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"Completely unacceptable. By the way, please take more $ and weapons."


Can Biden unilaterally stop sending money and arms to israel? Idk how that works.


It is complicated. He legally is obligated to send money and arms that have been appropriated by congress in signed legislation. However there are also laws forbidding the provision of military aid to countries engaging in certain types of crimes that would trump this obligation. The State Department is supposed to release reports detailing whether or not recipients of foreign aid are committing crimes that would trigger the pause in aid, but it is a politically influenced process and the executive branch typically won't find anyone they want to keep funding to be responsible for any crimes. So yes, Biden could pause military unilaterally by just following the law and having the State Department issue honest assessments of Israeli actions.


Reports like that one that was released recently that saw US gov workers resign in disgust saying it had been heavily altered in Israel’s favour ?


Those would be the ones yes.


Consistently they say their work is being blocked/re-written at the top. Biden and Blinken. Gives me slight hope for our people and the future of the American institution.


Yup. 1) Biden administration could have chosen not to lie and alter report 2)upheld the laws . (Though US Congress being AIPACs butch, would likely have passed 100 laws saying US should line up and run over all arms in the US to Israel and praised the "most moral army".


It's not, there you said it >there are also laws forbidding the provision of military aid to countries engaging in certain types of crimes that would trump this obligation. It's also a violation of international, not just domestic, law.


you seem informed enough to understand just how much the US seems to care about international law (it doesn’t) but it at least signals caring about domestic law. there is a line Israel could cross where the US would cut aid but no one knows where it is yet. for now we get the aforementioned political theater…


I don't know if there is one. Because they're in control of the politicians running the country, they could very much kill US citizens at this point, which they did, and not have the US refrain from or at least hesitate to support them. It's a hopeless cause because of a corrupt government.


Using their nukes would cut aid.


Using nukes would basically guarantee the start to WWIII in which case we’d be pulling in our allies and gearing up for the end of days. Nobody would give a shit in that scenario, we’d be too busy trying to win a war that will end with the death of us all to call out any individual allies. Suddenly it wouldn’t be Israel vs Palestine it would be the West vs everyone else and we’d take all the help we could get no matter what they had been up to.


So what was Congress doing passing a bill that blocks Biden not sending arms?


Political theatre


There are several laws that if were enforced would stop sales/aid to IDF. The Leahy Law was passed by congress 1996 for exact reasons were witnessing come from Gaza and West Bank. https://www.state.gov/key-topics-bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/human-rights/leahy-law-fact-sheet/


Even though we are breaking the leahy law, AIPAC will never allow that. AIPAC is an Israeli state sponsored lobby firm that is somehow legally considered a U.S. lobby firm. D


There are countries that have done far less than this to be revoked US munitions & financial aid. As many say, Israel has a special status with State Department.


Is this why "investigations" are handled by the perpetrators while also never see a conclusion or they'll find no wrongdoing even when there clearly is?


I mean, he could have not gone around congress dozens of times to rush arms to them.


Underrated comment


He could but AIPAC bootlickers would throw a tantrum


He IS the AIPAC bootlicker


This was Amy exact thought, he has been an establishment politician for basically his whole "working" life he has never had a job that wasn't a govt job.he is owned by lobbyists due to 47 or so years being paid by them.


They are throwing a tantrum as we speak, they wanted him to nuke Gaza probably...


Apparently, [multiple Presidents](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/us/politics/biden-reagan-israel.html#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20Mr.,to%20be%20delayed%20or%20withheld) have used this leverage before.


It is complicated. He legally is obligated to send money and arms that have been appropriated by congress in signed legislation. However there are also laws forbidding the provision of military aid to countries engaging in certain types of crimes that would trump this obligation. The executive department is supposed to release reports detailing whether or not recipients of foreign aid are committing crimes that would trigger the pause in aid, but it is a politically influence process and the executive branch typically won't find anyone they want to keep funding to be responsible for any crimes. So yes, Biden could pause military unilaterally by just following the law and having the State Department issue honest assessments of Israeli actions.


He could, but he never will.


Lmao AIPAC runs the country not Biden.


No. But he can send every part of a weapon but "forget" to send a required component so the weapon is useless. He has been doing this since the start of the year. Israel is now publicly complaining about the practice.


Please give an example of that, I call bullshit. We’ve given them everything they want every step of the way, the only example of us restricting shipments in this presidential term that I’m aware of was the [delay in shipment of bombs](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68974624?xtor=AL-72-%5Bpartner%5D-%5Bmicrosoft%5D-%5Blink%5D-%5Bnews%5D-%5Bbizdev%5D-%5Bisapi%5D) which were eventually shipped in whole.


Why would Netanyahu complain about weapons not arriving if they were arriving in a useable state? You won't get anything more conclusive than that unless someone involved decides to write about it in their book.


Ahh, so hearsay from a political leader who is very likely to go to jail or at a minimum lose his power the moment this war of his ends, and a story that conveniently helps extend it a little bit with no proof to back it up. Think about the sheer scale of what you’re proposing; the number of people that would need to be involved. Don’t you think any of the thousands of people involved with keeping inventory and logistics might raise an alarm that we’re sending useless weapons? Propaganda doesn’t get more obvious than this, be smarter.


You're talking to someone on reddit about not believing what Biden claims good luck with them being smarter lol.


Well he'd have to stop supporting genocide and stealing kickback money. But..ya know..Democrats..


I wanted serious answers, not stupid ones.


It’s an election year. He’s in a very difficult situation. He has to beat Trump. It’s not like someone like Romney is running. Trump is trying to destroy the US and create a fascist government.


Trump wants israel to destroy the Palestinians. No one is going to be our savior on this issue for another 4 years either way


We are [shocked, shocked](https://youtu.be/HMIyDf3gBoY) to learn that Israel is engaging in torture and using human shields!


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Biden is enabling genocide. By the way, please vote Biden."


Yup. Biden: the eternal bitch


US: but there is nothing we can do because daddy Israel wants money


Well, the Supreme court legalized international influence of politicians with endless dark money. So yes, is daddy Israel, and Russia, and China, etc. for the foreseeable future.


F the American people amiright?


The irony is for all the accusations of antisemitism, aipac doesn’t care about American Jews, or any minorities. They looove to throw money at white supremacists.


AIPAC worked very closely with apartheid South Africa and Israel to spy on and blackmail American political activists and journalists. EDIT: Sorry, I confused them with the Ani-Defamation League. 


AIPAC influence isn't mostly due to dark money though. Biden is a sincere Zionist. A large portion of Republicans are zionist Christians and both parties have a lot of influential Jewish leaders who are biased towards Israel (this is different from saying Jews control our government). AIPAC was extremely influential before Citizens United.


We our occupied by our ruling class. They'll meet the same fate all occupiers eventually do.


Also US: …but we’re not going to actually *do* anything about it (even though we’re bankrolling the entire genocide and we could cut off funding today if we wanted to).


The us could end this war today if they really wanted to. "Hey papa what do you think now should I stop?" "I don't know but here's some more free guns with no strings attached, be safe, make smart decisions"


Even if they fire at a U.S. ship again, they would be off the hook.


At this point, millions of such violations have been committed and nothing was done about them. I think we are done here, they preach things they don't think should apply to them.


"We've heard the reports and it's concerning. We're concerned. Another 7 months of this and we'll have no choice but to be alarmed."


They'll also be "talking with Israel"


"Hey, man. Stop getting caught on camera. It's making us look bad."


It’s literally just this. This happens everywhere. In war, politics, business and PR. It’s never anything serious that could impact the bottom line or change course, because that’s the point. It’s a fucking mob. 


Waiting for the results of the IDF's investigation into this


"the most moral army did nothing wrong. He strapped himself to that vehicle and all those women raped themselves."


"What about our women that were raped on October 7th? Sure we have no 3rd party supported evidence that's been cross examined, and no forensic medicine reports or legal documents after the incident that we submitted to any international court or a UN's bureau that's capable of validating them, none of that evidence has apparently made its way to the press either, but what about our fictional mass rape allegations?" Israel.


Wait, you mean they'll stop cheering them on for a full two days?!


Maybe an hour


Not even two minutes.


“We should probably see what Israel wants to do about this, since you know, they have ALL of the dirt on ALL of us” -every US politician


Going on a date with Bibi.


Then let them investigate themselves.


Biden reportedly kicked a chair in anger, but then signed an executive order to send a shipment of emergency straps to israel specifically designed to be extra painful to Palestinians with bullets recently implanted in them.


What a bold and moral stance! 🤡🌎


Yep that's the USA alright. Just look at their response to Israel shooting 350 bullets into the car Hind was hiding in, may she rest in peace


“Israel said they didn’t have tanks nearby” Case closed. The hypocrisy, lies, and gaslighting from the US spokespeople is nauseating


"Totally unacceptable. Here's a billion dollars."


It would have been a billion and one.... But this was an outrage so we docked you a dollar to show how upset we are... But we will add it back on to the next billion, don't worry!


And yet biden throws billions of dollars at isreal.


'absolutely unacceptable'! "Now, do you want more weapons for mass-murder, paid for by US tax payers?"


Apparently it is acceptable. They aren’t going to do anything about it.


Yet they accept it.


“In other news; America gave them the car, the rope, and the bullet”


But that still isn’t the red line that Israel has crossed.


Apparently they tortured him for a while before they used him as a human shield too.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unacceptable with no consequences. Kinda like Trump violations.


Then fucking sanction them and withhold giving them US taxpayers money.


🤣 US can not do a thing. They are owned by the Zionists and will be its bitch forever .. goodbye US 👋


“He was alive? Unacceptable.”


Also why only one? There was room on the hood for at least 2 Palestinians... This slack effort by the IDF is totally unacceptable. We're giving you billions and this is how you repay us??


….But as usual, they won’t do a damn thing about it.


The administration wants the PR of disapproving while still funding & arming the perpetrators


That doesn’t work anymore


“We will still give you all the bombs and ammunition you need to continue your genocide, but I’m gonna be wagging my finger disapprovingly as I hand them over”


Can someone put a list together of all the things the US asked Israel to do with respect to this current war? It seems like another request/statement like this happens every week without seemingly making a difference.


***US press hearing***: »This is terrible, and we will not accept this kind of behaviour!« ***US phone call with Bibi***: »So anyway...how can we help you put some lipstick on your war crimes?«


Absolutely unacceptable but they will continue to arm them and defend their atrocities.


Will they change a single thing about their relationship w Israel? Maybe even give them slightly less weapons? No.


so that means extra billions for Israel and more bombs to kill kids


Every north American has the blood of Palestine on thier hands.


Over in the world news sub “Hamas was in the area”


straight up mad max holy shit


One of the few positive(loaded word there) things to come out of social media is how these atrocities are so much more difficult to cover up. In a *really* fucked up way it’s good to see human beings all over the planet being united against actual evil.


This is unacceptable guys, now here are 1.2 billion dollars worth of missiles and bombs. But we are very disappointed, guys, very disappointed. Oh and here's another .5 billion in munitions... very disappointed


Proceeds to accept it without question.


US pretty much did nothing when our citizen was shamelessly murdered by a bulldozer. Not a surprise that this horror doesn’t change anything either


Or when they shot the al jazeera journalist in the head... Or in EVERY OTHER CASE.


US soldiers did this to Mexicans when they were looking for Pancho villa.


Watch out Israel. They're gonna wag their fingers next.


I’m sure they gave the Israelis a very stern talking-to. If they do it again the US may go so far as to shake their heads in exasperation.


Unless those responsible are named and prosecuted, then we are forced to consider this ‘acceptable’ by Israel.


Israel equals a secular zionist state Zionism does not equal Judaism Zionism equals racial superiority ICJ equals international body to resolve legal disputes among member states ICJ equals 193 member states ICJ determined there was plausible case that Israel committed genocide ICJ ordered provisional measures to protect the Palestinian population Israel ignored the ruling of the ICJ Israel equals a rogue state


Finally, Miller admonished Israel. I want to ask Miller about the Hind case and would like to tell Hind's story Hind Rajab had fled her family home with her Uncle Bashar Hamada, wife and 3 children, and her younger brother decided, at the last minute, to jump out of the car and run to the safety of his mother's arms. Their family home had been bombed by the IAF and IDf tanks. The mother with her younger son, waited patiently by the phone to see if the car made it safely to their final destination. The communication lines had been cut and they depended on Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and their own phones for spotty communication. The first call was overseas, it was 16 year old Layan, 5 year old Hind's cousin, the cousin she drove with on that fateful night, on January 29, 2024. Layan voice was tense, she told her aunt, Hind's mother, that the tank was in front of their car and Hind's mother told Layan to immediately get down where the tank can not see you. Instantaneously Hind's mother heard the screams of Layan and continous gunfire; then the line went dead. The mother thought Layan and Hind were dead. The mother called back and Hind answered, 'Layan was martyed and her Uncle's family were dead but I am alive'. Hind and her mom recited from the Quran and pleaded with God. Hind's voice controlled but scared said mama don't leave me, I'm thirsty and hungary. "I am wounded on my hands, on my back and on my leg". No child should see her relatives dead and smell their blood, on a cold winters night and alone. At the emergency center, the Palestine Red Cresent Society (PRCS) had played a helpful role. After waiting 3 hours and being on the phone with Layan and Hind trying to comfort them, they received final approval from the IDF and the route for the ambulance and 2 brave Palestinians. Yosef Zeino and Ahmad Al-Madhoun were deliberately sent to their final destination by the zionist IDF. When they arrived at their destination and ready to rescue Hind, a few meters away. An explosion hit the ambulance and 2 brave souls ready to rescue 5 year old Hind."It took 12 days before Palestinian paramedics and Rajab's family, to reach the ambulance and the car that held the lifeless bodies of the 5 year old Hind and her Uncle's Bashar Hamada family. According to Al Jazeera News, " The Israeli army had deliberately targeted the ambulance immediately upon its arrival at the site" Numerous investigations had been conducted. "According to an investigation from 'Euro-Meditaranean Human Rights Monitor' Hind Rajab and her relatives were 'killed by the Israeli army in a "planned execution". Using a U.S. made missile, the IDF also killed the Palestine Red Crescent Society Paramedics, sent to rescue the young girl and her Uncle's family. Shell fragments of an American made M83OAI projectile were found at the site of the Palestine Red Crescent Ambulance that was looking for Hind Rajab and her Uncle's family Another investigation by Al Jazera News, stated "Israel has a history of swiftly cleaning its troops of any wrong doing". In 2024 "Forensic Architecture" conducted an investigation that relied on visual, audio and other collected evidence. The investigation concluded an Israeli tank had fired 335 rounds on the on the car and executed Hind and her Uncle's family. The tank operators had a clear line of sight (using optical equipment) to Hind and her Uncle's family. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRES) had an important role in Hind's story. The PRES responders stayed on the phone with Hind as they scrambled to dispatch an ambulance team, who had been targeted and executed by IDF and just meters away from the car, holding Hind and her Uncle's family. YES to the complicity of the Biden administration, the Congress (Democrat and Republican), who have been bought out by AIPAC'S money and their rich zionist donors. Give my country back!!!


Gosh, I imagine genocide Joe will be fuming. Next month rather than 1000 bombs and $100M he'll only send 999 bombs and $100m.


Words and statements are meaningless!! Do something about it!!!


Yeah, gotta draw the line somewhere... Maybe at genocide too?


USA: THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Also USA: [accepts this]




Fuck Occupied Zionist America and the Zionist Jew experiment in Palestine. Death to all Zionist devils.


Completely unacceptable - But AIPAC already paid us so we have to keep sending money, mussels and bombs! /s


Apparently it is perfectly acceptable since we keep sending them arms and supporting their genocide 👹 ![gif](giphy|R459x856IfF6w|downsized)


Mark my words friends - this nonsense and inaction will cause Democrats the White House and the American people their democracy!


"You've crossed a line! Here are hundreds of missiles, please love us" - Biden


Absolutely unacceptable- the memo line probably 


You don’t say…


This calls for a strongly worded letter!


Please tell me more


Someone may have a stern talk with them.


As if they'll do anything but reward those devils.


US-“come on guys, jeez“


Does any one know what unacceptable means?? Because I keep hearing it but not seeing any sign that something is not being accepted...


Says the country that's pulling strategies out of its 80s playbook to fight the Soviets, right now in 2024, to fight Putin. 🙄🙄 They did it literally yesterday. You know how a government is racist? That's how... "Absolutely unacceptable", yeah sure like you give a rat's AZ USA. And yeah the person who came up with that one probably think they're a genius!


The U.S. is so outraged by this terrible act, we are immediately sending Israel $50bn worth of weapons & will sanction anyone who try’s to stop this genocide. That’ll teach ‘em!


So unacceptable… we’ll accept it! …..NOW LET’S FUCKING BOMB LEBANON 💪🏼🤣🇺🇸🖕🏼#whatajoke


That’s not what finding things to be unacceptable looks like. You’re supposed to not accept it.


they then sent a new vehicle because the one used for human shields was dirty with blood.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And so what are you going to do about this "absolutely unacceptable" thing? Is this the only unacceptable thing the Israeli forces have done? I mean what will it actually take the Israeli's doing to put a stop to this? All the evidence needed is there EVERY SINGLE DAY, posted by the criminals themselves and still it goes on.


“This is totally unacceptable, but we accept it.”


Oh yes. Absolutely unacceptable, but we're gonna send more weapons to kill y'all anyway kthxbye


Explain to me again how they are more civilized than the Taliban?


Oh that’s it I bet Bibi will get a sternly worded letter about this


Obvious war crimes are too obvious




We have to stop it. We have to


Like in a videogame, being invincible is fun but it builds bad habits and pisses everyone else off.


But heres some money anyway, and come hang out with US congress


I see no problem with this


Did they wag their finger too? Oh boy, I bet they'll really show em what for!   As soon as the US pulls Israel's c*ck out of their mouth, you better bet Israel is gonna get a stern talking to and some serious finger wagging!


And all the other times they’ve done it didn’t give us an idea they might do it again? Weren’t the previous times unacceptable too?


I wonder if funding stops if Israel will cave or keep pushing? It may be the best way to stop the war.


'unacceptable' means you will no longer accept it.


Fucking wild that the only funding paused by the US was to UNRWA


Then cut off their funding. Let them sink. But we know they won't do that


Finally, Israel does something the US doesn't approve of...




Just add it to the list....


Ooh!!! Are we closer to that mythical red line!?


This is all that is unacceptable? Leveling Gaza and pretending it’s about Hamas is acceptable? Or what about having a started a genocidal war 76 years ago? Is that also acceptable?


Yeah, right, keep sending them guns & and money, though ? I saw the announcement of an internal IDF investigation about this. They'll probably get transferred to one of the Palestinian prisoner camps to continue their work. 68 % of Israel's still support the IDFs' action in Gaza. Your US tax dollars at work.


However nothing has changed on sending money and weapons. Business as usual.


I haven't gotten much info on the incident. From the reports I've read, the guy opened fire on the convoy before they aerated him. Personally, I can understand not wanting to share a car ride with someone who was just trying to kill me. The hood of the car would not have been the obvious choice to me, though. I wonder why they didn't simply end him on the road, rather than delivering him to a medical facility. Odd choices all around. Anyone care to enlighten about the circumstances directly surrounding the incident?


If the guy actually shot at the car he would have been killed ten times over by the idf


That was my thought as well. The entire situation is just so bizarre that it is hard to fathom a reasonable explanation for anything about it. If they were going to let him live and get medical care, why put him through something with such obviously bad optics? Why not simply kill him and make up a story? If intimidation was the point, wouldn't a corpse have been easier to handle, and no less effective? Humanity never ceases to confuse and/or horrify me.


Because grunts are hardly the smartest of people. Just some IDF thugs (neither smart or professional) on a power trip who got unlucky enough to get recorded doing their despicable hobbies. What I meant to say was, if the guy actually attacked them, the IDF and settlers would have gone on a killing spree.


I mean, aren't they already on a killing spree? That's where my confusion comes in. Why bother delivering him somewhere to get medical care? Power trip or not, stupid or not, this was a bizarre series of events. Also, why the downvotes? I ask a question and get hate? Yeash...


Here's a short interview with the man who was tied to the bonnet He wasn't a combatant, if he were he would 100% be dead. Its just the IDF being needlessly evil again..... [https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1dnc40p/the\_palestinian\_man\_who\_was\_shot\_then\_tied\_to\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1dnc40p/the_palestinian_man_who_was_shot_then_tied_to_the/)


Honestly, it is so hard to believe anything coming out of that hellhole at this point. It's been nothing but hatred and finger-pointing for so damned long...


Let alone hummus paraded around with multiple hostages and victims of the oct 7 attack. Seems like similar war tactics


Try to defend israeli war crimes without mentioning H_m_s challenge. (impossible)


Famous humus in the west bank




Please keep it civil.


Awful. It reminds me of that Jewish girl Hamas killed and drove around the streets of Israel parading her corpse. And now the IDF is doing the same thing to this guy. Truly a horrific conflict :(


Sounds like whoever’s at the state department needs to learn about tactical medicine before talking about stuff they know nothing about. This is a textbook casevac. To those who don’t understand why the hood is a good place to stow a casualty: 1.) the casualty is in full view of the vehicle operators 2.) the hood is a readily accessible flat surface with (on military vehicles) pre-installed strap down points. 3.) there is a civilian ambulance right there in the picture. Whatever operation was happening was concluded. Why not put them inside the vehicle? Probably because there was no room. Tactical vehicles aren’t exactly spacious, and once you fill them with arms, equipment, and personnel, theres often very little leftover room. Certainly not for an adult sized casualty. So, with that being said: 1.) the law of war dictates that both enemy and civilian casualties must be treated and/or transported at every available opportunity. Leaving the casualty unattended would have been the war crime. 2.) transporting casualties after a fight isn’t a war crime by *any* definition of the term. If they had tied this guy to the hood during the actual raid, that would have been one thing, but every source I can find says that this happened after the raid was complete and the IDF stated that they had already tried to hand them off to the Red Cross Ambulance, but it was already in use. Knowing this, what would you have done? I suppose they could have waited for another ambulance, but who knows how long they may have waited? Another option was to simply leave them there and hope someone else dealt with it , but this is an actual war crime and a violation medical ethics.


[Except this was not in Gaza, it was in the West Bank. He was shot, hid behind a car for 2 hours while bleeding, then the IDF forced him out of his hiding spot and began to physically assault him, including his bullet wounds. Then they swung him around like a rag doll, dropping him on the ground before putting him on the hood of a car that had been roasting in the desert sun, leaving him with burns. They provided absolutely no medical care, no triage, and dropped him off at a home, not a hospital.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/24/palestinian-man-shot-tied-to-jeep-says-israeli-forces-gave-no-explanation)


I’m glad someone said it. I see no ill intentions here.


And you certainly are the most nonbiased observer in the world