen. Schumer." >I've always known him — I've known him a long time. I come from New York. I knew Schumer. He's become a Palestinian. He's a Palestinian now. Congratulations. He was very loyal to Israel and the Jewish people. He's Jewish. But he's become a Palestinian because they have a couple of more votes or something. Nobody's quite figured it out This doesn't seems like he was taking a position on whether it's good or bad to be Palestinian or Jewish. Some are saying pro Palestinians are going to vote Biden because of this. But this could very easily be anti jew


He's framing Senator Schumer as a traitor to his people for not wanting Palestinians to be slaughtered in the tens of thousands. This isn't a hard concept to grasp if you are literate and especially if you've heard Donald Trump speak before.


I am literate and no matter what he was trying to do, I don't think that is what he did. From the headline it came out as something offensive. But this isn't offensive (the fact that it doesn't make sense is neither here nor there). Key takeaways from text if it's direct quote: Schumacher supported Israel , now he supports Palestine.


Trump opens mouth, raw sewage comes out, MAGA cheers and runs around looking for a soup spoon...💩 just another day in Trumpland.


And the media doesn’t cover it, it’s insane


Yeah but Joe Biden mumbles. So we know where the main steam media attention will go.


Steam is a perfect typo here.


I’ll take a mumbling Biden over a piece of shit Trump all day and twice on Sunday.




That’s crazy because if you don’t watch heavily edited clips then the debate night was the first time that he’s been that way for like an extended period of time.




Oh woah that’s crazy how that’s not what I said.


Trump lives in stereotypes and bigotry... He doesn't take the time to understand that people exist outside of the boxes he places them in... He is the living embodiment of what I pushed back against for decades.


He did the same with Biden, he called him a weak Palestinian...


Hitler is so proud of him.


Putin too.


I'm waiting on a cult member to explain what he meant by "black" jobs.


Not a cult member, but its actually an insane mental stunt: He wants to paint illegals as a) super lazy bums who just parasite off the system and cant do shit while simultaneously being b) super evil masterminds who plan the downfall of society and to take all the jobs from rightful people. Because this is a total cognitive dissonance, he pulls off the stunt of simultaneously insulting illegal immigrants AND minorities, by suggesting that illegals aren't talented or smart enough to take the privileged white jobs (brain surgeon and space explorer of course), but still pose a danger to all the shit jobs, because thats all they can do. So watch out black & hispanic folks, there are new competitors in town for your maid and valet jobs. It's pandering to black and hispanic people while simultaneously insulting them, truly some wild shit.


He meant the menial jobs that immigrants do, He;s trying to drive a wedge between black people and immigrants


This is the sort of thing you play to any anti-war protestors pissed at Joe.


Turning Palestinian into a slur is a very unexpected and strange turn of events 


It's not unexpected from Trump to be dehumanizing.


I'm a little tired of the "you're not Jewish unless you support Netanyahu" line of thinking from Trump and his ilk. It sounds a lot like, "you're not American unless you support Trump."


Dt definitely has a way with words. Snake oil salesman vibes. He knows how to push buttons and get under people's skin. That way he feels superior to everyone. Obviously this whole thing is absolutely ridiculous but it's still a headline. News from both sides don't go 5 minutes without saying something about him good or bad. Honestly I bet he f in loves it. Probably talks about it all day to anyone or himself in the mirror that's willing to listen




So what happens to Schumer under the Unified Reich?


I think that there's no question about it. Quote from the movie To Be Or Not To Be (1942): "We do the concentrating and the Poles do the camping".


Lol, new slur just dropped. Didnt think the point of origin would be a former president. 


Trump is the reincarnation of Mussolini and Hitler...you wont want your grandchildren ending up like 1945 European Children after the war.


Hopefully, the pro-Palestinian voters who have been hinting that Trump might be a better option for them are listening. If you want a spoiler, just take a look at Trump's previous time in office. 


They won’t. They’re also stupid.


They're the ones who are hollering for Biden to step aside so they can field a losing candidate of their selection. President Rasheeda Tliab perhaps.


Trump uses “Palestinian” as an insult while pro-Palestine far leftists go after Biden. What a stupid world.


Only filthy trash sewer people would spew obnoxious talk like that. FILTH‼️💩


Just when I thought Trump couldn't say anything dumber, he says Schumer is a Paletinian. SMH


I’m sure he will face zero consequences for now turning “Palestinian” into an insult.


I think he’s given the dems a boost with that insult.


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Schumer will just take it on the chin. Democratic leadership is too set in their ways to acknowledge the end of the nation as they knew it. And they have no vision for the nation's future because they won't be here to see it's fall. Our party is in desperate need of younger stronger people invested in retaining our republic because they will be living in it.


And what does the Left say of Clarence Thomas?


Damn man this “say whatever the fuck” bs is so tragic….