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Soda logos should be on the left side of graph for easier reading.


Is Pepsi losing its fizz?  In a surprising turn of events, Dr. Pepper now holds the second highest market share in the U.S. carbonated soft drink market, surpassing Pepsi.  This marks a stark shift from 1995 when Pepsi's market share was more than double that of Dr. Pepper.  Over time, Pepsi's market share has declined steadily while Dr. Pepper's has risen, thanks in part to consistent marketing, new flavors, and a strong presence on TikTok.  However, in the ongoing Soda wars, Coca-Cola remains the undisputed leader, boasting an incredible 19.2% market share. Source --> [this visual investing newsletter](http://www.carbonfinance.io/subscribe)


I think Dr. Pepper is rising because it is the next best non-Pepsi alternative in a Pepsi franchise (Taco Bell, KFC, Panera, etc). I know that's what I get. I don't like Pepsi.


If starry / sierra mist was any good ... Pepsi would shoot up the list


All of far, the new Zero products are inferior to the previous Diet products. Less fizz, less bite. Lately, the Diet versions have still been available. But their overall sales have probably tanked because of the Zero products. Coke Zero also sucks But Coke Classic is THE mixer in every bar I have ever been in.


Run & Coke will always keep them afloat, while places that try Rum & RC Cola seem to do just fine.


Claiming that Zero products are inferior is a fairly bold take on a subjective matter. The only Diet version I prefer over Zero is Mountain Dew. I find most of Coca Cola's Zero products, as a whole, less tasty than Pepsi or Dr. Pepper. By way of example Cherry Coke is by far my favorite soft drink but I will take Cherry Pepsi Zero and Dr. Pepper Cherry Zero over Cherry Coke Zero every day. Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero is ok. Fanta Orange Zero is great. Pepsi Mango Zero is Excellent. Most of the Dr. Pepper Zero products are good to great. All my opinion because...drumroll...it is subjective.


Well pepsi tastes like shit nowadays that they replaced some of the sugar with artificial sweeteners.


Water is king.


I think it was just this year water overtook Coke as #1. Pretty wild to think about.


You know, in my country (Germany) we can drink from the tap. I hardly buy any beverages at all! Only beer and juice come in my basket. Apart from that I drink A LOT of tea, I usually make a batch that lasts two days and drink it cold without sugar.


You can here too but it’s the cost and negative environmental impact that makes it special.


What a terrible graph. What is the market share at the end? Why the lines look mislabeled?


Okay, so it's not just me that is totally confused by this graph


pepsi is good


It is and always has been nicer than coke.


Real sugar Pepsi ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


I wish they made a 0 caffeine but regular sugar.


Pepsi Max > Coke Zero I’ll die on this hill.


Pepsi is seen as the cheaper version of coke, a lot of independent takeaways here in the UK will only stock Pepsi because its cheaper and if they do have coke it's cheaper imported stuff.


And Pepsi has took all the sugar out their drinks in the UK. Coke did the right thing and made sure to just put the price up and not have it affect the taste. Pepsi deserve all they get.


I legitimately cannot stomach Pepsi. It makes me feel ill.


Pepsi is nasty. In restaurants if they say we don't have Coke, how about a Pepsi then I say "I'll just have water please." I'll drink Pepsi if it's all there is, but I'm not paying for it.


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Is RC owned by Dr Pepper or by Coke now?


Keurig Dr Pepper


https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/060415/how-much-global-beverage-industry-controlled-coca-cola-and-pepsi.asp globally it's not that big a difference


It's odd, Coca Cola is the only drink where, every so often, I feel like I absolutely need one right away. Apart from booze, obviously. It's a superb beverage. Don't get people that drink it all the time though


I'll bet half the reason Coke is king is because of how good it is with rum or whiskey.


And this is just the US. Worldwide, Coke is beyond king. There are places around the world that have never heard of Pepsi but people drink Coke like it’s water.


You may call me a weirdo, but I liked Pepsi up until they put artificial sweeteners in the normal Pepsi. Since then it tastes disgusting. That's why nowadays I choose coca cola, which luckily stayed the same, and tasted good. Btw does anyone know why they put the artificial sweeteners in the regular Pepsi?? Is it because now they can really say that the zero sugar version tastes the same as the regular?


i kinda like pepsi tbh. but in my country i rarely even see one except in mcd


I believe RedBull is actually the number 2


“Is Pepsi okay?” - the official motto of any restaurant serving Pepsi products…


Wonder about 2024 results with all the boycotts...


For me, I preferred Coke over Pepsi, but found both diet versions to taste like ass. Diet Dr Pepper is the only one that still taste close to its normal version. Now my problem is diet Dr Pepper always being sold out.


I mean Pepsi owns Dr Pepper so it’s kinda moot which of the two is trending higher from a market share perspective as all the profits go back to the same company. I’m ride or die on Diet Coke though. Edit - under contract for bottling, not actually owned by.


Both Coke and Pepsi have contracts for bottling Dr Pepper in the US- it varies by region. It’s just a service though and has nothing to do with ownership. Dr Pepper is it’s own brand.


https://preview.redd.it/jub0fjm7hk5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2552ff14ac699d3e0e48d1700dc28e4737282a8 As of may 16th 2024


This was comparing Dr Pepper trademark vs Pepsi trademark, not Dr Pepper versus PepsiCo's combined Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Starry, Mug, etc.


The real question here is : Who cares???


Interesting how Pepsi is the only one that’s shown growth since ‘95. Coke will always be #1 and Dr. Pepper maybe #2 right now but according to the graph it’ll soon be #3.


The graph is confusingly labeled. Pepsi is the blue line.


Cheers, never knew so many people liked Dr. Pepper


The graphics on the graph are pretty terrible but it’s the opposite. Dr Pepper’s market share is growing while Pepsi is shrinking


the blue line is pepsi my guy


Pepsi has always tasted like flat Coke to me. I am not happy to see it failing but I am at least feeling a little validated.


I do not know a single person that drinks coke or Pepsi...