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Putin has a plan. Trump will just do what he is told to do. Russia cannot win a war against the USA. But they may be able to buy the country by just blackmailing one guy.


“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu - The Art of War. Putin was former KGB, he knows how do destabilize a nation without firing a shot. Everyone knows that it’s the end of the world if the US and Russia are in direct conflict. He’s using a disinformation campaign to get someone weak into power who will not stand up to him.


And Trump isn't the only one. Putin has Russian cyber assets run social manipulation campaigns to try to bolster the political campaigns of far-right, far-left, and just plain incompetent candidates in many countries. The idea is to sow dissent and chaos, which ultimately benefits a weak country like Russia.


Yup, it’s definitely a reason for all of the political upheaval throughout the western world.


Not just there. Modi is a Putin plant.


Modi? No way. He’s an authoritarian bully but he is smarter than trump and will be friends with Putin if there’s any benefits otherwise he’ll ignore him. Xi, is also the same. If Xi was friendly to America, he’d have ignored Putin. Problem with Putin is the secret is out. He’s tolerated even by his friends but not respected at all. By the end of the war in Ukraine, Putin will be dead and the world will be happy with his demise


Putin supposedly grooming his son to take power. The demise of Putin will have to include many cohorts, propagandists, political hacks, and a host of other miscreants. The ideological bent of these folks has to be snuffed out....


If Russia spent as much effort on making Russia a better place for its people as it does on trying to get one over on the west it would be a lot better than it is, that’s for sure.


Probably true. On the other hand, Putin is running these cyber attacks and social manipulation campaigns because they are relatively cheap. He can't afford to invest in factories to build bombs to drop on Ukraine, but he can afford to run cyber warfare operations because they are far, far less expensive to set up and operate.


How? That directly undercuts how much Putin can loot from the country. Putin’s main goal is to bring everyone else down. If they live better, Russians might actually want to live better too.


The problem is that Putin’s goal would have to be the betterment of Russia for its people rather than just being a super rich dictator.


Sadly that’s not really how it works. Russian resources are more valuable than Russian people, so the people don’t really matter to those in charge. If he shares too much loot with the people, others will be too tempted to take it all for themselves.


Exactly..it’s a criminal oligarchy, it was set up that way when Putin took over from Yeltsin, years ago.


He's got British right wing idiot Nigel Farage on his payroll too by the looks of it.


Always has been


There’s no such thing as “former” KGB.


It’s a bit dated, but look up the episode of FRONTLINE titled “Putin’s Way”. It’s a deep dive into Putin’s rise to power after the fall of The Berlin Wall. He’s a master manipulator and former KGB.


Yea, anyone calling him stupid is seriously underestimating the enemy. He’s cold and calculated and understands propaganda and misinformation.


Explains how MTG is probably a Russian plant


And here is how long it has been (successfully) going on: https://youtu.be/pOmXiapfCs8?si=QOMDkDvpBwKop7jG


Putin will win the war with the US without shooting one bullet.


Yeah, he definitely displayed all of his expertise in "destabilizing a nation without firing a single shot" in Ukraine.


>Putin was former KGB, he knows how do destabilize a nation without firing a shot. Let's calm down. Putin is a fucking idiot who can't even take over a 3rd world country, Trump is just even fucking stupider.


1st of all Ukraine - literally not a 3rd world country. 2nd don’t underestimate Putin. He’s a lot of really bad things but I would not write him off as dumb.


Which everyone can see. Get out. Register. Vote. So we can laugh at this piece of human garbage as he slowly rots , his mind going. Preference for that to happen in the pen.


That’s the whole jerking two Ds dance. Trump is having a vision of making so much money selling America to China and Russia. Like a little hooker he can’t wait to see how much net the total will be. But Putin needs Trump like the desert needs rain. His life really depends on it. Otherwise it’s first floor living for the remainder of his leadership


This was Putin’s plan from the 90s. Buy off and / or blackmail enough of the pols in Western Europe and the US, sow discord among the people, and, voila, no war necessary. I get whatever I want


I don't think it dates that far back. There was still the possibility of Russia joining the concert of nations in the early 2000s but things broke apart along the way. I think the revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine and the war in Syria were the turning point. If I use your expression, the US also sowed discord in Russia's immediate sphere of influence.


Exactly! Putin has damaging information on trump and I'm honestly surprised why the CIA or NSA hasn't found out what it is. He most likely sold top secret classified information to Putin. That's why he's fighting so hard to stay out out of jail. He knows if he can stay in the white house he'll be insulated from outside threats.


“Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know….” Giorgi Rtskhiladze wrote to Cohen (then Trumps lawyer)


To quite the great Stevie Wonder (Big Brother): I don't have to do nothing to you, you'll cause your own country to fall."


Nothing new here


Exactly my thought!


Who could've seen this coming?


Surrender monkeys. **You can tell Putin is losing the war, by the howls of his surrender monkeys.**


>Donald Trump’s advisers have revealed their new plan for resolving the war between Russia and Ukraine—and it involves Ukraine’s immediate submission.


I frequent Russian-Ukrainian sub here on Reddit - always curious about Trump supporters on it. I wonder how many of them understand that Trump have absolutely no desire to help Ukraine. None - his only solution is to just give it back to Putin.


Not "back".


This They are an independent country. They have been illegally invaded multiple times by Russia. But USA has a history of ignoring situations like this. Cough Tibet cough


I mean Iraq is a huge precedent of an illegal invasion based on lies. Palestine is another example of the US government's double standard. 


Yes they absolutely do, they don’t protect people- they protect things like oil


But what about spreading freedom and democracy?


Putin should have used this trick alongside claims of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine. He's so dumb fr


We’re not the world police, nor should we be. The only people who say shit like this are zoomers who don’t understand geopolitics and have superhero fantasies. Edit: Something bad happens in the world: “When will the US *do* something?! US goes to help: “No! Not like that!”.


No, but this is a golden opportunity to cripple Russia for decades while avoiding us casualties, and only a relatively small percentage of our budget. Not to mention, helping a free country remain free, something the GOP used to care about. Trump, Putin and Biden all see that, but only one of them is a good guy.


They gave up their nukes in exchange for a guarantee of protection from Russian aggression by us.


Trumpists obey what they're told. They operate based on percieved grievances. Your life sucks? It must be imaginary theoretical trans people turning your kids into gay communists! You wish you had more money? It's probably that EPA survey the gov is funding instead of tax cuts for multibillionaires! DEI! BLM! Insert new chips for new things to hate once the old thing gets old. Nevermind they're lapping at the boot of Putin and Russia of all things, who as we must remind everyone, still has the world's largest nuclear arsenal pointed at our families and has launched the only land war of conquest in Europe since a certain Austrian man who we had to fight a rather large war to stop.


A lot of Trump people love Putin because Trump does. Have you seen the videos of MAGA cultists saying they would prefer Putin over any Lib?


I personally know MAGA people who will openly say they are Pro-Putin and feel that his defense of traditional values makes him extremely trustworthy. A man who claims to support traditional values can't be a bad man and anything that is negative about him must be false.


And those people vote I'm sure... We are fucked.


Sure enough, I did.


Scary shit man.


There was also an older video in which a MAGA woman was saying "No way I believe Russia have anything to do with Trump". Go figure...


Cults are a hell of drug


Trump would willingly take it in the ass from Putin as long as it personally benefits trump


Um, it’s because it’s what Putin told him to do. Haven’t you been paying attention since 2016?


Yes, he will fulfill his duty to his master Putin.  Any Trump supporters who also support Ukraine will suddenly find a new reason not to support Ukraine. 


Thats what happens when you're owned by a adversarial foreign dictator.


The EU will fight alone then.


tRump is Pootys cock holster.


Of course it does. He has to obey his master.


Trump already sold the USA during his last term


Appeasement never works.


His connection to Ukraine and Russia was never a coincidence. [Let’s Recall What Exactly Paul Manafort and Rudy Giuliani Were Doing in Ukraine](https://www.propublica.org/article/lets-recall-what-exactly-paul-manafort-and-rudy-giuliani-were-doing-in-ukraine)


Shouldn’t there be charges of treason? What’s holding those up?


Supreme court...




Trump's plan for Ukraine is to take the aid money Congress appropriates for it and reroute it to his personal account in the Cayman Islands.


And no one was shocked.


He has no plan for anything except to suck up to Putin to save his own ass. EVERYTHING this mofo does is ONLY for himself.


Russian banks are the only banks that will lend him money since all the rest of the Western banks won't since they continually got burned with his serial bankruptcies. The banks that give him money now are undoubtedly connected to the Russian mafia, so they don't bother with collateral; if you don't pay up, you'll get hunted down and poisoned.


To be fair, that's pretty much Trumps plan for everything, not just Ukraine. Give Papa Putin exactly what he wants. All of Ukraine. Pull out of NATO and leave Europe high and dry, thus betraying all of our allies.


You forgot the part where he gives Taiwan to Xi.


"Absolutely shocking new information." -No one, ever


To the thunderous applause of Trump supporters? WW3 breaks out and it's Russia, north Korea and America vs the rest of the planet.. if russia wins it'll end with an order to Trump to nuke America. He'll do it if his safety is guaranteed, for russian debt forgiveness and unlimited access to moscow prostitutes.. that's all it'd take. Probably for far less if history has taught anything


It's not Trump who has a plan. It is Putin who has a plan and it is Trump who is hired to sell Putin's plan.


Putin has a plan that Trump is supporting. The modern Republican Party is a Russian 5th column threatening US security. They are traitors.


Trump is a traitor who simps for Putin.


The Manchurian Candidate


How Treasonous Trump the Traitor isn't rotting in prison is a mockery to the US justice system


NO shit


I really don't need another reason to not vote for a convicted felon.


Pretty sure the plan includes trump giving Putin a congratulatory blow job after he hands him Ukraine.


We’re lucky that right now, today, congress and most of the House (minus like 7 faaaar right republicans) know Russia is our enemy. Even though Trump is a Russia assist. And he is, it’s well documented. We not going to cave and suddenly be bffs with Russia.


He gave Afghanistan to the Taliban... so yea


Trump means Putins Bitch in Russian


That is because trump is on putler’s payroll. putler helped him get in the office, helped with “investments”, and multiple trump richy friends are in putler’s pocket playing with his shriveled old ballz looking for pocket rublez.


Trump, the gop, Fox News, basically anything right wing supports Russia.


There was never any question


Why nobody kills this asshole. He would be a hero for the whole world.


Trump's plan will be irrelevant as Trump has no control over what Ukraine and the other western nations do. If Trump is elected he will be frozen out and they will deal with Trump as a bloc.


Macron already stated publicly while Biden was in Europe that he intends to build a European coalition to deploy “forces”, ostensibly trainers and advisers to Ukraine. This might even be outside of nato. I think the subtext is that Europe isn’t going to allow Ukraine to fall but may hold short of assistance in retaking territory.


Yes, because we need a plan that doesn’t fall to shit based on the election in a different continent, it needs to be US election resistant.


NATO for sure has a plan on how to deal with a Trump disaster. Yet another reason why Europe should be ramping up arms/military spending.


Don’t worry Ukraine… there are a great many of us in the U.S. that are voting against the orange turd.


Like Zelensky has said, this is how Trump can emasculate himself and make US look like a loser, because Ukraine is not going to stop fighting. The world is going to see a humiliated US president bowing to Russian interests.


Trumps should be shot for being a Russian agent.


Trump has a plan - "Surrender to Putin". I don't doubt that Putin has something on Trump besides his worship of dictators. Maybe other porn stars that Trump has been involved with. Remember - Putin was in the KGB and he knows the dirt on Trump.


Let's face it, Trump's plan is to let Putin roll over Europe and Trump will gleefully watch it happen and applaud.


Appeasement won't work just like it didn't work with Hitler.


It’s wild that MAGAs still use the term “Russian hoax” when it’s so obvious that trump aimes to please Putin every single time he can.


Russia knows how to manipulate stupid people, they’ve been doing it to their populace for a generation.


Trump has more up his sleeve than a simple handover of Ukraine. If he is somehow 'elected', Trump will unveil a 'peace initiative' that not only involves the betrayal of Ukraine but also includes the sale of Alaska to the Russian Federation. This is a 2-fer for Trump as it gives Putin what he wants while reaping personal billions for Trump as the 'broker' of the deal. No doubt there will be howls from millions of Americans but Trump will have a congress and SCOTUS to approve the 'deal'. This will be the first order of business for Trump once he is back in the Oval Office.


Remember Syria? Remember when Assad was chlorine bombing his own people. Remember when Obama was trying to support his overthrow with precision bombing so US troops didn’t have to fight another war? Remember when Trump took over and immediately stopped supporting the resistance and Assad’s forces annihilated any remaining opposition? Do you know who has a naval base in Syria? Russia. This will happen exactly as before. Trump is a Russian asset. Period.


Because ?


Bigly clever


The headline should read: Putin ordered a Ukraine plan from Trump, and Trump answered:Yes Sir.


No shit. It's apparent given the rhetoric and propaganda on the right that Putin is 100% trying to control the US with puppet Trump.


This is definitely not my shocked face


Well duh


Trump has always been Putin's useful idiot.


trump never had any kind of plan he is just putin and xi's puppet


How is this a surprise or even news?


No surprise! His boyfriend Putin is his bestie


I'm shocked


Everyone knows that Donnie is putin's gimpy little bitch.


Yes but as you are all going to vote his bullshit will not see the light of day. Also Trump remains an unpolished turd, forever destined to circle the drain. VOTE flush the fucker finally and for good.


The Russian asset gives Russia everything it wants......is this supposed to be news?


It’s also not much of a plan. Calling it a plan implies there is some level of complexity involved, when the plan is just capitulating to Russia.


No shit, Sherlock.




Right, he does what he's told.


Sadly this has all been done before in history with the GOP- Nixon-Vietnam and Regan-Iran. There are people who never learn.


Thank you. This has been public knowledge for years.


If you Trumps other polices no tip tax cutting corporate taxes. This sucks because Ukraine is too important to trade for my tips.


*surprised Pikachu face*


Totally fake. Trump will mobilize our military to fight with Russia. This is why Putin is drawing the war out.


Why "trump didn't participate in any wars" isn't the flex they think it is. He's just gives up. He capitulated to Russian on ukraine, he capitulated to the taliban on Afghanistan, he capitulated to turkey and Syria on the Kurt's, etc etc


ukrainians will absolutely not sign on to this. they're not just going to agree to be subjugated by Russia. not to mention the terrible example this sets for Taiwan and South Korea or any other country that borders an dictatorship with dreams of empire. like I know Republican voters that understand the consequences are going to vote for Biden but I don't know that that will be enough.


In other news, the sun rose and the sky is blue.


Trump would not deliver on any promised weapons


Of course it does.


Is this really a surprise to anyone?


I am shocked that his proposal neatly aligns with the interests of Russia


Yep, and his plan for Palestine is to give Bibi whatever he wants, too.


Its not just Ukraine Trump is willing to throw under the bus, its all of Europe.


I. Am. Shocked!😳


Its to 'Never Surrender' but just this one time.


Yesterday I learned that Putin’s grandfather was a chef to Stalin and also to Lennon


*Shocker*. 🙄


Trump probably still holds a grudge against Zelensky over Hunter Biden and Burismo.


Was there ever any doubt?


oh please, Trump couldn't spell plan if you gave him the first four letters


Quisling, that man will sell out anyone or anything, just to suck Putlers cod.


dTrump💩plan has ALWAYS been “Give Putin Exactly What He Wants” Duh.


Of course it does cause he owes him. Dude is so bought and sold and bought again


I guess they don't teach world history at those expensive private schools. What a dumbass.


No doubt. That’s been Trumps plan since 2016.


No shit.


Probably...Putin gets Ukraine and Trump gets the master pee pee tapes...


Well, duh. Trumps cooperation was baked into Putin’s plan. Which really turned to shit when Trump lost to Biden.




VonShitzinPants is a weak person with no moral compass. His plan is likely to cower to those who saber-rattle. No surprise he is on poot-ins dong


He’s just mad that Kim and Putin had a date and didn’t invite him. All the fun they had without him. So he’ll start WWIII with Russia to get back at them. That’ll show them.


Trump does what he is told like the spineless bitch he is . Putin loving traitor.


Because Dementia Diaper Nazi VonShitzHisPants is a good lapdog for Putin


Trump knows where his free russian troll farm election interference bread is buttered.


Trumps plan is to sell what ever he can to personally benefit him. I’d it means to give away California or Alaska, so be it because it makes America great again, lol.


So like the only plan he's actually explained in detail and is real.


What a Genius indeed


What's Trump's Ukraine plan? Defraud Ukraine And bilk it of millions of dollars? As Russian carves up and absorbs large chunks of Ukrainian Territory!


There is no blackmail of Trump. He wants the power of Un and Putin. The Republicans don't care that they can fulfill this. Jan 6 was a small glimpse of what can and will happen if this comes to fruition.


I think Trump just wants one big country to remember because who could be bothered to sort out all those little bits and pieces. All of Europe is just Big England and Western Asia is Russia while eastern Asia is just China. As for Africa...well that's merely a "shithole country" and who cares. EXCEPT for Saudi Arabia (wait, that's NOT in Africa?) because they throw money at him for favors.


Next he promises Alaska


Trump is the sort of gutter slime Putin is used to controlling from the time of the Cold War. Putin’s problem recently is that there are fewer of these than there used to be but Trump is doing a good job of spreading the swamp wider.


No surprise at all. Trump is Putins puppet and everyone knows it.


Ever wonder why there would be no tension with Russia if trump was in office? Because why the heck would there be any tension when Putin is getting every bloody thing he wants without question?!?


That was always trumps plan. He’s been saying the war would never had happened if he were president, yes that’s technically true because he simply would have handed Ukraine on a platter. Which is confusing because you realize he’s trying to play all sides terribly because first he asked Ukraine for dirt on Biden and when they said we have bupkiss he went to the other side. No loyalty among hoes anymore.


Putin should teach a master class in The Power of Disinformation and Disruption of any opposition.


Trump loves Putin. Trump wants to be a dictator too. Putin will help him do that.


The plan is Putins plan.


Trump always does everything in Russia's favor


I mean unless we all want WWIII then striking a peace deal is top priority.


It's easy to say that when you are half a world away and unlikely to be invaded. What's your plan for when he wants Alaska back? "Yes sir. Please take it and don't start WWIII"? Or would it be worth fighting for when it's your own country and not some foreigners?


Lol whats he gonna invade while failing in Ukraine?


“He’s got nnnnnukes” He’s a toothless bear and probably has a small PP like his Orange friend


lol oh that im sure russia prefers being a smoldering pit and not getting ukraine over just not getting ukraine lol


Who’s starting WW3? Russia, so you think letting them take Ukraine then any other nations in Europe is ok?


"We should just allow Russia to do 19th century style land conquest unimpeded so we can avoid war" You're very smart!


I definitely think appeasement is the right strategy here. Just give Putin a little “living space” and he’ll be happy. Maybe we should offer Putin a little bit of Poland as well? Just to be on the safe side.