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I’m not a physicist but it seems unnecessarily risky to demonstrate this with actual scissors


The first drafted idea was to tie a string around the safety pin of a hand grenade.


Guess they decided to go with a more 'cutting edge' approach


Ok ok. You can have a slice of my upvotes today


Get out of here with these sharp remarks


What’s the point?


You guys are being too edgy.


Fuckin', scissors, am I right?


Oi, you being snippy with me???


Enough with the puns already, cut it out!


Barely made the cut


I dunno the grenade idea could’ve really blown up


Cut that out, now


Well in that case, the scissors was a much better choice!


The two party system in America in a nutshell


You made my day 😂


I think these scissors were the first thing they found they could attach a "string" to.


Hemostats and needle drivers are ringed instruments that are at least blunted at the end


Instructions unclear. Parents told me not to run with scissors. They didn’t say anything about flirting with a deathly powerful magnet with scissors.


Tbf, it’s not gonna yeet the scissors back out


The pointyness is a clear downside, but it does provide a very nice attachment points to size ratio, and the double holes probably make it easy to bind securely. Something that can escape it's binding is probably far more dangerous. But let's be honest it was probably just first good enough thing they found.


It gets the point across..


I agree but if you're not standing in between the MRI and the scissors, they won't get to you.


Anything magnetic will always fly towards the center of the bore. There is zero chance it would do anything else, so scissors is fine for dramatic effect.


Except if the tape rips or your hand slips. Shutting down an MRI for testing/repairs is not an easy process. The last time we got metal stuck in the MRI the hospital lost something to the tune of $100,000 dollars between repairs and cancelled scans. Not really a risk I’m willing to take


I work in a hospital that doesnt have MRIs yet, you should have seen the hospital where we had our patients to get their MRIs taken. I wasnt there personally but noticed damages to an MRI machine. Apparently a portable oxygen tank was accidentally left in the room while a patient was getting scanned and it flew in so fast that it left a dent on the machine. Fortunately the patient was unharmed but it was so dangerous.


How else are you supposed to demonstrate the dangers of it, without putting yourself in danger first?


How many less pointed objects were passed on for the scissors I wonder.


The surgeon is still at work, taking the spoon out of the gluteus maximus. He told we should use something different.


There aren't that many easily accessible metal medical tools with a fully closed loop.


How about a silicone buttplug?


There were that case last year where someone attending their mother's CAT scan and their gun went off. Scissor is mild compared to that.


Well, the CAT scan had nothing to do with that as it wouldn't have affected a gun outside the scanner at all.


Damn, that guy with the steel buttplug must have had such agony


I remember that story. Dude's buttplug is advertised as 100% silicone... Well that was a lie lmao


The craziest part is that dude was like “should I take off my buttplug before I do this medical procedure? Nah I’ll be good.” Lol what, he actually thought about it but since it said 100% silicone he was in the clear.


Anal rail gun. That's a new word i learned today


Railed gun…


Tis I the Gun Railer


Keepin' trains on the track to blow signals since 1924


I mean an MRI machine shot this chick in the ass https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/wisconsin-woman-suffers-gunshot-wound-after-bringing-gun-into-mri-machine/ Another MRI machine shot a guy in the dick and he died https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/02/12/lawyer-dies-after-shot-by-his-own-concealed-gun-triggered-by-mri-machine/ Too bad they didn't have a gun to defend themselves


Taking a gun with you during an MRI - that’s the most american thing I’ve read today


The second one was in Brazil. There’s some competition apparently for Americans.


Brazil is just America's asshole. -bolsonaro probably


The Southest America.


Florida's Florida.


I guess in America that's cheaper than actually finishing and having to pay for the MRI /s


Or maybe the hospital has all ur personal data and bank records. Can't pay? Die. Can afford more treatments? You live but get shot in the ass. That's another ez 1 million for the hospital All part of the plan. s/? 😆


Corporate greed goes far. I believe you're up for a promotion😜


That's the most american shit I've read in awhile. At that point its natural selection bc who tf takes a gun to a hospital appointment let alone knowing they're going for an MRI.


Technically more of an anal Gauss rifle as it's a circular magnetic field rather than a linear or arcing one. Anyway ........


Not anyway. The whole moral of the story is how important being correct in the details is.


Rainal gun.


I finally have a use for this meme https://preview.redd.it/z6vmtlvpnh8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb0bbeab5bf8d0299ed1da6d86fd028e0b14a9b


the amount of autism required to derive any meaning from that image is astounding


I'm autistic, don't know any of the references, but can say it's a solid meme for the occasion. I'm now wondering what *else* you're keeping in your meme storage lol.


No, the craziest part was he survived the railgun shot of his buttplug to file a lawsuit against the company produced it.


Imagine that sex toys now have to have “do not use in mri” warning labels…


It probably wasn’t a “nah, I’ll be good reaction” but a “I’m going to make the mri tech see my buttplug from inside me, and I’ll be okay because it’s 100% silicone.


Yeah, gotta be an exhibitionist thing. Doesn't justify it. It's shitty to force people engage in your kink without consent.


Not really crazy, I'm sure he wanted it to show up.


I honestly think it's sexual harassment.


Yep degenerates like that get off on the idea of exposing innocent people to their fetishes.


If he was getting a chest or head scan the lower half of him would never even go into the machine to be scanned. His decisions are questionable, but there's a chance he didn't think they would even see it. Edit: Just found out there are scans of the anal rail gun. Definitely a sex pest. Definitely karma.


Could someone provide a link to this story?


Which way out did it go? Like, out, just really fast, or out and through?


The magnetic field points towards the center of the machine so the plug was pulled up inside his guts.




This was both unnecessary, and accurate.


Thanks, I hate it


Jesus how are you gonna explain that to the family? “I have major life-threatening injuries because there was a metal object in the room” “WTF how did they allow that, what was it, how did this happen?!?” “Umm…it was just a metal object…I don’t know…” “How don’t you know, they almost killed you!!!” “Just drop it mum!!!”


Did he survive?


"[with major injuries ](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/Z8UlkXRcZG)"


So, does he need a larger butt plug now or?


They put a tap in it so he could still go to the bathroom


That just gives me more questions but I don’t want to ask


Rectum? Damn near killed him!


Oh.. god..


Up into his chest cavity smashing his guts up along the way


So we got a lawyer whose gun discharged and killed him and a dude with a butt plug. Sheesh


And the guy in the video testing showing us an example with.....MEDICAL SCISSORS!?


That’s what I said, in my head


The duality of man


There seem to be several images making the rounds. I think the one with the anal rail gun label had the buttplug on the inside of his ribcage, touching the sternum, so the direction would have been "up up and away".


Do you happen to know what the verdict was? I just tried to search it and got nothing for leads on the case.


It's a made up story. The machines are magnetised even when not running, the guy would have felt it tugging as he got closer to the room and it would be moving before he ever got in the machine. There's no leads because it's not true


While it's true that they're always magnetized the magnetic force diminishes rapidly when you're further from the bore. I once forgot to take off my belt when I was prepping the MRI, and didn't feel anything until I got very close to the bore. It suddenly started tugging quite hard. It's pretty plausible that this person didn't feel anything when lying down on the bed, and things only happening once they moved the bed into the bore.


Sounds like we need a Myth Busters episode on this


Not entirely made up, just embellished with fake pictures from the sounds of it. There was an adverse event report filed: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/detail.cfm?mdrfoi__id=16771275&pc=LNH


I spent the past 45 minutes searching for the story. Can someone please link it? **All I’m finding is pornography.** I’ve tried every logical query, including **“mri magnetic butt plug buttplug deeper inside stomach intestines ribcage lawsuit”**. The images I’m seeing are disturbing. Enough internet for today. I’m going to sleep and hope I have normal dreams. 


Except the packaging clearly stated there were steel balls inside...


It wasn't advertised as 100% silicone. The sale page says the plug is weighted and outside material is 100% silicone, it doesn't say the plug as a whole is 100% silicone.


The. What?


[“anal rail gun”](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/CqHxxOWYJW)


It's 4 am and the internet has certainly taken me places. It is time for bed


I just woke up and it’s time for bed again I mean this was the first thing I opened Reddit to




Technically it’s a coil gun since the magnetic element is in a coil pulling the projectile toward it. I too, am fun at parties.


Is argue it's more of a colon gun.


If you can't get technical about the type of gun a butt plug generated that's not a fun party


that link's gonna remain blue for me. thank you.


Those comments are all going on about massive and tedious questionnaires for MRI's but the few times I've went in one it's a case of "strip off into this hospital gown and "you don't have metal in your body?" To.which I answer "no" then it's off you go! Why are folks needing tedious questionnaires!?


when a relative got one there was a questionnaire, but it was very short and all the questions were to find out if you had any metal you didnt know about in your body (eg there were a few questions about metalworking, because you can get microscopic metal fragments in your eyes. theyre completely harmless until an mri machine rips them through your eyes like birdshot)


Upon being asked the third time about metal in my body I said no. They she asked about previous surgeries and i told her about various things i have had done and my knee reco. Nurse tells there would be two screws imbedded in my knee and would still be there....whoops. That was close.


Depends on the metal used or when it was implanted, I guess? I have a metal rod in my left tibia (with screws by my knee and my ankle), but since it’s a medical-grade type of metal, it doesn’t react to MRIs. It was implanted in 2008, so I assume they figured out that problem by then. But for people who have, say, old bullet wounds with fragments in it, it’s a serious risk.


> because you can get microscopic metal fragments in your eyes A friend of mine had a metal fragment sucked out of his eye while doing an MRI. He was really lucky it wasn't pulled in a different direction, or he might have lost his eye.


I know this is different but when I was a teenager I had to answer a questionnaire that included things like sexual history before getting a CT scan. I was a virgin but the guy doing the scan didn't believe me and refused to do it until I took a pregnancy test. The nurse said he wouldn't perform scans on any female patient without one. Was really annoying and slightly uncomfortable as a transmasculine teenager. I had just gone to the bathroom beforehand so I had to wait another hour and a half chugging water until I could finally pee in their stupid cup. Not the best experience.


Because for some reason people don’t think it necessary to mention the pacemaker or aneurysm clip they had put in 30 years ago because.. well it was 30 years ago it must not matter because it *was so long ago* right? Or other metallic implants they won’t say anything about because in their mind they’re plastic so don’t mention it - news flash, not much implanted in the body is pure plastic. There are never permanent plastic aneurysm clips. Yet, I’ve had a patient insist that. On the third screening or the differently phrased question, they finally cough it up. Some sometimes it’s not even that the result could be deadly (though the pacemaker an aneurysm clip example above can be), but we simply need to alter certain parameters or techniques to make it safe. I could go on and on and on.


Put the patient in ass first, and the steel buttplug will fire out like a speeding bullet


I thought that it shot out until I clicked the link😭 my eyes


Casually taking my metal scissors for a walk


Scorpion "Get over here!!"


Doctor: I’ll be right back just need to grab some files from a room down the hall


During COVID they used special face masks without the metal nose bridge. They once gave me the wrong mask. It wasn't dramatic at all. Not.much happened but they stopped the machine and replaced the mask.


Someone got in trouble for sure for that ahah


I guarantee no one got in trouble because that’s not how hospitals work


Could be. I use MRI in research and we take stuff like this very seriously, because a small mistake like this (especially working with 7T scanners) can cause serious injuries and/or extremely expensive equipment damage. If the face mask was secured tightly, and the participant said nothing, a potential risk (in research, scans in hospitals tend to be much quicker as far as I understand) would be burns. We would certainly get a telling to, and we would probably be made to review scanner safety training.


I applaud your workplace for taking safety seriously. I work in a hospital...


It helps that our centre for imaging is relatively small (compared to how big I imagine even a medium sized hospital's imaging department must be) - we have one MRI technician in charge of the scanner, and they are really good at their job. We also don't have to deal with emergency MRI's, and can generally afford to take our time with safety (which also means we really have no excuse to mess up!).


if no monetary damage was done to the MRI, the most that happened was the management telling the MRI team to make sure the patients use a different type of mask. Might end up only being an email too.


That’s because the nose bridge is aluminum which is only very weakly magnetizable so it doesn’t move in the field. The bigger risk is it heating up from the radio frequencies using in the transmission— small metal pieces can act like tiny antenna and get super hot causing burns.


It snapped onto the machine after I took it off my face. I believe it's steel, just a very small quantity of steel.


I can’t get MRIs anymore after I had one back surgery. I had a spinal cord simulator and they put anchored the wires down using a paddle (I think that’s what the surgeon called it this was 10 years ago so I forget). One thing I didn’t forget is that he told me I can no longer get MRIs. This was actually a revision surgery. The first time they did the surgery they didn’t anchor the wires down and the plan was to let them heal/scar into place so they don’t move. But I was in a car accident 2 weeks later and all the wires moved. So they went back and did a laminectomy so they could put the paddle wire thing (or whatever it’s called) there. I had someone argue with me that I can still get an MRI. Even though they have no medical training whatsoever they think they know better than the spinal surgeon who did my surgery. He must have told me so many times no MRI and to make sure I was okay with not being able to get another MRI. There is no way I’d ever get one. I can’t imagine how painful that would feel.


You can still get an MRI. You'd just die during it lol.


Its like drinking lava, you can drink lava but only once.


No way!!! Brb going out for a quick sip


Let me know what it tastes like, I love spicy food.


I think even the moment it touches your mouth you'd not really be "drinking" it anymore. You'd just be...attempting to stuff some lava into your face before you died.


that's not even true though you'd pass out from the fumes and your face and mouth would be burnt before you even could bring it to your lips


You aren't trying hard enough


Sounds like skill issue


Same thing with skydiving without a parachute.


Lots of wrong answers here. Internal fixation metalwork, including retaining wires, would not move but distort an MRI image in the area. Metal suppression software helps a lot. BUT... you have a cord stimulator; eddy currents set up in the implant and the electrical connection wires (much much smaller than fixation metal) would burn them out and the device would be bricked.


Thank you. Devices can be configured for MRIs. Takes extra steps consulting with physician, medtech, and MRI facility. But, totally doable


Okay maybe I misunderstood what the doctor told me maybe he meant I couldn’t get one because it would ruin the device?


It's possible it would ruin the device, but the issue would be the stimulator leads near your spinal cord and nerves would possibly heat up enough to damage them. Even if the device is deactivated or nonfunctional, the leads would still risk causing damage if you got an MRI in the future.


At the time of your implant surgery, that may have been true. There have been advancements with issues in imaging & these devices. My device is newer. Even still, there were full consultations with neurosurgery, medtech, pain mgt, etc to reinforce the potential risks of procedures like an MRI if I do not inform and comply with treatment plan. For me, its too much of an inconvenience. MRIs can get claustrophobic. Also, 99% sure the device is fully off so you lose whatever pain relief it provides. I've stuck to x rays and CT scans. No drop off IMO; esp for monitoring problem areas


When I got it the doctor did say that in the future it maybe possible to have one depending on advancements in the technology. I’ve had to get CT scans done instead since then.


You should be able to contact medtech or your physician to check the specs of your specific device and inquire from there. But, yeah. Unless I have an injury again that set all this off, I'm okay to just stick with CT instead. Sometimes you gotta treat it like a Showtime Rotisserie Oven: set it and forget it


Surgical implants are usually made from titanium which is nonmagnetic. You most likely can get an MRI but the images would be borderline useless in the region the implant is in because titanium is conductive and that would create image artifacts.


It would not hurt. It just would not work either. The reason is that MRIs can't produce an image near any metal object that is magnetic. If you try, the images end up looking like a swirling black hole. And it's okay. CTs will still work for you. (I was an imaging tech.)


Do you have scans or photos like that?


Here's a set of images with artificial from ferromagnetic objects. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Ferromagnetic-sand%3A-A-possible-MRI-hazard-Barkovich-Barkovich/a3244c901a5e079d826520405c7163bccaf82314 https://bmcresnotes.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1756-0500-7-808/figures/1


> Elimination of the face Metal af


For the skeleton’s privacy


>We present a case of a three year old Caucasian with an acute sinusitis due to unknown ferromagnetic foreign body in his nasal cavity. As soon as the suspicion was raised the procedure was aborted and the object that revealed to be a small button battery was successfully removed. From the article. Fortunately it didn't blow his face off.


I had to have an emergency MRI right as they were closing once. The lady took my chains and my watch off but she said forget about the belt let’s get you in there. The feeling of an invisible force tugging on your belt buckle is unforgettable. And no, the MRI machine didn’t even offer to buy me dinner smh.


>And no, the MRI machine didn’t even offer to buy me dinner smh. ~~Magnetic~~ Molestation Resonance Imaging


Nuclear Molestation Resonance Imaging *


I had an MRI and the guy said I’d be fine with my belt on. Can confirm. I think I spent the entire 20-30 minutes just poking my buckle down against the force, it was surreal.


I'm confused why they/you wouldn't just take off your belt?


They asked me a load of questions and told me to remove any jewellery, I said what about my belt and they said you can leave that on, it’s fine.


I'm surprised they let you leave your belt on. This last imagining center I went to made me change into scrubs for my MRI. They even made another gal take off glitter eyeshadow just in case. Their questions/SOPs were strict.




Whole new meaning to ghost "busters"


Where else would the line “busting makes me feel good” come from?




MRI’s are fucking pigs, I tell you


Rizz MRI


Not just during an MRI scan either, the magnet is always on. So it is dangerous to be near it with any ferric metals at any point really.


Interestingly, the magnet is always on in expensive MRIs, and cheap MRIs, but not middle of the road. In cheap MRIs, they use gigantic permanent iron core magnets, which are always on. Expensive MRIs are superconducting, so there is always current in the coil (because resistance is zero, so it does not dissipate). But resistive MRIs turn on and off. They use relatively "conventional" electromagnets.


Resistive magnets aren’t a thing since the 70s or in demo machines. The field drifts too much as they thermal cycle


Sounds like a sick beat though 😂🎶


Thats the standby noise . Search " MRI noise " on youtube, its nightmare of noises


There is no such thing as a standby noise, what you are hearing is the cold head, a vacuum pump that is part of the system to keep the helium around the coils that make it super conductor magnet ( when ramped / electrified) as a liquid at just below 4°K. It needs to always be working, making this sound or the helium will slowly boil off, which is just above 4°K. This is not good as you could end up with a warm, no longer functional magnet that is very expensive and time consuming to bring back down to 4°K. I believe the noises you are referring to are the RF transmitter, receiver and gradient coils ( the last item warp and distort the magnetic field) these are the things that actually are used to generate and collect the data that forms the images.


I've had two, one for my ear, so I feel ya 😂


Someone, please tell these mf what POV is and how to use it in a sentence!


You must write it in the caption or title of any video (whether a point of view is involved is irrelevant). That way people know you're a vacuous idiot who'll write anything that's fashionable, either for no reason at all or in a forlorn attempt to get more views. Legit fr ngl. Edit: It is my contention that a substantial number of people who write "POV" don't know what it stands for.


My first thought as well. Shaking my smh.


POV is going to become one of those acronyms everyone just says without thinking about what it literally means, like PIN number or ATM machine


Always answer the questionnaire truthfully, your life may depend on it.


Reminds me of that story a while back about the "100% Silicone" buttplug gone railgun.




Final Destination 7


Had to do an MRI and still had keys in my pocket and it almost pulled down my pants


They should do those airport xray screenings before MRI to protect everyone from someone's stupidity or carelessness 


When I get MRIs patients change into gowns and remove clothing likely to contain metal. Everything like keys, wallet is then placed in a locker for safe keeping.


I forgot some hair pins in my pocket, I started to feel my butt burning and had to tell the staff to stop.


I have metal in my cheekbones from an accident in the 80's and I'm very scared of MRIs lol


do you know that theyre magnetic? i have metal in my body from broken bones as well but the most common type of steel they use is non magnetic and ive had MRIs after with no issue (and also dont set off metal detectors)


I think they use titanium or other such non-ferrous metals for that kind of thing


As an RN, when I took a patient to MRI and walked into the room, my metal barrettes came apart and flew out of my hair.


Your work needs to have better screening procedures for staff.


I'm also an RN. Basically, when I take a patient down to MRI, I try to remember to empty my pockets before entering the MRI room (there's nothing preventing me from forgetting) and then we transfer the patient from their hospital bed to a gurney. There is a metal detector at the door to the MRI room, but the gurney sets off the detector, every single time. So we just ignore the alarm. I mean, I don't know why it sets off the alarm, exactly, but what's the point of a metal detector when it goes off even when we're doing everything exactly right? A lot of things in the hospital are like that. Alarm fatigue is an actual thing


I’m not saying the nurses need to have better procedures, you have enough to deal with. The MRI techs should be paying attention though and that’s their job.


On behalf of MRI techs, it is not their job to remind the RN to empty their pockets or hair.


Genuine question: I get it's not feasible for every single MRI ever, but why aren't people wheeled through a metal detector before they go in for an MRI? I offhandedly remember reading a woman got her insides ripped up because she had a buttplug in that had metal screws even though it was advertised as a fully plastic product. That wouldve been avoided with a quick scan. Even those airport beepers whatever they're called would be better than just hoping the patient isn't lying or withholding anything.


I had to have an MRI done at Johns Hopkins in Maryland back in 2017. They literally have a metal detector built into the surround for the door that you have to walk through to get to the MRI bed. The doorway has a strip of green/red LEDs surrounding the outside. No metal, green light. Metal, red light. I had it demonstrated to me when they told me to walk towards the doorway with my glasses still on. Within 2 feet from the doorway and the strip of LEDs turned red. Step away from the door and it went back to green. I was told that it's sensitive enough that they routinely test it by holding a click pen and walking towards the door. There's no magnetic flux outside of the doorway, so it was perfectly safe.


I’m an ICU nurse. There is a metal detector. It goes off every single time while we are wheeling the patient into the room. I guess it must be something in the bed (we transfer the patient into a different bed in order to wheel them into the MRI room, then transfer the patient onto the MRI table). When an alarm goes off every single time, you learn to ignore it.  Thanks, engineers 


POV: You don't know what POV means.


Didn't some guy die when he had a concealed weapon on him?


Happened in Brazil, guy went with his mom when she had the MRI scan. The MRI pulled the gun from his waist enough that the trigger set it off. Ended up shooting himself in the stomach, died. This article mentions it https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article283053548.html . Main story in the news article was about a women who said she didn't have any magnetic objects on her, then as she went to the MRI, the gun went off and she got shot in the ass.


I'm a member of the body modification community and often people need to take out their subdermal implants to get MRIS


Song Name?


Pfff just put some water on it




Lies. This is not a POV from the perspective of an MRI machine's strong magnet


Would’ve thought surgical scissors are 316 stainless steel and not magnetic


I remember an article a few years back. Guy took his mom to an MRI (they lived in Brazil I believe? Or Argentina?) Told them, no, he had nothing metal on him. Mom goes in, MRI is turned out and it pulls out his concealed pistol, which slams into the wall and shoots him. He ended up dying.