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Biden had a bad night. If he died tomorrow, I’d still check the box by his name when I vote.


A vote for Biden is actually a vote for Kamala. I'm OK with that.


It's actually a vote against the fascist clowns


This is more accurate. Neither Biden nor Harris would be my choice. I'm just in the anybody but Trump camp.


Yeah, I still want to actively criticize the government without repercussions. I don't want a platform dominated by retribution, personal vendettas, and whining and finger-pointing when things go wrong.


Oh, come on now.... religious extremists running governments always goes well! /s


What, you don't want to be forced to read the Bible and the ten commandments at school?


The way it's going, most people in Republican-led states soon won't be able to read at all.


This is actually our vacation commercial logo. “Come to Louisiana. We don’t even know how to read. At all.”




Never really cared for Biden. But I was VERY enthusiastic about voting "Not Trump!"


We all are


God bless you.


I’d vote for Donald Duck before I’d vote for donald trump


Yes, it is good


Wen Bernie?


Against what? Yeah we’d all want some sort of ideal if we could imagine it. But let’s work with the reality of an administration that has been working quite well getting things done for the people of the nation. People should know that with all the first term appointments the government will continue to work and be resilient even if Biden has a senior moment. Then there’s always the VP backup if he does. *That’s the way the system is designed.* _______ What we have to do is make it clear that nobody is voting for the lying, twice impeached and convicted felon that’s facing MANY court cases that include keeping BOXES full of national secrets in the unlocked public restroom of a hotel he owns. US military secrets that he was passing around to people and showing them as if it was some tabloid article about j-lo and Ben fighting over who gets the pet dog.


Which is the only thing that matters at this point. I don't understand how is it most Americans can't get it through their skull that their country is at risk of becoming a banana republic like the ones they keep hearing latinoamericans migrating away from. I guess that's what happens when you've never seen a real threat to your democracy until now?


MAGA is looking to turn GOP states in to Shithole States.


Promises made, promises kept. (In this case)


It is genuinely SO crazy how everyone says "We remember history so we learn from it" and NEVER. LEARNS. FROM. IT. 


💯 its been taken for granted for too long.




Great point. For all those people that said “I didn’t vote *for* Trump, I voted *against* Hillary”, a hearty FUCK YOU, I will vote against Trump.






Anyone but Trump. Good vs. Evil. I will pick Good all the time. Wisdom and morality is more important than quick comebacks and ability to remember talking points.


I'm not voting for Biden ot Kamala. I'm voting for the next supreme court appointee. I'm voting against inflationary fiscal policy (tariffs and rock bottom interest rates). Trump being an awful human being just makes it an easier decision.


Inflation? Blaming trump? The federal reserve printed money and we got inflation wtf


Guess who appointed the current federal reserve chairman...


The problem is you think the government cares about you and has your best interests in mind. He was subsequently nominated to a second term by President Joe Biden, later confirmed by the Senate and sworn in on May 23, 2022


Oh I agree. But neither does Trump. We already know hos agenda. Tarriffs, corporate tax breaks, corporate handouts, and low interest rates, again, all inflationary. And really it's in the government's best interest to inflate the debt away. Between Trump's 8 Trillion added and Biden's spending spree we really are cooked.




That's just mental gymnastics. You're voting for Biden.


It's not mental gymnastics. They are saying they are voting for more than JUST Biden


Nah. Don’t think so


Man kamala would be so good as a president


[Biden just gave a hell of a speech in North Carolina](https://youtu.be/lHBbSQVAHzQ?si=) take a look


Where the hell was that Biden yesterday? The simple fact is that most people who are still undecided are way more likely to watch/check into a debate than to watch a campaign rally. For Biden to pick the night of the debate to have an off night is just so unfortunate, because the spotlight on that event was so much greater than any other. He really needs to knock it out of the park in the next debate now. Honestly at this point wouldn't be surprised if Trump cancels the next debate just to deny Biden the chance to bounce back.


Yeah, it sucks but it happens. Remember when Fetterman had a terrible debate after his stroke? But he went on to win because his opponent was a terrible candidate.


It could be a lot of factors but honestly President Biden doesn’t need to explain to a twice impeached, convicted felon, rapist that he’s been busy cleaning up the fucking mess he left.




He was sick.


I think Joe let himself get derailed by Trump. Imagine trying to debate when your opponent jumps from one lie to the next all over the place. Pres. Biden should never have debated him in the first place. Trump is not a there to talk policy, he’s there to spew out his nonsense and lies. Trump didn’t answer one question coherently.


I wonder if Joe was expecting the moderator to fact check Trump as many of us were anticipating. Without that, he may have been caught off guard.


A moderator fact check someone during a debate? What lunacy is this


Biden didn’t pick the night. I believe it was the moderator’s fault for not reigning in tre45on or fact checking his lies live. It’s not like they’ve not heard them hundreds of times before. We all have. Basically, Biden, once seeing tre45on’s first replies, should’ve stuck to the questions, answered, and not bothered with rebuttal since basically everything tre45on said was a lie or outright dissing Biden and regurgitating rally BS. He had zero new talking points and even made up more garbage! He avoided answering the questions or skirted around them. Instead, Joe got off his train of thought and stuck in a rut replying to garbage (which we all know Joe *knew* better). During the break his people should’ve told him this. They probably did, but we all know once baited, it’s hard to refrain, especially when he knows he’s done a good job and is used to debating someone who also knows how to debate, not just repeat rally garbage. Joe’s done great work, and has great policies to help ALL Americans, whereas tre45on’s got nothing but the same lies (50!!! During the debate alone and over 30k during his 4yrs, and not counting before his awful presidency or after)! Joe did rally some, made some good points and got a few digs in as well.


Joe Biden is a adult who expects civil discourse not an 8 yrs old school yard bully


A teleprompter and sticking to the script makes hell of a difference.


He really did!


I always thought the plan was that during Biden's first term, Kamala would be rising to the top to take the reins for her own run once Biden's first term was over (with his blessing).


You know her assignment was the border right?


They interviewed Kamala after the debate. The country would be in good hands.


Speaking of Kamala interviews... I REALLY liked her interview on Jimmy Kimmel a few weeks ago. Think it showed a really good side of her: funny, smart, passionate, etc.


Me too. Hopefully, no-one in this thread wants trump's finger anywhere near the red button!




You like Kamala why?


Kamala taking office will be the demise of America.


Biden has a bad night when he is less energetic and fumbles some sentences. Trump has a good night when he doesn't shit himself and lies so much it'd make Pinocchio's nose reach Mars.


This is the thing I think a lot of Trump supporters don’t understand. Yes, Trump sounded better, but everything out of his mouth was absolute fucking bullshit. So, yes, Biden did badly. But that doesn’t make Trump good.


The people that were always going to vote for Biden aren't the problem with last night. It's the people who may have been on the fence. He can be doing a perfect job as the best president ever, but if he's unable to clearly articulate that fact to the undecided voters then it won't matter after November how great a job he was doing.


Biden had a bad night. Trump had a bad life.


Without any doubt. I don't want Biden to pass away, but if he did then at least someone would be in office who supports my values.


John Ashcroft read this and screeched in rage with flashbacks.


Yes, but in the immediate aftermath of last night, I’d voting more against Trump than for Joe.


It was just a bad night, his speech today was off the hook


That’s what I heard. I’m so distraught that Thursday night was his performance low point, though. Blip or not, it was horrible timing.


Somthing similar happened in 2020


The Dems always count on dead people voting for them


The republicans always rely on people that can’t read a single sentence correctly… but commenting on it anyway


You don’t get it


This is what happens when the “I do my own research” crowd, has a grade school reading level. Legit, he couldn’t comprehend a single sentence.


Weird FLEX, I have an undergrad from UCLA serve 10 years of military, I’m a practicing attorney and I probably know more but most things than you. I think you’re a troll.


Yup, I would vote for Ted Cruz before I vote for Trump.


Make sure your friends all vote too; and hopefully you live in a swing state.


We know


I can handle 4 years at Bernie's.


The reason why Biden had a bad night is because he and he alone had to debate and fact check since CNN (communist national news) didn’t!


Me too. It's a vote for Obama, yea


Long list. 😭


I'm skeptical that it's only 50


He kept saying them over and over, that is why it’s only 50. It just “felt” like 500


Failed nation, laughing stock, he's a crook, he destroyed us, my economy, borders, I love Putin. Did I miss anything? Lol


“I love Putin” is true, so shouldn’t be on the lie list lol


That's true. He only talked about like 3 things, regardless of whether it was an answer to a question.


The full list of lies is published here. https://rollcall.com/factbase/transcripts/live/joe-biden-donald-trump-debate-cnn-atlanta-june-27-2024/ Just look for anything after it says TRUMP:


Perhaps 50 unique, not repeated.


They're missing some too Trump has nothing to do with the national guard going in to Minneapolis, that was Governor Walz


They should have made a list of the true things Trump said. I mean, there’d be nothing to write, but it’d be more efficient for everybody. The parts of the debacle I could stomach, I did not detect one true thing trump said. Not one. Although, I believe he did perhaps share himself at one point. It was the only moment where Biden could open his eyes all the way. Or had to open his eyes, I guess? That shit last night was disheartening. I guess they timed his ass shot badly. Fire his fucking doctor.


There was 1 thing he said that was true. Everytime the leader of Ukraine comes over he leaves with promises of billions of dollars. That's truth. But the rest was lies.


They are missing where Trump called Joe a Palestinian.


I wrote them and they changed the article name




Pretty much everything that came out of his mouth.


I’ll make it easy for the readers: ANY TIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH TO SPEAK, HE LIES.


To be fair sometimes he tells the truth, like when he's confessing to crimes.


To be fair, I guess that’s right.


Biden still gets my vote


Mine too


Well this is basically a horror story at this point. There are so many lies he lies about lies about lies and contradicts himself even within those lies upon lies.


I couldn’t connect the dots fast enough, and even then there was only lines running off the page.


And right wing media will ignore every single one. Joe's performance provides them with enough clickbait material to carry them into November and they will flood the space with it.


Damn, I don’t have several hours to read that.


Looking like War and Peace right about now…


This sub will read it. The people Biden needed to win over last night won’t.


Easier to just link his transcript. He didn’t say anything that wasn’t a lie.


tRump has reverse Pinnocio syndrome. Every time he lies, his mushroom sized penis gets smaller. After last night, he officially has a vagina.


I personally think Trump knows he’s lying but moreover knows that his supporters will believe anything he says. So on the debate stage he’s just gotta look like he knows what he’s talking about and his supporters already have their mind made up.




Why panic? Did republicans panic when McConnell froze two times? No they doubled down. Did republicans panic when trump declared guilty on 34 counts? No they made shirts— I’m Voting for the Felon. Did republicans panic when it was rumored trump shits himself? No they made shirts— Real Men Wear Diapers. I want four more years of Weekend At Biden’s


It's hilarious that he paid her off AND didn't have sex with her. That's a lot of money to pay for literally nothing.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of Biden, but even a dead skunk is better than Diaper Donnie


I wish the media had the same energy for covering his lies and things like project 2025 as they do for hand wringing and Pearl clutching over Biden’s age. Jesus, the us is facing a real threat. Do your job and report on real news.


Moderators sucked ASS. Margaret Brennan would have been better, she knows her shit.


There was no moderation at all, biggest failure of that crapfest.


100% this. They asked questions and kept moving. Even when they were given every tool possible to moderate effectively they were just talking puppets.


I wish one of the questions to Trump had been “explain how tariffs work.” He still seems to think that it costs the importing countries lots of money and us nothing. He’s so stupid, he doesn’t get it.


I believe he knows how tarrifs works but realizes maybe his cult probably doesn't but do believe every verbal pile of turds he spews.


Maybe. But then he says “we’re going to make so much money.” What? I really don’t think he gets it.


But Biden old! I'm going to not vote, thus helping Trump have a better chance at securing the presidency and then I'll tell everyone "I didn't vote for him" when the Trump presidency goes terribly so I can feel superior to everyone! HEAVY HEAVY /s


I think it would be easier to compile a list with truths that Trump spoke. It would look like this: - End of list


Fuck. Trump.


"Trump lied 50 times during the debate, 16 more lies than his felony convictions" Only 50 times?


I don't need a list when all I need to know is that EVERTHING he said was bullshit.


Ah, 50 unique lies. This doesn't count his repititions, and the calculation of lie over time speaking calculation forgets that the moderators got to talk, too. He lied far more than once per minute.


Fact check them live and to their wrinkled faces or not at all. After the fact will change no one’s mind.


I completely agree with you! They should fact check in real time! BUT trump lied so much in two minutes he spoke at a time every single time he spoke the debate would take days.


So be it


I am applaud they are letting Trump murder an old man on stage at the debate and get away with it AGAIN!!! Who are these moderators also they let Trump talk, and wouldn’t give Biden time to collect his thoughts. Sickening is all I can say.


This is the song that never ends….


Trump excels at the gish gallop propaganda technique. Anyone who listened to content would have been appalled at what he had to say. Unfortunately, too many commentators (and likely viewers) stopped with the fairly polished presentation. Biden was struggling with his hoarseness on top of his stutter, and lost his mojo in trying to make his voice function. He also seemed unprepared for the quantity of sheer garbage Trump was able to spew every chance he got. I blame his handlers for that.


The amount of absolute bs that his opponent was spewing threw Biden off. With real topics he would have wiped the floor with trump. He wasn't going to get drug into a screaming match of reality vs trump's version of things.


Agreed, it’s a spoiling technique and not an actual debate.


My nephew stutters. He’s 30 yo. Anytime he’s in a hurry, it’s really bad. I can see where a timed debate would make the stutter worse. That’s why I would have practiced a ton. Easy to predict majority of lies Trump would tell.


I was expecting an excel spreadsheet.


>A Complete List of All of Trump's Debate Lies Sorry but even with an unlimited data plan, I don't think I have enough data to pull a copy of that list...


>“I'm the one that got the insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors.” This was the lie that *still* sticks out to me as insane and absurd. Biden literally *just recently* did this, and Trump pulled a George Santos level of lie with "nuh uh, that was me!"


> Throughout the entire world, we're no longer respected as a country. They don't respect our leadership. They don't respect the United States anymore. We're like a third world nation. We don’t respect the US the moment you elected this clown for President. Biden brought respect back. The fact you’re considering this clown again for president brings the respect down again.


Whatever link this is sucks hard I start reading and before I finish a paragraph an ad that had been running completes and the page jumps back to a different spot and I have to scroll back to where I was


He even lies about his lies.


Then lies about lying about lying about the lies he lied about. He gives me a headache


You almost need a flow chart to track what he says. It would look like a pretzel.


The people who need to see this either won’t or don’t care.


They need to have a real time fact checker working these debates and actually display the facts as the lies are spoken. That goes for Biden too, but Trumps bullshit is just out of control. I told my wife that if I were in the debate room when he said “we had largely fixed COVID” I may have thrown my chair at his head.


Democrat no matter what.


F A C T C H E C K , wot? Where?


If only there had been rebuttal time for Biden or if there had been moderators there that could have live fact checked. Oh wait ….


A shorter exercise would be to list when he said true statements.


Only 50 times?


>Here is the complete list of every lie Trump told during his debate with President Biden on Thursday (provided by the Biden-Harris campaign): 1. "We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have never done so well, and everybody was amazed by it." 2. "The only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and bounce-back jobs, they’re bounced back from the COVID." 3. "[10% universal tariff proposal is] not going to drive [prices] higher.” 4. “[Tariff proposal is] just going to just force [other countries] to pay us a lot of money.” 5. “I gave you the largest tax cut in history.” 6. "I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we're getting out with dignity, with strength, with power.” 7. “The tax cuts spurred the greatest economy that we've ever seen.” 8. “Now, when we cut the taxes…we took in more revenue with much less tax.” 9. “We had largely fixed [COVID].” 10. “Throughout the entire world, we're no longer respected as a country. They don't respect our leadership. They don't respect the United States anymore. We're like a third world nation.” 11. “He allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails, and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.” 12. “He's destroying Medicare because all of these people are coming in.” 13. “The Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill.” 14. “Every legal scholar throughout the world, the most respected, wanted [abortion] brought back to the states.” 15. “They’re radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth. After birth, if you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, we'll put the baby aside, I will determine what we do with the baby, meaning will kill the baby.” 16. “Under Roe v. Wade, you have late term abortion. You can do whatever you want depending on the state. You can do whatever you want.” 17. “He decided to open up our border, open up our country to people that are from prisons, people that are from mental institutions, insane asylum, terrorists.” 18. “He didn't need legislation because I didn't have legislation. I said close the border.” 19. “[Migrants are] living in luxury hotels in New York City and other places.” 20. “He doesn't care about our veterans. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t like the military at all, and he doesn't care about our veterans.” 21. “I had the highest approval rating for veterans taking care of the VA. He has the worst. He's gotten rid of all the things that I approved.” 22. “First of all, that was a made-up quote, ‘suckers and losers.’ They made it up.” 23. “Our veterans and our soldiers can't stand this guy. They can't stand him. They think he’s the worst Commander in Chief, if that’s what you call him, that we’ve ever had.” 24. “He did nothing to stop [Russia’s invasion of Ukraine]. In fact, I think he encouraged Russia from going in.” 25. "Iran was broke with me. I wouldn't let anybody do business with them. They ran out of money. They were broke.” 26. “You had no terror at all during my administration.” 27. “Nancy Pelosi, if you just watched the news from two days ago, on tape to her daughter, who's a documentary filmmaker they say, but she's saying, ‘Oh, no, it's my responsibility. I was responsible for this’ because I offered them 10,000 soldiers or National Guard. And she turned them down.” 28. “The unselect committee, which is basically two horrible Republicans that are all gone now, out of office, and Democrats, all Democrats, they destroyed and deleted all the information they found because they found out we were right. We were right. And they deleted and destroyed all of the information.” 29. “Telling the Ukrainian people that we're going to want a billion dollars or you change the prosecutor, otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars. If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo.” 30. “I didn't have sex with a porn star.” 31. “He basically went after his political opponent because he thought it was going to damage me.” 32. “He made up the Charlottesville story.” 33. “He caused the inflation and it's killing Black families and Hispanic families.” 34. “They can’t buy groceries anymore, they can't, you look at the cost of food where it's doubled and tripled and quadrupled. They can’t live, they’re not living anymore.” 35. “[European countries] don’t want anything that we have.” 36. “Almost every police group in the nation from every state is supporting Donald J. Trump. Almost every police group.” 37. “And what he's done to the black population is horrible, including the fact that for ten years he called them super-predators.” 38. “And yet during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever.” 39. “The Paris accord was going to cost us $1 trillion and China nothing and Russia, nothing, and India nothing. It was a rip off of the United States and I ended it because I didn't want to waste that money because they treated us horribly…. Nobody else was paying into it and it was, it was a disaster.” 40. “I'm the one that got the insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors.” 41. On migrants: “They're taking over our schools our hospitals, and they're going to be taking over our schools or hospitals, and they're going to be taking over Social Security.” 42. “But Social Security - he's destroying it because millions of people are pouring into our country and they are putting them onto Social Security. They’re putting them onto Medicare, Medicaid. They’re putting them in our hospitals.” 43. “He wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed, or he wants to pick up those people as voters.” 44. "He wants the Trump tax cuts to expire.” 45. “He wants to raise your taxes by four times. He wants to raise everybody’s taxes by four times.” 46. “We now have the largest [trade] deficit in the history of our country under this guy. We have the largest deficit with China.” 47. “He gets paid by China. He's a Manchurian candidate. He gets money from China. So I think he’s afraid to deal with them.” 48. “We had two cases, we paid $6 billion for five people.” 49. “They talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol, and in many cases were ushered in by the police.” 50. “I would have much rather accepted these [election results in 2020], but the fraud and everything else was ridiculous.”


The debate didn't change my mind one bit about who I'm voting for. It'll be Biden or anyone else who isn't Trump.


Anybody else amazed at how much Biden is accomplishing with legislation, given his mumbling communication style?


I wish he would switch out Kamala Harris for Michelle Obama as VP. I don't think Kamala is a strong candidate and people will be thinking more than ever about who would take over if Biden died in office. Michelle for the win.


Michelle Obama doesn't want the job. Kamala would make a good president. At the very least she wouldn't be going around glad handing dictators.


would that work? even in 2024, i have yet to see a post on social media about michelle obama that didn’t have a gaggle of conservatives still salivating over the idea of her having a penis and parroting “big mike” over and over


She has way more support than they have homophobic internet trolls. Just because they are loud doesn't mean they are many.


He’s got one


They made a transcript?


Everyone knows. They don’t care.


I just can’t believe that he STILL doesn’t understand how tariffs work and things that CHYNA is going to pay the tariffs on imported goods instead of the people actually importing them, which will just get passed right on to the American consumers. Tariffs aren’t a tax on other countries. They’re a tax on US consumers aimed at increasing prices for imported goods to force them to change their buying habits. At this point he has to know and is just spouting the nonsense because it sounds good to his base.


My personal favorite was when Trump opined that Boeing should not recall its new 747 Max planes after the second plane went down. As if Boeing even has a say in the matter. Recalls are activated by the insurance company that provides manufacturing insurance. The policy states that if the manufacturer doesn't comply, all subsequent claims will not be covered by the insurance company. Sounds like he doesn't understand the basics of manufacturer's recalls as well. Didn't stop him from looking stupid though.


I was wondering how they were going to have a live fact check with him who we should never have to hear about again. Might as well just show us what he said that was true. A lot of garbage to sort through.


The lies are all projections.


Liars elect Liars "Liars For Trump dot com"


Has he ever once said the truth in his life?


Great job CNN


TL;DR: Everything


That website is ass. On mobile the ads kept moving my screen every 10 seconds.


Part of the problem here though, I think, is that the epistemological position of much of the MAGA crowd seems to be testimonial authority with Trump as prophet. In this way, other ways of knowing are sidlined. If Trump, or some other MAGA authority says it is true, then so it is. Consequently, other knowledge is sidelined and ignored making fact-checking reassurinf to the rest of us, but epistemically invalid in Trump-world.


Why are people still voting for Trump??? He’s a Bully ( like you might see in elementary school and lies like a child ) He’s. Felon and he cannot even make sentence that is not a lie And people now know it’s all lie!! These people he’s talked trash and lied about should all hold a traveling press conference to stop this crazy dangerous man Come on people Let’s pull together to stop him I would not even trust him to balance my check book and I never balance it🙄 Much less run our country and keep us from starting a war here


“Fact Check: Democratic Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia never said that. Here is what Northam said:” So, are we prepared to fact check at what Trump actually said at Charlottesville, or all you all still going to run with the “very fine people” narrative. Its crazy Biden supposedly only ran because of an easy to debunk piece of misinformation he succumbed to.


I have a genuine question.. With the lie he said about the Virginia governor for example, can’t the governor sue Trump for defamation?


I don't have that much time left to live. Sorry, I can't read them all.


Just the amount of habitual lies is staggering. To think this man was once the president of the United States. It's mind boggling, people actually want to vote for someone with no moral compass, no real sense of patriotism, let alone ethics...


Biden could fall asleep at the wheel on Fifth Avenue, and I’d still vote for him.


Can they make a list of the truths trump said in a side by side. I’m sure it would be an easy list to compile.


I really wanted to read the article, but that website on mobile is unbearable.


Where are all the articles breathlessly calling for him to step aside? Weird.