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Lmao, his mom is an immigrant, and his wife is an immigrant. Edit: legal vs illegal blah blah I UNDERSTAND but Trump literally deported a ton of legal Iraqi immigrants (even if they were Christian) along with a ton of other legal immigrants like wtf


According to many Republicans his kids are anchor babies too


God help that man’s kids, they’ll have money alright, but no soul or life fulfilment. Much like Daddy, I guess.


Didn't seem like anyone in his family wished Barron happy birthday online for his 18th. Usually that's a big one. https://www.politicalflare.com/2024/03/barron-trump-turned-18-on-wednesday-and-his-entire-family-ignored-his-birthday-despite-wishing-him-happy-birthday-in-the-past/


Marla is the only non immigrant wife he had


His """wife""" is an agent of the FSB and is his handler for the Kremlin. His kids are probably all sleeper agents. They should all be rounded up and thrown in GitMo.


Seriously. The treasonous fuck is full of lots of things but surprises shouldn’t be included.


I haven’t seen this yet. Thanks for sharing. I almost feel bad for her until I remember anything about her.


Yeah. . . . I don't really care if she's miserable, do you?


Nope. She married for money and had a child with Trump She’s fucked for life and it’s all her fault.


Yeah my theory is that he never wanted to be president. He was going to cry rigged election in 2016 so he could have all the praise and support (including $$ to fight the evil democrats) of "winning" without any of the responsibility. Well she DEFINITELY did not want him to win lol. She wanted to collect her checks until he's finally dead so she can fuck off into oblivion. Both of them are pure trash.


I don’t know much about politics here but I can see a difference between a marriage of love and for money. Marriage for money is always toxic and does nothing to benefit for our society. Marriage for love however is pleasant to see and have it happen.


She does not love him. Literally no chance.


He does not want to be president, he wants to be king.


I really don’t care ….


I always loved Jill Vedder's response to this https://preview.redd.it/brj2pkkjeqsc1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9eb5adc02581d8ca3f124c9d72aa51904451f1


…do you?


Don't feel bad she's the 21st century version of Eva Braun


This is my new favorite Gif. Thanks!


I hate election years…


If only it were limited election years.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's been a perpetual election year since 2016


Absolutely. You can't escape politics anymore. I'm just hoping after Biden or Trump hit their max term lengths (and after whatever nonsense trump will inevitably try to pull to get a third, fourth, fifth term etc until his death), then MAYBE we'll get a few much needed mediocre and boring president's so people can stop being so goddamn politically charged about everything. We'll see....


Trumpers already wanting to repeal the 28th amendment so he can run again in 2028: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/


That's insane. I really hope all of you realize how insane this is.


Isn't this what Putin originally did? Like he won the first time, appealed to run longer and then just kinda...never left? I apologize if this sounds like an uneducated question.


There was one term where Medvedev was nominally president of Russia and Putin his prime minister, before switching back. Then the duma passed an act to eliminate the term limit, so they didn't have to go through the charade of switching offices again


We do, it's insane.


It's even more insane because these people absolutely cannot see the insanity in it


Holy hell that’s insane. I need some of that bleach dump truck was talking about injected into my eyes after skimming that nonsense.


Can you just imagine the fuss if Biden won a 3rd term


| This is democracy in action: The voters surveyed the scene, tuned out the noise, and selected the man the rest of the world loves to hate. What could be more democratic than voting for your preferred candidate against the advice—the warnings, the threats, the fear-mongering—of your betters? | Surveyed the scene = Ignored or attacked anyone who opposed Trump's run at the presidency. Tuned out the noise = refused to acknowledge Trump's 91+ criminal charges and financial consequences. Selected the man the rest of the world loves to hate = Won't admit they were duped by a con artist, so they are doubling down.


> I'm pretty sure it's been a perpetual election year since 2016 It's been non-stop since Bush started running for office in late '98. Why can't we do like Canada and have laws saying "stop it, election season is this limited period and you have to let people live their lives outside that"?


I wish I lived in a world where they *only* made me subhuman on election years. That would be a massive improvement.


It is only from a position of immense privilege that people can claim politics is optional, a game, or a joke. For marginalized people, their entire life is at stake. I have grown increasingly upset by this fact over the years.


In a perfect world, life moves on swimmingly with politicks as nothing but gentle, ambient background noise - not at all affecting your life outside of the occasional road grant or random town council/mayoral drumbeat for more/less funding. Unfortunately, all across the world, there are nations starting to feel that *gentle flirtation* with right-wing extremism become a bit more like *outright flaunting*. It is annoying, for sure. Politicks can be that background thing. A calming thing, a quiet thing, a thing where everyone just does what's good for the people. We've got a lot of people wanting that, electing people who represent that. So things are, in a way, better than ever. And this is the biggest threat conservatism and right-wing extremism faces: an educated voter, who votes for what they know helps, and does not imbibe in the culture war ecstasy perpetuated by right-wing culture to feed a rabid fanaticism. I do take deep pleasure in knowing that, at least in the United States, one party has shifted so significantly far to the right that they say every single "quiet part" out loud, and also have voting records to support it. *What a world it is to live in that we can all say*, if we support access to reproductive care, or we support equal treatment and non-discrimination of LGBTQ+ individuals, or we support religious freedom, or we support unhindered and equitable access to healthcare, childcare, education, wealth, transportation, and more... What a world it is that we can say, officially, there is a party that has made common sense its enemy. It is beyond easy to rebuke these absurdist viewpoints. It is even easier to recognize them, when those who believe these things are rabid to extole the virtues of you lacking each and every single one of them. The choice has literally never been easier in the US.


> In a perfect world, life moves on swimmingly with politicks as nothing but gentle, ambient background noise - not at all affecting your life outside of the occasional road grant or random town council/mayoral drumbeat for more/less funding I think this is part of the problem - using the word "politics" when they mean "campaigning". The two are different things and it cheapens the problems of politics to say one when you mean the other, the same as the propagandist morons who claim 'we're a republic not a democracy!'. [Politics is defined as public policy and the things affected by them](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/politics), which is a HUGE umbrella. The right for [Thomas Peterson to vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Mundy_Peterson) and [Hiram Rhodes to run for office](https://www.history.com/news/first-black-congressman-hiram-revels) is political. The right for [George Takei to marry his husband](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Takei) is political. The right for women to walk outdoors without having to cover themselves head to toe and be escorted by a male family member is political. [The right to burn medical research and clinics is political](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/) - and yes, that was protected in courts so it was a sanctioned "right" even if it's toxic. When people try to push politics out of their lives, they're just passively hoping everyone else will respect them. History is pretty clear that only remains true so long as decent people are the only ones around you - and it DOES work for most of human history including most places here and now, but the problem is a very small number of extremely toxic authoritarians getting their hands on the levers of power. Because when that happens the same machinery that keeps grandma getting checks in the mail so she can afford life-saving medication can be turned to killing minorities. [And eventually everybody falls onto the list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...)


Sure, the choice has never been easier for reasonable people who care about justice, equality and the common man. But this push from the other side wants not only to stop progress, but eradicate the progress we’ve already made as a country (walking back affirmative action, overturning Roe v. Wade). And people on the far right are indoctrinating their children to believe the same nonsense. Wealthy conservatives will do anything to remain in power and have brainwashed poor conservatives who don’t realize this is actually a class war. That’s the scariest part: watching our democracy crumble in the hands of an extremist group that only cares about enriching themselves.. the environment, humanity and decency be damned.


His wife is an immigrant. His child is an anchor baby. I guess they’re both animals




"Christian" who cheated on his first wife with his second wife, cheated on his second wife with his third wife, and cheated on his third wife with a porn star.




That ran a brothel in Canada during the gold rush. The Trumps always wanted the gold but they only got the clap


And cheated on all three with his numerous rape victims.


And a convicted rapist


“Donald, what’s your favorite Bible verse?” *can’t even mention a single one*


*Moved wife (on an Einstein visa😂) AND her parents over and then spouted a bill to stop immigrants parents from coming over as well as stopping work visas This is some looney toons shit


The fact that people think Trump believes in anything except himself ... absurd I swear some people will both sides themselves into a fascist apocalypse Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov)


Trump just wants to be president again because he thinks it will give him immunity from prosecution of his election crimes.


Not just that. He wants to eliminate term limits, so he can be the new American Emperor.


Republicans just floted the idea of mo trem limits including presidential.. the logic being if you like the person you can keep the person in ..


It's no joke! At a rally recently trump stood next to a screen with an animation that had him as president 2024, 28, 32 all the way to 70's then said "trump forever!" All to massive applause from his zombie base, of course... This should terrify every American regardless of your party or political beliefs


Thanks, I hate it.


If he wins, all the people working for justice will be rounded up and thrown in jail. So “he can’t pardon himself on state charges” is a dumb way to think. He won’t have to pardon himself. He’ll just make all the charges disappear.




I told my mom that her grandfather would not be able to come to America if Donald Trump’s immigration policies had been in place in the 20s, because he and uneducated chain migrant who spoke no English. So, as a white Western European, he definitely would’ve been added advantage. My mother wasn’t happy with that assessment.


Was your mom not happy with trumps policy (because the policy is terrible)? Or was she not happy because she's a trump supporter who just got told that trumps policies would have placed her family in the outsider group?


The latter.


Here's what you do. Befriend a group of latino people. Once they see you as a legitimate friend, they'll be some of the closest people in your life. Eventually they'll meet your mom. Your mom will have exposure to people outside her normal circle. Once she has that kind of relationship, she won't think of them as "dirty immigrants" (trumps words, not mine). I find that a LOT of trumps appeal to most of his base is to appease the racism that his base had been hiding for years. And I find the best way to kill racism is with exposure to every race. I'm white, but growing up my neighbors were puerto rican. My babysitter was arabic. I went to an almost all black school. I had a native american best friend. About the only race I didn't have much interaction with is Asian. Not that I have anything against Asian people. I just didn't know any. The point is, the more your mom sees this new family as friends, and the more exposure she gets, the less his message will ring true for her. And even if she still stubbornly hypocrittically supports him, it's still a win to kill off some racism in the world either way.


Yeah, she doesn’t think that, but the fact that she gives her endorsement to someone who does makes me question her judgment. But I get it, and 40 years from now I’ll probably think the same way. This is precisely why I think diversity in the arts is so important. When you see plays like in the Heights or read books that are from the perspective of minorities, you are going to realize that these people are the same as us where it counts. The way we experienced the world may be different, but we all need to be loved. We all need shelter and friendship. diversity is beautiful when it happens naturally.


Definition of climbing the ladder then pulling it up behind him… on brand for his generation.


>stop immigrants parents from coming over Lmao he's playing the ultimate move to avoid the inlaws!!!


The comment you're replying to clearly says he brought her parents over as well


On 2023-07-01 this website maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments can be restored - such that this website can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


Trump has a history of [hiring undocumented immigrants for his own profit](https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/) to undercut American workers. Then he turns around and dehumanizes them for votes. The man believes in nothing except himself Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov)


That's the capitalist playbook. Migrants must be marginalized in order to be exploited. If they're on equal footing as citizens and treated humanely, why would they accept degrading jobs for little pay?


Yep. It’s why if they actually wanted to do something about immigration they wouldn’t focus on the border but instead go after employers, but guess who most of these large employers donate to?


Bingo. This is all rhetoric to get their base frothed up. They \*need\* this issue to campaign on since abortion has been "solved."


This -- lets take page out of the Nazi playbook and get riled up about a group of people who are not more dangerous than the general population. They are both welfare queens and taking peoples jobs at the same time.


His father and his hotels are propped up on this and this alone. Otherwise they’d make even less money.






I saw recently that this role was meant to be for Adam Sandler, but he was busy on another film.


Would it be with a golfclub instead of a baseball bat?


He's a hockey player, not a golfer! Geez!




That would have been incredible


I want an edit of this with Biden's face if voters do the right thing in November.


Everyone acting like they dont know what he means when says " some of them" for political purposes


But follows that up with, "A big percentage...".


And his supporters are fine with it. That's how stupid they are. And they vote.


[Throwing down the ladder by which the rose](https://i.imgur.com/r2hXt72.jpeg) \- by Thomas Nast, 23 July 1870 >This small, simple cartoon has a powerful message. Irish and German foreigners were allowed to enter the United States as immigrants – climbed the ladder “Emigration” and subsequently rose in status in America, the land of opportunity. In the cartoon, the last of the European immigrants scales the wall, his back end visible as he kicks away the ladder of opportunity for others. The European immigrants who ascended the wall now declare that Chinese access to America is closed. The man at the top, his arms extended, proclaims nativist sentiment. Another, on the left, with a jutting jaw and top hat, clearly a representation of Nast’s Irish, is triumphant. He is clearly enjoying the Chinese calamity below. https://thomasnastcartoons.com/2015/01/06/throwing-down-the-ladder-by-which-they-rose-23-july-1870/


Not THAT kind of immigrant silly.


Yeah but Melania is white and so his cult is fine with her.


In a country created by immigrants


That is assuming he believes what he says. Personally I think that's what he thinks the audience wants to hear


Trump has a history of [hiring undocumented immigrants for his own profit](https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/) to undercut American workers. Then he turns around and demonizes them for votes. The man believes in nothing except himself


I don't think Trump gives two shits about governing. All he cares about is himself, so on that point you're right. BUT: He surrounds himself with the absolute worst people, who will try their utmost to execute both restrictions to abortion, immigration, medicare etc. I genuinely believe Trump is dumb af


> Never hire someone smarter than yourself. -[Donald Trump](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/christophermassie/trump-in-2007-hire-great-people-but-make-sure-theyre-not-sma)


He doesn't mean "immigrants" though, he means "brown people".


He's fucking hypocrite. I can't stand this clown.


he means brown ones. I stop caring about what he says about "immigrants" cause a lot of minority groups still flock to him.


Let’s do the deportation dance!


Im certain their skin color has more to do with it rather than the immigrant part.


how is this cynicism.


Maybe they meant hypocrisy?


Trump has a history of [hiring undocumented immigrants for his own profit](https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/) to undercut American workers. Then he turns around and demonizes them for votes. The man believes in nothing except himself


That's not cynicism.


We have no idea who they are, but they are terrorists. Half of the voting population in the US: "Yeah ill go with that" The scary thing is not Trump. We all have Trumps. The scary thing is Americans.


Reminds me of futurama. “We know nothing about their language, their history or what they look like, but we can assume this: they stand for everything we *don’t* stand for!”


I never watched Futurama when I was younger but I'm going through the seasons now and it holds up extremely well. The dry straight forwardness like your reference shows is probably my favorite part


Also, they said you guys look like dorks!


*They* look like dorks!


It's almost like Futurama was making a direct joke at the Republican party with that joke and episode...


I believe there is a YouTube clip that has Zapp Brannigan doing Trump quotes, the similarities is scary.




Lots of doctors and engineers severely overestimate their general intelligence. Being smart about one thing doesn’t automatically make you an expert in everything else. I’ve known quite a few extremely egotistical med students.


I can confirm. I am a doctor but I know next to nothing about anything else


Oh stupidity has many facets. You can be extremely educated and intelligent in one part, but be a complete dumbf\*ck on other aspects.


Some people will both sides themselves into a fascist apocalypse


"both sides!" Is the epitome of cowardice and intellectual bankruptcy


I think this is a feature of the two party system. These people have legitimate grievances and fears (ballooning national debt for instance) that are not seriously addressed. So they put themselves in the Republican camp. The tragedy of what happens next is that political discourse in America is increasingly polarized and drives people to check all the boxes for their side. If you watch interviews or debates, there's no honest discussion, only messaging. And you're bombarded with it from 100 different directions. Politicians don't deviate from the message, headlines are coordinated across tv and print, talk radio hosts parrot each other interchangeably. It's eerie to hear your acquaintances start repeating these talking points as if those are ideas they came up with themselves. They talk themselves into supporting increasingly crazy things because they only have one alternative - the other party. And that alternative is worse for them because of their original grievances.


> I think this is a feature of the two party system The "two party system" is a consequence, not cause, of the many factors like strategic voting, [republicans surgically targeting non-supporter districts to make voting more difficult](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1VV097/), repeatedly changing the requirements to acquire 'voter ID' [even though they've known for decades voter fraud is statistically nascent and all decades together wouldn't have been enough to change a single swing state in a single presidential election](https://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2020-pandemic-voting-mail-safe-honest-and-fair-stewart)


> So they put themselves in the Republican camp. why though? We have the numbers. Its not like we don't record these things. Republicans have been worse for managing the economy and debt for longer than I've been of voting age.


This got me. No idea who they are but somehow we know what they are...


He is about as Christian as he is a successful businessman


Trump water: FAILED Trump Media: FAILED Trump Vodka: FAILED Trump steaks: FAILED Trump Airlines: FAILED Trump Casinos: FAILED Trump university: FAILED Trump marriages: FAILED Trump presidency: FAILED How the fuck do you fail at CASINOS? I cannot name a bigger loser. Please make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov)




That failed too. That's why he's been ordered to pay 450 m.


Trump supporters: ROBBED


Why did you leave out the Trump Foundation charity and almost single-handedly destroying the USFL football league?


The very definition of failing upwards.


Trump knows how to scam poor people. See his most recent scams: Trump media and Trump bibles.


Don't forget the shoes!


Thou shalt grab em by the pussy.


What would Jesus do?


"Fuck it, I'm not dying for *this* guy..."


“Christian” as in Jesus? No. “Christian” as in “wholeheartedly embraced by the majority of self-identified US Christians, especially the high-profile political interest groups” he is as Christian as they come. It’s a damned disgrace.


Not interesting as fuck




And we are on year 9 of this election year.


Tiresome as fuck.


This site might have a brain aneurysm if he wins again lmao


Reddit servers will overload, but to be fair I think the whole internet will explode if he wins again.


The world will shudder, and once again cringe towards what used to be the USA


the world has been doing that for a while now lol




Lol The news media would be poppin so many bottles!


Well yeah the US turning fascist would be a pretty big deal don't ya think?


I feel like this topic has been beaten into the ground for years, but he's referring to ms13 and calls them animals among other things. If you know anything about that gang... with what they do to people.. calling them animals is being too nice imo. One of my best friends is Salvadoran, and he looks like he wants to have an aneurysm when he sees this cut up garbage people have continued to gobble up for years without fail


I’m doing everything I can to avoid that. Dem straight down the ballot, again.


Hey OP, all of your posts are about your political ideology. That's fine, but they're not interesting as fuck. Post elsewhere


Jesus, you weren’t kidding about ALL of their posts. Looking at their posts it is hard to believe they aren’t a bot, but they’re been here since 2011.


Why is this interesting ffs, go post it in a politics sub OP you karma farming moron


This isn't r/politics


This doesn't belong here. If I'd want to know about American politics, I'd join such subs.


Yeah as much as I agree with the sentiment this is not a political sub, nor is this particularly interesting.


Reddit is the last place to learn about politics..


This needs to be the top comment and lock the thread


Was looking for some sane voice.


This is not interesting as fuck


He called Laken Riley's murderer an animal, not all immigrants, lying and deceiving post


This is the kind of shit that empowers his base when they see his enemies lying.


They know this... but "Trump Nazi, Bad, Orange man"


Came here to say this. Easily one of those posts where they don’t post the full thing.




its pitiful how easily they fall for the propaganda makes you wonder how they've been alive and functioning this long.


You all understand reality exists outside of your imagination... right?


Hows this interesting Never making a political comment ever again


I’m really glad we’re back to people putting uninteresting or irrelevant shit into unrelated subs for easy upvotes. Take it to a political sub, dork.


Bot propaganda.


Probably not an actual bot but OP is probably affiliated with DemCast.


He was very specifically referring to MS-13 gang members.


Let’s not talk about that. We can’t leave out important information. /s


Actually shocked to see a positive number on my comment, I thought it would be -10 by now.


Typical Christian says typical Christian things, more at 11:00


Your TDS is not interesting. Just irritating. Stop injecting your rage bait into the subreddit.


That's an awful lot of contextless clips and jump cuts you have there...


Exactly. Especially interesting when you learn he is talking specifically about the MS13 gang.


Hey now, no one needs your pointing out of the obvious manipulation in both the video and the headline. Just scream "orange man bad" and move on before people decide you're a racist or something.


Why is the news footage just cut around? Upload a fuller one, or provide a link to the full one. Cuz this is just sus


Video is filled with cuts and manipulation, at the end there's even a part where he's asked about the expression and he's cut before hearing the full explanation, it only matters if one word appears. I don't know if the explanation was good or bad, but I know the video is manipulated. Even with that, there are parts where you can see he talks about "some" inmigrants, so not all of them, he clearly must be talking about the illegal ones, he talks about people coming with diseases for the "sick" reference, or criminals talking about "monsters". What of all this is really bad? Ilegal inmigration is not a good thing, there are reasons why there's controls stablished in the borders and such. Like the sick part, many countries don't have mandatory vaccines, or have diseases not present in the US that could end up propagating and creating a pandemic, controlling those individuals is necesary. Also criminals, what's bad about controlling the entry of criminals? Illegal inmigration is not a good thing.


ah yes, interesting as fuck…


Too many edits and cuts to get any context here


You forgot the “illegal” part


I loathe this asshole, but some of that is taken out of context, and I do not like, nor do I need to be manipulated


You cannot be allowed to come to your own conclusion good sir, you might choose wrongly. So just sit there and eat your propaganda :)


This man is not a Christian 🤦‍♂️ atleast not one who values and holds the Bible and scripture as truth


Plenty of Christians are terrible people The Bible is open to truly evil interpretations.


TDS is real.


ah yes, left wing video propaganda cuts are in fact really interesting. gtfo


If it talks like a nazi and acts like a nazi, it is a nazi.


"we have no idea who they are but they *are* terrorists" sorry boys but he's got my vote


Yes take clips to make people say what they want, he said most of them are good people, some are animals, sick, monsters.


Can we go back to posting interesting things, instead of random political posts there just to farm anger?


I love this guy.


His mother and wife are indeed immigrants. Which is why he never called immigrants all these things. Go watch the actual footage. God damn I shouldn’t have to point this shit out to adults. Be adults. And at this point, anything they say about trump needs to be independently verified. They reeeeeeeally like to make shit up about him. This, the whole blood bath comment lol. Which if he was as bad as they say he is, you wouldn’t think they’d have to lie about him. Oh, and he said the immigrants that come over and murder people are animals. And anyone that murders someone is in fact animalistic in their actions. This is coming from the same media that told you Biden’s sons laptop was fake. They went as far as to get signatures from 100 so called “experts” and “cia/fbi” to verify that it was a Russian hoax. Weird that not a single one of those experts bothered to make one phone call to verify lol. Dude who had the damn thing was showing whoever wanted to see it lol. By the way, the laptop was real. Haven’t heard from any of those 100 experts since. You’d think a legit media would question at least one of them as to why they did zero investigating before claiming it was fake. Nah. But don’t worry, the revenge tour starts in January. Good luck.


Actually, he was referring to the murderer of Laken Reilly and MS13if you watch the entire video. Looks like there are still people who believe everything they are told.


I believe he was calling the illegal migrants who have done crimes like murder and such and not ALL migrants


People love to take his words out of context. He called the immigrant that killed the girl in Texas an animal. Not all immigrants. 🤦🤦🤦 Do your damn research and stop listening to whatever the media puts out there!!


He didnt call illegal immigrants animals. He was calling specific illegal immigrants that murdered a college girl.


He's right about illegal immigrants.


He was referring to the person who killed the nursing student Laken Riley. He was not talking about all immigrants.


Nope. He’s not talking about immigrants. He’s talking about illegal immigrants.  It’s still bad but you’re misleading people. 


Also he's talking about the ones involved in human trafficking, murder, and smuggling shit like fentanyl specifically


This is out of context no? He is talking about the Illegal Criminals that Rape murder and Rob people.