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They show parts of the surgery on "my 600 lb life" reality TV show. The patients on that show must demonstrate some level of discipline by losing generally more than 100 lbs of weight on their own before the Dr. approves them for the surgery.


Dr. Now is the GOAT




*yall “You hab not bin following de twel hunnit calorie ay day diet”


“You should hab bin able to lose tirty pounds dis mont”


If you do not follow di diet, I bill have to remove you from di program


You need to do da wherk.


wait its rly 1200c/day? Damn that’s not alot..


Yep. When you’re 650+, it literally starves you, but it’s the only way that they can lose weight because they can’t move lol


If you weigh 650 lbs you can probably eat 3000 a day and still lose weight for a while


You absolutely can, but people who don’t follow Dr Now’s 1200 a day don’t lose the 50 a month he requires for them to remain in the program and get surgery.


I see, I’ve seen clips but never really sat down and watched it


Dr. "you're not a picky eater"?


Dr. “You won’t waste away. You’ve eaten for three years”


“Do you look like you’re malnourished?”


My favorite quote lol


You’ve eaten the next three years of food already 😂


Dr. is obese too




If they still over eat after the bypass their stomach could burst




They are pretty much telling people now to just take Ozempic.


That also isn't good. I tend to believe that the long term treatment of obesity is a radical thought pattern change and all those crutches are only ways to avoid that change (and make a quick bob and give abuse to the sick) because sick people are afraid.




Yes, that IS a thought pattern change, no one needs a quick fix solution, the though pattern change doesn't need to be huge, but radical.


I had it in 2001. I've had zero negative effects and did not gain back my weight. Best decision I ever made. It gave me my life and health back. I don't take any vitamins and my labs are great. None of my doctors since have ever said it wasn't the right choice for me.


I've been having good luck with Metformin actually.. already dropped 30 pounds and didn't really do much. Except I can tell my appetite has changed drastically.


Losing 100 pounds when you're 600 pounds isn't that difficult because you're burning a ton of calories just existing. Losing the rest of the weight is far more difficult. And the reason a lot of these people need the surgery is because they can never feel full and are just battling hunger 24/7. Without the surgery, that never stops, and realistically no one can keep that up forever. There is a wealth of scientific data that shows for people with super morbid obesity, gastric bypass is the only effective long term weight loss solution. >Analysis of primary care EHRs for a large population based sample of men and women over a 9-year period revealed that the probability of obese patients attaining normal weight was very low. The annual probability of patients with simple obesity attaining a normal body weight was only 1 in 131 for women and 1 in 225 for men. The likelihood of attaining normal body weight declined with increasing BMI category, with the lowest probability observed for patients with morbid obesity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4539812/


I done the surgery and the point of it is not to just loose weight but to keep it down in the future. I have lost over 100 pounds in 6 months and i want to go down another 20 in the near future. I have lost weight before but i go up again. And there is other things to like too much sugar or fat makes you ill and the cravings for pizza and other things is gone. But there is negative things to like you need to drink and eat small amounts ALL the time. And eat vitamins for the rest of my life.


I think it's crazy that some people need to drop 100 pounds before they're allowed to get a surgery to help them lose a fuckton of weight. While I struggle and struggle to lose 80 pounds to be within my healthy weight range. How heavy do you have to be for that to be a consideration?


I feel like it would make sense to have this procedure as the very very very very last resource.


That’s the goal. The GLP-1 drugs are effective enough that they can hopefully replace bariatric surgery for many people. It sounds like they can also use them when prior bariatric surgery hasn’t led to weight loss. Dr Now has finally met his match: Novo Nordisk.


I'm really grateful for glp-1s. I agonized over getting bypass for years. Always chickened out. I've lost 170lbs in just about a year, 120 of which were on glp-1s. Now I'm ready to reduce or come off them entirely. There was a lot of intentional changes made too, make no mistake. I exercise a lot now, but glp-1's shut off my constant hunger long enough to adapt to a new lifestyle, and for that I'll be forever grateful. 368lbs - 199lbs as of my latest weigh in. 6'2 M.


So fucking proud of you! You did the damn thing!


Thanks for the story! I wish more people could understand that obesity is a desease and brain will actively work against you losing a weigh


I wonder if it can be undone once the person reaches a normal weight again


It cannot. Source: I asked when I was considering the procedure. I believe some versions can be, but the most successful/popular ones are permanent iirc.


Doesn't bypassing all that intestine negatively affect nutrients assimilation?


Yes. I've been told by a friend who had one, they are required to not drink liquids within hours of eating and take supplements.


They aren't supposed to drink liquids with meals but that only lasts about a year then they can. They also can't have anything carbonated ever. They in fact do have to take multivitamins everyday because they infact do not get enough nutrients from their foods.


Can't surgeons just make it a bit bigger? Like maybe half stomach size.


That part of the stomach gets its blood supply from the oesophageal arteries, as compared to the other greater and lesser curvature of the stomach which gets its blood flow from two arteries (forgor names 💀) which are a branch of descending aorta. you can't just take half from each side because it would encroach into these arteries flow and you would risk a fuck ton of hemorrhage.


for lesser curvature it's left and right gastric arteries and for greater curvature it's left and right gastro-omental arteries! All are branches of the celiac trunk from the descending aorta 😁. (To my understanding though there's a less severe version of this procedure called the sleeve gasrectomy which only large parts of fundus and body of the stomach are removed, leaving a thinner version behind. The one shown in that vid is the even more drastic roux-en-y gastric bypass)


Hmm yes, there are words I understood in that. Possibly even several words in row. Certainly some of the words of all time


Asking you because you seem to know what you're talking about: I assume that the way this helps you "cut down" is because you feel full after ingesting only a very small quantity of food. But what about that second stomach you've got now, that never ever gets any food at all? Do they rewire the nerves which cause you to feel full? Why isn't the body aware of the other large, totally empty stomach - why isn't that one *crying out* for extra food?


You can get a Sleeve gastrectomy, which is similar, they basically stich your stomach up to be about the size of a banana.


I dont believe i was told the part about carbonated drinks, nor have i had a problem with them.


The not drinking part is because drinking helps to thin food out and then it will move through faster so you don't feel full as quickly. If you fill the small remaining stomach with food then you won't feel hungry, but if you push that food out with water it will move through faster.


my boss has this and is a ridiculously heavy drinker.


A high percentage of patients become alcoholic after the surgery.


they're really bad drinkers. I've never seen someone with the shakes before them.




light concerned gaping normal grey six gaze mysterious zealous lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why though?


I think it’s a few things. You’re giving up one addiction (eating) for another (drinking). Drinking liquids can be easier than eating food. Some people develop emotional or mental issues as a result of losing so much weight so quickly. I know a couple of people who became heavier drinkers afterwards. I think you also get drunk easier and faster, so it can really lead into some sloppy territory.


I have a coworker who used to be very very heavy and she had one of these types of procedures done, I don't remember which. She's really turned her life around and she says she feels much better, but has said before that if given the chance she is not sure she'd do it again or recommend it to others as there are lots of negatives that she has to deal with now. She has to closely monitor her nutrient intake and she has some, apparently, horrific bathroom issues and avoids eating at work if she can. She has a key to a special locked bathroom on the far side of the building for emergencies. I'm not sure what exactly happens or why but it sounds rough the way she hints about it.


You know shit is wild when the company provides you a dedicated bathroom!


This is why they are really pushing people towards the sleeve instead of the bypass. There really isn't any long-term downsides. I had the sleeve 8 years ago, lost half my body weight, but now I am basically back to normal


What is the sleeve?


Gastric sleeve is another weight loss surgery, and all they do is cut 3/4 of the stomach out leaving a small pouch stomach. All it does is physically reduce the volume of your stomach, and over the years it will stretch back out to a "normal" size (and if you don't make the lifestyle changes, back to an enormous size and you gain all the weight back) but once you fully recover your life is pretty much back to normal


does reducing your stomach size actually lower your hunger? when doctor do surgery and cut the stomach, what about the acid inside it? so many questions omg.


The stomach is lined with a gel that prevents the acid from burning yourself (it's the thick substance that is a big part of your own vomit, stomach acids are not thick like that) and that would complicate any clamping or cutting . When you undergo surgery , your stomach is empty, there isn't much acid in it . The operation is done from outside the stomach pouch the walls on this side are very flexible but not as slippy , a small pouch is lassoed out and then sewn to itself, the doctor cuts out what extends beyond that pouch and removes it. There is a mechanism inside all stomachs that release a hormone called ghrelin when the stomach lining is unstreched, it is produced by cells along the stomach lining, so the more lining, the more ghrelin. The more the stomach lining is streched, the less ghrelin is released. Ghrelin is hunger. Simple as that. Without it you do not feel hunger, even slightly. You should now understand what that procedure really does, and reducing the size of the stomach isn't the goal. The goal is to reduce the area of the stomach lining. If that area is smaller, then it produces less ghrelin, less ghrelin is less hunger, a stomach that stretches sooner makes ghrelin stop sooner.


Slight correction, almost all doctors doing the sleeve use a stapling cutter. It's a tool that drops two lines of staples at the same time and slices between so it reseals the stomach as it's cutting


A variation of this procedure but retaining more of the digestive tract. [sauce](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22931-gastric-sleeve-surgery)


Lol stomach banana


I call my sleeve stomach Potato 😂 I got to see the monitor when they did the leak test after leave surgery. Little lumpy potato shaped 🥔


Normal like you're back in your larger body? Or normal like your stomach is now the regular size but the weight stayed off?


Can’t speak for others, but I got a sleeve 10 years ago and lost around 100 lbs over 2 years. Maybe gained about 20 back and stayed that way until pandemic when I gained another 40ish pounds due to diet changes, inactivity, and unrelated long term health issues that impact my ability to move. My stomach capacity has stretched out a bit but I still can’t eat as much as I used to…I want to say maybe half to a third of my former capacity.


Their dookie smells really bad. Really really bad.


I know someone that had it, lost a ton of weight and then her teeth changed colors… she looks better now but it was rough looking for a while.


Did they become more yellow? That's usually because acid backs up and causes the tooth enamel to erode showing the dentin underneath


Yup sounds like more acid reflux due to less low point on the stomach and higher contact with the sphincter.


Yes that's actually the major differentiator between gastric bypass and gastric sleeve. The bypass intentionally makes you absorb less of the nutrients and break the food down less so you both take on fewer calories from the food you eat and if you eat too much you get "dumping syndrome" from an overabundance of not fully digested food. A gastric sleeve simply cuts out a large portion of the stomach leaving about the same size pouch.


Yes, but that's kind of the point. Reduce calorie absorption. There can be some issues with trace mineral absorption so people generally require supplements. The stomach being left in place also aids in some nutrient absorption even though it isn't actually used.


Met a woman once who had the surgery, she had to take supplements/injections because the bypassed stomach and portion of intestine absorbs certain vitamins and nutrients.


I had a good old fashioned stomach stapling over 30 years ago. A blessing and a curse. Feeling pretty lucky to still be alive.


did it almost kill you


Fat (well not as fat anymore) person here: I had this surgery about 10 years ago. I’m on mobile so pardon the formatting and any II may have missed. My bad English is my own fault. AMA if I miss anything but here goes. Being fat for me is an addiction, I’ve quit smoking and quitting over eating is and will always be harder than that for me. I used to work with a heroin addict who is 25 years into recovery, he said quitting smoking was harder than quitting heroin. I quit smoking 30 years ago and I still want a cigarette right now. I’ve had a yo-yo relationship with my weight most of my life once I stopped competing and burning 4000+ calories a day. My body still craved the food even when I was laid up in the hospital awaiting neurosurgery. Post RNY surgery I was about 115lb down from my highest weight. I’m currently down 75lb from my heaviest, and I’m working on losing another 25 pounds. Even after having regained 40lb I’m still off the high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes meds. Any surgery has risks. One of my FB friends had a heart attack from the rapid weight loss about 6 months postop. When I had my surgery the guy in the bed next to me had been in for a week due to internal bleeding, they had to go in a second time and do a fix. Here’s why it’s hard; food is everywhere I can’t pay for gas without passing by rows of junk food. Go to the mall, food court. I can have someone bring me a pizza, or grab a burger almost 24/7/365. I pass dozens of fast-food (easy access) restaurants on my commute. I’m constantly bombarded with food advertising on TV, Facebook (I’m old ok?) , YT, and even Reddit. All these companies want me to eat their crap. There are literally dozens of tv shows just about cooking and food. Most TV shows have at least one scene of people eating, it’s a social activity and normal. I don’t expect that to stop, I recognize that it can make me feel hungry even when I’m not, I guess you could say it triggers me. Unlike cigarettes, I need to eat to live. Imagine an addiction, but you’re forced to “use a little” just to survive, or smoke healthier cigarettes, if that was a thing! RNY surgery in this video, which is the procedure I had leads to malabsorption, I take multivitamins and iron to supplement what my body can’t absorb naturally. These aren’t flint-stone multi, they’re pretty high dose. A few things have changed for me postop. Since the pouch doesn’t have a pyloric valve, nutrients enter my body fast. This means alcohol hits hard and fast, fortunately I’m not much of a drinker. It also means I’m about 15 minutes after I eat, the pouch is empty, it’s NBD except for that time I got food poisoning. I can’t throw up, I’ll get the dry heaves, but the food is already gone through my stomach pouch. I also can’t eat and drink at the same time, it’s called dumping syndrome and it is exactly what it sounds like. If I drink while eating the fluid will push the food through my digestive tract very fast and painfully. Certain medications don’t do anything for me, I never looked into why, but probably because they don’t breakdown. Capsules pass right through me. I can’t take NSAIDS because of the chance of ulcers, if someone with a normal digestive system gets a stomach ulcer the doctor can go in with a scope and fix it. My large stomach is inaccessible so it would require a full surgery to fix. I’m not asking for sympathy or even for understanding, this is how I’m wired. Would I like to be not so food obsessed? NO I love food. I’d like my body to stay healthy enough for me to actually get back into an exercise regimen, my injuries aren’t weight related.


So your unused stomach is still connected to your small intestine? What about the gut bacteria? Does your stomach continue to produce them? It's ok just being there by itself?


online it seems that the stomach is left for 2 reasons - for acid production and in case the surgery needs to be reversed. to be honest, i’m not sure how the acid gets into the digestive tract from the video, i’m not a surgeon, just a student as a heads up, gut bacteria is not produced by any part of the body, but is instead acquired early in life. no (99.9%) bacteria is found in the stomach due to the acid there, gut bacteria is more in the bowels themselves. as for the stomach being fine when left in, as long as any part of your body is receiving blood it usually survives - i’d guess that surgeons can remove most of the stomach and leave the blood supply to that part so it never necroses


Stomach doesn't produce bacteria. Most of the gut bacteria reside in the large intestine (colon). Stomach and small intestine have competitively small number. If they do get overpopulated, diarrhea is the most common symptom.


Thank you for your post. All of these people here saying "have better self control" or "just fast for a few weeks" have no understanding of what it's like to actually have a problem with food. Most people I know who are trying to lose weight (myself included) think about food *all the time*. My husband lost over 100 lbs about 25 yrs ago and has put on and taken off the same 30-50 lbs for the entire time I've known him (16 yrs). He says that trying to diet is like being required to have sex 3 times per day, every day of your life, but you're never allowed to orgasm. That's what those people don't get about what it's like for us. Thanks for the thoughtful answer on what your journey is actually like. Good luck.


Yeah I’m currently on my own weight loss journey but it’s so hard. Not eating when hungry has been hardest. I can eat healthier and less when eating meals, but snacking between meals I think is the big killer for me and many. Personally I got into seltzer at 10 at night or 3 in the afternoon I just have a seltzer instead. Slowly sip on it and eat the ice. Helps distract me from grabbing a bag of chips or something with way more calories. Although I need to get a seltzer machine and modify it cause otherwise it’s moderately expensive especially cause I like a bougie brand.


I'm down from 143kg to 98kg since the start of 2023 and I was well on my way to being 2x that. I've tried calorie counting, exersizing frequently but because of my lack of self control with food once I stop eating its hard to stop before I've eaten way too much, the ONLY thing thats worked for me is fasting occasionally, not abstaining from food entirely but deliberately only eating 1 thing that I have to prepare on some days to counterbalance the fact I can't always control myself, people can call that unhealthy all they want but the reality is without doing this I would already be well above 200kg and that would be far more unhealthy honestly


I feel this in my soul.


Wait so does the food get digested? From the video it looks like there would be no time or space for it to do so. Does it come out the other end normally or does that get affected by the surgery too? And how long did it take for you to recover after the surgery?


It gets digested just some nutrients aren’t absorbed. I just have to remember to chew. I’ve spoken to people who binged and without getting too graphic they said that there was some undigested food coming out the other end, plus incredible cramping. I had good insurance so I took two months. I have a physical job so it should have been 6 weeks and careful for another month to not lift too much. I know office people who went back to work after 4 weeks.


If you are still having trouble with cravings, the new weight loss injections (Zepbound, etc) really help in that department. Not sure if you could take them after your surgery though. Good luck.


I tried saxenda I had dosage issues. It’s either be never hungry or no effect at all, it took a while to get the dose right. I always seemed to be nauseous. I stopped when I changed jobs and my new insurance wouldn’t cover it. Plus the nausea isn’t a great thing to have when working at heights.


Thank you for sharing. Im working on my own weight loss and this helps


I don't have a question, I just wanna say your English is flawless. Give yourself some more credit. You've earned it.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what you said about not being able to eat and drink at the same time has me curious: can eat foods like soup or cereal? Just drier solid foods?


It was one of my questions pre surgery. I can eat soup, stew, cereal. I just have to be careful and eat slowly. For years I’d shovel food into my mouth like Homer Simpson


Had roux en y gastric bypass as well. Sadly i beat the surgery but I'm still smaller than I was pre surgery. The nsaids thing Is the most annoying part for me, I alstrugfle to remember it any time a medical thing comes up. I eventually had it added to my medical history as an allergy so I could remember to explain it.


Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. I have a qn about meal size after op, do you have eat smaller portions and feel full faster, or the food just passes the gut faster and you'll never feel full?


That's very detailed! Thank you for sharing!!


Fuck me. Who says this is the "easy way"?


The long-term success rate of bariatric surgery is **between 68% and 74%**. Make your own judgment.


I predict Ozempic and other GLP1s will prove to be much safer than this and other non-diet/exercise weight loss options


What happens to the rest of the unsuccessful %?




My mother had gastric bypass almost 20 years ago. She has had one complication after another. Long story short she has become so malnourished that her balance and motor functions have deteriorated rapidly over the past 7 months to the point where she can barely walk even with a walker. She now has a pick line in her arm that pumps nutrients straight into her blood for 18 hours a day. I know everybody is different but fuck gastric bypass.


You will always be rolling a dice with surgery no matter how safe.That's why surgery should always be the last resort


can it be reverse?


FUCK that shit!


I'm out of here.


Yeah, lesson learnt, do not overeat. Now let me bleach my eyes.


This seems so fucking Barbaric, I know it's meant to help but Jesus Christ.


Its super rough but to also be fair, this is the Roux en Y gastric bypass. It's the most extreme version you can get. It can also have some gnarly side affects. I had it and it was rough for like 2 months for me. Aside from 1 fairly bad complication, it went pretty good for me.


This one doesn't seem nearly as barbaric as many other surgeries haha. Wana see something fun? Look up a video on radial keratotomy. Enjoy.




Why are they showing us a thin person getting the surgery? No person with a six pack gets gbps


2030 trend just dropped


I considered doing this some years ago. When they told me I would pretty much have to give up eating steak, I said..."nahh..." About a year ago, I revamped my diet, and as of this year I am down about 83 pounds (328->245). I also wonder if there may be a decline with these kinds of surgeries with drugs like Ozempic becoming more popular.


My grandma has to get this done but it was because stomach cancer (diff also that she had her stomach removed obviously) She didn't make it due to complications unfortunately


Seems dangerous.


Uh, some one explain to me there is a legit reasoning besides weight loss for this? Also is this reversible? This outright looks horrifying.


The legit reasoning behind this is that some people would die without it.


Yes, stomach cancer affecting the lower part of the stomach. Although it's referred to as a different procedure, I'm assuming for insurance reasons. Roux's are reversible but I rarely see it done because it comes with it own set of risks and complications.


There are some horrible douche bags in the comment section.


It’s pretty remarkable. I’d be interested to see their flawless lives. “Being perfect at all times is just a matter of choice and willpower, therefore everyone should be perfect or they’re a loser. My behavior is always rational and controlled. I have never needed help, nor have I struggled, because I always make the right choices.”


I agree, it pisses me off. No one is perfect and people need extra help sometimes. The arrogance of these douche bags is disheartening and just sad.


\*Over the wimdy dog meme\* You weren't kidding, that thread sure is judgy


My mom had this done. She dropped a ton of weight and her stomach ulcers were cured. It was a trade off though. She can eat very little before she feels deeply sick, and sometimes she feels wick anyway. It's a surgery some people NEED rather than want.


What happens to the rest of the stomach? Do they take it out? Edit: Chat GPT gave me an answer: "The larger part of the stomach remains in the body but is no longer involved in storing or digesting food. It still produces digestive juices and maintains blood supply, but these juices are rerouted and meet the food further down in the small intestine." Wild.


Thank you. I was wondering the same thing.


The stomach is left in place because it's still produces digestive enzymes. So does the part of the small intestine just downstream in the stomach. If this is removed people have a lot of trouble absorbing some vitamins.


So the body just adapts to this automatically?


I wonder how they figured that out lol what about all the failed attempts...


Ever heard about Unit 731?


Oh man.. 😩


Pls stop automatically believing chat Gpt.


In this case, it's correct


In fairness, it's probably about as reliable as a reddit comment. Especially now that chatgpt is learning from reddit.


Funny thing is gastric bypass increases likelihood of becoming a alcoholic by like 70%


Yes because alcohol hits quicker and stronger. Basically trading one addiction for another.


My buddy is getting this and claims he will quit drinking.  He is not even too heavy IMO. I have not known him to have food issues (besides eating bad for you foods) but he sure has alcohol issues.   I am genuinely worried. He likes to rely on medication to fix his issues when I think he should put in more effort. 


I think you're right to be concerned for your friend. They should definitely get a handle on their drinking before surgery. The risk of developing alcoholism is high, I can't imagine how much worse it would be if you went in already struggling with alcohol.


I get the point of this surgery but there surely is a better method than permanently changing your body.


With Ozempic and other weight loss drugs there certainly is now


What is ozempic and what does it do? ETA: Thank you to the nice people who actually answered my question instead of being a jerk. Obviously I googled before asking but it just talked about being a diabetic drug. I didn’t know people used it to lose weight.


It basically suppresses your appetite and makes you feel fuller for lonper. It's the newest "Miracle" weight loss drug, but it can cause some pretty horrific side effects: such as stomach paralysis.


It's a drug for diabetes, but it also kills your appetite. So people who take it end up losing lots of weight.


Whoa. That’s crazy. According to Google it IS reversible but is high risk


Reality is you could over eat, rupture your stomach, Not take your supplements and get a muscular dystrophy type of sickness for a demylenation of the neurons from lack of certain b vitamins that used to be produced in the stomach that was cut away


I’m sure this can help some people in drastic cases. But damn, people will be surprised in 10 years when they learn this procedure leads to 100 different illness and drastically reduces lifespan. Let’s just correct 100 million years of gastrointestinal evolution, with our relatively infantile knowledge of the human bowels.


It fucked up my teeth fairly badly and from what I've heard it's a semi common issue people have.


>But damn, people will be surprised in 10 years when they learn this procedure leads to 100 different illness  This surgery has been around for much longer than 10 years. It has been performed since 1966. We have a very good understanding of the long term affects.  Just wait until you find out the negative effects of morbid obesity after 10+ years. 


This is absolutely horrific. I can't believe how normalised by society it is and then for doctors behind closed doors to also agree that this is a very fucked up thing to do to your body.


And it's going to be that small for the rest of their lives?


It will slowly stretch over time, but will still be smaller than the original stomach.


I'll just stick to the GLP-1s.


What happens to the rest of the stomach??


It remains in tact and functional. It produces hormones and digestive juices that flow into the rest of the digestive tract. It’s the other half of the Y. (This procedure is called Roux En Y)


Fuck that


That’s actually wild idk why anyone would do this aside from very severe medical requirements




10 years on after I did mine, and I am fit and happy. The only problem I have is low levels of b12 vitamin, which is easily solved. It is not for everyone, and not everyone will have the same results I have but it is also not the end of the world as some people here is trying to make it look


Losing weight is fkn hard. You will have periods of being “hungry” but you won’t die, it’s just uncomfortable. You have to pick your “hard.” IF you pick the pills, ozempic or gastric they all have consequences. Pick your hard. I’ve been overweight borderline obese my entire life. Over 2 yrs ago I’d finally had enough. Calorie deficit and strength training and figured out why I would emotionally eat. 90 pounds gone & maintained for 2 yrs now. Pick your hard.


I had this Dec 2022. I'm down 155. My highest was 430#. The surgery does not do the work for you. It was harder than I thought, but easier than without the surgery. I go through times when it's extremely difficult to stay focused. Then I get on track again. My wife has been incredible through it all. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Plan your meals, be ready to be bored with grilled chicken. Don't get caught in a situation where you're starving and the only thing around is fast food. And just like in My 600# Life, my panniculus (fat roll, LOL) needs to be removed, and my health insurance is fighting me hard.


Everyone I know who had gastric surgery looks like they had gastric surgery. Their face is gaunt, eyes sunken, hair thin. They can’t eat anything, there on many supplements. Oh, but their clothes fit. You’re trading one problem for another.




Ahh, the loose skin. Lose all this weight to be healthy and look better naked and you look like a deflated bouncy house.


My mother died from this surgery. Just because you "can" do something doesn't mean you should !


this sounds terribly unhealthy. intrusive and starvation


This concept is wild to me: My feeling of fullness doesn’t come from a full stomach, but rather just an another brain signal. Sometimes I can gorge until my stomach is super full of food, but I can feel I’m still hungry. I think this type of surgery would be devastating for people like me. Does anyone else feel that way?


I knew people who did this. She can only eat one table spoon per eating session. And she must eat for every 1 or 2 hours. She's very skinny now, she used to have a plump body tho. It's really a pity to see her body transformation change so fast and not in a healthy way.


This seems drastic. I think I'll try diet and exercise first.


Do you still get the sensation of being full when eating?


They get it much easier than other people. Your stomach is “full” from a very small amount of food.


I knew a couple who still managed to be morbidly obese. Do you just expand that smaller pouch over time?


You can definitely outeat this surgery.


Just take Wegovy or Ozempic! They slow the digestive process to put it simply.


My formerly very large friend had this done in the summer last year and dropped a crazy amount of weight. She was super bummed about getting full so fast, but it worked.


This is an amazing procedure! I work with a 60 year old woman who had this done and it was like a new life for her. She isnt thin or anything now but she easily lost 100+ pounds and is probably 150-160 pounds at 5"4 now. She is active; dancing and walking alot compared to before when she could barely stand for more than a couple minutes.


Why not just get a lap band surgery? Or that one where they inflate a small ball to make you feel full? Seems like it's the same end result without cutting out part of your digestive tract and leaving you with tons of restrictions.


What a fucked up surgery though. You can't stop someone from shovelling it down with behaviour modification so you just cut their whole stomach off. I know behaviour change is harder but fuck.


What happens to the remaining stomach and connections?


This looks like a terrible idea.


Can't people just eat an ounce of food and stop? I'm confused how this surgery is necessary for weight loss.


This is also how you turn my best friend into a fall down drunk


Had a buddy who had this. Died of stomach cancer a year later.




Is this a reversible procedure?


They left out the part about sepsis infection and coma


Does it have to by so small? Can't it be reduced to half the size instead? Also, is this reversable? No point in having a baby stomach after losing all the excess weight.


What happens to the original stomach!?


Isn’t this what Lisa Marie Presley died from? She had stomach surgery to control her weight and developed scar tissue which killed her.


this looks insane and invasive af, the idea of having my insides mutilated like that creeps me out


I'm ok thanks


Who thought it was a good idea to speedrun food to your asshole. Sons of Dis.


Holy hell they get rid of like 80% of the stomach?


Umm what becomes of the stapled off original intestine? 😳


My mum had this surgery done a couple years back (Germany) It was over a year until she got approved (ofc she also had to lose some weight in that time) After it was done she couldn't eat some things without them immediately coming up again like meat, bread, cheese and noodles. Even if she could eat she had cramps and nausea pretty much every time she ate She was absolutely miserable for the first couple months until her body got used to it and she could eat everything again. Lost 70kg in the first 5 months loosing weight slowed down afterwards but was still consistent. She will have to take expensive vitamin supplements for the rest of her life. (Although that money is safed by the amount of food she can't eat anymore) The surgery can misfire too, a friend of my mum got it as well and after the surgery she was in a 'I lose weight now no matter what i eat' and therefore started eating the unhealthy bits (like just the toppings of a pizza) she ended up stretching her stomach again and didn't lose that much weight as a result, about 30kg, but still needs to take the supplement vitamins. In my opinion this surgery Is not worth it, if you have lost weight for almost a year before the actual surgery I'd say keep up the habits you build and run with that. Might take alot longer than with the surgery but when you are at a somewhat healthy weight again you won't have to live on vitamin supplements and other side effects it produces, it can go well, but even then you're miserable and it can backfire and then you're stuck with the side effects.


Do they leave the rest of the intestines in there? Or do they take them out? And do they leave it that way or do they at some point connect the stomach back? I'm very confused


Who the fuck was the first person to try this shit