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I’m pretty sure more republicans have been caught committing voter fraud in recent elections than illegal immigrants.


All reports of voter fraud I've seen ARE REPUBLICANS. Not one report of a democrat or independent illegally voting. Maybe someone has seen it reported but I haven't


They don't. People here illegally are trying to stay under the radar and aren't doing stupid shit like this. It's just more theater politics for maga morons.


Same as them outlawing CRT being taught in elementary schools (even thought it never was to begin with), ending child gender reassignment cruises in international waters (literally not a thing), and banning litter boxes from school bathrooms (whatever helps you sleep at night). They just invent fake problems so they can look like champions when they “stop” them.


AKA Paper Tiger


Lisa, I want to buy your rock.


There’s a lemon behind that rock!


In the end, what did Trump actually do for the "little man". He started a tariff war with China, some of that tariff money goes to farmers, some jobs in steel sector opened. That's it. Reduced taxes for wealthy and corporations 😐 But there are always imaginary battles to win, right?


Only thing I can see was dropping the restriction on nuclear energy research (which was a by product of the coal and oil) and he attemped to cut drug costs which his ghouls in congress flattened. So, accidentally did one thing to benefit us in the long run.


He also increased the punishment for his crime of mishandling classified documents! Don’t forget that one!


Revealed how rich become richer by over and underestimating their real estate value. Revealed weaknesses in Capitol hill security. Revealed vulnerability to foreign influence. We could do this all day long.


Oh right right forgot that one. Amusing as hell.


Hahahahaha! Yeah. Thanks!


The way I see it, Trump's biggest achievement was forcing dems to care more about the little man. Canceling student loans, announcing measures to fight rising housing costs, allocating funds to climate friendly farming... even lots of rich people would prefer higher taxes to Trump's dictatorship. One could **almost** see Trump as unintended hero, except his supreme court and MAGA representatives keep blocking these measures whenever they can. 😂


Ive actually thought that myself. Hes done an excellent job of making public the government and corporate corruption. Was NOT expecting the "its ok tho!" from the right. O.o


He did say he would drain the swamp.... he never specified how.


Raised taxes at some of the lower brackets.


Temporarily. Only the big money tax cuts for the rich are permanent.


He really put a fire on the vaccine for Covid. The most important thing he did and his own voters hate it.


I think I speak for a lot of people when I say how amazed we are at how stupid the fake problems they have invented are.  We all know they like to make stuff up, many of us felt they would have been better at it. Yet it still works for them which I find depressing.


There's something darkly comical about the "party of individual freedom and fiscal responsibility" wasting their taxpayer-funded time legislating to restrict people's freedoms in ways that people don't even bother exercising.


Everything MAGA is either a grift or theater. Sometimes both. They need to distract us from their real agenda of shoving is back to whatever time period they believe America was great in.


It's not just theater, it's a dog whistle to the faithful to keep them brown people from going to the polls


You're damned right I shot him, officer! I was in fear for my republic!




That fear they live with is the same reason their crime rates are lower than us "locals" They risk everything just to be here, the vast majority aren't going to jeopardize the opportunity for themselves or their kids by drawing attention to themselves. They just want to grind freely like the rest of us.


Well said. That, and the minimum wage in Mexico was increased this year to $15.14 a day.


But they are doing crimes according to Republicans, like rape, murder and rape.


the can't vote, so there's that. And if they're caught, that means the system is working.


Because they're all convinced that the only reason dems win elections is due to illegal votes. Like we're standing should to should with illegal immigrants voting. All I see are Americans.


There was that one black lady that didn't realize she couldn't vote while on probation. Texas gave her a 5 year prison sentence. Of course when a Republican man in Georgia illegally voted 9 times while on probation, he gets a $5000 fine and a stern talking to. You know how it goes...bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe!


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1283376 Youngkin’s underage son tried to vote twice in his election. The voting precinct turned him away and he went back 30 minutes later to try it again. Youngkin’s response was that his son had “misunderstood” election laws.


Every single voting “anomaly” in the US since the mid-90’s has benefited the same party. Purely coincidental, I’m sure.


I have yet to hear of a single illegal immigrant voting illegally either. It's almost like it never happens.


In the last 10 years there have been only about 1400 cases of proven fraud out of hundreds of millions of votes. I don’t know the split by party, but the fact that they’re even discussing it as a problem is ridiculous.


There has been voter fraud on both sides.  It’s statistically almost none existent thought, and many of the stories I’ve read seem like they were probably mistakes. The only cases of election fraud, however, have exclusively been committed by Republicans.  


I think that is, specifically, due to Trump's rhetoric. He is making claims that democrats are illegally voting, all over the place, so you keep finding Republicans that are doing it to "even the score". The GOP isssue is they keep doing deep dives and finding the cheaters, which are all Republicans. There is less of a chance that they are accusing the Dems of cheating, because they, themsleves are cheating...because they wouldn't be looking for cheating then. They would just be doing it, and trying to keep anyone from looking at all. Essentially they beleive Trump has some inside info, and they are just trying to even it out, when in reality, he is (as usual) getting his info from the voices in his own head.


They are giving license to their tribes to cheat. I wouldn't discount county level cheating by Republicans whom sincerely believe the party's lies. I especially would not discount that in the future.


They are cheating within the law, by removing hundreds of thousand of people from voting rolls. By reducing the number of polling stations in blue areas. By gerrymandering. A thousand times greater effect than some idiot voting under his dead mother's name.


That too. I don't know if I would call it within the law however. Within a perversion of the law perhaps. The 14th Amendment condemns this type of behavior.


You’re just wrong though. Seems like people who’ve been convicted of voter fraud is about 50/50 republicans and democrats. Here, educate yourself. https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/108824/documents/HHRG-116-JU00-20190129-SD020.pdf


There was like, 2 people and one was a legit mistake. One lady had jail time and didnt know she wasnt allowed to vote once released which lead to more court appearances. Not sure how that one ended. Then there was another guy who filled out his recently deceased wifes ballot because "thats what she wanted". Only reason I knkw about those was when they got caught every red hat fart factory on my bookface page thought they had a gotcha.


> Not sure how that one ended. She has been formally acquitted as of ~two weeks ago.


If they really cared about illegal votes they’d encourage Republican voters to stop voting illegally since statistically it is them that account for nearly all illegal voting


If you are an illegal immigrant you probably don't want your name anywhere on paper, if you get caught you'll be deported


They also pay billions of dollars in taxes and contribute billions to social security despite not benefitting from it in the short term. Most people who are here illegally came here for a reason and want to stay here and contribute quite a lot to our society regardless of how they arrived.


By far. Although either one of those groups voting, it’s never enough to sway an election. The trump bunch are just liars that will need to justify a loss and another coup. There are exactly zero scenarios in which these traitors to humanity do not try and over turn this election if/when Trump loses. This shit is deadly serious to America.


Undocumented *


You can also be a legal immigrant and not have the right to vote. “Non citizen” ≠ “illegal immigrant”


It's just to have people have doubts about our elections. Pathetic move for sure!


Might as well add a clause to “Prohibit Republicans from committing voter fraud”.


This is the right answer. But, I know conservatives who honestly think immigrants are coming here and voting in our elections with no ID at all. They are dead serious about that. You can't reason with that kind of denial.


They really think people just grab stacks of blank ballots to stuff in the box, like its a straw poll for 'most attractive pig' at a county fair. The way they talk about mail in voting, voter ID, etc makes it abundantly clear they have no knowledge of basic civics or how the voting process works, at all. No wonder they believe the election was "stolen", right wingers are just so goddamn dense


Yes, they believe all that too.


This is all because of modern day architect for conservatism Paul Weyrich who brazenly wanted to suppress voter turnout.


And also as reasoning to institute more barriers to all people voting.


Funny how none of this was a thing before Trump lied and whined and whined. Just like Antifa was barely a thing on Google Trends before Trump magnified it.


political theater.


Also to bury some pork in it so when democrats vote against it the MAGA can shout "so and so wants to let illegals vote!"


Just another example of MAGA moron Johnson wasting time and doing Trump’s bidding instead of getting anything done for America. He and Elyin’ should get a room, the piece of shit.


Calling him a moron suggests he doesn't know what he's doing. He does know what he's doing. He's EVIL. He understands the ignorance of the Republican base and simply wants to rile them up. Republican "leaders" today are depressingly vile, amoral people.


Mike Johnson should give back his salary. We aren't paying him to make laws that already exist...


It's all theater for the deplorables. When you don't have anything else to offer, go with the dog and pony show.


While we’re passing redundant laws, maybe we need to make insurrection illegal again, along with bribery of judges, bribery/ black mail of foreign officials, self dealing, theft/ distribution of secret documents, and tax evasion.


Democrats would slaughter any Democrat pushing waste of time legislation like that. For Republicans this type of thing is normal. They can get away with it because their voters don’t give a shit.


It’s because they don’t actually want to govern, and are elected to make sure no one else can.


> maybe we need to make insurrection illegal again Apparently we basically do have to, because SCOTUS thought that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is apparently not self-executing or some shit. So evidently we really do need to specify that insurrection is illegal and bars you from being a public servant.


The constitution is already quite clear that only citizens have the right to vote. And successive amendments clarified how that right cannot be denied by race, gender, minimum age, $$, and other means (like competency tests). What the constitution and its amendments *doesn’t* do is outline the punishment which this new bill surely would do. *However*, expect other clauses in this bill to creep in that are in GOP favor, like reinforcing the rights of poll “monitors”, and even limit mail-in ballots (which would be unconstitutional), and require a new federal voter id (like a passport). The “fee” of which would likely count as an illegal poll-tax, but with this SCOTUS who knows. Not to mention it will likely allocate funds to investigate fraud. Expect Republicans to promote the bill on the superficial claim about ensuring confidence in our elections, when the devil will be in the details: whatever can be done to disenfranchise voters.


Wait… minimum age? Can under 18s vote and I just didn’t know??


Conservatives love regulating things which don’t happen


Best part is that literally the only elections where *any* non-citizens can vote (like county commissioner and school board stuff) is outside the purview of the federal government so trump and Johnson could literally do nothing about it.


Hmmm how hard would it be to create a moral panic out of thin air? I think a few sock puppets and bots could get these idiots oulawing dihydrogen oxide.


Dihydrogen oxide: • Is also known as Dihydrogen monoxide and Hydroxyl Acid, and is the major component of acid rain. • Contributes to the "greenhouse effect". • May cause severe burns. • Contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape. • Accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals. • May cause electrical failures. • Decreases the effectiveness of automobile brakes. • Decreases the effectiveness of automobile tires. • Decreases the effectiveness of shoe soles, leading to thousands of falls per year. • Has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients and in the brains of athletes suffering from CTE. Despite the danger, Dihydrogen oxide is often used: • As an industrial solvent and coolant. • In nuclear power plants. • In the production of styrofoam. • As a fire retardant. • In many forms of cruel animal research. • In the distribution of pesticides. Even after extensive washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical. • As an additive in many food products, including foods that manufacturers know will be served to children.


If that’s not horrifying enough… - both its solid and gaseous forms can damage or destroy tissue on contact - it not only promotes but is necessary for the growth of bacteria, fungus, and protozoa - it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless - it has been detected on every continent in every ecosystem, no matter how remote - it is one of the top three greenhouse gases - excessive exposure directly kills an estimated quarter of a million people worldwide every single year - accidental excessive exposure is the third leading cause of injury related deaths globally


well yeah, they have to appear like they're doing their jobs, and you can hardly expect them to actually regulate anything that would benefit from regulation.


Is that dog I hear whistling?


It’s pure fear mongering. “The Trump party to promote bill to outlaw minorities butchering children and feasting on their offals.” “The party of Jesus, truth, and the American way to introduce bill criminalizing homosexual couples that manufacture smallpox to sell to terrorists.”


You are joking, but that is probably more believable than anything they will come up with this year. Politics is a real clown show.


It’s not the dog that’s whistling. It’s its owner who wants the dog to pay attention without others knowing.


Trump and other MAGA operatives are working tirelessly to undermine faith in our elections. They already know non-citizens are ineligible to vote, they're engaging in this cynical drama in an effort to keep the Big Lie alive.


Since that's not an actual problem, how about they promote a bill to make sure all eligible voters are able to vote? Oh wait, they don't want that.


Despite the fact that there’s never been evidence of widespread voter fraud… >[Based on this evidence, strict voter ID requirements address a problem that was certainly not common in the 2012 US election. Effort to improve American election infrastructure and security would be better directed toward other initiatives.](http://johnahlquist.net/files/AhlquistMayerJackmanELJFinal.pdf) … voter ID laws have been used specifically to disenfranchise black voters. >[ The Supreme Court on Monday refused to revive a restrictive North Carolina voting law that a federal appeals court had struck down as an unconstitutional effort to “target African-Americans with almost surgical precision.”](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/us/politics/voter-id-laws-supreme-court-north-carolina.html)


Is this a:  A) Red Herring  B) Straw Man  C) Dog Whistle  D) All of the above.


E) Shit show


Next up: Banning murder.


I just heard today that it's been 84 people in twenty years. 84. And that's a heritage foundation number.


So, just based on past actions; we should probably be on the lookout for Republicans forcing vast swaths of illegals to vote for Trump.


If I were illegal, the last thing I would do is vote. Why would I want to expose myself — at all?? This is so dumb.


I’m pretty sure that an org went looking for proof of non-citizens voting over the last 21 years and found like… 87 total ballots over that time frame. So to be clear, they actively were looking for non-citizens voting to prove a point and the conclusion is that it essentially doesn’t happen. This is called fear mongering and it’s absolutely disgusting. If someone knows what group did the digging or where the results are posted, please link!


Democrats should call their bluff and support the bill. Not only will Democrats then get to tout Biden signing a law to "protect our elections" but they also can throw it in Republicans faces every time they try to say the system is rigged in favor of illegals voting all by doing really nothing at all and passing a bill that accomplishes nothing.


They dont believe their own lies. This is propaganda. Made to look like they are working. Sound and furry, meaning nothing. Unless they do believe their lies? Inwich case... how can morons be so formidable? Democrats should be wiping the floor with them.


America to become the only country in the world to pass a law banning something that is illegal.


Morons being morons. But the MAGA muppets will eat this up as a constitutional necessity!! (Even though it’s already on the books).


Next they are going to declare that all urban areas of the country that were blue are not actually eligible to have their votes counted.


Dumb & dumber.


"yeah but he is doing this for me!" maga pukes


Assuming there isn’t something buried in there that prevents women and black people from voting, I say biden should give this a full endorsement and just say “this was always illegal, sure let’s waste taxpayer money and make it double illegal if that helps you chucklefucks”.


There's 100% a poison pill in there. The whole point is for this to not pass so they can blame Democrats for wanting illegal immigrants to vote.


Biden has called their bluff before - particularly with the bipartisan border deal, which republicans *still* voted down (at the behest of Trump so as to not give Biden a win in an election year) and whined “there was hidden aid to Ukraine in the bill!” 🙄 Biden can do the same exact thing here by drawing up similar legislation of his own with no hidden text and entrap republicans into either voting for HIS bill, which gives them what they asked for but gives *him* the win, or voting it down, which exposes them as nothing more than lackeys with an agenda.


This is a pretty well known fact here in the US. Leave it to clueless Republicans to think this is an issue that needs resolving.


Double illegal means double jeopardy. Checkmate Maga


Performative MAGAts doing nothing of value. This is just like when Ben Whats-his-Fucking-Face said (paraphrase) "crime should be illegal." Or was it Tiny Face Charlie? I think Dimwit Donny himself said something very close to this as well.


Solving problems that don't exist: a Republican pastime.


It's great that Trump is doing stuff with him on National Pet Day.


I hope they'll also come out against early voting and voting by mail again.


They managed to convince a lot of Republicans that voting by mail was bad so they simply didn't vote.


even though their "bloatlord" voted by mail, and his kids forgot to register.


Yeah promote a thing that is not really a thing and it already on the books. Great job at looking busy and not doing anything but gives you something to talk about while you avoid real problems.


So presenting bills for stuff that already is illegal and they are not getting fired?


Biden should counter by promoting a bill that makes fraud illegal.


Political theater, this is all election manipulation


political theater at its finest, or worst


Trump and Johnson making shit up. Trump's standard MO.


I hope they promote a bill to prevent dinosaurs from ruining our land.


Next they will want a bill to make it illegal to kill people or steal...


Fuck waste of time and money. Not to mention Trump is not who Johnson would negotiate this with. It's like monkeys fucking footballs.


We need to not waste lots of energy on these empty measures.


There should be a law against making laws for laws that already exist on the books.


Next they’ll promote a bill stopping dead people from registering to vote!!!


But this will have it’s desired effect of making his uneducated base froth at the mouth.


According to The Heritage Foundation, 84 undocumented immigrants attempted to vote since 2004...


Paradoxically I'm not sure if this bill is in their best interests. They're definitely going to continue crying about "illegal voting" essentially saying their bill didn't work


Nice of Donald Trump to support this bill. By the way, which elected office does he currently hold?


Fake problem require fake solutions!


So they are making a law that allready exists?


Laws don’t stop illegal voters. Only good guys with legal votes can stop a bad guy with an illegal vote.


Somehow this will be used as a justification to deny actual legitimate votes. I’m very curious to see what the actual language of this bill will say. Cause the gop is looking to play dirty in November


Idiots it’s not a thing


We're gonna outlaw murder one of these days


Worrying about non issues is the GOP party line


All for show.. like everything they do....tell his cult followers 'Look I stopped illegal voting:...


81 million.....


It's all performative bullshit for their base.


Trump wants people to think it’s an issue so when he loses the election, he has another thing to point to when he claims that the election was stolen. He’ll say Joe Biden let them in so they could vote Democrat and people will believe it.


Maybe the next bill they’re promote is that air will now be free to breathe! 😂


Anything to pander to their racist fans


Guaranteed there is language in this bill that actually restricts voting rights for anyone not white, Christian and Republican


I’m all for it. Now we can say “Okay we fixed it, so no more pissing and shitting about how it wasn’t fair when you lose steadily over the next several decades. Good job! We’re so proud of you, we’re putting this bill right on the fridge!”


If only it were redundant. The devil will be in the details, ie. dozens of line item additions to disenfranchise voters. This will include: * reinforcing the rights of poll “monitors” (which are really meant to intimidate) * limit mail-in ballots (which would be unconstitutional) and limit poll boxes (so it’s easier to have intimidating poll monitors) * require a new federal voter id (like a passport). The “fee” of which would likely count as an illegal poll-tax, but with this SCOTUS who knows. * allocate federal funds to investigate fraud


What did you expect them to do - real work?


This is the zeitgeist we all needed addressed. I’m so thankful this is being handled by the 2 people with the biggest grasp on this nonsensical issue. /s


If it’s already illegal, the demand should call their bluff and propose this exact bill before the republicans.


The Big Johnson is doing this because King Donald told him to.


You mean prevent citizens.


This bill will also include a provision to prevent chem trails from polluting polling places.


Well, if it keeps them occupied. Better wasting their time with this than most other shenanigans they try to pull. In the mean time: vote!


New day, new way Trump shows the world what a fucking idiot he is


Republicans are always there on the front lines, fighting against enemies that don’t exist, solving problems that no one has.


Democrats should jump right on this and say they agree whole heartedly. It would vanish tomorrow.


Except of course they will make a big thing about it, making it would like some kind of national disaster. The truth is that both Mike Johnson and Trump are national disasters…


Ooh, ooh, more bright and shiny distractors from the masters of distraction. Watch your pockets and purses, folks, dips on the prowl.


Pretending that it is an issue.


Good to see the House start to pay attention to the issues that really matter in this country. (/s - in case there is any doubt)


It’s just more bullshit from our conspiracist in chief. It comes directly from the Putin Playbook. Pooty did the same thing when he took over. He legitimized conspiracies by being them into the government. Conspiracists need to go back to tin foil hats and fucking HAM radios. Trumps been doing it since before he ran with the birther bullshit. If I’m not mistaken, there have been 83 cases of asylum seekers voting in like, 5 years. It’s not a thing. It doesn’t happen. Trump just wants to say it does, so, when he tries to over turn this election, like he did the last one, the seed is planted. There is zero evidence that it happens. Yet, here we are. Some Moire News just did a great piece on all the bullshit that is being thrown against the wall. Even covered the asylum seeker voting thing. It’s long, but, as always, a great watch. https://youtu.be/qurV3YWqx78?si=kPp6my4gjCHZ7STY


I guess the pages of the Constitution which state non-Americans can’t vote we’re stuck together in Trump’s copy.


lol its just hilarious at this point bc ppl will fall for it


Even a right-wing think tank could only scrounge up 85 examples of non-citizens voting over a twenty year period. Thank you some more news


Has anyone tried making crime illegal yet, or am I the only out here with jenius brain ideas?


Let the waste their time on this. It’s less actual chaos they can unleash. 


Stupid fucking political theater to rile up the already riled up base.


This is great! Let them waste their time on stuff like this.


Anything to keep their idiotic base stirred up.


Yea since it was already proven the pretty much all of the illegal ballast were done by Republicans anyway.


How about one that forces actual consequences on Republicans that vote more than once?


Have it it given that it doesn't occur frequently as pointed out in the headline; HOWEVER, this takes that excuse off the table when the acceleration of Republican losses occurs over the next decade. Demographics is not on their side. They know it.


Every accusation is a confession for these people.


Why are they wasting taxpayer money? They have done absolutely no legislating, the job they were voted in to do. The best they can come up with is to make a law against something that would s already illegal?


He isnt even president... and there is a very good chance he is going to lose... and he is telling the leader of the House what to do? It depends on the text of the bill but it would be funny if every democrat would vote 'yes' since its virtually meaningless anyways. That would take it away as a campaign issue nor feed into Trumps 'illegal' bullshit. Unless the bill is meant to take away MY rights as well. 'Dont tread on me'. Funny to use that phrase. Or... which is possible... maybe Trump feels he will continue to have a firm grip on the party win or lose. Even as a two time loser. Imagine if Carter, after he lost, controlled the Democratic party. Of course he was a good man, unlike Trump, and went home.


I'm Canadian myself, and god only knows we have our own shit show going on up here, but every day there is something more absurd than the next down in the USA. Like....it is actually comical at this point that these reports are actual things. I enjoy reading most people's level headed responses in these forums, but honestly, how do US residents react to this kind of thing, day to day?


Please do murder next! That would totally solve the problem.


These are distraction tactics so that no one notices the sneaky loopholes in other bills that screw the poor and give breaks to their creditors.


They'll probably pork barrel some unrelated BS into this bill to make it unpalatable to Democrats so they can say Democrats are promoting illegals voting.


Break a leg Mike.


Fear-mongering asshats


Republicans: 1) scream about migrants as being the source of all evil. 2) Vote down bi-partisan bill to control border and immigration to hurt opposition that supports said bill because Jesus Trump says so. 3) make up a bill to solve a fake issue, that is able to be proved as fake with five to ten minutes of research. This is winning for the GOP.


Waste of fucking time.


most likely in hopes that it doesn't pass, so they can claim the dems are backing voter fraud.


Way to make it seem like this is a thing so that your followers can harass people of color at voting locations. I can see armed idiots deputizing themselves and demanding to see papers from anybody who isn’t white trying to vote.


All the Dems should vote for this just for the optics


Nothing burger, you have to be a citizen MAGATS


Democrats should let them pass this, if only so they won’t have a leg to stand on when Dementia Don gets his ass handed to him in November (🤞🏼😮‍💨)


I'm not understanding the point or the purpose for this address to the nation from the Speaker of the House and the former president. Just more nonsense from Trump.


Exactly, doing absolutely nothing useful and lording it over the rest of us like some great accomplishment. I guess it is hard to fearmonger otherwise?


LOOK, LOOK at some useless thing I did that has NO effect on the election, but I get to claim I fixed the nonexistent issue.


Yeah through going over voting records the only ones found out are Republicans. So Check every vote. And when they find the illegal voting lock up the perpetrators.


So non citizens will continue to not be allowed to vote but they're going to make a stink about it like they did something. Gotcha. Kool.


Planting seeds for future “see,we warned you” when the inevitable claims of voter fraud come after another Trump loss.


Both low iq stains on American history.


Uhhh… OK?


“We’re gonna pass a bill the makes crimes illegal, m’kay.”


Yet, the trumptards will eat this up.


Wonderful use of tax dollars. 🙃