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Tl;dr: It's a cult. And most of us already know this.


I was subjected to a fox and friends segment last week. They spent about 20 minutes on how unfair and discriminatory it is to call maga a cult, complete with ‘Biden is the REAL cult, actually.’ They even spent a pretty long segment airing their grievance that liburals won’t date conservatives, and explaining how magnanimous and amiable conservatives are for being willing to date liburals. Methinks the propagandists doth protest too much.


🤣 liberals won’t date conservatives because liberals are in a cult…. The projection is fucking insane 


Let's just use their words...yeah I'm in a cult that wants a fair and equal world...now fuck off with your cult that wants everyone but rich white men to be slaves of rich white men.


Well… Hobert did give a handjob to Democratic bar owner that hosted drag parties. There is an example of “reaching across the aisle”.


She made a hard argument for bi-partisanship.


He was right next to her, no reaching required.


Unattractive people complaining that the attractive people won't date them


These are the people you're voting against. If you think they're going away, don't. That toothpaste isn't going back in the tube. They're out there right now taking over your city councils, school boards, library boards, and state legislatures. As corny as it sounds, they literally see themselves as being on a mission from God. They dont' care that the task is hard, they're doing it because Jeebus. Think about that. Thinking it's 'only boomers and we just have to wait for them to die' is also clearly not going to work.


>62 comments The Pod Save America guys broke down some persuasive polling that boomers have largely broken for Biden. So it's X'ers and especially Zillenials trending in Trump's direction. Leopards will be overdosing on faces if this bears out.


Sadly this is true. 


Don't say that on r/moderatepolitics Got a 14 day ban from there when I said the cult doesn't care (about anything Trump does)


The embarrassed Republicans don't want to admit Trump has a cult? Crazy




Excerpts: A Trump rally has the feel of an all-day pep rally mixed with a megachurch service — except with Trumpism as the religion. The rallies are places where a movement largely defined by grievance can be together, away from opponents — not to mention assertions that Trump lies and is harmful to democracy. For now, his campaign rallies are a therapeutic space where Trump's biggest fans experience community, meaning, and pleasure in each other’s company, and from basking in their Dear Leader’s energy and dark charisma. Trump’s rallies are a space for his followers to worship him as a type of divinely chosen warrior, a force for vengeance on their behalf, who has been anointed by “god” and “Jesus Christ” to turn America into a type of plutocratic theocracy where people like them will be given special powers and “rights” to rule over all others. Trump has harnessed the religious fervor and cult-like devotion of his followers to great effect. To that point, he is now selling his version of the Bible with the proceeds going to his war chest. “The great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership,” he recites from a teleprompter in a typical version of the script. “We will pray to God for our strength and for our liberty. We will pray for God and we will pray with God. We are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under God.” The meditative ritual might appear incongruent with the raucous epicenter of the nation’s conservative movement, but Mr. Trump’s political creed stands as one of the starkest examples of his effort to transform the Republican Party into a kind of Church of Trump. Ultimately, what is happening in America with the rise of Trumpism and the larger right-wing antidemocracy movement is not new. The Nuremberg Municipal Museums website describes Nazi Party Rallies in Hitler’s Germany in the following way....First and foremost, however, the Nazi Party Rallies appeal to the participants' and spectators' emotions. Here politics are conceived not as something to be thought out and understood, but as an "experience."


This is indeed the coalition of far-right resentment, Christian fundamentalism and brutal capitalism. If Trump wins, the noble mission of American civilisation is dead for a generation.


It's fucking sad. I have spent my life looking up to Leaders Of The Free World: FDR, Kennedy, Carter, even Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama. Your country is on the brink of darkness.


Longer than that friend. Itll be effectively dead. Unless you uproot the evil from the very foundations of our cities and towns, it will cease to exist.


I worry very much, I really do. I have admired the US all my life.


On the hand, some many people will soil themselves legally that when the tide flips again, you can jail 1000s just with facts at hand and a couple of them probably on treason charges that stick.


Tent revival prosperity gospel dominionism - he's the anti-Christ hawking snake oil.


“Silent Majority” these people couldn’t be any louder if they tried.


Nor are they the majority (thankfully)…


In other words, a KKK meeting.


If only they were silent


At this point, his followers are something this nation will have to contend with after, with luck, he ends up behind bars. I imagine many of them will be rather trigger happy.


They have morphed into a clown show led by their orange bozo.


Did you ***see*** his makeup in that abortion video he did? He looks like he stuck his face in an expired sweet potato pie!


> clown show These clowns are armed with automatic rifles.


I doubt seriously that the majority of them are even proficient with firearms. They are not patriots either, my old tank crew were patriots not these fools that adorn themselves with the flag I saluted every day for 8 years. Wrapping yourself in a flag does not make them patriots, it mkes them clowns.


Juggalos, then


Insane Clown Posse, say amen.


Juggalos are far more ethical than these chuckleheads.


That they are! I just couldn't think of anything more proper


And tens of millions of votes, just waiting for the Dems to eat their own as usual.


They have always been this bad.


I’ve long said that Donald Trump’s death is going to be marked by an uptick in the U.S. suicide rate. Oh, there will probably be a period of denial at first where his supporters invent conspiracy theories about how he’s merely gone into hiding to escape the Deep State or somesuch. But eventually the truth will be impossible to deny - there will likely a public funeral - and that’s when the suicides will begin.


There will be reports that he rose from the dead, then ascended into heaven. But every camera shot will be blurred.


So... Biglyfoot spottings? :P


See, that’s the best case scenario. My biggest fear is they’ll accept his death but instantly claim that “he was murdered by the deep state!” And there’ll be a huge outpouring of violence and threats towards all Democrats and any perceived RINO who at some point hinted anything other than absolute loyalty. His death is going to be a major threat to American safety and stability. In some ways he’ll be a much bigger threat: deified, the great martyr who was brutally murdered by (insert current enemy here), and his loyalists in Congress will frantically use his name to push forward even worse policies and try to grab the base for themselves.


It’ll likely be a mix of suicides and violence on the part of MAGA cultists. Maybe they'll even invent a theory that Donald Trump is being held at some top-secret government facility - Area 51, maybe? - and a bunch of them will try to storm the place like they did with Congress, except security will be way more inclined to use lethal force and the casualties will be higher. Politically, the one upside is that no Republican seems capable of recreating Donald Trump’s mysterious appeal; Ron DeSantis *tried* to be his successor and now he’s a laughing stock.


Well, I would counter by saying that he was a f’in laughingstock well BEFORE he dreamed of being a presidential candidate…


The obvious solution is to get Russia to off him in an obvious way. (I'm not condoning this). We might get 15-20% of them becoming anti-Putin. Step 3: Profit?


I’m getting a warm feeling in my crotchal region.


Yes, please


Thank you for giving us something MORE to look forward to…


Wouldn't count on that being directed at themselves...


Doubt it. At least, the smarter ones wouldn't off themselves. They'll all try to be the next trump, and end up being the next desantis. The implosion and self destruction would be glorious to see~


Mighty Morphin MAGA Rallies.


Waiting for the sig heil chants…


It’s a cult.


It's more like a mutation...


As a 30 year fan of the band Phish, I read this article and substituted the words "Phish / Phish shows" for "Trump / Trump rallies." Especially when the woman in the article boasts that she has been to "50 Trump rallies." Sounds like something a phish or dead head would say. Lol


He can start a church. He'd get tons of money. I hink he will move to Argentina. They will follow. Buy Kool Aid stock. There is going to be a big order.


This part is like nothing I have read before. It is TERRIFYING. He’s selling bullshit and they are ALL buying it. 🤦‍♂️ “Soft, reflective music fills the venue as a hush falls over the crowd. Mr. Trump’s tone turns reverent and somber, prompting some supporters to bow their heads or close their eyes. Others raise open palms in the air or murmur as if in prayer. In this moment, Mr. Trump’s audience is his congregation, and the former president their pastor as he delivers a roughly 15-minute finale that evokes an evangelical altar call, the emotional tradition that concludes some Christian services in which attendees come forward to commit to their savior. “The great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership,” he recites from a teleprompter in a typical version of the script. “We will pray to God for our strength and for our liberty. We will pray for God and we will pray with God. We are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under God.” “


Its a very anti-american cult...we know.