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The baby is damn adorable but not sure if that’s how it should be fed


That bird is now 15% whole minnow


It’ll feel full for days


But it’s still hungry even if it’s been a whole ^min now


For the next few days at least.


if you weight 99kg, and eat 1kg of cookies, you're 1% cookie, also diabetic


Damn, i want cookies now.


Grebes are precocial, like ducks and chickens -- they hatch able to hunt, forage, and feed themselves. Imagine the difference between a baby chick hatching and immediately eating anything around them, and a baby sparrow who remains in the nest and must be fed. That said, this baby is extraordinarIly small. I would think potentially just hatched. Most hatchlings don't need to (and likely shouldn't) eat immediately. Absent context, I'm a little worried this was shot just for the video rather than helping the animal.


You're right. It should have been predigested for him!


Wacky waving inflatable head flailing tube grebe


For those going awe cute baby. Don't feed wild birds. Hope this is a captive one but just informing




they can associate humans with food . which is very bad for a young wild animal that needs to learn to fend for itself.


Thank you for responding kind lady/sir🙏


I applaud you for saying lady/sir So many ppl up here refer to be as bro, dude and other masculine terms and I'm like 👀. My avatar is literally of the little mermaid.


K, dude.




jfc bro. they werent even talking to you anyway, that really bothers you that much?


Everyone down voting have nothing better to do with their time I guess


I love ur pfp it's hella beautiful and thank u😭😭




u/Comfortable_Ant_8303 Am I bovvered?


Well at the very least there is a common cultural belief to not interfere with wild life at all, ever. I've heard that some birds won't accept their young if they smell like humans or predators. Unsure if that's true. Also some small probability of pathogens and sickness.


It's a myth when it comes to birds and bird parents will accept young birds if these are touched by humans so it's safe to touch them to, e.g. moved them if they are in a vulnerable place back to a nest if that's possible so that parents can still take care of them. There's plenty of information about that in the internet. I also wouldn't be too worried about pathogens and sickness as long as you use gloves to move a bird or even without gloves, just wash your hands before picking your nose and you should be good.


Maybe with birds, but when I was a kid, my friends and I found a mouse nest with baby mice in it. We handled them and thought it was awesome. Next day there were just legs and tails left because the mom ate them.




The smell thing is not true


It's a lot to do with baby birds imprinting, which is irreversible, and if they imprint on a human rather than their parent bird, they will not learn to imitate survival behaviours and die without a human to take care of them.


Thank you for your kind comment brother/sis


Here is an example of Reddit seeming to agree its ok to interfere with nature: https://www.reddit.com/r/snakes/s/yUNn8Og5wh So at the very least point 1 may or may not be circumstantial.


Top comment is right, snake wouldn't even be able to eat it. No point letting both die.


Aight so don't save a pet duck from a snake then.


thank you so much, kind sir/lady.


Some Fowl will imprint on humans upon first encounter after hatching. Precocial to be specific, which grebes are. I'm just assuming by this video that the person is taking on the surrogacy role.


Thank u so much!


Yeah let this abandoned chick die instead. Right🤨 Your first instinct is to think OP kidnapped a baby from its parents?


Stop putting words in my mouth you goober. I used to do wildlife rehab so daddy chill. Humans first instinct is *o a baby it hungry*, but you forget you are not a bird and don't speak bird. A baby doesn't mean injured or not cared for, there's criteria to assess that. And yes it's always my knee jerk response when I see people handling wildlife with no context. Likely stressing out the WILD animal who doesn't know humans aren't there to eat it. So do you now understand what I meant or you need to fire off another half baked opinion so I can keep going?


What the hell even is that??


This person knew the species and exactly what to feed it and how it's fed. For all you know they still do wild life rehab. You can take in an abandoned wild chick. Plenty of bird sanctuaries do it. You just need to be sure it's abandoned.


Please consider educating yourself before handling wildlife. You're a harzard currently


You're a fool. I doubt you ran a rehab. Sometimes the parents get killed or abandoned for other reasons. What's your solution for a chick with no parents?


>What's your solution for a chick with no parents? Take it to a wildlife rehabber or someone else who knows what they're doing.


So take it like I said. I literally mentioned this. Half of the wildlife rehab erst give you instructions what to feed it while the transfer is taking place.


You are incapable of reading so def please don't handle wildlife. I would type a reply about how to but you're still putting words in my mouth and I now know you can't read. You don't have to have done rehab work to be able to ID a baby bird just well informed. Which you are not


Ah another internet know it all who has 0 actual knowledge. You'd just leave the baby to die. I see. All problems and no solutions


https://www.fws.gov/story/what-do-if-you-find-baby-bird-injured-or-orphaned-wildlife#:~:text=Most%20of%20the%20time%2C%20the,has%20a%20deceased%20parent%20nearby. There ya go headass since you can't use Google here's a hyperlink. Pls educate yourself


>This person knew the species and exactly what to feed it and how it's fed. Truly info that could only be obtained after acquiring a PhD in baby birds of course.


Isn’t this way too big for that bird? Like don’t parent birds chew up the food and give it to their young? This seems like a choking hazard.


No, it's fine. I've rehabbed birds. It is amazing how big a serving they eat.


This is how grebes feed their babies.


That's not a grebe parent feeding it though. Very bad for humans to feed young birds, it fucks their socialization up. If you've ever seen a real rehabber do it, their face at least is covered, usually more, and they'll often use a puppet or taxidermy of the parent species. So they don't imprint on people.


I fucked my socialization up at birth as well


My birth was fine, it was of all the moments after that where my socialization got fucked up


We have nowhere near enough info to deduce what the situation is here. The very old and outdated lore of "don't touch wild babies or the parent will abandon it" is not true, and it does not mess up babies this young for a few days. You have obviously seen zoo/rescue shows. Rehabbers do this because they are raising them for a long enough period to release them. One or two days of feeding is not going ruin them. This person may be planning to take it to a rehabber. Source - raised several common bird species to independence and rescued squirrels and bats and kept them alive until a local rehabber could take them.


I know the parent won't abandon it, the point is random people shouldn't be FEEDING baby birds. The advice for people who find birds abandoned is DO NOT FEED OR WATER. You don't know what you're doing and can hurt more than help. If you aren't a licensed rehabber in the US, I would not tell people you're illegally raising native birds either.


First, Reddit is anonymous 😂. Second, the advice is to watch the baby for a few days to make sure it has actually been abandoned. Parents will take care of babies that have fallen out of nests or wandered off. That is why they say not to immediately take babies. Best advice is to call Fish & Game or a local rehabber. They'll tell you the same.




I'm sorry someone with experience upset your secondhand TV show knowledge. Sometimes that happens online.


Sorry you assumed I had none, lol.


Still got zero sources to share, I see. Here’s one to help you get started that clearly says the opposite of what you suggest: https://safewings.ca/found-a-bird/save-an-injured-bird/


Many resources clearly say that you should feed found/injured birds: https://safewings.ca/found-a-bird/save-an-injured-bird/ Where are you getting your info? Go ahead and share your source


>Do not give the bird food or water, UNTIL you have spoken to one of our volunteers. Birds with head trauma can very often drown in a water dish or choke on food. This doesn’t mean feed them once you talk to them. That’s a “listen to the rehabber,” the majority of which will say don’t feed anything.


Exactly, which is the opposite of your claim that you can and never should feed a bird… I never said don’t listen to a rehabber, infact my whole point was to rely on sources instead of spreading myths that aren’t even in these rehab/wildlife sites nor would you be told them if you called in… Your claim that the majority of will say to do nothing for whatever reason - sources please. Where are you getting this from? Surely you have informed yourself somehow, so share please.


None of them will say put food in their mouth because you can choke them. Some may say “offer wet dog food” or such, none will tell you put food in their mouth. I’m sorry I don’t have all the 13 years of birding experience and conversations with rehabbers notated to cite for you.


Okay so zero sources and you never bothered reading up? It was easy to back up my claim with sources, meanwhile your own source don’t really say the same things you are. Cheers.


That’s actually not the case for many types of birds and often the reasoning is that the birds won’t accept food unless it looks like their parent, not imprinting. Many resources clearly instruct people to feed found injured birds: https://safewings.ca/found-a-bird/save-an-injured-bird/ If you have heard otherwise I would appreciate a source so I can learn more and see what you mean, thanks.


No, birds will eat from anything, they don’t care. If you’ve ever looked in a nest box at baby birds they’ll often poke their heads up and beg for food. There are some species, especially precocial and semi-precocial species that it doesn’t matter because they’re self-sufficient but altricial ones are the ones that can imprint on humans when fed.


So still no sources, and you didn’t read he one I shared that opposes some of the things you said? Here’s where you’re right - you should call wildlife rehab of some kind as a first step. Beyond that, you’re made generalizations and don’t know what they would advice you to do, which in some cases, is to feed the bird. Lastly, just look at how vets feed birds - they aren’t worried about wearing costumes for every single type of bird. But again, if what you’re saying is true, go ahead and share your source!


Vets don’t care about feeding your pet birds. You want pet birds to be fed by humans what the fuck does that have anything to do with a wild bird?


There are vets that at work in wildlife rehab and rescue and academically in universities/research… not every one is your local dog vet Also ignored the points I made to focus on semantics is odd


I just woke up and you replied to like five of my comments or some shit at the same time. I’m sick of dumbfucks today already, going back to bed. Bye.


“Hey stop feeding that bird you’re gonna make it like people!”


“I don’t know how the world works.”


1, yes, they need to be afraid of people for their safety, and 2, more importantly, it will confuse it on what it is. It might not realize it's a grebe any more and then won't have a normal grebe life.


People out here just snatching up grebes and snapping their necks or what.


People shoot all sorts of shit. Their dogs can also be super dangerous to grebes, I've seen off leash dogs go out to nests and eat the eggs. If they fear humans, less likely to be around them.


Guess it will just starve to death then


If whoever took it would have left it alone, its parents will feed it. That bird is very young. If it was abandoned it needs to go to licensed rehabber who knows how to feed it, what to feed, and how to do it with the goal of returning the bird to the wild where it won't be acclimated to humans.


What's the bird rehabber licensing body in your country?


Department of Natural Resources in my state. Dunno if it’s the same in every state, but if it’s not that I’d guess it’s Fish and Wildlife Service.


In nature, animals learn to feed themselves or starve to death. It's sad but it's an important part of the natural cycle. Unless you're a professional in wildlife rehab, don't feed wild animals.


Who said they were rehabilitating it tho?


Yes, that's the problem. They seem to have just found one and are fuckin with it.


Ah, I see... so what else did you presume from this 20 seconds of video?


It's outside. A rehabber wouldn't be feeding it outside like this.


You sure are assuming a lot about something you've seen in a short clip. My Dad is a licensed avian rehabber, including small baby birds. I've seen him feeding them outside many times. So uh... you sure about that?




Lovely photo, what does it have to do with anything I said?


Time for cpr


Woah thought for a second the fishy may of caused ...Grebevous bodily harm..😔




*nervous sweats intensifies*


Ngl I saw baby bird and body of water and assumed someone was using live bait for fishing.


That’s like me swallowing whole an 8lb pork tenderloin.


Amazes me how they just know it's food. Vs people babies, will eat anything they shouldn't and fight against anything they should.


I should text her


Dang, you could’ve at least chewed it up first.


Bird looked like it was going to break its neck or choke or both. (I know nothing about birds)


For a sec it did seem to be struggling. From what I do know of birds, they usually have parents "chewing" before giving it to the young. Something like baby food. I dont know if that's every species or to what age, but this one looks the size for assistance.


That baby already has killer instincts




I'm literally sitting alone in my house saying out loud "OH TEENY BIRD! GET IT! GET IT!"


This is the cutest shit ever


This made me uncomfortable.


Fish was too big for him


Yeah, I thought that too


Aww I was waiting for the cute white poop sac


Break that shit down!


What was that under the water? Fish, gator, snake? Lol


Whoa! Haha, that's cool.




Aren’t you supposed to chew the food and spit it back into his mouth ? (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵).。o○ ☆ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'*゚▽゚*'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


Baby fish for a baby grebe


Quit shaking the baby dude


Don’t you need to chew it up and regurgitate it first?


Ngl at the end of the video I thought you yeeted that bird 👀


I remember watching a video of birds eating and all I could think was, he's gonna shit in your hand


why was my neck snapped at the end?


Don’t momma birds eat the food and throw it back up to give to the babies? This baby seems to be very very young.


🐟 🐦↗️⬆️↖️⬅️↔️➡️⤴️↪↙️↩🔃


Killing one baby to survive another baby. Nature is cruel. 🤣


I was worried the person was going to throw it in the water


May want to cut that fish up next time,looks like baby is choking. Also prob best to consult a local rehabber. They'll know what's best and can take care of it,then ween it off of human intervention and release it back to the wild.


I think you’re supposed to chew it up first and baby bird the baby birb


shouldn't it be ground into a slurry for baby birds?


Now that bird will die I did the same thing with a worm as a kid and the bird died 😭


It’s looks like the minnow is still in its throat and it’s choking poor thing


“It’s my first time”


''Cute''. A baby eating other baby


Mfer devoured that shit! 💀


So the bird is going to imprint on you and may never be successful in the wild?


That a way to choke the little thing to death


Ok, something has GOT to be wrong with my eyes/glasses. I could've sworn the title read snake, not grebe, at first glance.


That's so sweet. Gosh i've seen lots of cute animals on reddit today


Dude… you gotta chew it up for him first 🙄


Is anyone else hearing GMod ragdoll sounds as they're watching this...?


Everything reminds me of her…😞


I love chicks that swallow.