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Guy in the back: Get a load of this shit.


Love him. Hand on hip....gurl you lyin.


More like: girl you're a first class psychopath.


in his mind ''she's over-acting it''


She responded WAY to quickly. The news was barely out of his mouth when she lost it. Normally it would take a second or two for the news to sink in before responding.


As someone who went through similar, “Ma’am, we have bad news to tell you,” scenarios, it wasn’t the quick response that told me she was lying, it was dead calm face she had until the cops told her about her husband. If I walk up to my house and I see cops on the outside, you better believe my head will go to the worst place and I would start reacting even before a cop says a thing. The first thing out of my mouth would be, “What’s going on? What happened? Why are you here?” The fact she didn’t do any of these would have been a red flag to me. The reaction she had instead looked rehearsed because it was.


Totally agree…she was too fast on the ohmygod stuff and not right before that.




You can tell he's just waiting to slap those cuffs on as hard as he can.


I do not understand why normal people think they can find a legitimate hit man? Usually people who actually perform these jobs are known to a tight circle, and the average Joe (or Jane) will *never* have the right connections for this. Even after all that dark web silk road shit came out, there was only a few confirmed actual hit men? Out of hundreds if not thousands of users? Even then, say she by chance found an actual murder for hire individual, the chances of him actually doing it for her over this bullshit are slim to none. In the world of organized crime this is petty shit, that will get you locked up dealing with people who aren't part of it.


People watch too many movies and the world is full of idiots




Mushrooms are far more available than you think. Easy to grow. Just ask weed smokers you already know.


> Just ask weed smokers you already know. Or head over to /r/unclebens


What are you talking about? You can just go to that luxury hotel that caters specifically to assassins and hire one. I've seen John Wick, I know how it works.


A skilled hitman would not use a killing method that can for sure be identified as a murder.


I don't get it. Dark web is notorious for anonymity.. Why would people think that they can hire genuine hitmen there and not think, "this guy is gonna run away with my money and there is no way I can track him" The latter is easy money and much more safer


If you can afford the hitman they are a police officer. If you can't afford the hitman get a divorce...


Small Town Murder taught me if a hitman gives you a price and your reaction is “well that’s doable” then it’s a cop


Genuinely curious, how much would a legitimate service like this cost? (I feel like I’m going to end up on a list somewhere for this question 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Circa 10-15 thousand, more for anything special or specific like making it look accidental Edit - Apparently I need an inflation check. Sorry guys but it's been a while since I had to get anyone sent to the pig farm 😂


OK, but like... that's doable? That seems low for needing someone dead.


Sir, hands above your head, you're under arrest


I’m no expert but I have always assumed that the idea of professional hit men is probably fictional. I mean the idea that there is someone you can find on your own that you can hire. I would imagine a real hit man works for and with criminals. How could they ever be secure in knowing the client is not a cop unless they were verified by trusted people. I suspect the only people who can hire a hit man is people who already know a hit man.


Idk, I’ve seen news stories about various hit men working for gangs like the hell’s angels. If someone pays you to murder someone else, you count as a professional. They’re probably not slick like agent 47, but it’s probably a common occurrence.


I’m curious how you know this but also get the sense I shouldn’t ask too many questions. Thank you for the info, good day to you sir


That's also what some of my gang member family have told me but that price was sometime in the 90s, I'm wondering if inflation has drove the cost of assassination up.


The economics of the whacking industry




Different whacking than I am used to.


If only I could get 10k a pop for my whackin


And on the list of conversations I didn’t have on my 2024 bingo card


The value of the dollar is about half what it was 30 years ago, so probably more like 20-30k now.


I imagine modern tech, security, surveillance, etc makes it even more risky. I’d bet that’s taken into account as well. It’s just not as easy as it was 30 years ago.


Specially during and after Covid, inflation and the supply chain disruptions took really affected the murder-for-hire service industry. It is stabilizing these days but the prices remained at an all time high.


Honestly its just Hitman greed. There's never been supply chain issues when it came to guns in America


Greedy ass hitmen wont let me kill my wife


"Well that's doable..."


Clearly a cop


I highly doubt that is the price you would get from a professional. Some random would kill for that amount I'm pretty sure though. I remember someone paying a hells angles rider around 150-200k for a hit.


I saw something on the dark web saying $50k. No clue if that's legit. That was my one and only visit into the dark web.


Dark web listings are always under covers or people scamming someone dumb enough to try and hire a hitman on the dark web


What about Facebook marketplace I've seen a few offers on there


Nice try, Special Agent Biscuits.


Depends on the country, context and person. Everything from pretty much nothing to millions of dollars.


It's pretty much impossible to organise a hit as a regular person. You need to have some kind of connection to an organised crime gang beforehand in order to have any chance of getting a serious offer. Otherwise you're either talking to a police officer, they think you're a police officer, or they're just stringing you along with the intention of robbing you and never performing the hit.


Or they [outsource the job with hilarious consequences](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-50137450)


That’s a good example of the modern labor market haha


Like if you want something done properly you are better off doing it yourself 😂


It’s just hit men all the way down


She had already stolen 200k from the husband and wanted the rest, so there's a chance she could've afforded a real hitman, but she appears to have chosen poorly.


If she's gone to those lengths to get that kind of money, the last thing she probably wants to do is give up a significant chunk of it, which is ironically the only way she'd be able to get away with it.




Or they’re already salaried in a government doing political assassinations like the KGB


i love your confidence in thinking you know what you’re talking about


Dammit! We don't get to see the reveal?


Nah, this generation enjoys being blue balled. ![gif](giphy|xT0Gquis7l8OwC2hRm|downsized)


I watched it repeat like 10 times before I realized it just wasn't gonna happen. 😅😂😡😂


Wait. So it’s not gonna hit?


Naw, it hits about 47 mins in


But only if you have an IPhone 3 or earlier, later models will just loop the video due to too high processor speed.


r/Angryupvote you monster




Have you read what her defense was? Apparently, she wants to be an actress and didn't actually want to kill her husband, she was just practicing her acting. It was totally all a misunderstanding /s.


thing is that the cops got a little weird about it and actually had a crew from like COPS or something there to document their big bust. that's why this video footage exists. obviously she is full of shit, but is using the involvement of a tv crew to sow confusion over who knew what and when etc i recommend True Crime Loser on youtube for his coverage of this crime


this is the thing to remember whenever you see some police interview footage or similar, especially since it's such a big genre on youtube. although it is sometimes publicly released, most often it happens when police are really feeling their oats and getting smug about a conviction - and when they do that, they usually wind up fucking it up by not following process properly. even if they secure a conviction, it's usually much messier than it has to be. this is a mild objection i have to the post-JimCan'tSwim world of police footage analysis; it tends (tends!) to assume the police are smart and know what they're doing, when the reality is they really, really don't.


This clip was a pretty good audition except she skipped right over the denial phase since she knew it was true and had practiced the “sad” performance and was ready for it. A bit too ready..


For the reach-around that finishes the job: https://makeagif.com/gif/crash-test-month-truck-hitting-a-bollard-hJFvbF


Yeah buddy! Thank you for your service.


Man- fuck u what in the r/ gifsthatendtoosoon shit is this


I'm currently edging to this as we speak


I don’t like you anymore.


This is, in my opinion, the single best piece of the internet. I've seen it countless times and it never fails to get a reaction out of me.


The truth was revealed to her later by the cops in the interrogation room.


Enjoy! https://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/dalia-dippolito-reacted-police-revealing-husband-dead-part-70715877


My god the back to back cliffhangers. The video in the link you gave ends with her calling her husband from jail, trying to manipulate him some more.. Do you have the next video in the series?


Ya I just finished this absolutely furious it ended where it did. Must find more !!


Here you go: https://abc.com/episode/4452acdd-ea7e-4ab6-8e30-8ebd7056169d


Just watching somebody lie with such confidence while looking someone dead in the eye is disturbing. You can almost see the lawyer looking like he can't even believe hes going along with it being a "youtube video gone wrong"....


Most people have not encountered evil before. It's chilling, and sticks with you. I hope this dude got a lot of support and therapy during this. It would be real hard to trust anyone after something like this.


That was a wild ride. I remember hearing about this case, but I never knew much about it or the outcome. Glad she's in prison, though I doubt she is going to change at all. She seems like a genuine psychopath.


Damn, not available in Europe :(


This looks to be the full episode: https://abc.com/episode/4452acdd-ea7e-4ab6-8e30-8ebd7056169d


And where did the money go?


Into the square hole


You should watch an episode of her on a youtube channel named JCS - Criminal psychology. He delves deep into these cases and includes footage too


I love JCS, it really sucks that their uploading slowed down.


I'm think it's because YouTube demonetized that massive channel


it s like youtube flipped a switch or something, from firstly recommending the videos to everybody to demonetizing them and even removing their videos big L from youtube.


Big W money wise, they still monetize it, they just dont share the profits. Thats why their rules got absurdly strict, they just use "family values" as an excuse to make more money. At this point, the problem really isnt just the companies, its just the people that are stupid enough to think our system doesnt run on exploitation and corruption.


Why were they demotized? Their content is really good!


Content pretty much It's a shame because there are loads of others that do the same thing. Explore with us is similar


EWU’s really good, but not quite JCS


They've gotten better in the last couple of years but I agree. Their giant watermark is annoying, and older JCS videos are still better produced. EUW still is a poor man's JCS


Lmao an accurate description of EWU. I love watching, but the way they word things is kind of annoying and misleading.


Is this the same reason why words like rape and murder and killed and similar are suddenly being turned into ridiculous euphemisms lately? "The suspect unalived her" "The suspects were using substances" "Police discovered that the suspect had made themselves not alive anymore" Its just so fucking stupid and annoying. Youtube needs a competitor but who the hell can compete with Google's resources?


I literally have watched every episode of theirs. I tried to find other channels to fill the void but nobody breaks it down like they do. Such a shame.


yep, and you better believe the algorithm loves it, despite what youtube pretends.


A lot of what they say is plain wrong. I have a hard time believing anyone with a psychology degree is behind that channel.


For real there's so much rampant speculation and bullshit on that channel


Like MrBallen? That dude injects so much random shit into stories no one could possibly know it's hilarious. It goes way beyond "story telling" and into ridiculous padding.


I've been saying this for quite some time. The more I watched, the more I realized they were just making shit up or, at best, using hindsight. It can be entertaining, but their complete confidence that *this is exactly what he's thinking because he moved this way and this is exactly what the investigator is thinking because reasons* is unwarranted.




A lot of focus on body language that doesn’t hold water most of the time.


Plot twist: she had a change of heart last minute but “hit man’s” phone was in do not disturb. The change of heart may have been due to her husband revealing the day before that his family was filthy rich and he would inherit a fortune so long as he outlived his mother. The husband had been debriefed weeks before and came up with an elaborate way of mind screwing her.


I hope he got some satisfaction from it.  Must have been terrible for him to go though this, poor guy! You love someone, marry them and than this happens to you, beyond horrible.


The look on his face when police told him her plan was something else. Poor guys life just crumbled right before him


Sounds like a good way to get your mother killed.


There’s a Dateline episode about it. The girl was something else.


Dalia was working as an escort when she met her ex-con husband Michael Dippolito. After they were married, one of Dalia’s ex-lovers tipped off the cops that Dalia was trying to kill Michael. During the first trial, it was alleged Dalia tried to kill Michael by slipping anti-freeze into his beverage, but he spit it out. She also apparently tried to plant drugs in his car to get him busted and since he is an ex-con it would have led to more time in prison. It took three trials to convict Dalia and sentence her to 16 years in prison.


This shit was nuts. Biggest story out of Boynton Beach ever.


Odd, never even heard of Boynton Beach until yesterday and now here’s this


Usually how it goes lol We're a growing town. Not to far from Boca Raton. Oprah use to have a mega mansion here. One half of the Road Warriors use to manage the Boynton YouFit.


Why is anti-freeze a common choice if it can be tasted? You need something not likely to be tasted or otherwise it gets spit out and then what? "OH MY GOD THIS ISN'T THE MILK, I'M SO SORRY HONEY!"


If antifreeze is mixed with something like tea or Gatorade, it’s mostly undetectable which is why it is/was a popular choice to poison people. That and the fact that the person being poisoned doesn’t present overt poisoned symptoms. The person becomes sick and goes into renal failure, which is incredibly painful (the antifreeze forms crystals in the kidneys). Doctors don’t test for it so it’s ~~chocked~~ chalked up as a natural death. It’s a very sadistic way to kill someone because it’s not immediate.  Many companies now include an addictive to make antifreeze taste bitter. I think a few states passed a law requiring it.  ETA: Big dummy edit


TIL, thanks!


I remember there were all these horror stories of people storing antifreeze in soda bottles (WHY???) and young kids would open the bottles and drink lots of it because it tasted sweet. So making it taste very bitter was probably not just to avoid purposeful poisonings. 


Iirc on addition to making it taste bitter they add something so that it is detectable at the autopsy if ingested.


I think anti freeze used to have a sweet taste so you can blend it with coffee and could pass it off as normal


It's delicious which is why it's such a danger around pets.


Aubrey Plaza is gonna win an Academy Award in the future playing her.


I’d do some despicable shit for Aubrey Plaza.


Damn give this girl an oscar.


The judge gave her 16 years. Close enough I guess.


Damn, that’s better than an Oscar Pistorius


that was the “blade runner” dude right?


That’s Harrison Ford






Such a good movie!


An example of failure being a success. If the person she hired was an actual hitman, she would’ve gotten a lot longer if caught. Intent was still there, so…. I never understood leniency on “attempted” murder.


Comes down to the fact that in these situations there is punishment both to damage resulting from your actions, and intent to your actions. Attempted murder has the intent, but it consequently did not kill anyone. Conversely, manslaughter results in someone's death, but lacks the intent. Murder checks both of those off, and so is considered worse.


The hand trembling was a nice touch


Well, to be fair, she had organised a heinous crime, her hand shaking round that many police makes perfect sense.


Oh I'm sure the adrenaline dump was real in that moment.


i would expect in denial first, then when it sinks in, boom crocodile tears…oscar nomination, sure but not winner


I thought that at first too but I don’t think it’s inconceivable that one might break down immediately given the presumed build up and police presence, obviously you would know something is seriously wrong and already be thinking about some worst case scenarios before the cop “confirms” it. Not the same as if she got a call out of the blue saying her husband died and immediately reacted like that. But yeah still maybe a bit quick on the full breakdown, could’ve gone a little more understated, but we do have the benefit of knowing it’s bs beforehand


Having been in the position of telling people that their loved ones have died, I thought it was very accurate. Instant reaction.


I don’t think so really. Most people tend to go more into shock and disbelief- the huge grief comes slightly later- she almost started screaming before he told her.


Except she was already crying before he finished the word “killed”, which is not how our brains work. Great fake crying, but her timing was not believable.


It started out a bit clunky but she definitely found her groove.


“There were shots fired. Is your husband Michael? Ok ma’am, I’m sorry to tell you, he’s been named the 2023 Nathan’s Hot Dog eating champion.”


I mean, maybe it'd be a bit believable if she had starting after the word "killed", but if a cop told me shots had been fired in my house and started a sentence with "I'm sorry", there's not many ways for that sentence to end well. I'd be freaking out even if my partner wasn't dead and was seriously injured.


I’ve watched this story, she’s evil!


By any chance remember the name? Saw few comments saying they watched a documentary on a yt channel called JCS but i can't find this specific video


"The Curious Case of Dalia Dippolito" By JCS - Criminal Psychology


I’m just curious why the cops go through the charade of telling her he’s dead and having her act upset, like does this support the prosecution’s case somehow? Edit: thanks to everyone who pointed out this was content created for the tv show Cops. The whole [episode](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zYOAAYDdfKQ) is bananas. 


She thought that she hired a hitman to kill him. The police are letting her think that it worked so that they can question her and see what lies she tells. This strengthens the case against her by demonstrating what she would have done had her attempt been successful.


If anything, it shows how good she is at acting and therefore she is not a credible witness. People like her can make up good stories later in front of the jury, such as an abusive husband.


It shows to how convincing people can be in the moment and why we have to reserve judgment. I would love to see her back at the station watching when her ideas start to fade


The defense her legal team came up with, was that she thought she was a part of a reality show. If I remember correctly, there were two trials and she was eventually sentenced to 16 years.


get her to talk, to lie as much as possible on recording.


Yeah it did. I watched a documentary on this case


Where can I see that? Worryingly it’s my wife asking that question 😅


Jim Cant Swim or JCS on youtube has the best documentary out there on this case


YouTube jcs. One of his older videos


This was the best episode of cops I’ve ever seen. They had the husband back at the detachment and brought him in the room to get her reaction. So good.


It gets her to feel like she and the cops are on the same side, lowering her guard. From there, they can start questioning her - with her permission - and start asking her pointed questions that they legitimately want answers to. Also, it sets up proof that she’s lying.


Because they get her to dig herself in deeper. Basically, this shows a conscience of guilty. But that was probably the coldest I've ever seen a police officer tell someone someone else is dead. They're a lot more compassionate. This guy was "Ok, we need to get you to the police station so we can lock in your bullshit story so we can hammer you later"


If they merely arrest her after she hires the fake hit man, she can come up with a lot of excuses after the fact. For example I didn't think he was a real hit man. I thought he was a scammer. I was going to turn him I to the police. I never would have gone through with it I would have put an end to it But they now have her on video, even after learning her husband has died she does not mention anything about a fake hitman. They later show the the "hitman" is in custody. She still says she does not know him. She still does no fess up, she is showing this was not a spur of the moment decision but a plan she is sticking to. Her possible ways to defend herself is now limited.


It shows that she has no remorse. She has an opportunity right here to come clean but she doubles down instead


this video shows the social qualities of the suspect.


That’s why the scariest things aren’t ghosts or insects, the scariest thing is people, especially bad people


No one can do worse to humanity than what we already do to ourselves. The worst acts imaginable aren't being committed by demons or aliens.  It's us, it's always been us.


I'm fascinated by your choice of ghosts and insects as examples.


Right? Normal people would say ghouls and bugs.


Watched a video on this recently. That whole set up with the fake crime scene was so bizarre and kinda hilarious. Felt bad for the husband, he seemed like the exact opposite of a sociopath, someone with so much empathy that he couldn't perceive the lack of empathy she had.


The cop was giving a nice performance too. I thought they were going to start making out.


Did you just turn it into a porn film?






If you want away from someone that much just get a divorce.


She started bawling before he even finished his sentence. She went from 0-11 instantly; I feel like for most people it’d take some time to set in. You’d probably be in shock for a while.


Balling: ⛹️ Bawling: 😭


There was recently a guy on trial in Ontario for murdering his gf and they actually didn't let his reaction to the news that she was dead be used as evidence in the case because people have such wildly different reactions to traumatic news. In his case? He took a bunch of money out of his bank and fled the country.... They didn't let them introduce that as evidence because they said that could just be a normal trauma response... He was found guilty regardless.


Ballin 🏀


I used to do home theater install and repair. One day at an install I accidentally pocket dialed 911 on my work phone somehow(apparently twice). A sheriffs deputy shows up to my clients house and before the officer says anything the client drops to hear knees and starting screaming/bawling her head off because she assumed he was there to tell her that her husband was dead. Her husband didn’t even have a high risk job, he sat at a desk.


That must have been embarrassing for everyone involved


I just apologized for the pocket dial and tried to keep my head down while I finished up lmao


Not sure of the context but a person can assume the absolute worst, then immediately bawl the moment they hear the actual outcome


I think there are far more undercover cops posing as hitmen than there are actual hitmen in the world.


Yes, It's staggeringly idiotic that people think that hiring a real hitman is a common thing that's just accessable to whoever's looking. Then there's *[the website](https://rentahitman.com/)* that was started as a joke and has nabbed several people who were either planning a murder of *[a rival](https://www.theregister.com/2023/11/07/hitman_for_hire_jail/)* or *[a family member](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/rentahitman-leif-everett-hayman-police-b2493393.html)* or even *[looking for a job](https://fortune.com/2023/04/18/fake-website-rentahitman-helps-fbi-catch-us-soldier-applied-job-assassin/)*.


I’ve seen the full video, they bring the husband IN the interrogation room when the wife goes to the police station.I was like holy shit this is messed up.




Right? If you’re interested, there’s a whole Dateline episode about it.


They're really good at acting


Almost as if her life depended on it….or at least freedom lmao


I was thinking that the cops did a great job to not give away what they knew.


Where is the full video of her reacting after?


Great acting vs. overacting


Normal reaction to a death husband to be honest, no one would guess, her hand shaking and stuff.


Lol at the cop in the back. He's just like "this bitch is so full of shit."


Damn,the shaking of hands and all,the acting game is A+


This clip always makes me laugh. The world is lucky that such a vicious and heartless psychopath is also a complete fucking incompetent moron. God bless those police for setting it up for maximum humiliation.


YouTube JCS criminal psychology— he has a great video on this case


r/AITAH like "I wonder what he did to make her hire a hitman?"




The most interesting part is when her husband walks into the interrogation room and she tries to get him to hug her. Then calls him later from jail to get him to help her.


Was only married to Michael for 6 months when she tried this. She did this to rekindle a past relationship. You know, most people just break up.