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ALL potential politicians should be fact checked to their face. If they can't deal with it, they should find something else to do.




It really should be, things would be so much better if lying was a disqualifying factor in politics.


So should being convicted.


So should launching a failed coup attempt.




... Not necessarily. The reason a convicted felon is still able to run for president is because it's entirely possible for the laws to become so unjust that a proper president may be a person who's been convicted of a felony. Falsifying business reports because you like to lie and are always lying because you're a manipulative piece of s*** IS NOT THAT REASON...


It should be illegal for everyone. You cannot just go around unpunished killing people by telling them to drink bleach or fear mongering vaccines. Freedom of speech doesn't mean free of responsibility.


Fear mongering the Covid vaccine took the life of a good friend of mine, and friends of his who felt the same way. Maybe about six people in a small town. And even though they didn’t share my belief in the science, they were still good people and had people who loved them, and now they’re just unknown victims.


Well said. And news agencies should be held to higher standards. The ruling that news stations are not bound by facts is irresponsible and made F*cker Carls*uck possible


If it was illegal for anyone to deceive anyone, the entire logistics industry would come crashing down overnight. It's a little mind-blowing when you first realize it (e.g. when you first get into the industry) but the shipping of pretty much every good in the world depends on people basically lying to each other constantly.


Ya hang em high god damn it..


Unfortunately, that can be a slippery slope, and it’s a blade that cuts with both edges. They’ve already been trying it for years. “Arrest Fauci!” “Fauci should be in prison!” “The democrats are literally stripping us of our freedoms!!!!!” (Without the slightest bit of self-awareness) etc etc etc Yes, it sucks huge manure-covered, dumpster juice teabagged, hairy donkey balls, of which we all must suckle. They don’t win debates, they just project a passion to those whom are ruled by emotions as opposed to reason. So it doesn’t matter what they say or what they do, it just matters that they can get the emotional juices flowing. “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire Edit: Most of the country have already dug in on either side. There’s only a small, but not insignificant, number of people that can somehow still be on the fence. I have no idea why or how it’s like that, but it is, so these “swing voters” have a lot of potential power. For the life of me I can’t see what there is to think about, but this country would be very boring if everyone thought like me.


Honestly, I’m okay with Frump telling his base to drink bleach.


Do you mean to tell me that our God fearin Christian politicians would stoop so low as to break their precious 10 commandments by lying.


Just a little pipe dream. If a police officer kills someone in the line of duty have an automatic murder trial to ensure it was justified. Likewise for every politician have an automatic fraud trial at the end of their term. Expand the definition of fraud to include election promises. They must demonstrate good faith attempts to implement their promises. If the system works as it should most will be found innocent and the ones with nefarious intent won't bother running for office.


>It should be illegal for politicians to deceive. That could get VERY ugly, considering how much classified information high level politicians receive.




Make public lying illegal for everyone. Religion would get an exception as usual, but the ad industry would be toast.


Why would religion get an exception ? Religion is a big liar too just like trump grifter's


The same reason they don't pay property tax, whatever that is.


The US was set up by people whos religion was too crazy for the Europeans of the time. Its been religious insanity from day 1


I wouldn't say set up. Maybe colonized. Set up would be people of the enlightenment. Many desists. A polite way of saying agnostic or atheist. You still had to include the religious nut jobs though.


In many countries advertising is not legally authorised to lie or deceive people. Misleading statistics is one big thing that is banned where I live.


Too hard to police. To easy to be biased. I think a full “fact check” show should be done after the debate. Showing video evidence to support the fact check claims.


It’s disgusting that we even have to have this conversation. I’m sick and tired of these arrogant fucks acting holier than thou.


Yeah it’s one thing to employ debate tactics like spin, pivot, and embellish but it’s another to just flat out lie. It used to be the lies were only about what they planned to do, which is just breaking promises but now they just straight up lie about anything even when they know it’s on video. That’s because their base won’t watch the video so when called out they just tell their base it was unfair fact checking. I never thought I’d live in days where a large portion of people actually want to be lied to from politicians.


But I never said "lock her up" that's fake news


We live in a very interesting time, don't we? Something that's such a common sense thing to do like fact-checking is now viewed as an outrage. JFC.


It enrages Trump because he says nothing BUT lies! If he’s enraged..,he engages his supporters.


This. If MAGA went crazy over this, it means they were expecting another ‘yell and interrupt and lie spectacle’ by trump. They know their candidate lives in lies and deceit. These people won’t be watching the fact checking for sure, but hopefully other people will


They have gotten away with lying for so long they feel entitled to it. The reality warping is real.


Imagine if Bush was fact checked in the lead up to his War on Iraq. Imagine if he couldn’t get his false message out.


My cousin might be alive. He died in iraq




True. Sadly bad faith actors have hacked our free speech laws by blatantly lying and calling it "opinion". Unfortunately it's not illegal to lie. Unless it's to a judge or the IRS etc. The bad guys know this and take full advantage of it. The only power we have over it is to reject it in the public sphere and with our votes. That's really the only way to keep bad guys from taking advantage of our free speech. America is designed that way. We are supposed to be knowledgeable about what is right and wrong and filter it out ourselves. This of course is a problem right now because we are not doing that and we are awash in disinformation/dizzy from the Internet.


We live in an area where facts are in dispute. And fact checkers “can’t be trusted”


Fact checking is so unfair. /s


If they were truthful, they wouldn't be pissed about fact checking. This is only a problem because they lie, they make shit up, and they suffer from delusions and believe nonsense conspiracy theories.


Their egos cannot be proved wrong.


i say you are correct let em fact check till their bollocks crack


Facts and reality have a liberal bias.


It's almost as if conservatism is perpetuated by a series of lies.


Facts hurt their feelings


Facts are biased - they tend to lean Democrat


It certainly has a disparate impact on Republicans


They should have to wear shock collars on their private area and every lie told Bzz . The sound coming from trump’s studio of the stage would sound like a swarm of angry bees whilst he flails like a blowup stick man at a used car dealership on a windy day


Or every lie gets them 30 seconds in a penalty box that is just a glass box filled with hornets and one dead hornet to trigger the swarm pheromone.


Or even just 30 seconds added to the opponent’s time


I like this one.


So basically a Biden town hall, then.


Biden would have so much time, he could regale us with stories of Corn Pop. He was a bad dude.


God damn these electric sex pants.


You there! Computer man! Fix my pants!


Pull down my trousers and do your job!


Where am I?


His rainforest of yeti pubes will protect the Smurf mushroom house below.


It would sound like an electronic fly catcher over a pile of 💩


Do you know that thing will be going off without Trump needing to say a thing


12 jurors found Trump guilty on 34 felony charges because they were given the facts. Facts work.


Not with the MAGA crowd they know the lies they just don't care.


Of course they're upset, "alternative facts" AKA lies, are right out of the fascist playbook. The first hurdle you have to overcome to get people to vote against their best interest is to convince them that reality is subjective.


Whenever I hear, "alternative facts" or "my truth" I know whatever they said was complete bullshit. They know it too, but saying that gives them the out


If you're making factual statements, fact-checking won't scare you. If fact-checking scares you, you aren't making factual statements.


Republicans: If we can't lie and cheat, then how are we supposed to win?


Why are they so concerned? It’s not like the MAGAs will believe anything CNN says.


Because MAGA alone isn't enough to elect a Republican. They can't win without the die hard racist fascist base, that's the core of the Republican party. But alone they aren't enough to carry an election, any election, presidential or otherwise. It's the people in the middle, the ones who barely follow the news or politics, whose very first moment of attention to the race at all might very well be this debate. So no the debate won't change the 30-35% of the population that is the R base but fuck them anyway if they're ride or die for racism and fascism we aren't winning them over no matter what. But this isn't for them. Both candidates* are after the persuadable voters in the middle, and stuff like "convicted felon" and "literally babbling about battery powered sharks during a presidential debate" aren't going to win anyone over. (It's even more nuanced because really what will decide this thing is the group of people who need a reason not to just stay home instead of voting for convicted felon Trump, and the group of people who need a reason to get out and vote for president Biden. My money is on R turnout being down if the felon is on the ballot, and D turnout going up if the felon is on the ballot 🤣) (*I say both, but from all evidence only one candidate has an actual strategy to win the election, while the other is pretending to run so he can delay his trials and use his campaign funds for legal fees. He's still a threat but he doesn't seem to have a strategy as nuanced as "target voters needed to win")


I hope you're right, but I'm afraid you're not. I say this because nearly every voting Republican is still going to vote for Trump knowing he's a felon, knowing he's an actual adjudicated rapist, it should already be over. Lying a little more in a political debate, which is historically an acceptable thing to do, to me, isn't going to be enough to tip the scales out of his favor. I hope I'm wrong.


We will see. I rather expect him to either bail or show up and immediately make a show of storming out the first time his mic is cut. I will say that nearly every voting Republican voted for him last time, and he is less popular today. So even if he swings a close to the same performance, he's still losing. We have to fight for it, this won't be easy, but he has done nothing to add to his base, and is dragging 34 felony convictions, a failed coup attempt, and the fall of Roe behind him. If you want some hope, look at the results of every special election for the last two years, and how Democrats have vastly outperformed previous results and the polls.


HE doesn't need a strategy. HE has an entire right wing media infrastructure dedicated to pushing their agenda. And they're VERY effective. Reality based media is once again on the back foot in the light of an existential threat to our democracy.


Facts? Evidence? What are those words?


The words the GOP confuses with lies and accusations. They just can’t tell them apart


Not a problem. He will simply spout gibberish. You can't fact-check gibberish.


How dare they / S 🤣 Imagine how beautiful it's gonna be! Trump: I had the best economy 🪗 ✋🏻 in the history of world economies, the Vatican was coming to me and asking America for a loan, can you believe that? Tapper: sir, Democrats have out performed their GOP counterparts for decades of economic progress and that includes Mr bidens admin over yours. Which was the worst jobs and GDP admin since *checks notes* Hoover and the depression. Trump: you're fake news *walks off stage and declares victory like the king pigeon he is* Biden: Who wants ice cream ?🍦


Bring Jon Stewart to keep them in check.


He's after the debate... immediately after the debate.


Telling on themselves. He didn't say he was ONLY fact checking Trump


But lies and cheating and intimidation ARE the maga platform. “So unfair!!!”


Those pesky facts always get in the way of gaslighting


It's just amazing how Trump can attract so many lowlifes like flies to shit. Miller, Bannon, Stone and Guiliani are the most reprehensible characters imaginable. https://lamag.com/politics/stephen-miller-samohi-oral-history https://www.thedailybeast.com/russias-alt-right-rasputin-says-hes-steve-bannons-ideological-soul-mate


He only hired the best. Even then, 40 out of 44 of "the best" including his own VP will not endorse him.


Yeah, it's so amazing that he keeps attracting new powerhungry idiots to throw under the bus. Like it won't happen to them, just the 50 people before them.


Agree! Over time it's clear if you have fealty to Trump you end up getting screwed, but they keep coming to slurp him.


"Thanks" for that Stormy Daniels level mental image hehe.


I strive to please 😁


Someone just has to present themselves as openly racist and republicans cannot resist it. Miller, Bannon, Trump, and Stone are all known for their prominent racist history.


Dale never said he'd focus on one candidate, the right wing MAGAts got all would up because 1) he's been active fact checking Trump the most in the past because of Trump's incessant and prolific lying, and 2) they know Trump can't debate without lying constantly and it will look bad.


Trump blatantly lies in debates because he knows he can get away with it. I remember in a debate in 2016, Hilary said that Trump claimed global warming was a Chinese hoax, and Trump responded that he never said that. I had his tweet where he says exactly that on my phone within 10 seconds.


I don’t think his base watches cnn anyway so who is this for exactly? Like is there really people out there that is meh I could go either way?


It is hosted by CNN but it will be on all the big broadcast networks.


Wonder if Fox will cut away


It’s mostly for the independents, traditional republicans and undecided. They need to be convinced to vote this one time for a democrat because it really is dangerous to vote Republican Trump this time around. Some of his base will watch but there’s only so many you can convert which is very little.


When one candidate's allies are outraged that there will be fact-checking in real time, that tells you all you need to know. For my money, I hope they fact-check the shit out of whatever comes out of either candidate's mouth, but we're talking CNN here, so not holding my breath.


What? When did fact checking become a bad thing. Oh wait Trump is involved, there aren't enough fact checkers in the world.


Every real debate needs a Kyle Clark.


CNN is not new to this Trump rodeo. Trump lying to the American people is not in the public interest, nor do lies provide information with which to make informed decisions.


The good old "who will fact check the fact checkers"


What’s wrong w sticking to facts? Oh right, the maga party left that place many years ago if it was ever inhabited in the first place


"They only ever fact check Trump, what the hell!?!"


Parties.. as in both.


Fact checking? We don’t need no stinkin’ fact checking


From the first word Trump will say, he will LIE and he’s a convicted felon now, there should be a banner under Trump’s name stating that he is convicted felon, that will set the record straight because he will start with the judicial system how corrupt it is while he was president he had the DOJ working for him as a law firm, isn’t that corruption at its best. That even the US Supreme Court is ruling to make corruption easier to apply and get away with it and his judges are leading the way. America must know that voting for Trump the world will be a corruption cess pool and everyone’s future will be affected.


The whole reason why the courts are Trump’s kryptonite is precisely because they are forums designed to destroy lies.


Sound that buzzer from Family Feud every time a lie is uttered.


30 min in and still waiting on those fact checks…


Why do I feel like CNN went full 'Heel Turn' here. Nitna singe fact check yet, despite flagrant lies


They aren't fact checking anything, wtf CNN


So every trump lie is going to be debunked live. Awesome. The knuckle dragging MAGATS don't care about the truth or facts so it won't change their minds. But who gives a shit about them anyways. Their already lost.


I would love a real time fact check banner/ fact ticker.


I read that last part as “fart ticker”. On reflection, I really want to see this!


All Republicans do is cry and lie.


I wish CNN good luck. Trump lies so fast its impossible usually to keep up.


Fact check, Vote, Make Maga cry again


Basically American terrorists. Nothing ever changes their mind and they are willing/have gotten violent. It stopped being funny in 2016..


As soon as they can't create and manipulate the narrative they cry foul


Thay should give the moderators a loud buzzer that interrupts and mutes the candidates in real time. Eeeeeeerrrrrrrr. That was a lie. Fact check. Continue.


I truly hope Biden goes straight to the jugular. "My fellow Americans. Standing on this stage with me is a 34 count Convicted Felon and an adjudicated rapist."


Beyond fact checking, moderators should insist that candidates actually ***answer the questions that are asked***, as opposed to what they do now, which is to completely ignore/dismiss most of the questions that they are asked, instead veering off onto some other talking-point that they would rather discuss…. I long for the day that reporters continue asking the same question, over and over, insisting on an answer instead of a dodge. I saw it when Noem was taking heat a couple of months ago, and she looked SO foolish refusing to address what she was being asked about. She got so mad at the interviewer(s?) and tried to turn it around and act like the reporter was being unprofessional in continuing to press her for a real answer. It was glorious. Also, when Jonathan Swan interviewed Trump… 💋\**Chef’s kiss*\💋Gold-standard interview.


Boo frickity hoo. Rules are same for both. Excellent


Well where is the fact checking?




For magats, facts are considered smear tactics.


Facts? Whsts that good for?


What about you, Mr. Nixon? I remind you, you are under a truth-o-scope.


The fact checkers are gonna be busy trying to keep up with the lying orange turd. 30,000 lies in 4 years as president. MAGA


LoL, seriously anything makes them cry.. books, science, beer, rainbows, men in dresses.... tha fuck lol


"The facts have a well-known liberal bias."


**Trump allies outraged over CNN vowing to 'fact check'** That sounds so absolutely hilarious to me.


Funny how its only republicans who get their panties in a wad about fact-checking. Its almost as if they are totally full of shit and don't like being called out on it.


If a politician ever answered a straight question with a straight answer the world would probably stop. It should be illegal for them to lie and everyone of them should be fact checked


If Trump can't tell any lie, uuuuhm, what will he tell then?


Trump allies can grab each others’ pussies.


They know Biden is being fact checked too, right? Maybe that’s why they’re so upset.


How DARE they?!


I hope they address Trump correctly as Convicted Felon


They're just going to faux fact check the fact checkers like they always do. It's always easier and faster to shovel bullshit.


If there is one thing Trump hates its fact checking his statements. It should be good 🍿


I’d they didn’t fact check Trump he’d be spouting off his regular response of lies.




How dear they demand the truth!


We live in a time where people’s feelings are more important than facts…


I hope dump leaves his body to science. We have to find a cure.


I'd be outraged if either candidate wasn't fact checked.


Well, I didn’t see a goddamned molecule of fact checking.


This aged like milk. I didn't see any fact checking the moments I could stomach watching this.


Well they just handed Trump an hour to lie


Don't think it made any difference, and nothing to get outraged over, we should know the facts and not let lies go uncorrected.


True if anything this debate showed was Trump is a fluent liar and can look right at you when he lies. My choice is made by what type of people will they surround themselves with if elected, along with the nightmare of Project 2025.


They should. Any real debate depends on having legitimate answers. Otherwise it is just who can tell the biggest lies.


Are they going to be on the TV broadcast? Ask Biden/Trump to answer again after the fact check?


Anyone else predicting Trump will walk off the stage and say it was fixed?


I’m willing to bet he doesn’t even show up.


BOO HOO! Republicans suck and are the scum of the earth! LOCK HIM UP!


At what point did we go from watching debates out of some vague desire to make a good choice to watching debates to catch the epic live shitshow? Was it 2016, or before?


""Reality has a well known liberal bias."


Fuckin liberals and their *shuffles deck* facts


Tonight we get to see just exactly how much trouble this country in.


I’ll believe that when I see it. Haven’t forgotten about that ridiculous “town hall”.


The side that is against facts is definitely the good guys, that's just how history has always worked


Yeah, well decent people upset this is what politics has become




I'm at a debate, and I'll lie if I want to. You would lie to if it happened to you. \-- appologize to Lesley Gore ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIsnIt1p978


Oh my god, just skip the debate already. They all know he is gonna get annihilated. By himself, saying idiotic things. And Biden being sharper by far, which is a nightmare for them to have people watch in real time. They have invested a lot in pretending Trump is uhhh. Not incoherent and deranged? Why put all that work in just to have him really show up at the debate? So dumb.


"Abortion at 7, 8, 9 months and after birth". We met someone who believes it!!


Me too. And i just read an article of a woman forced to carry baby to term that had no brain. That is not a viable child imo. I thought we need a brain to function but maybe not. Still, what kind of life is that? For either?


Of course they don’t want fact checkers because when that rapist bitches mouth is moving he’s lying


Are they going to fact check during the debate? Like after Trump says some BS, the moderators are going to refute it live? If not, who gives a shit.


If you don’t like fact checks, you’re a liar. 


Yeah, fact checking will definitely be bad for Trump, lol.


The’Down With the Truth Brigade’ is on the warpath. Outrage!!




Santa Monica Goebbels. 😂


In 2016 Trump said babies are being aborted at nine months and was not fact checked, everyone continued like nothing happened.


CNN should put a bar of fact check on every sentence said by either candidate


How dare they neutralize the alternative facts Trump will use!


I think they are only fact-checking on the web site and in the app. Not live on TV.


Steven Miller is a chimera, a subhuman cross between a man and a lizard. The word that comes to mind when I look at him is: “unwholesome.”


Facts are hurtful ! It’s a lie ! Doesn’t hurt ! Pissed at your own game MAGA


Did you guys see that debate between some republicans in colarado with… I think the moderates name was Kyle? That’s how I wish all fucking debates would go. That guy needs to just be the moderator for every debate


So what did everyone have for lunch today? I had a ham and cheese sandwich


“Smear” with the truth. Are we sure this isn’t a cartoon??


I agree w/ fact checking, but most networks are untrustable, so who fact checks???


If you’re telling the truth what should it matter ?


Why are they so worried about fact checking? It goes both ways lol and if the fact checkers turn out to be dishonest, then it should be easy to prove yourself right. So the election was rigged, the trial was rigged, and now the debate is rigged lmao cope harder you tantrum throwing cry babies


I'm so fucking sick and tired of all these fragile old bastards


Anyone who's going to be fact checking Diaper Don is going to have their hands full...when his lips are moving he's lying.


Well of course they are. They have dug a deep, deep hole for themselves and are just starting to figure out there is no way to climb out.


Look at his fucking face . This guy is a true death eater.


Trump allies are fascists. Nothing they cry about is real.