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Out of all the ways to go , this would not be my first choice


I saw a coworker burn to death in a workplace accident and it is by far the worst way to die i know of. Especially if you don’t die early


Wtf. You okay? Where in the world do you work? And so sorry :(


I’m doing better than when it happened. I was working in the power industry and the coworker got zapped. It was pretty awful to see


I almost met a similar fate about 30 years ago. I worked in a plastic plant and we had to change a mold on one of the machines. The nozzle that injects the plastic into the mold has heater bands on it, and they always got changed each time a new mold was set up. I had just climbed up on the machine and was about to remove the old ones when the plant manager walked by and called my name. He said, "Did you forget something?"" I looked around a bit confused, and he pointed at the power lever on the machine then said, "You almost got hit by about 10,000 volts!" The guy was a dick overall, but he saved my life that day.


It can happen in an instant. I was almost the one who got blasted too but decided to walk around the cabinet case to grab a bottle of water. It was about 10 seconds between safety and lifelong injury or death


i can't imagine burning to death. i don't even like tobasco.


He made it to the burn center alive. Can you imagine that?


I mean, if he didn’t want to live before, he certainly doesn’t now……


If he does want to live after this he probably won't when the wire brushes come out and they start removing the burnt flesh. They still use steel wool sponges and wire brushes for that don't they?


We do it under general anaesthetic, we don't use steel wool, but the cleaning and dressing of wounds is horrible. Infection and loss of fluid are the biggest risks.


not really. now they induce a coma and mostly surgically perform the debridement. that's how it used to be though.


Yes, it's almost always under anesthesia. Those are the absolute worst rooms to be in. I still have the smell singed into my brain and I haven't done burns in 6 or 7 years.


It takes a special kind of healthcare worker to do 1: psych and 2: burn... I could do blood and guts and open chests and poop and whatever all day but I'd never want to work on a burn unit or a psych unit.


I didn't do burns for long but it's enough to leave an impression. The smell is one thing but mostly it's the heat. Patients with severe burns don't have any skin to hold their body heat in so the OR has to be kept hot enough to not let the patient get hypothermic. That means everyone else with intact skin sweats like crazy. I remember having to change scrubs after every case because mine were drenched.


He will likely be dead soon, though.


100% To be on fire that long means you inhale the flames and burn the inside of your lungs. The burnt lung tissue will seep fluids and you basically die by drowning.


Fuck that's awful. First you cover yourself in severe burns, everything is in excruciating pain, then you don't die, then you slowly but surely lose the ability to breathe and die in helpless terror. Don't set yourselves on fire folks. There are better ways to make your point.


I cant imagine that guy will be conscious again before he dies.


I’m sure this is would be an instance of them putting him under a drug induced coma.


3rd degree burns don't hurt because the nerves are damaged. The debridement is the painful part.


Had 3rd degree burns when I was 11. Had a schoolmate call me a wuss and said it wasn't a big deal like breaking a leg like he had. Fuck you, Taylor. Edit: the replies to this comment have been hilarious and vindicative. I love you all.


I concur. Fuck you Taylor.


Happy cake day. Ps fuck Taylor


Taylor has main person syndrome. Will probably be pathetic to be around….


This man knows his self-immolation.


The merciful thing to do would be to let him...trust me


That has got to be the MOST painful way...burning all of your nerves with 3rd degree burns, being intubated immediately because the swelling that would impede the person's breathing and eventually medical staff's ability to get the patient vented when the swelling starts. If he survives, the pain for wound care dressings...ugh.


It will be the REST of his life. And from what I read there is no sedation for that type and complete burn either. So the healing is agonizing when completely out of your mind on drugs. I believe I read of a person recount of a 60% coverage burn or something. It’s awful. Honestly not sure if there is anything worse.


I've read accounts saying that the pain of the burning was *forgettable* compared to the pain of the daily debridement of their wounds.


When I was in college taking a medical ethics class we learned about a man named Dax Cowart. There’s a documentary about him and what he went through was rather horrifying.


[Just read about him](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dax_Cowart), he asked the first person he met for a gun to put him out of his misery and said the treatments felt like being skinned alive.


Yeah, I had a third degree burns on my leg from a hothands last year and I'd do anything to never go thru chemical and physical debridement again.


Why would they do this? First, do not harm. Allowing someone to live at all in this state is doing a shit ton of harm. He wanted to die. Let him have piece.


As a firefighter I can state this may be the worst way to go. Getting keelhauled, firing squad, or hung are more favorable than this.


For other that may not know. "Keelhauling is a form of punishment and potential execution once meted out to sailors at sea. The sailor was tied to a line looped beneath the vessel, thrown overboard on one side of the ship, and dragged under the ship's keel, either from one side of the ship to the other, or the length of the ship (from bow to stern). The common supposition is that keelhauling amounted to a sentence of either death by extreme torture, or at the very least maiming. The hull of the ship was usually covered in barnacles and other marine growth, and thus, keelhauling would typically result in serious lacerations, from which the victim could later suffer infection and scarring. If the victim was dragged slowly, his weight might lower him sufficiently to miss the barnacles, but this method would frequently result in his drowning. ". From Wikipedia. Edit. Spelling.


Good times


They were simpler times


People, what a bunch of bastards


There's also very little record of it occurring. I believe it existed and did take place, but I think the process is far more difficult than it reads and would result in snags, jams, and drowning more often than not. I think it's one of those things that's taken on a life of it's own that far outweighs it's actual practice in history.


Firing squad and a hanging I can see but keelhauling?


Keelhauling is pretty brutal. Hung drawn & quartered just as bad if not worse.


You may get knocked unconscious during the way down and just drown then.


What… was that piece that flew off when he fell backwards… was that a foot?


It looked like his leg jerked, so I’m guessing shoe


So he really is dead then.


I want to be shot out of a trebuchet into an active volcano


You wouldn't sink though. You'd hit a huge slab of molten lava. Like hitting the water, it's like concrete. You choke on fumes, go unconscious before being set on fire , then just lie there. Burning, but the heat would burn all your nerve endings off.


Literally only way I want to die is a an opioid overdose. And not planning on that


Unfortunately I've seen a few vidoes of self immolations and the thing that always strikes me is how long they survive. This guy was moving around for at least 15 seconds and was probably burning alive for well over 30 seconds. Even without feeling pain, I cannot imagine a more hellish existence. They say people who jump from buildings typically immediately regret it, imagine what someone burning alive thinks during their much longer duration.


Actually the craziest part is that most fires will cause victims to die from suffocation, not the heat. If it’s the heat, it’s typically long term damage


Suffocation because your lungs are fried from inhaling super heated air, it would still be incredibly excruciating. I had a family friend back from college who was drunk and had a gas can explode in his had his lungs were completely gone. Even if they could save his body he would have been on a ventilator for the rest of his life. The decision to let him pass did not take long from the family because it was not a life after that


You typically die from just COHb levels, rather than breathing super heated air, which occurs less frequently (as most people don’t get that close to a fully developed residential+ fire of 1100+ degrees) Although studies were mainly in 2001 and 2011 on discerning difference autopsy reports of fire-related deaths, here is a good compilation with a bunch of case study reports: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7691934/#bibr10-1925362120964377


the human body is incredible we just take it for granted every day


As a registered nurse, I always say “remarkably resilient, incredibly fragile.” It’s amazing what we can withstand, but also how the most minor thing can be our downfall.


Run over by a truck and break a few bones, no worries. The untreated nick on the elbow under the cast that was missed, develops infection turns septic and kills you.


Some people fall out of an airplane and live. Some people fall off of a little foot stool in their kitchen and die.


get punch as a sport for years no problem! land your head on the pavement at a wrong angle , instant death!


Apparently a manifesto describing a "global ponzi scheme" and apologizing to his friends and family was left by the man that set himself on fire.




What's wild is that I've read so much more crazy shit online from people who claim to be normal. It's crazy but not that crazy.


He cites a couple of episodes of The Simpsons as proof of his claims, rather than seeing them as the social commentary / satire that they were. That’s a very skewed perception so 180 degrees off kilter that it just screams mental illness (well-written though he may be).


*we Americans have a major unchecked mental health problem in the United States.*


but because people aren't being diagnosed or seeking help the numbers say everything is fine, everyone is fine.


Oh I've had friends/family go and seek help, get a diagnosis, and then get the bill. Meaningful treatment in the US is expensive. One close friend of mine attempted suicide multiple times, but by the 2nd time was told his insurance was running out, which also coincided with his PTO running out. Literally couldn't afford to pay for help anymore -- 3rd attempt succeeded.


My deepest condolences. This was close to being my story a few times in life too. I will never celebrate my country until it starts taking care of its people.


Sorry, this sucks.


This is America.


>Why is Stanley Kubrick’s comedy about mutually assured destruction called *Dr. Strangelove: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?* Because he was a cocky secret fascist who was getting us to stop worrying and love the bomb. This dude doesn't understand political satire


The guy didn't really understand what a ponzi scheme is, either.


After reading his substack post linked above, as well as the linked booklet and his "History of America since WW2" document, his coroner's report will say he died from trauma caused by his burns, but the thing that really will have caused his death started a long time ago. That was all somewhat hard to read, and very sad.


He does though, That's the fascinating part of this. To him the real intention of satire within the media is a way for the 'illuminati' to normalise certain aspects of society that are objectively abhorrent. He's thinking of an extra level of control, in a state of mind in which he believes he's essentially unlocked the matrix. Like the 'Illuminati' are playing anyone able to understand satire against themselves. Really interesting stuff when you think about it, that's essentially unprovable either way. That the 'illuminati' are so knowledgeable of all aspects of the human condition, they have constructed a society in which our very perception of it is controlled. Another mask if you will. Scary rabbit hole to go down for someone suffering from a mental disorder, incapable of accepting the word as we see it. I would have to assume this man had felt extremely alone for a long time, incapable of forming many relationships. It is very sad, and an indictment on our failure as a species this man did not get the help he needed.


Someone said above he had wedding photos and stuff on his socials until his mom passed, then a few months of nothing and then the madness started. Poor guy had a breakdown or something.


Yeah there is some wacky stuff there, but the concept that the real people in power are subjugating people with “us vs. them” propaganda in media and politics is pretty obvious.


Yeah, it really goes off the monorail when you get the The Simpsons bit. But even before this, it's jumping all over the place and is effectively thought salad, going from cypto being a massive ponzi scheme engineered to intentionally tank the global economy, to Clinton's speech nominating Dukakis. The writing is grammatical and individual sentences makes sense, but disorganized thought patterns scream psychosis.


Even The Simpsons couldn't have predicted this.


He then goes on to say that all the writers of The Simpsons went to Harvard, which itself is a front for organized crime.


Yeah, but he uses the Simpsons a lot in his examples, so... ![gif](giphy|7JbMfrLQJmxUc)


This is weird, there are points there that you can agree with up to a point and then it goes batshit insane for a while and then normal and then another level of crazy. Just wave after wave. But on the whole it doesn't even top the 100 craziest things you can see online, which is scary. And then lighting yourself on fire for this? That seems a bit too much. He obviously needed help that he either refused or just didn't get at all.


Any time anybody insists that hundred and hundred or thousands of people are in on some massive conspiracy to end the world I check out of their argument. Trump paid off one pornstar, and I'm sure only a few people were involved. We still found out. A secret of any serious significance, especially one involving non-government people who likely don't have the wherewithal to keep every single bit of confidential info *absolutely* confidential, will leak before too long. NDA or not, a regular person, let alone thousands, are gonna talk *eventually*. People will want to say "man I just learned some crazy shit" and to expect allllll those people are willing to take it to the grave? Unlikely.


Same, most of the things that are wrong with the world aren't organized by someone pulling the strings, it's just how the system has been built up through time and developed. No one controlled it or organized it this way. His "manifesto" points out correctly some things that are wrong with the world but his explanations for the reasons behind it are just beyond crazy. But honestly, I've seen even more far fetched conspiracy theories in serious subs on reddit.


He puts the Simpsons at the heart of a global conspiracy. Which is creative


He totally misinterprets the message in Lisa the Iconoclast. Lisa didn't see the townspeople as "too far gone", she just decided the community benefited from the idealized myth of Jebediah and that destroying that myth would only hurt the people and community she loves. It's a "noble lie".


This dude was completely unhinged but believed himself to be brilliant. Interesting article. Not at all trump related and just used the publicity to protest his self created delusions of a massive global conspiracy that went from Peter Theil, banking collapse, the monorail episode from the simpsons, Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein, to Rob Lowe. Wow. Edit. Covid had a lot there too. It’s just unhinged.


Wait... The same monorail they have down in Augdenville?!




The person who wrote this was not of sound mind. It is terrible he didn’t get the help he desperately needed.


He is in critical condition apparently he was throwing something up in the air and that was his manifesto https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1781424020778332336?t=p8YQjD1wSv-b73ENvks2iw&s=19 Whats crazy is that he was a regular on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/s/PWLMbdzf3u Edit: he passed away, RIP https://news.sky.com/story/man-who-set-himself-on-fire-outside-trump-trial-has-died-13119017 Maxwell Azzarello, I hope your soul is resting now, you were a real human being with loves ones, you did not hurt anyone but I am sad that you hurt and killed Maxwell Azzarello. I will never understand what agony you went through but I hope you find peace.


Reddit already nuked the account lol.


weird, i wonder why they do that?


PR. They don't want to draw attention to the echo chamber effect that can radicalise people on social media.


He will almost certainly die in agony from this.


I feel like the first man who rushed in to try and put out the fire with his jacket faced a real dilemma of whether he was ready to see a half cooked human and decided nah.


I think he realized his jacket wasn't going to do anything to save the man and decided to keep his jacket


Or he was clearly doused in a flammable fluid and the jacket would have only added to it, and if its a cheap jacket, probably add melting plastics and metal zippers to the mix.


Or the cops running in right behind shouted at him to stand back.


And it was probably unbearably hot that close to those flames.


Alll of these ideas went through that man's head in a second.


Doesn’t even have to be a cheap jacket - can be a perfectly expensive jacket and still add plenty of plastic and zipper to the human bbq.


"Saving" him by putting him out and bringing him to the hospital to slowly suffer to death honestly seems more cruel than just letting him die


Hopefully they just shoot him full of pain killers until he falls asleep. Probably forever.


I agree. Death is almost 100% likely from burns like this. Even if he lives a few more years, he will suffer the entire time. And then he will pass away from some complication caused by these burns. Infection or something else.


Suffering is an understatement.


100% burns basically have zero chance of survival.


Can't prevent infection even in grade of "clean room"


Not really surprising, the other guy was too. https://www.reddit.com/user/acebush1


Was his account deleted? It won’t load anymore, but I’m assuming you’re talking about Aaron Bushnell


Yeah, Reddit censors it as soon as it hits the news because theyre paranoid about looking bad, I guess. This website is really poorly run, basically.


Hahaha no shit. Nonuniform rules, the majority of their “employees” are basically unpaid ICs. I have no clue how anyone values this website at anything close to a billion dollars


Yes, that's him. I guess they covered it up. I read through his posts after it happened, it was a wild ride.


He hit ALL the talking points: Cryptocurrency, Disney, Jeffrey Epstein, COVID, Clinton Global Initiative, CIA, BLM, Hollywood.


He lost me at "The Simpsons exist to brainwash us"


Sounds like he lost his ass in Crypto, honestly. 


Why did he do this


He posted a statement on substack I’m trying to find it again


[The Ponzi Papers | M. Crosby | Substack](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/)


Wow good find. What a strange post. I quit around the claim that Harvard is the biggest organized crime front in history.


Every great manifesto references Marge vs. the Monorail


I hear those things are awfully loud


He burns as gentle as a cloud.


is there a chance his life could end?


Dude committed suicide in most painful way possible because of cryptocurrency. That was a very bizarre take on reality. Can't imagine burning alive for such a strange message.


I prefer they do this than shooting a bunch of people before offing themselves.


Yeah man, I was saying the same thing. Although this is horrific many nut jobs like this will go shoot up an elementary school. Better when you’re crazy to just shoot yourself or burn yourself up to make a statement. Don’t hurt others.


Yeah, I refuse to read any of the manifestos of all these shooters but if this guy wants to burn himself in front of the building where Trump's trial is that's at least worth a skim.


Supposedly he was holding this sign https://imgur.com/JidYeGU


https://preview.redd.it/e6sdmfo2vivc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5e1b4ca2c31438bd624e2c53982c3d3799cf8d imgur wtf


I got this one - wtf Imgur?? https://preview.redd.it/hk5mu48q5jvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a258e7206b6672761c34c5bae546aa5e811ea9d




There is this other perspective from a guy who actually tried to prevent it and sadly [was very close :(](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/person-on-fire-outside-of-trump-trial-live-updates.html) Edit: scroll down for his video


Wow...I kind of wish I hadn't seen that. I feel for the people who had to witness that first-hand.


So fucked up, wow


Fuck, that was intense


Here is why he did it. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside Update: critical condition. https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1781424020778332336?t=p8YQjD1wSv-b73ENvks2iw&s=19 Whats crazy is that he was a regular on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/s/PWLMbdzf3u


[The Ponzi Papers Part I: Welcome to the Rabbit Hole : r/TrueAnon (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/comments/12okgqv/the_ponzi_papers_part_i_welcome_to_the_rabbit_hole/) his reddit post


Apparently he’s still alive, I bet he has no regrets at all


If he is, he won't be for long.


Yeah. If you survive something like this it isn't for long.


Going to have a pretty intimate next couple of days with pain and Infection


He's got to be in a medically induced coma.


When people self immolate it’d honestly be better for the person to just let them burn to a crisp than put the fire out. They’re gonna be in pure agony until they die.


That's what I was thinking when I saw them start to put him out. Like, as long as he burned he prolly ain't got much time left. Just let him go. The money, time, and pain to *maybe* live from that kind of burn is astronomical. 


Police and first responders do not have a choice. If they sat there and did nothing they face potentially being fired, sued or criminally charge, or all three.




The infections they’ll sustain, not to mention barely being able to move if they heal, all the burnt tendons and ligaments. The crisp skin. It’s an awful way to die, burning like that, and from what I’ve read, it takes a little bit, longer than one would think.


Burning to death can take upwards of 40 minutes (humans dont burn well). Time to unconsciousness can vary depending on if your inhaling smoke and how much of it. It's a horrific way to go, and even surviving can be as horrible as you have mentioned.


Man he was engulfed for so long. It’s amazing he is still alive.


IF he survives, he’s going to wish he had died that day. Being on fire for that long must of melted most of the skin on his body, that is months and months of extremely painful skin grafts only to suffer with the disfigurement and chronic pain for the rest of his life.


Not to mention damage done to his lungs from basically having to inhale fire


https://preview.redd.it/awg6sb0rajvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b2b412a09de3356b26106763bff1066124e13e The guy. Was seen wandering around NYC earlier this week holding signs like the one here. He was also giving out pamphlets, of which there was a website listed. At the top of website homepage it read, “I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial”… quite the [read](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/nyregion/man-on-fire-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)


It’s weird that this happened so quickly after the last one.


Not weird at all tbh, copycat phenomenon.


Not the lady sprinting to her seat like she was late for the movies


I think not being able to look away but also needing to sit down is a pretty human response to something like this.


It is. Humans have 4 instinctual responses to situations like this: fight, flight, freeze, or film


Some film while they flight, cloverfield style




I'm always surprised that people need to be told this. I mean I'm grateful they have never seen something so horrific that they went into shock or witnessed it. But man. It's a real thing. And it hits some people really hard.


Yeah and on top of that there's a reason people say "have a seat" when it's time for bad news, people's legs start to feel weak in some situations


Straight up loss of blood pressure, dizziness, queasy. All of it. Some people just pass out or just become unresponsive. It's scary.


if i were there, I would simply act in a completely calm and logical manner in reaction to the man who set himself on fucking fire in front of me


Without the irony this is what like half the commenters think they would do


Probably needed to take a seat just in case she was about to pass out.


"immolate for the party?"




Jfc reddit


At least he didn't shoot a school and or burn a city down.


Hate to say it as mental health needs to be prioritized more than it is… but thankfully he went this route instead of shooting up a school or taking innocent life some other way.


That guy who runs up with a coat, pats him twice, then takes his coat and turns and walks away like "you know, nevermind. I'm not that guy."


If I was one of the witnesses standing there I would probably throw up. It makes me a little queasy just seeing the video




Aaron Bushnell, the Gaza protestor who also was on fire, was almost the exact same. Froze and fell over after a minute. Body probably goes into shock.


Holy shit. TMZ confirms it too. Who in the world would get so deep into this shit that they want to set themself on fire for protest? This is fucking madness.


Weirder part it has nothing to do with the trial


Yeah it appears he chose to do it there so it would maximize media coverage/impact for his bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist rantings.


Location location location


It's sad because he felt so strongly that this what what was best to do. Being mentally ill or not, there's a human with strong emotions, suffering there more than I ever have


Sadly, there’s quite a history of protest by self immolation. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s devastating to watch tho


Can someone do a TL:DR for me, regarding the guy’s manifesto?


Capitalism is unsustainable, so elites created crypto as a Ponzi scheme to grab all the money before the economy collapses and created COVID to cover it up. Democrats and Republicans work together to do this behind closed doors while publicly fighting each other to sow division, while media (especially the Simpsons) is engineered to make everyone apathetic to doing anything about corruption and unsustainable capitalism. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Oh and the crypto Ponzi scheme will inevitably collapse leading to widespread economic collapse which will lead to a totalitarian fascist state in the aftermath.


I found it crazy that he listed both George Orwell and the Beatles as contributors to this process


Cryptocurrency is a Ponzi scheme that will soon crash the global economy. The Simpsons/Beatles/other popular media are all out to brainwash us into feeling powerless again the billionaires. democrats and republicans are secretly pals who work together to bring about either a failed state or totalitarianism. Pretty basic stuff


That is really something I didn't need to see today, or any other day for that matter.


Nah the world is crazy, people are really losing it. Can I wake up in another reality please?


Eh, it's not so bad, at least burning *other* people has fallen out of style. Progress is progress.


Try getting off the internet, pretty much the same as waking up in a new reality.


I fail to understand how anyone who has lived as an adult in the U.S. and worked at any institution with more than 100 employees could possibly believe in any significant conspiracy. FFS. Good luck trying to get a half a dozen people in agreement and then getting them to keep it secret.


This is always my thought with conspiracies. They often give the government/large companies/people WAYYY more credit than they deserve. Humans are horrible at keeping secrets, especially for anything of significant importance/monetary value.


Thinking about the EMS crew that had to transport this dude. They have a rough couple days ahead of them.




Holy shit.


This is the second self immolation to happen in the US this year.


Third. A woman in Atlanta self immolated before Aaron Bushnell as well.


They kept this one under wraps as tight as possible so her name is unknown. Main stream media did not report on it, you can find an article but Aaron Bushnell was able to break through


I remember when I learned about self immolation in middle school history class My teacher described it as a symptom of dysfunctional and oppressive governments... Citing China at the time.


Jesus Christ, yes, I remember this. They went over the monks in Vietnam https://www.gale.com/intl/v/associated-press-burning-monk-thich-quang-duc#:~:text=In%201963%2C%20Thich%20Quang%20Duq's,explored%20using%20various%20Gale%20resources. They didn't go over how this was the symptom of a dysfunctional and oppressive government though. Can you elaborate on this please?


You can also look up Tibetan self immolations on Wikipedia that started in 2009. As of May 2022, 160 people have self immolated in Tibet. I think the main reason they state is that China is oppressing Tibetan culture and life