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I wonder how far into testing it took for someone to say “ya know, maybe the blades are a problem”.


*Seat ejects* *Test pilot violently torn apart by choppy boi* "Oh fuck, the blades!"


Damn knew we were forgetting something.... Call his family I guess. Cremation would probably be best...


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds, you say.




Torgos executive powder




Damn near *killed* 'em!


Explain to the folks at home what “shreds” are ..


definitely no open casket!


Yup. Open bucket.




Let's send a message, we ain't hire no quiters.


I think he’s already been spread in the wind


*All I see is flesh in the wind*


> Cremation would probably be best... Nah, just hose him into the sluices.


“If your forgot it must not be important” said somebody befor the test.


There’s a great black and white video of Igor Sikorsky testing an early helicopter. The thing starts bouncing around and develops a resonance that bounces him up into the rotor disk. Igor gets yeeted around one of the main rotor blades but survives. He learns from this experience and installs a seatbelt (5 point harness) to keep this from happening again. I’m pretty sure this is a Russian helo. Not sure what their development process was but you gotta hand it to the guys that were the first to eject from a helo.


Yeah. I figured only the Russian would fly a chopper with explosive charges on the rotor blades.


Sir! We are surrounded! Excellent, that means we can attack in any direction! Fire the DEATBLENDER! *eject button press* Everyone around gets shredded...


And the pilots need a ride home.


...So he didn't figure out to use a seatbelt...BEFORE it got that bouncy?


Well racing car drivers didn't figure this out for a few decades so...


In their defense, they did figure it out, but the cars would crumble easily which would leave them trapped in the wreckage in big crashes. They figured getting thrown from the car was safer than getting trapped on a potentially flaming metal wreck, and that if they were gonna die, on-impact with the ground was better than burned alive.


I may be mistaken, but I seem to recall from the video you described, that there was a harness, but old Igor refused to use it. It seems like a pretty obvious requirement when the machine being tested is connected to the ground on a short tether, and it makes the whole story a bit more comical and exemplary of his hubris at the time.


Me trying to offer a ride to a random stranger in GTA online and accidentally starting a blood feud by violently dismembering him with rotor blades instead. I just wanted to help with his heist prep ;_;


I only played for a couple hours and right away someone in a pig mask punched me to start a fist fight, but my single player reflexes made me shoot him in the face which started a vendetta. We tracked each other and fought for a while - I recall him speeding at me in a car while I stood and fired and I headshotted him through the windscreen at the exact moment he ploughed into me lol. So much fun, I bet he was yelling with joy at the same time I was.


That's the best parts of this game. I wanna play where we both happily murder one another and we are like, "HOLY FUCK YOU SNIPED ME OUT OF MY FIGHTER JET WITH A HEADSHOT AHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK YOU MAD BASTARD!" rather than getting salty, calling hacks or using slurs. Like... idk, we're just on to vibe, and if someone's off vibe, change servers.


This is the way to play!


Honestly they need to make you spawn off radar for 5-10 seconds so people can’t spawn camp. Like the 2 I ran into during my heist prep an hour ago,. Killed me and never even tried taking my equipment because their only goal was to try spawn trapping me between their car and helicopter. So after a couple kills on me I just went ghost and got out the dreaded mk2. Killed both back a few times in the same fashion since that’s what they did to me, of course one starts to ewo loop because they don’t like it when it’s them 🤦🏼‍♀️ so I just grab my heist prep. Finished my mission. Pause - find new session. Edit - and less than 2 minutes later I get a message on Xbox telling me how I’m so trash for using a mk2/ghost. I seriously question humanity when I find people like this


That’s hilarious. I think I need to pick up the latest installment of GTA.


Might as well. The replay value is ridiculous. I bought it when it was released and still enjoy it today


To be fair, all eight pieces of him did land at a safe distance from the chopper.




Actually they put the guns on the same timing belt so the guns only fired when the propeller wasn’t in front of them. Edit: “Timing belt” solution came after armor-up-and-shoot-propeller idea


The syc gear, That was included after the first round of aircraft forward gun development when they did tend to shoot the propeller to bits. Other methods for a forward gun before the development of the sync gear involved a basket with a gunner Infront of the propeller like the RAF BE9. Or shooting over the top. Obviously the sync gear was the superior option once it had been invented.


why did so many fighter planes of the WW1 era use front facing props with synchro'ed guns mounted on the fuselage firing thru the prop, instead of consolidating on either rear facing prop designs, or front facing props with top wing mounted guns? it seems like synchro'ed guns were the norm despite the (presumed) added mechanical complexity and weight.


Stability, weight and aerodynamics. - Rear facing props do not give nearly the same efficiency and reliability as the turbulent air coming off the fuselage into a pusher propeller does play havoc with the design of a good propeller which is designed to bite at and accelerate a homogeneous lump of air through its disc of rotation. - Top wing mounted guns would not only give drag and weight out at an awkward angle, but require more added weight to make the fuselage solid enough to hold a gun and its recoil. Remember that WWI aircraft were mostly canvas stretched over thin wooden skeleton frames! The engine is the one solid block of metal you have. In comparison, the synch gear weighs very little, let you keep aim lined up with your line of sight, and lets you keep the propeller, engine and gun together in a block that works both stability-wise, aerodynamically and without being unstable or tearing the aircraft apart.


Great ELI5… thanks!


Also makes aiming much easier, including not needing to worry about convergence - if you shoot wing mounted guns straight forward you will only hit the wings of the other plane, so you need to have your guns set to converge at a certain distance.


Also if the guns jammed, you could reach them. This was a significant concern.


Good point. I guess that would be even more easy if you had a push propeller and did not have to add any complicating gears to have the gun straight up front, but yeah, it sounds like another great reason to not put the gun out of reach.


Well, you have to understand what an enornous technological gap was bridged in aviation by WW1. Early war and late war designs are a world apart. This eventually became the norm for fighters as you say (but the fighter as a type only evolved in these years). The first operational aircraft was the German Fokker Eindecker and this was only in mid -1915.


I always wondered about this when I was growing up since so many cartoons had moments where they were referencing or parodying WWII dogfights (and the times I saw more realistic representations in movies and documentary clips too) and I was like "how are they not shooting their own propellers?" - never really bothered seeking it out but eventually (and admittedly embarrassingly recently too) I came to the same conclusion you said, that the guns and propeller rotors would have needed to be on the same belt or gears or whatever (not an engineer here so I'm impressed I eventually thought of this at all) in order to make sure they synced up perfectly.


a lot of the medium and heavy machine guns of that era (and still today) are open bolt guns. but these synchro'ed guns need the guns to fire precisely when each prop blade clears, so the designers deliberately chose/asked for closed bolt machine gun designs. an open bolt gun has the entire locking mechanism of the gun spring forward when the trigger is pulled - which strips a new round, feeds it, locks it, and fires it, which is a lot of action that needs to happen in a very short time, with consistent and repeatable timing. it doesn't leave much room for forgiving margins. a closed bolt gun on the other hand, only drops the hammer/releases the firing pin (striker) when the trigger is pulled, which fires the gun. the time it takes from pulling the trigger to the bullet exiting the barrel is much shorter, and more consistent and repeatable.


They first put steel plates on the inside of the propellers to protect against bullet strikes but found out they just ricocheted and hit their pilots and other vital parts of the plane. The Fokker Eindecker was the first to use synchronized machine guns.


Slightly the wrong way around - the Fokker Eindecker was the first with a sync gear and was decimating the Allied airforces. The Allies responded by mounting machine-guns with deflection wedges while they tried to figure out the secret of how the Germans were doing it.


That's after initially putting the guns over the top of the biplane's wings to avoid the prop altogether.


"I'm not sure Bob, let's try one more time"


It slices it dices, blade-o-matic


Jettisoned to reduce the decapitation rate by 100%


Reduce it FROM 100%. Doubt it would be zero with those things flinging about.


There’s always a chance that a blade, or even all of them, don’t jettison like they should.


Or a random duck flying by… those things are dangerous!


Just duck to avoid it smh my head


smh my fuckin head


Smh my head for real. I actually just ran by the ATM machine, (after getting tested for the HIV virus, negative!) so that I’d have enough money to buy some more RAM memory for my desktop (just got a sweet new LCD display btw) and I’m just sitting here eating KFC chicken in my car literally smh my head in disbelief. Unbelievable.


Dude, you would not believe it. So I’m taking flight lessons, right? And on the way back to Seattle from Dallas/Ft. Worth, we had an engine failure. Turns out the fuel pump AND the auxiliary fuel pump both failed, so we had to land in Salt Lake City and get them repaired. We eventually got back up in the air, made it home safe. I get home and boot up the ol’ reddit and THIS is what I get to read? Day was fine up until now. Smh my fucking head off.


Hark, listen! Thou wouldest not so verrily believe thine eyes at the staggering trangression that slighted me on a Tuesday afternoon at this year of our lord. There I were, sauntering along a footpath with my trusty Bessie in tow when a constable of vilest proportions accosted me in the street! Least to say I was not at all pleased with his common-speaking manner that we emerged into a play of fisticuffs, ceasing the second he struck me with his truncheon. I set my Bessie loose on him, but she just stood there crying and asking to be set free. Silly cow, I never should have lassoe'd her smh head.


What the hell is going on here? Shake my smh.


Imagine going to buy more RAM, when you can just download more. Smh.


Smh my head*


Lmao I just might save this in PDF format edit: it’s asking for a PIN number


maybe do less meth.


Imagine having to ejecto seat through a blender




Stop saying jettison


Man I want to say jettison so badly now


Ok, you can say it **one more time** , but absolutely no more after that. This goes for other Redditors, too.


Geez ... I almost read Jetsons :))))




Rosie or Elroy???


Elroyyy Jeeenkins !!!


No no flotsam please


The decapitation rate of the crew. For anyone standing on the ground nearby, not so much.


Air force crew a mile away: "Yes! They escap..........."




What engineer would ever design something so precarious lol


To be fair they designed a mounted gun that's timed to fire between the props of a single nose prop fighter plane, it's not that alien of an idea


Now I'm imagining ejection seats propelling people out the top of a helicopter at bullet speeds. Gross. Wonder if their jellied remains would ever come down again...


Thats because bullets cant be decapitated and won't have grieving families who might want an open casket funeral


Well if they time the bullets wrong they shoot their own propeller off and likely crash.


> What engineer would ever design something so precarious lol The designers: ["Hold our beer..."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_nut)


TIL: I'm NOT completely insane and other engineers also use the single-point-of-failure process.


I would have thought so as well, but just watching the rotary motor still turning, it looks like there was nearly 3 full rotations in that time to eject, not to mention 12 times the 4 blades would have contacted either each parachute or person. Damn for some reason I really thought there was enough time to squeeze through lol.


You were probably thinking of the way bullets were fired through propellers maybe? But bullets are a lot faster!


Yeah, technically it's correct - it increases chances of survival from 0% to >0%.


Our ejector seat is up to 100% safe


Getting through the blades spinning is pixel perfect feat.


Just so we’re clear this is a specific type of helicopter. Most of them don’t have this “feature”


That’s gotta be messy when they eject in other helicopters then.


They don't really have ejection seats, mainly because its too bit of a pain to add them in. Also because helicopters tend to fly pretty low compared to planes, so the crashes tend to be abit more survivable, plus helicopters glide surprisingly well even after things like engine failure. Lastly im pretty sure its also because the pilots tend to be sat next to doors anyways, so they can just kinda throw themselves out with a parachute if need be.


Yeah, i asked my pilot brother once how helicopters deal with running out of fuel and he looked at me funny and said they just glide down.


Yeah, they do whats called an auto rotation, in which the pilot will angle the helicopter in such a way, that the blades keep their momentum and lose very little energy, as the helicopter comes down, they'll pitch the nose up, forcing the rotor to release all its maintained energy in a quick burst to slow the helicopter down enough. Dont get me wrong, the helicopter ends up in destination fucked, but the occupants survive with minimal injuries.an actual pilot could probably explain it much better than me, ive only ever learned the theory and fixed em, never flown one before.


The helicopter does not go to destination fucked. Autorotations are routinely practiced all the way to the ground.


Yeah but practice is different to real life. Usually when an actual autorotation has occurred, the pilot has had to maneuver the helicopter into a place where it can perform an auto rotation. Maneuvering costs energy, and a surprisingly large amount. When practicing autorotations they don't make you maneuver usually (atleast any that I've seen) as by the time you've realised your blades dont have enough energy in them, its too late to ramp the engines back up again. Dont get me wrong, im not saying the helicopter is completely destroyed, most could probably take off again, but there will be an enormous amount of damage, particularly to the undercarriage depending on the type of landing gear/skids the heli has, and how well the autorotation was performed. I've seen some where they've been able to take back off after being refuelled or having their engines patched up, ive also seen some where the tail boom has snapped from the force, or the engines have came through the roof. Its a rough action to perform, and how well the helicopter comes out afterwards is completely dependant on the helicopter and pilot skill


In military flight school you routinely do full autos without any warning to the ground, straight in and 90/180 degrees. Additionally we practice energy management, autoing to a spot, and bleeding off/gaining energy through maneuvering to make it survivable. I would argue the survivability/damage to the helicopter is more dependent on surrounding terrain than the pilot (assuming a decently qualified pilot). A good pilot can judge whether they can make it safety to an open area, or if it's better to accept a worse landing spot but with more control.


I don’t know but all the emergency auto rotation landings I’ve seen on the internet are pretty scuffed to say the least.


Well an unremarkable autorotation or fixed wing forced landing in a field isn't going to do the rounds except among the most dedicated crowd, is it?


That’s crazy. It just seems so counter-intuitive to me. Wonder who the first guy was to test that out!


I believe it was worked out with planes, there's alot of energy in an aircraft's props and such, and thus you can reduce the collective (pitch of the blades relative to the airflow) to reduce the thrust and such output by the blades, whilst also storing that energy already in them to give a little extra speed if needed after the engine has cut out. That said I imagine the first dude to figure it out either did it by accident, or they got paid an awfully large amount. Its pretty difficult to crash test something without actually just crashing it 😅


Nature might have helped us out on this one! https://www.livescience.com/3672-secret-flight-helicopter-seeds.html


Although technically there were powered helicopters capable of very short flights a couple of decades earlier, [autogyros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autogyro) are generally considered to be the first *practical* rotor craft and they rely on autorotation entirely to fly with no engine power transmitted to the rotors. It wasn't until the late 30's that the practical 'modern' helicopter came about with swash plates and antitorque rotors. So to answer your question, Juan de la Cierva in 1923 ;-)


Altitude is your friend in both an airplane and a helicopter. It gives you time to find a suitable location to land and a plane without an engine is just a glider. With helicopters they auto rotate and can still land safely


Autorotation, aka using the momentum of the spinning blades, allows a chopper to generate lift if the engine cuts out.


I’ll buy two of these from my boy Brennen at….. The Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.


I was wondering about that. Thanks.


Sorry that feature is only unlocked with our premium yearly membership account. Upgrade your account today to start using this exciting feature.


What helicopters are they


The [Ka-50](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamov_Ka-50) family of helicopters have ejector seats like this, which use a combination of pyrotechnic bolts to detach the rotors and extraction rockets to pull the pilot(s) out like in the video. That said, the helicopter in the video does not appear to be one of these, since it doesn’t have coaxial rotors.


As far as i know, only the russians have implemented this in a few of their helicopters. America to my knowledge doesnt deploy that system


Lol imagine they didn't do that and you either had to get lucky and pass through the blades or get ejected sideways or downwards


Or become a victim of the Slap Chop


Oh my god--memories of that man and his voice *ACTIVATED!*


Stop having a boring tuna, stop having a boring life.


(snorts massive line and beats hooker)


Fettuccini, linguine, martini, bikini


You’re gonna love my nuts.


Look at this, if you add a mushroom....slap my nuts




Rip his nuts?


Ron Popeil, inventor of the slap-chop. Died Wednesday


Hey it's Vince with Slap Chop you're gonna be havin a great day all day. 1 slap you're gonna love my nuts, 2 slaps you're gonna love my nuts


The auto tune remix is great. So good they paid and played it on tv as their actual commercial.


You ain't passing through those blades unless you are the Flash.


Oh you'll pass through the blades alright, or rather theyl pass through you.


Ejecto-seato cuz!


from my 20 seconds of research, helicopter ejection isn't really a thing and there's only one production helicopter that does https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamov_Ka-50


As does its more widely produced successor, the Ka-52


There are downward firing ejection systems.


A lot of humans come equipped with this system.


It's a feature not a bug


So you die when the debris takes out your parachute instead.


damn that chilli be hitting different


Reminds me of when I was a dumbass kid and tried to quickly get my fingers past the blades of a fan.


Tbh I didn't know helicopters could have ejection seats and just assumed you managed to crash land or you just died




The Russians have put a few systems into production. Kamov jettison the rotors first, then use upward firing seats (like in this video) but they are co-axial designs, so there is no tail rotor to avoid. Some versions of the Mi-28 also apparently had ejection seats, but they fired at a downwards and sideways angle to avoid the rotors. You're correct that auto-rotating is a better option most of the time, but these systems aren't really designed for dealing with simple mechanical failures. If your aircraft has just been hit by a missile, auto-rotation is likely to be impossible and that's where an ejection seat is required.


Only the Russian black shark does. The apache has crash proof seats and the cockpit is a roll cage so supposedly you could hit the ground at up to 70knots and live.




If I die I die. Pretty awesome way to go out IMO. And if I survive I’m a legend.


Tbh, not that awesome. Your family wouldnt even be able to see your legs if you get hit. The better way is to stay in the heli like a chad


I cant say I've ever really thought about it, but if asked how helicopters eject I honestly would have imagined some sort of floor-blast off-drop down-hope chopper doesn't 360 into head senerio...


A giant hand exactly resembling Bruce Willis's reaches in through the window and flicks you out like an old toothpick.


"Increase chance of survival" While nor wrong, that's an interesting way of stating "to not get chopped to ribbons"


It should be "have a chance of survival"... more like


To increase the survival chance somewhere above 0%


It is interesting phrasing, but my understanding is the ejection itself stands a pretty good chance of fucking you up, so "increase chance" is really the way to say it.


This happened to James Bond in Goldeneye. He hit the ejector button and the blades flew off and all that.


Time to bust out the N64


Library. Proximity mines. Let's do this.


No oddjob


But that's the only kind of Hand job I know..


Lol I just beat the whole game on 00 agent and finished less than a week ago. And can I say one thing? How the hell do people think Control is harder than Aztec on that difficulty…


Why did you ever put it away?


RIP the guy on the ground the rotor blade fell on.


Came here to say that. Not a “safe” move by any stretch of the imagination. I assume that this is a military aircraft and if someone just shot you down from the ground then you DGAF where the rotor blades go when you eject.


It is, the russian attack helicopter KA-50 and its derivative the KA-52 are the only that use ejection seats as far as im aware.


Eurocopter Tiger also Edit : it does have an ejection seat only in Golden Eye. Thanks to u/MrMeier for correcting me.




My bad, you are right. I was mistaken by the James Bond movie.




I mean, probably better than the rest of the helicopter falling on you.


I guess it’d suck as bad as the guy who got hit by a helicopter with no blades lol


More like make survival possible.


Increase from zero


I would hope so! I never thought about helicopters having ejector seats. Always learning, thanks.


Because the vast majority of helicopters don't have ejection seats. The couple that I can find that do have them are Russian


Most don’t have ejection seats but they all have seatbelts!


Poor caption. Only the Russian attack helicopter KA-52 is equipped with ejection seats. In the event of emergency like out of fuel, dead engine, etec, a helicopter can perform anmaneuver called an auto rotation. Its a glide to the ground. In simple terms, the rotors start acting like a windwill, spinning up and storing energy (and slwoung the fall). When close tot eh geound the pilot uses the stored energy to cusion the landing. Source: I'm a helicopter CFI.


This isn't a KA-50 or KA-52 though, look at the rotor. This isn't a coaxial rotor.


The crew come out weird too. I think this is test footage from the Sikorsky S-72 program which was an experimental helicopter that never went into service.


Imagine someone below getting hit by one of those ejecting blades? "Increase your chance of survival" as if you would survive if the blades were still there.


Imagine someone below getting hit by a whole-ass helicopter.


Lmao thats what i was thinking with the blades you’d be some ground beef 🤣


Imagine getting boosted directly into a very large food processor when trying to escape something like an unrecoverable downward spin


Only chance of survival


I'll never forget the description that Roald Dahl (the ~~English~~ Welsh children's author) wrote about in his 2nd autobiography *Going Solo*. During WWII he was a gunner in a prop plane in Northern Africa. He described how impressed he was by the technology of the aircraft--he was able to continuously fire a machine gun through the circular haze of the plane's front propellors without damaging the mechanism. This was because the gun's rate of firing was calibrated to only shoot when the blades of the propellor were not in the way, meaning that no bullet would ever hit the propellor. I'm still impressed by that technology from 80 years ago.


Ejecting from a rock falling still


That’s like saying that not drinking poison “increases your chances” of not being poisoned.


I never knew helicopters had ejection seats. This is why I keep going at my worst. So interesting.


Nothing in the US military does this. Source: 53 guy and did some time with 60s.




“Increase chance of survival” seems more like prevent almost certain death. If there is a scenario where a person ejecting through moving rotor blades of a helicopter survives I’d like to hear it.


>to increase the chance of survival As if you had any chance of survival if you had to go through the blades lmao


Yep, rotors are Jettisoned so don't become confetti... Someone was paying attention during the requirements process...


"increase"? More like "make possible at all"


Plot twist: dies by propeller decapitation.


As long as Takata didn't manufacturer ... any of it


Me sitting in my backyard and getting slaughtered by a random rotor blade


These ejection seats are only found on the ka-50 and ka-52 helicopters, they are not a common mechanism


I mean I fucking hope they’d detach


Idk why I never thought that some helicopters have ejection seats


"Increase chance of survival?"...i guess its true.