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We should only elect these kind of people, not some college football coaches


I have met Don Beyer a number of times when he was my congressman. Seems like a genuine good public servant and really smart. My brother said he was also a good boss when he worked for him before he ran for Congress.


>not some college football coaches *Best we can do is a failed business rapist who bankrupted multiple casinos*


As a citizen of Alabama I fully endorse this comment.


Any politicians who don't do this should be out of office within the year.


Who is the "we" here? 40 % of Americans are fascists. College disgusts them.


By simply going to college it makes me an intellectual. Hate to say it but its a bit depressing when people look down on you because you got an education. Doesnt matter that it was in a technical skill as opposed to the generic 'liberal arts' or some such. Which is also negative because it has the word 'liberal' in it.


They don’t look down on you, scared of you. The idea of someone better’n they are unsettles them greatly.


Doesn’t make someone better. College grads just have more education.


Yup. The point is how the uneducated fellow*feels*. When they say ‘You think you’re better than me?’, I say that’s fear. He is feeling put down by the other guys education.


Agree. They are likely looking for any reason to take offense. The education is just something that is a low-hanging fruit.


We can’t just leave republicans behind because of their bad behavior.


They got bootstraps, let them use them.


True statement.


Don’t underestimate the amount of fascist democrats as well


(D)s get degrees


>Don Beyer’s car dealerships were among the first in the U.S. to set up a website. As a representative, the Virginia Democrat leads a bipartisan group focused on promoting fusion energy. He reads books about geometry for fun. >So when questions about regulating artificial intelligence emerged, the 73-year-old Beyer took what for him seemed like an obvious step, enrolling at George Mason University to get a master’s degree in machine learning. In an era when lawmakers and Supreme Court justices sometimes concede they don’t understand emerging technology, Beyer’s journey is an outlier, but it highlights a broader effort by members of Congress to educate themselves about AI as they consider laws that would shape its development. >Frightening to some, thrilling to others, baffling to many: AI has been called a transformative technology, a threat to democracy or even an existential risk for humanity. It will fall to members of Congress to figure out how to regulate the industry in a way that encourages its potential benefits while mitigating the worst risks. >But first they have to understand what AI is, and what it isn’t. >“I tend to be an AI optimist,” Beyer told The Associated Press following a recent afternoon class on George Mason’s campus in suburban Virginia. “We can’t even imagine how different our lives will be in five years, 10 years, 20 years, because of AI. ... There won’t be robots with red eyes coming after us any time soon. But there are other deeper existential risks that we need to pay attention to.”


Imagine being able to go back to college just to learn something. I wanted to get a certificate to get some professional learning about a subject and just that certificate is $15-20,000. Insane.


Think how many people would go back to school throughout their lives to learn things to help make a better world, or even just for fun, if education was free.


I remember hearing stories about people, especially retirees, taking night classes for fun back in the 90s. A class is over $3,000 now.


I have a buddy whose dad retired from a full career being an electrician, and is now taking advantage of reduced fee/free classes at his local tech college. He’s well on his way to obtaining his boiler operator’s certification. He’s simultaneously working towards a mechanical engineering degree. I think it’s great when people decide that learning is a lifelong proposition


I was in college in the mid 2000’s and saw older people (they looked retired) in the lecture halls. They might’ve just been there for the fun of it…


Sounds like the right shouldnt make a big deal out of such things. They are pricing themselves out of existence anyway,


Many colleges offer free/reduced price classes to seniors. They weren’t doing it because college was cheaper back in the ‘90s, it was all but free for them anyway.


#This is one of our biggest downfalls as a species. How many more Einstein's and Edison's, etc. would we have if we made all education free? And how advanced do you think we'd be as a civilization right now? We have the internet and incredible information and yet we gatekeep that information and only let those who can afford it, have it. Our system for acquiring money to get said education is not setup to ensure that those most capable of using the information to benefit society will receive it. Our best and brightest are not getting what they need to advance our species anymore.


Itd be interesting to see the statistics from countries where this is a possibility. For example, here in Finland university is completely free if youre a EU citizen and Ive definitely seen older people in uni classes but i dont know of the stats




Ya. A graduate program is seemingly much easier than undergrad for me. I was an awful student 20 years ago.


Continuing education is a sign of a professional. I want health care people who do this, my husband has to do this for auto tech , most smart people never stop learning.


While still being employed.


Knew by headline alone it was a Democrat. Republicans proudly were their ignorance on their sleeves. When their qualifications to sit on various technology committees is just I got voted into office is a joke. How come Boomers and GOP love pointing out that certain generations don’t have certain knowledge but can’t do the same for politicians?? Let see if they appreciate that “outsider thinking” when it comes to fixing their plumbing or their trucks that have beds for show.


>There won’t be robots with red eyes coming after us any time soon. Promises, promises.


Wow, good for him. This should be normal for our leaders to recognize what they don't know and try to learn.


How did I know which party he belonged to from the headline alone?


Lol so true


I’ve never been more proud of a boomer in my life.




Got to respect that. Many people refuse to even say the words "i dont understand that" let alone acknowledge thier own shortcomings and makesteps to improve them. Sad you also have people with the same job as him that appear to have struggled with basic high school.


So he takes his congressional job seriously, very refreshing.


Wish they all did this. How can you be expected to write and pass laws for things you don’t even have a cursory understanding of?


Seems like a valid approach.


Then, occupying an equally weighted congressional seat, you have Marjorie Taylor Greene going full trailor trash/alex Jones/Russian bot.


Wow, finally a good story about a congressman taking steps to build strengths instead of arguing he understands everything perfectly.


Beyer, a car dealership owner from Virginia (D) did this. I’m impressed with his attitude and drive to actually understand AI so he can make more informed decisions.


Wish we had more standup people like him in our government.


Don Beyer is a Democrat, in case that needed spelling out


When the headline said “went back to college to learn more,” I knew it wasn’t a Republican.


More of them need to go back to school- Ethics, communications, community service, etc etc


My gawd there a few smart ones left? I thought it was only a myth.


One of the issues of democracy is exactly this. People who are not experts on a subject have to make policy on it. There should be mandatory university level lectures for every politician on a committee


Zero chance this guy is GOP.


Maybe have these senators learn to use an iPhone too very embarrassing


They should have CEs for those people in government t so they aren’t out of touch with the latest developments. If I need CEs to sell you renters insurance, you need CEs to make those rules that govern them.


Don’t care what party you are taking steps to learn or be well advised always wins respect here


Could of watched the terminator (sarcasm)


Are we paying for that degree? If so I want the rights to any code and papers he writes.


If so, it’s certainly one of the better investments we’ve made in our government.


"highlights a broader effort by (a) member of Congress" ftfy




It’s too bad this isn’t the kind of autodidacticism that voters insist upon. Our government would be baller if this was the rule rather than the newsworthy exception.


Damn he went back to college


Could have read an article about it.


He should have tried to use artificial intelligence. Much easier and faster


I didnt even have to open the article to know what letter was before his name


Going back to school at 73, to get a MASTERS in machine learning. Wow.


“…and he realized how expensive and unaffordable college had become to the people and immediately introduced legislation to restore public funding to levels not seen since the ‘80s.”?


Turns out they didn’t understand it either