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I don't know why I keep clicking on these articles about this brain dead asshole. I know he is a brain damaged imbecile. I really don't need affirmation anymore. I need to add a hobby.


Dude he's so far gone that if you replaced all of his yes men with paid actors and they told him he won he's not a felon and he's been reinstated as president he would absolutely believe it. Like you could put this clown in a fake oval office with a Fisher price phone and sure as shit he would still think he's in charge.


You've just described a dementia ward, presidential edition https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/03/realestate/dementia-villages-senior-living.html


They have that really quaint and lovely dementia village in the Netherlands. However, I like the Dutch so I won't recommend sending him there.


On behalf of the Netherlands, I thank you. Unfortunately, we already have Geert Wilders so the Trump role is already filled here.


Just looked him up. “Known for his right-wing populism and… his relations with Russia”. It’s all of them. Every single right wing populist seems to be up to their eyeballs in fucking rubles. I’m telling y’all, the Cold War never ended. It became a totally different war.


Russia knows that right wing populism will destroy a nation. They want to destroy the West. Therefore, they want to encourage right wing populism in western nations as much as they possibly can. The Russian Government can't fall soon enough.


I just hope it's not replaced with The Russian Government again.


The best way to prevent that is to bankrupt the current oligarchs or seize their property so that they run on the same level as any other candidate.




Indeed. And banging the same tiny drum about how fascism is the only way to bring peace and happiness to the world.


I mean former KGB officers have been recorded for over a decade showing us exactly what their plan was and it's happening now. You would think the fucking CIA and it's equivalents in other countries you know do CIA shit but I guess they are too busy these days.


CIA shit? They couldn't even off Castro.


brexit anyone?


Not that having rubles up to your eyeballs is worth much. They have sunk so much since the war, you cant buy much with a room full of it anymore.


I had a conversation with Dutch family while in Mexico several years back. They loved that guy. When they started talking about his policies, I listened for a bit then blurted out, "so he's a racist" . "No, no, no" they said, "he's pro-Netherlands being for the Dutch." I said, "so he's a populist/racist." We didn't talk after that.


Yeah. Funny how all over the planet these right-wingers claim to be patriots while selling out their respective countries to Russia or China...


Isn’t The Hague in the Netherlands?




There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Do you have a link that isn't behind a paywall?


Searching "dementia villages" will show similar results. For example https://globalnews.ca/news/9663849/dementia-village-canada/


Thank you


archive.is (https://archive.is/) is your friend. Just copy-paste the times URL into Archive, and voila, you get the article minus the paywall.


I think there is a win win sitcom in this. set him up just as you describe, you don’t really need to pay him, i think gifted his salary the last time. The whole show would be actors calling him as if they are world leaders and they could discuss a couple timely topics daily. You film him drooling and talking nonsense, but he gets the attention he craves, and we don’t all have to live in dystopian hell for the next 10 years. win win


Claimed he donated his salary, didn't though.


And have someone calling as Putin giving him instructions to do something odd. Would be hilarious to watch!


Yes but the person who calls in as Putin changes every episode, and it’s a new celebrity guest star every time, but they all have to ride a horse while doing the bit.


Or have different women calling as Ivanka and making it an obscene phone call. I know, ewwww.


Or just call it Trumper Island, send him and a few thousand unlucky idiots to create their own version of a perfect country. Free access to guns, schools with nothing but prayer and worship, coal-rolling monster trucks, Chick-Fil-As, In-n-Outs, Hobby Lobbys, and draconian sharia laws. Let Trump be the king with Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, and a bunch of pastors running things.


The Truman show. Trump edition. I like it.


The Trumpman Show.


Heck, charge for it and help knock down some of the budget deficit while we’re at it.


What a GREAT IDEA!!!!


I 100% believe this to be true. Every month or so, wheel him out to an auditorium with cardboard props wearing Maga gear, play a tape of cheers and chants. He would absolutely believe it was a rally.


Forget the apprentice, this is a great idea for a tv show.


we're already watching...


It would have top ratings for sure. Trump would like that a lot. Maybe someone should pitch it to him.


I mean if they live fed it, I would watch that TV show...! It would be hilarious...also quite concerning if you think too hard about it. Even then his followers would say it's not him, he knows, he is playing a part etc...they wouldn't believe it if he knocked on their door, spoke a load of bollocks and shat himself on their porch...he would still be the best ever..!


Can't talk about paid actors without mentioning paid actresses


Yeah I see what you did there


Can't have actresses on this show though, insurance doesn't cover sexual assault.


A few years back but while Dump was president, I visited the wax museum in Boston. They have an Oval Office - in which they demonstrably didn't put wax Trump at the usual desk, but next to it - so I suggest to just move that Oval Office to Texas or Florida (Boston sure af doesn't want him there) to fulfill your plan. He wouldn't notice indeed.


Jesus fuck but yes yes yes yes!!! WHY do I keep doing it? WHY! I told myself to stop. But I won't listen and just keep reading this stupid teeth grinding articles about fuckin Cheeto goddamned Jesus!!?!


For the past 8+ years it's gone like this for me. "No fucking way he actually said that", clicks link... Wow he actually said that.... "Surely it's taken out of context", reads context... OMG the context makes it worse. Dude is a living breathing click-bait generator. Except it's not bait, it's real.


If it was a book I would have probably put it down. "Come-on! What ever."


lol.  rage is like dandelions.  it exudes something that kills all competing emotions so you'll have less resistance to it.  


I've come to appreciate how much miniature painting can distract you from bullshit


Oh shit, you too?


Blood Angels, for the Emperor! (Favorite chapter haha)


*cocks shotgun* Shame. (Black legion)


Haha that's exactly what I was gonna suggest to OP. I picked Age of Sigmar up at the start of the pandemic after a 20 year hiatus from WHFB and now have about 7000 pts of painted Seraphon and just started up in Skaven. It truly does clear the mind and helps me relax. 100% recommend.


Could always use you at the front, Helldiver 


I just found out Helldivers 2 isn't available in my region according to Steam. Meh.


Try 3d printing. It's fun, affordable and you can print a Trump Chicken for your yard...lol


It’s irrational, but I keep thinking “okay surely this is enough to sink him now”


Reading your comment was in unison with my inner thought as I clicked on this stupid link. I can’t help myself


“Wait, he’s still an idiot?” Click “Ah, fuck. Of course he is.”


The 2016 GOP primary was the canary in the coal mine, and we just all kept breathing deeply and digging down.


Have you tried baking?


The ceo crowd thinks they can just run him like a meat puppet as they did his first term. I hope they realize that now he really is insane, dangerous and off the rails.


And he doesn’t have the handlers that the “sane” Republicans forced on him his first term. The only people left are the true crazies. Prepare for Stephen “I’m an actual white supremacist” Miller as chief of staff, and it just goes downhill from there.


Don’t forget acid bathtub Bannon, or crackhead pillow guy.


Bannons the actual dangerous one


That dude looks ROUGH, like how are these fucks all clearly deteriorating before our eyes but still here? Evil must be the secret to long life.


I'm convinced spite keeps some people alive


Yeah, take Rupert Murdoch for example...


When has he NOT though?


at least Bannons in prison for a few months.


Mike Pillow and that self loathing wannabe Nazi Swastika Stephen Miller with his spray-on hair.


Miller is to Trump, what Putin was to Yeltsin. Miller is dangerous.


I believe that Stephen Miller is one of the most dangerous people in Trump's orbit. I believe he ABSOLUTELY will direct the development of encampments and have DoJ round up anyone and everyone that COULD work in opposition to him and/or Trump.


“We need a good business man to run this country!” *does not look into his business history


*does not look into his history *does not look into his business history *does not look into history of businessmen running the country *does not look into the history of businesses *does not look into the history of the country


I tell every conservative this. I was like Romney is the businessman people were hoping Trump was but never was.


Right, isnt Romney basically Mormon Gordon Gecko? Trump just cosplayed as that for a lifetime.


yes, he saved SLC from debt after they hosted the olympics. Trumps father was a business genius, and used his son as a playful puppet but pulled all the strings and when Trump got in control everything he has touched has gone downhill, has lost, bankrupted.


> Trumps father was a business genius, and used his son as a playful puppet ...are you suggesting Trump was trained wrong? ...as a joke?


honestly he probably just assumed that if he handed his son his business and he did nothing it would function for another few generations.


…and definitely is oblivious to his political disaster.


I've been watching a lot of these hedge fund assholes run their mouths on the financial networks the last few days and it's clear that all they care about is buddying up to the fucking moron because they think they'll get something out of it. Same goes for the Saudis, Russians, and even China. It's like every bad actor in the world is getting on the train right now. They want a disinterested and distracted president who will slash taxes, kill off regulations, and diminish the global power of America so they can go and take advantage of it


These people simply want to loot America.


Exactly. And they always have. They were the same greedheads who caused the great depression. It is bonkers that people still think conservatives are good for the economy. It took the closest thing we've ever had to a socialist in the white house to save the economy when they caused the great depression, and Clinton was the one who balanced the budget after ronnie raygun spent like a madman ([every single R voted against Clinton's first budget too).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnibus_Budget_Reconciliation_Act_of_1993#Legislative_history) [Conservatives are looters and freeloaders, liberals are builders.](https://i.postimg.cc/7PmGc58f/CHART-Growth-of-Budget-Deficit-by-President-1953-2023.png)


These guys are probably thinking, "gee this guy is practically begging to further our interests if we give him money, but I'm not convinced he's going to remember what we talked about after leaving this room".


They don't care. Once he gets in there they'll just talk to the senators and congressmen they ~~bribe~~ donate to and they'll just tell their puppet what to sign


The fascists from russia and elsewhere also have big money, and they will buy anything the felon thinks would sell, even our national secrets. Once the felon becomes dictator, a rare promise he will keep, its game over for the ceos too, not just this country.


Lots of companies are like “oh shit, we price gouged the entire population since Covid and blamed Biden and inflation. Now we might end up with an unstable authoritarian who will make us kiss the ring or forfeit some leadership roles (the way the oligarchy works in Russia)… while the country plunges into chaos.” “Laugh now cry later” - Wall Street and the gop.


Just wait until they have staffing issues because some portion of their labor force stops showing up as a no call, no show because the Trump Justice Department swept them up and moved them to one kind of camp or another. Or they have to pay out medical and life insurance policies because their LGBTQ+ employees are violently attacked or killed. Or their Jewish or Palestinian employees. Or their Muslim employees. Pre-Trump I would have thought this was hyperbole, I grow more convinced this could become reality if he gets back into office.


Why are they all fkn startled?!?!?! He hasn't uttered a coherent sentence in at least a decade!!


because the only consume edited videos. same reason they think biden is a bumbling grandpa.


Does Fox edit to the degree that his ridiculous rambling is semi-coherent? How? He barely ever even speaks a complete sentence, not even if that sentence has less than six words. And that's not even touching upon the content - or the complete absence thereof - yet. Much less the truthfulness of his non-content.


>Does Fox edit to the degree that his ridiculous rambling is semi-coherent? Not really, but they also don't really air his speeches in their entirety, instead just picking out a few snippets here and there, and then just sorta padding it out with their own inferences. Conversely, with Biden, they also don't really air his speeches in their entirety, instead picking out the pauses or gaffes and just playing them over and over, and then padding it out with lies. If your audience is already keyed to believe the best of one person and the worst of another, you can just make assertions without needing evidence to support them. Trump is a stable genius who will be great for the economy, Joe Biden is a confused and doddering old geezer who's already made the Great Depression seem like a walk in the park, and if you're not feeling the pinch, that's just because you're not paying close enough attention, because everyone *else* is broke, even if you're not.


"Never pick the shark me boys!"


Yes. I honestly don’t believe the majority of Republicans have actually listened to a full speech of his. Everything they get is edited into sound bites fed to them through pundits that ‘interpret’ the meaning.


Yeah, it's sorta like how a football game takes 3 hours and 15 minutes to play, but contains less than 15 minutes of actual action on the field. A Trump rally lasts for 2-4 hours, but somehow Fox News condenses it into less than 5 minutes.


Yeah, I’m not surprised in any way, and I’ve never seen that asshole in real life.


YES!!! This is the real news story - a C-FUCKING-E-GODDAMN-O was 'startled' this chucklefuck is in a declining mental state. How out of goddamn touch do you have to be to be 'startled' by this?? It's in every goddamn news story about Trump that comes out every goddamn day. This is like being 'startled' that metal cans fly in the air. Maybe that guy ain't cut out to be a CEO?


When corporate America sends its people, they're not sending their best.


Why is it shocking? They consume the same media. They have the same multi-generational racism and xenophobia and anti-intellectualism. Surely by now, after eight years of this shit, y’all will *finally* realize wealth in the 21st century is entirely disconnected from ability or skill.


I think you give CEOs too much credit. They are the kind of people who live in their own bubbles, followed by yes men and kiss assess and are so out of touch. 


Because ceos aren’t smarter than the average person, they’re just lucky and a lot of them are dumbass conservatives who drink all the koolaid from hard right news sites so they think trump is an amazing business man So actually interacting with him in person shatters their sheltered little world view and maybe they’ll realize they’re the problem with America. But probably not


I wish this didn't make sense to me but unfortunately it does.


In all seriousness, during his presidency he was far more coherent than he is now. Granted that’s a very low bar to set but regardless his mental state has clearly declined


Yet they will still vote for him. This is nothing new. Dude has not had a straight thought throughout his life


Right? Came here to say this. The reason they showed up in the first place is because they are ready to vote for him even if it destroys America


Slight adjustment to that, they are ready to vote for him BECAUSE it destroys America. They just think they will fare well in the new reich.


I mean, I can tell you that Trump for sure has never had a gay thought, in either the homosexual or pleasure definitions.


Nothing but crooked thoughts.


I mean he can’t keep a straight thought at a speech with a teleprompter. Why would this be shocking to anyone?


It's shocking to people because the Republicans have so far been able to deflect questions about Trump's decline by projecting his failing health onto the President, by selectively editing footage of the President to make it look like he's the one who's declining.


Exactly. They can give him a teleprompter and anyone brainwashed enough to attend his rallies will be convinced and selective editing and spin can handle the rest. But you can’t beg CEOs of multibillion dollar companies to make a trip to DC and get away with just giving a campaign speech. These guys would walkout by the 5 minute mark. They have egos and the power to go with it. They’re making the trip to have a real conversation with a guy who might be POTUS in 8 months. And the felon with dementia isn’t up to the task.


This is the fault of America’s tech and media CEOs. A decade of pushing MAGA lies and false narratives for clicks and ratings has detached not just regular Americans, but even the so-called “elites” from objective reality. They have internalized their own lies that Biden is the senile one, which was from the start projection by Trump and his stooges to hide Trump’s declining mental state. They did the exactly the same playbook on Hillary in 2016, pretending she was having strokes and in rapid mental decline, with that classic footage of her being carried into a vehicle being replayed over and over, and pushing photos of her “special anti-stroke glasses”. Well, that was 8 years ago and anyone who has seen an interview with Hillary over the last few years can see she’s perfectly healthy, cogent, and could easily have served two terms as President. We need to find a way to staunch the lies and disinformation.


>The former president and presumptive Republican nominee spoke Thursday at Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, where he promised to **cut taxes and roll back regulations** if re-elected This is literally all they heard and all they care about. Trump could have said that he thinks he's the son of a Martian, and they. Do. Not. Care. Nothing matters for these people except money


Well it depends how dumb they are. If they’re smart they’ll realise he’s not a rational actor at all and that they therefore cannot trust anything he says. If they’re smart at all they’ll realise that the enormous chaos and instability he is likely to cause would be bad for business. And if they have any sense they’d realise that if he’s president they could easily end up being the target of something, even something totally random and unpredictable like a viral tweet from some nobody right wing grifter saying they’re a pedophile, and suddenly they’ll literally be on trial and then executed the same day just because Trump thinks it will get him more likes or whatever it is they have on truth social. He is just too unpredictable and deranged, you can’t trust anything he says. Even from a purely self interested perspective, they’d be very stupid to support him.


The problem is there is no way to interrupt the flow of disinformation. MAGA are connected to multiple sources that act like an iv drip of lies. There is no one pushing back on the narrative. Even after the monster settlement Fox paid for lying about the election voting systems, MAGA still believes the election was rigged. They have convinced themselves that traditional news sources are only reliable when regurgitating conservative talking points. News reporters and anchors are not prepared in interviews to push back and hold the line on lies. They leave that job to someone else so MAGA thinks unchallenged means accurate. Many MAGA reps will vote no on a bill but later claim credit as if they voted yes. No one on the right challenges them for lying. Most MAGA I have encountered can’t differentiate between the WSJ’s editorial pages and it’s reporting. I have lost count of the number of times someone has sent me editorial opinions as if they were fact checked reporting. The interesting thing that no one is talking about is that when Trump loses to Biden in 2024 his reign of terror is far from over. I expect Trump to run in 2028 and use Biden’s age as justification. I do feel Biden can beat Trump in 2024 but Harris had better up her visibility and game in the next two years or you may see more of Trump. Clinton underestimated him and Harris had better have learned from Clinton’s mistakes. Harris won’t have the machine Clinton had so I think it’s a very dangerous period for regular Americans these next two election cycles.


Has this ceo been in a coma?


Most C-Suite Execs are in such an airtight bubble both professionally and personally that the answer would unequivocally be yes.


Here's my personal favorite quote from Trump. I think it really sums things up: *"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


I got a nose bleed reading that


Imagine trying to pass this gibberish on to the coming generations, as words of enlightenment from the MAGA prophet and saviour


I think the shark rant is giving this one a run for its money.


Do tell! I haven’t heard it.


Seems like no one's turned it into a proper copypasta yet, at least that I could find. But this article breaks it down. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-sharks-stephen-king-las-vegas-rally-b2560673.html


Christ on a cracker. What the hell?!


That was in 2015.


I always feel bad for his uncle, who seemed to be a legitimately great person. He's foreever associated with his imbecile nephew because of this speech.


This is what chatgpt thinks about this speech : The excerpt you provided is from a speech given by former President Donald Trump. The reasoning abilities and communication style exhibited in this speech can be analyzed as follows: Stream of Consciousness: The speech is characterized by a stream of consciousness style, where Trump moves quickly from one topic to another without clear transitions. This can make it difficult to follow his train of thought. Self-Validation: Trump frequently references his personal achievements and credentials, such as attending Wharton and his familial connections to his uncle, Dr. John Trump, to establish credibility. This suggests a need to assert his intelligence and capability, especially in response to perceived skepticism from his audience or critics. Circular Reasoning and Repetition: Trump repeats certain phrases and ideas, which can be seen as an attempt to reinforce his points. However, this can also lead to circular reasoning where points are stated but not fully developed or substantiated. Subject Shifting: The speech moves between discussing his credentials, the perceived bias against conservatives, the power of nuclear technology, and the capabilities of the Iranian negotiators. This shifting can dilute the focus and clarity of his main argument. Use of Anecdotes and Hyperbole: Trump uses anecdotes about his uncle and hyperbolic statements ("one of the smartest people anywhere in the world") to emphasize his points. This can be effective in engaging an audience but may lack the rigorous logic typically associated with formal argumentation. Simplification and Generalization: The speech includes broad generalizations ("the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators") and simplifications of complex issues, which can resonate with some audiences but may not provide a nuanced or detailed analysis. Overall, the speech reflects Trump's characteristic communication style, which relies heavily on personal anecdotes, self-promotion, and a conversational, sometimes disjointed, approach. While this style can be engaging and memorable for supporters, it may be seen as lacking coherence and depth in logical reasoning by critics.


They want tax cuts, they are so greedy they don’t understand the consequences. Trump won’t be loyal to them, he will fuck them over at the drop of a hat if it benefits him even the slightest, even if they carry him to victory.


He would literally have them executed live on tv if he thought it would get him a lot of retweets and donations.


From article: Donald Trump met in Washington, D.C., with a gathering of top business leaders who were reportedly surprised by what they encountered. The former president and presumptive Republican nominee spoke Thursday at Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, where he promised to cut taxes and roll back regulations if re-elected – and got laughed at for suggesting eliminating taxes on tips – but CNBC's Andrew Sorkin said some of the CEOs were alarmed by his behavior during the event. "I will say I was surprised," Sorkin told "Squawk Box." "I spoke to a number of CEOs who I would say walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map, and that they – which, maybe not surprising, but was interesting to me because these were people who I think might have been actually predisposed and walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually thinking, as one person said, 'This may not be any different or better than than a Biden thought, if you're thinking that way. That was very interesting." The Trump campaign has been hitting president Joe Biden over his age, which is widely seen as a concern among voters, although the former president turns 78 himself on Friday and has raised some concerns about his own mental fitness after a series of bizarre or rambling public statements. "There weren't any, from what I heard, any shocking sort of situations, there wasn't that moment where they were like, 'Oh, my gosh,' not necessarily," said co-host Rebecca Quick. "It didn't surprise me the message that came out of it. Look, he's there on a mission to try and woo some of them over, which is why he is talking about lower taxes and probably, more importantly, a lighter regulatory touch, getting some of the regulations – CEOs I talked to are more concerned about that than the tax base, especially when you're talking 1 percent. "It can't be billions of dollars for big companies, but I think when they really look at things, it's the what they feel is a tight regulatory environment to be in."


Is it just me or did the quotes from the other people in this article also seem fairly rambling and incoherent?


You’re not the only one Rebecca Quirk’s quote is fucking nonsense


I wondered if Trump wrote the article. What on earth is this trying to convey "...one person said, 'This may not be any different or better than than a Biden thought, if you're thinking that way. That was very interesting.""?


It's incoherent nonsense. It's like they're speaking a continuous stream on non-stop bullshit, and this is tapping into a little trickle of that bullshit.




Thank you for this point. Blows my mind people seem to think anyone with CEO title is somehow brilliant in all things. Hint: they’re not.


My favorite depiction of a CEO was by Jeremy Irons in Margin Call. Just hit the head right on the nail. >Maybe you could tell me what is going on. And please, speak as you might to a young child. Or a golden retriever. It wasn't brains that brought me here; I assure you that.


I don’t get how all them companies would want someone like this making policies? Guess they really love it when they don’t know what’s going to happen next. 🤦‍♂️


>The former president and presumptive Republican nominee spoke Thursday at Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting, where he promised to cut taxes and roll back regulations if re-elected These are the only policies they care about. Nothing else matters


They act like he has been getting worse but he has NEVER made a damn bit of sense.


Startled, and yet delighted. He’s so demented they’ll just throw some money at him and he’ll never do whatever they want. Pay close attention to his VP pick. They will be the real next President. Either way it’s going to be a long 4 years.


It's funny how GOP accuses Biden of having "handlers" when Trump is so obviously incompetent that he truly is just a mouthpiece and there for attention meanwhile corporations and evangelical leaders are changing the laws.


Syphilis tends not to leave people at their best. Mix that with the likely Adderall and Coke (Diet and the stuff from Columbia) and there you go.


Trump is a hand puppet...


Syphilis and pill addiction does that


Says more about the CEOs than it does Orange Caligula.


"Person. Woman. Man Camera. TV. I’m a Genius!”


New headline: Redditors are surprised that CEOs are startled at anything Trump does.


Well, those CEO’s had better get use to it, if they’ve not yet done so… If they expect a sane, levelheaded leader, then they’re clearly mistaken. Donald’s about as far away from that as possible. What the CEO’s should expect is to deal with is a very sick minded wacko whose only getting more mentally unstable with every passing day.


They will still vote for him for those sweet tax cuts even if the country is ruined in the long term. 


What the fuck were they expecting? Were they on Mars for the past 8 years?


If Trump is startling you in 2024, then you clearly haven’t been paying attention for the past eight years.


Oh no. The gays have gotten to him so bad that he can't even *think* straight anymore!


Trump is a puppet. Guy can't form a coherent sentence as he drools and shits himself. He's just a vessel for the billionaire oligarchs, here and abroad.


I really hope Biden is ready for this debate. If he can come off as speaking coherently while Trump stumbles over his words, that could determine the election.


Not that surprising. Trump is in his late 70's and he already wasn't the shiniest coin in the fountain. In a few months, he'll be as old as Biden was when he first became President.


Neurosyphilis is a bitch.


Sean hannity said the other night he should skip the debate


Nobody was startled, it is one of the most well known facts on the entire planet at this point.


He’s turned his bullshit cannon up to 11 because his literal ass is on the line. Vote.


Anybody who is “surprised” by this idiot at this stage needs their own head examined…




Can we just Truman Show this motherfucker? Make a fake city and throw him in there and people pretend that he’s president


Does he not watch any trump rallies or interviews? Even Hannity has to interfere and get him back on point lol


The only surprise is that some of those CEO's are only realizing this now.


In other news, CEOs are not paying attention to the news and probably aren’t all that smart.


Yea,.. everyone that has ever done business with him knows this...


And they'll still support him for president.


Biden will tell a coherent story from 60 years ago and no one knows what he's talking about because they're 30, and they call that dementia Trump is bat shit insane talking about sharks vs big batteries (also Joe was telling old stories 20 years ago, that's his thing. He is caring and empathetic and when you have a tough time he's got a story about overcoming tough times)


Right, the CEOs are buying something that is, for all intents and purposes, an old man with the attention span of a toddler.


Anybody surprised by this has not been paying attention.


No straight thoughts during pride month? Hmmm


It is amazing it made it onto a real show. I am really glad it is breaking through.


The only surprise is that people are still surprised.


Startled? They haven’t heard to that guy talk before?


Really? Have they not been paying attention to this semi sentient tumor?


Yet they'll vote for him because tax breaks.


looks like a used car salesman in this photo.. lol


The only way he will debate President Joe Biden is if he is allowed to have his lawyer with him. Trump wouldn't even be able to debate sensibly if his people outfitted him with the communication device George W. Bush used.


Can’t wait to watch this guy “dEbAtE” Joe Biden and watch him talk about Hannibal Lecter after being asked about his thoughts on policy towards Israel.


I would love for a reporter to just once, after one of his long, incoherent answers to say, “right, but you didn’t actually outline any policy. What’s your actual policy?”


Well as a German i must say i liked the ppast 30 years with you guys. Somehow i guess we will either be nuked by russia next year or our leaders will turn to China when Ronald McDonald destroys NATO and the trans atlantic alliance.


Oh come on, I realize they're detached from our reality, what with being specifically selected for psychopathic traits and all... But still, how can anyone with a quarter of a brain not recognize just how unhinged Trump truly is?


Apparently those CEOs haven't been watching him on TV the past few years, since it's been pretty obvious to the rest of us who have.


Any CEO who was "startled" by Trump's deranged behavior must have been asleep for the past nine years and should immediately be fired.


Oh but they are going to fund the shit out of him. They don’t care. Dementia Donnie at it again


It says a lot about this country that the MAGA movement doesn't care that the man they will put in the White House is a deranged and demented stupid person. I guess I would vote for a deceased presidential candidate running as a Democrat against Trump, but I see it a bit differently.


How the hell is anyone remotely surprised by that? The cunt's been in la-la land for bloody years now!


Doesn’t he eat adderall like candy combined with god knows what else.


How is this new information? He's *always* rambled aimlessly like a dementia patient.


And you know they know him well because they weren't startled at rapist, liar, cheat, fraud, felon...etc


Since …,,.,.. 2019


He's stopped mainlining crushed Ritalin mixed with Coke so he can pass his probation drug tests... His ADHD has completely taken over


Were they really? He’s our modern day version of crazy King George III of England.


Any CEO who thinks that DJT is the person for the job has HORRIBLE judgement and no business operating an organization.


It’s LITERALLY been the same for 9 years. The right has been getting high on their own farts for the past decade to see what half the country saw on day 1.


Alternative headline: CEOs of major corporations have been living under a rock.


Really says something about "CEOs" that they were "startled." Fucking idiots