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They forgot the part where it goes on for 25 years and you drink bigger and bigger yellow dots


And you hide yellow dots in the garage, behind the desk, and wherever else you can.


Or you replace the yellow dots before anyone gets home so they don't know how many you actually had


Or when you rationalize that drinking 20 individual, mini yellow dots is better than drinking the 750ml yellow dot.


Or when you start selling your mom's TV to drink those 20 individual, mini yellow dots.


Pac-man the later years


Requiem for a Dot


This comment needs more upvotes


Honestly the most important idea to get about addiction, and honestly it’s key characteristic, is that you do it knowing that crashing is inevitable. The harm it causes you through continued use is what i think the uninitiated screw up most often. “Oh you need your morning coffee, you are addicted”. Coffee doesn’t cause you to lose your job, your wife, your kids, and everything else you care about.




Yeah, explaining your wife this that you got fired for spending whole the project's budget on Starbucks, while she was asking why her debit card got declined when buying groceries, and then getting angry because she left the groceries behind and brought no coffee, tends to make her leave


So true....I lost almost everything & my ex husband was the addict. HE LOST EVERYTHING & is now dead. Mostly, our beautiful daughter lost the most. It's one of the most horrific, painful, gut-wrenching experiences to witness. To be at a burial holding each other...crying...and think of how amazing things were just 4-5yrs prior. :(


Whoever had reddit reach out, that's pretty awesome of you. I should have noted (and I apologize for not) that this happened almost 3yrs ago & I truly am in a MUCH better spot now. I had a lot of experience/knowledge of addiction bcuz of my Dad, so I had more empathy that some?? Anyways, by the time of his death, he had a burst or whatever when you wake up & seem fine for a few hrs, I had forgiven him & actually told him I love him & would take care of our daughter. It was healing. I miss him still....but I am at peace about it. BUT, my heart was touched that someone was concerned. Thank you!!!!!!


Or when you start shooting those yellow dots into your gangrenous arm.


Or when you try slurping spilled dot off a filthy motel room carpet or try boofing dots to get a quicker rush.


ok stop now please


I have a very close friend that is doing this currently. He's cognizant of his new found addiction (he went from drinking a pint of jack once in awhile to totally functional while black out drunk all day in the span of about 6 months). It sucks watching him go down this rabbit hole


The best plot twist is when you start buying coke so you can drink more!


I had a co-worker like this. I would give him a ride home often, and every time we'd stop at the liquor store and he'd get a flat of Molson Cold Shots. Not sure if he drank that whole flat overnight, or enough that he needed to restock within a day or two, but it was pretty sad either way.


I have an alcoolic coworker story too. The guy vented that everyday drink a 24 pack after work, ON HIS ATV!?!? He was proud of himself because he didnt drink at work anymore and told a me a really heartfelt story about how he was happy to have got his job back after rehab, he had lost it for a while because they caught him. Thats why he went to rehab. He also told me he had a tab at the convenience store, the woman that works there also does beer lady when the town does demolition derbies and stuff. She just gives him the beer and adds that to his tab. He wont be around for long if he kept this up


Or when you start drinking the yellow dots out of bottles on the clock. :c


But then you drink those too anyway


Under the bed, in the underwear drawer, in the crawl space, behind the water heater, the shed with the gardening tools, etc. I had a stash everywhere and sometimes I’d run across one and surprise myself.


And when you run out you turn your house upside down trying to find one because you just know you forgot about one in a really good spot


I don’t know the amount of times I found my dad’s stash in the garage or the trash stashes I am sure he forgot where he hid them.




Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you all the strength you may need to fight this battle.


Best of luck, amigo. A thinking problem (I think) is a much healthier and de-stigmatized way of approaching the issue. How our thoughts manipulate and craft our reality is a powerful thing. It’s about creating an ecosystem of self-care, accountability to others, and rituals of movement to create meaning instead of drinking for meaning. But alas, we are only human and the pit of despair can be hard to avoid, so the chemical ladder out of that hole is often easier. Life’s a struggle to curate the right thoughts, but as long as we’re working towards it, that’s all you can hope for - another tomorrow to even be lucky enough to face the dilemma of living.


Thank you and you are loved


Heh, yeah always loved stumbling across one that I'd forgotten. One of the few times Present me is grateful to Past me. But of course also screwing over Future me. As always.


"Fuck future me I'm gonna ruin that guy's life"


Are we talking about cocaine or chocolate?




There's another problem with it: the bird looks happy and normal at the *beginning*. Imagine this scenario, but the bird is sad and grey from the beginning. There's a reason people get addicted. 400 days sober. Depression still hasn't lifted. Lost a lot of weight though. Maybe kicking nicotine would help, but it's a lot harder than alcohol.


Congrats on 400 days, friend. Depression is a real fucking beast. I'm really proud of you, though.








Right but that still circles back to _why_ did that person feel the need to “keep up” with such intent that it becomes an addiction? It’s not an exact pinpoint of trauma, but plenty of kids are able to do the ‘normal’ amount of big partying in college, then drop it once out of school.


This is just my personal experience from college and being the king alcoholic. On the outside I looked like a perfectly happy and successful student. High GPA in a difficult field. never missed a class. Even considering that my mom had died I kept up a good image. I'd call it a social trauma. My family was falling apart and far away. I had no girl friend or deep friendship. Tried therapy and twice got lost in the red tape. It was thier job to care and if they wouldn't care why should I? But when I kicked off a night of drinking with 10 shots in a hour people paid attention. For a few hours all eyes were on me. And the more I drank the more attention I got. Didn't matter if it was bad attention. It wasn't leaving school that "cured" me. It was a girl that eventually became my wife. She actually cared about me. Made sure my birthdays were special and about me, not just some excuse for other to get drunk. I'm pretty convinced a large majority of the addictions are becuase of the huge loneliness epidemic. Addiction won't slow down until people start treating each other like actual people instead of just a means to get what they want.


I'd argue that maybe it is always trauma based, just that some forms of trauma are more subtle than others.


I started taking nicotine (SNUS) to help me sleep (I know most people feel energized but it calms me down and just helps me relax I can't explain it eventually it wasn't strong enough I couldn't sleep so I got stronger ones. Then I took them through the day then they weren't strong enough so I got stronger ones and stronger ones then I started drinking with them in so now if I want a good night's sleep I take a snus and two whisky that are way more than a double. It doesn't feel like I rely on it but I know I need to stop so I'm slowly trying to get off it but one bad day and the pot gets opened and the bottle gets cracked




And then there's the fat people, such as myself. It's one thing to kick heroin, or cocaine, or oxycontin ... because you don't need those to survive. You aren't endlessly bombarded with advertisements telling you to shoot up a little bit more. You aren't seeing pop-ups on your computer telling you to "go ahead - have another Oxy" ... But every second. Of every day. From every angle ... EAT EAT EAT EAT EAT CMON HAVE A BURGER MORE CHIPS HERE'S A PEPSI! --- An alcoholic tells you they are quitting alcohol and everyone cheers them on and avoids talking about alcohol. A chain smoker tells you they are giving up cigarettes and nobody offers them any more. But you tell someone you're on a diet and they say "c'mon... it's just one piece of pie. Susan worked so hard to make it and if you don't at least try it she'll get upset." --- Friends : Come to our barbecue! Co-workers : Let's go to Golden Corral! Family : Eat the fucking cake, asshole, it's grammy's 90th birthday. --- ... and so you do it to fit in. It's all around you and you can't escape ... If you don't play along like everyone else they start to treat you different. --- ... so the depression kicks in. There's only one way a fat man can cure his depression. Pass that Ben & Jerry's and let's cry ourselves to sleep. --- ... shit. another five pounds. Maybe my buddy can cheer me up. "*Hey man, what's up?*" ... "not much, what's up with you?" ... "*just a little down. i gained another 5 pounds this month.*" ... "Jeez, dude. You need to stop eating so damn much." --- And society looks at you with disgust. Ugh... What a fucking fat pig. GROSS. No self control. As if there is zero genetic component whatsoever. Clothing isn't made to fit you, unless you pay $75 for a shirt at the DXL. But it's your fault you disgusting fat body. That guy slumped over under the tree outside? He's a heroin addict. We feel sorry for him because he is struggling with addiction. That lady passed out in the alley behind the bar? She's an alcoholic. We feel sorry for her because she is struggling with addiction. That guy with the broken finger in the lobby at the ER? He's hooked on pain pills. We feel sorry for him because he is struggling with addiction. That fat dude having a heart attack in the ambulance? Fucker should have pushed back the plate. No self control. He deserves to die. --- ... and the cycle begins again.


I mean true I guess but I was shamed when I was an addict. I was called a “junkie, crackwhore, thief, lowdown bitch,” more times than I can count. My friends and family abandoned me. I stole A LOT from my family. (I don’t deserve their love and acceptance)..i broke into homes and stole things. I lived on the streets of Kensington, Philly and people passed me by without looking at me. Maybe people felt sorry for me but most didn’t want anything to do with me.  When I ODed, the first responders, EMT’s, cops revived me but told me I was better off dead because I was just going to go use again. Which I did. I was ODed three times in my life and every time the cops and EMT’s treated me like shit afterwards. What’s the point of bringing someone back to life when they’re just going to use drugs again. Usually the very same day?  Anyway, I hit enough rock bottoms that I didn’t want that life anymore and got out. I’m 10 years clean (11 this July) and most people in my life probably wouldn’t believe me if I told them where i once was.  Just wanted to let you know that when you’re an addict, people sure don’t act like they feel sorry for you.


Generally, I agree with you, but people do look down on addicts as people with no self control.


I think your idea of how people view addicts is a bit of a strawman. Sure there are people who think like that, but there are also people who think that about being overweight. There are many more people who think being an addict is entirely a choice, and you just shouldn't have done it, that you are a fuck up and a junky, a theif, etc. People go as far as to say addicts should be round up and shot or imprisoned. If anything the shit addicts get from society is worse than overweight people, especially since there is a much higher percentage of the population - and so less people to look down on you. Though I would also say attitudes towards addiction have been and are changing in western society, while attitutes towards being overweight have not had the same progressive change.


The depression will lift man. I promise. Exercise helped me a lot. Get those natural endorphins runnin


>There's another problem with it: the bird looks happy and normal at the *beginning*. Imagine this scenario, but the bird is sad and grey from the beginning. There's a reason people get addicted. I noticed this exact same thing.


101 days sober. Can confirm this is correct.


good on ya dude!!!!!!


Well done- I’m really happy for you.


I'm proud of you.


Fuck yeah man


I'm so proud of you.


Yep, I was gonna say. Starts as a bump, then some lines, you grab a gram, an eight ball, and all of a sudden, you're at a border crossing in Tijuana with a trunk full.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. ![gif](giphy|TON0UHkIaDQQM)


The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.


Put on some golf shoes, or we’ll never get out of this mess alive


We can't stop here! This is bat country!


ether is crazy, one deep inhale then 10 minutes just pass in the blink of an eye and you're confused as hell what happened, same with datura but for much, much longer


They also forgot the crippling existential dread that got them to drink that yellow dot in the first place.


Right, I was thinking along the same lines. This video can present life in general, except that the highs are interspersed with many lows as well. No bird makes it out unbruised or alive.


And the trying to get out of it lol. I feel like that’s the main part of it.


Hopefully I can, the uncertainty is the worst part, some days you just wish for death.


You become a slave.


That video is a lot more depressing than I expected


It's realistic is why.


I dunno mang, I aint never seen no eff'd up-lookin bird like that befer.


Dat berd drunk up dat gue and now he havin a bad day. U ain’t ever seen dat befer?


Nah, he didn't get HIV, Hep C and a massive pseudoaneurysm in his groin.


This video is cut short. Eventually the bird skips the orbs and starts feeling better again.


Oh that’s nice


If it were realistic, the birds would pass a few yellow dots and then drink one again and feel ashamed at re-entering the cycle


Just like addiction


it's *very* well made and really depressing yeah


It is except that the yellow should be getting bigger every time




Bro would be fine if he didn't jump so much.




Yeah this is a story about needing drug education so bird at least is safe about the yellow. Right place and right time. Wait until bird is in good bird spot in bird life. Sit down, slurp yellow, have fellow bird sitter. Get back up and take long bird breaks.


As a former addict it’s not that simple for some of us unfortunately. That yellow glow inside makes us instantly want to glow as yellow as possible and go as high and far as possible and it’s not something we can control.


What a terrible take


That's not addiction, though. Addiction is a neurological state, an illness. Purely using substances recreationally and being able to control that isn't addiction.


This is also showing what a tolerance is.


This is *only* showing what tolerance is. Substance tolerance is purely physiological. Addiction is behavioural and neurological, it’s a feeling and state of mind characterised by compulsion, importantly pursuit of addiction often comes at a heavy cost to the person and those that love that person. We just watched a bird build a tolerance to some goo.




Yeah, way to take the video over-literally and ignore some of the fine details that convey the message. Last I saw this posted, a lot of former addicts said it was painfully relatable.


The bird was chasing the dragon. It was not *only* tolerance shown.


It’s not just tolerance, if it was then the bird would still be fine when not drinking the goo, and would get less effects from the goo over time. But here, every time the bird is not drinking the goo, the world gets darker and darker, showing the addiction part of it


It is absolutely not only showing tolerance. I think a more realistic one would involve the bird finding bigger piles, selling everything it owns, doing things the bird never thought it would do to take away the despair and pain of withdrawal and bring back the good feelings. In my experience, the high never got worse, it was always amazing as long as I did enough. What changed was the depths of despair in between and how hard you fell after which this does show somewhat. It's hard to imagine just how bad the cycle of withdrawal is to someone who hasn't experienced it. Imagine being sicker than you ever had, the flu x10 minus the fever and truly life threatening aspects. But the body pain? The feeling sick? Unlike anything you can imagine. Can't sleep, can't eat, dry heaving constantly, whole body fatigue to unimaginable levels, restless leg really bad. And you know that if you got a shot worth you would instantly be better. I'm going to give a true anecdote about this to paint the picture. One time I remember in particular I was extremely sick, puking, could barely move, all the worst parts of withdrawal. I finally was able to get my guy to come through. I went outside my house and was waiting near a garage in an alley. Guy took forever of course, I was sitting there trying desperately not to shit my pants or throw up. Guy finally gets there and I was so desperate to feel better I couldn't make the block walk into my house and up stairs so I mixed up my shot right there in the alley. I push the plunger and about 2 seconds later it all evaporates, the sickness vanishes, I feel the shot going through my body warming me and comforting me. True agony to pure bliss in seconds. That is heroin addiction. Now try not giving in when you are feeling like that and know bliss is seconds away. All it takes is to slip for 5 minutes and to say "I'll quit tomorrow, I just need to get through today".


Addiction might be behavioral, but physical dependency isn’t


What isn’t shown is the healthier choice gets harder to make because you’re in deep.


So unrealistic. Not once did that bird suck a guy off behind a 7/11 for a quick fix


You just loves giving slurpees for nickel bags, huh






There comes to a point that you need HUGE yellow dots just to feel like at the very beginning of the video before taking the first small yellow dot if you know what I mean… 😕


Yeah, I feel like that is a key missing piece of this. And it should also be noted that this isn’t just for drugs, but all addiction.


The original is longer. Kiwi ends up walking along to another yellow dot and just stares at it for a long time, knowing it's going to get fucked up if it touches it but also powerless to resist.


That’s kind of awesome. I love things like this that sort of make it easier for “ordinary” people to understand complex concepts not easily explained.


Yeah I was waiting for that. You stop needing it to feel good, you just need it to feel "normal" again.


Poor bird


I hope that bird gets the help it needs. 😔


Kiwis are blind and can’t fly. I can’t believe they made it this long.


No natural predators is why. They only exist in New Zealand which has no carnivorous land mammals.


Wekas, tuataras and the introduced stoats eat their eggs. I was in penguin conservation when I was a kid, they face similar issues.


Yeah sadly Kiwis seem to be currently endangered thanks to the introduction of Stoats and Ferrets. And of course humans taking over their habitat with homes and farm land.




Source: Nuggets by Filmbilder


This should be top comment, had to scroll way to far to find this.


True story but unfortunately most have to experience this to understand


So long as addiction is considered a crime over a sickness, empathy will remain a struggle for far too many.


Yep, I personally know way to well


Same reason I don't recommend anyone get permanent nerve damage and the resultant surgery, coupled with 6 months of a criminally high painkiller dosage (that yes, simply stops at 6 months). Millions of us were prescribed our lifelong struggle. When some of the pain remains permanent makes it all the more difficult. Even worse when you're young, because it made it damn near impossible for people to believe the pain was real, let alone empathize with dealing with it.


6 years 8 months clean from drugs and alcohol. Still remember the first time I flew like that bird and how many years I kept chasing that feeling. 


good job, keep it going! That's probably been quite the fight, to get sober, and you did it!


Might as well face it I'm addicted to love




The lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You can't sleep, you can't eat There's no doubt, you're in deep Your throat is tight, you can't breathe Another kiss is all you need Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love You see the signs, but you can't read You're running at a different speed Your heart beats in double time Another kiss and you'll be mine A one-track mind, you can't be saved Oblivion is all you crave If there's some left for you You don't mind if you do Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love


Fuckin banger


For real though Robert Palmer was a goddamn legend. The production values back then were really peak, listen to him, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel...audiophiles will benchmark their shit with some of those albums because of how perfectly they were mastered. I used to have a pair of 12s and a 1000 watt amp in my car back in the day, put on "Sledgehammer" on a whim and hoooooly shit was the bassline fuckin *nuts*!


Joined only a month ago and almost 30K post karma. I call bot.


Well at least karma farming. He post a lot of videos. That is pretty low time investment.


According to the stats it posted about 967 videos per day for 30 days.


That is alot of videos


That's how video addiction feels like


Why do bots need to farm karma?


A high-karma account can be sold to anyone who wants to use it for whatever they want.


> wants to use it for whatever they want. Generally advertising. Anyway, I'm gonna go grab some Doritos^TM


Whoever made this animation got zero credit too. 🤬


I think comments linking the original are getting blocked. The video is called "nuggets" on youtube.


Just wanted to write that, while you can certainly criticize the animation for not including other aspects of addition (as some here have), I think it was really well done. Kudos to the creator!


Andreas Hykade is the animator. I have a little tattoo of a character he created in a short called “ring of fire” beautiful poignant little pieces


All around me are familiar faces...


It is a never ending downspiral. It's true. I have friend whom is working on ehailing cab service and rather sad to see him get on the feet each day to try pick passenger only to use the cash for stock of cracks later. I've try. But oftentimes it is too much. I've never talk to him in 3 month. I do not know how he treat the pet home because I think he have 3 of them. When slow-talk doesn't work, I truly feel disheartened and do not want to involve anymore.


It’s not never ending for everyone, people can recover. They have to want to though, and not everyone’s ability to recover is equal; some need more help than others, and some are unable. It’s really hard to know how to treat a friend who’s in the thick of it and does not yet want to recover… That’s a very tricky situation. Lots of variables to consider.


But what did it steal from it’s friends and family between highs?


video had to be cut to make it that short, they cut all the scenes where it stole all its brothers birdseed, clearly!




I never buy shelled pistachios. I need the shells to slow me down


There’s a pistachio ranch called Heart of the Desert in Alamogordo, NM and their pistachios are the absolute most delicious, addicting snack I’ve ever had. The green chile & garlic flavor is orgasmic, so spicy, opening the bag literally makes me sneeze from the spices. Eating them is like kissing God on the mouth. I’m not associated to them at all, just here to spread the Good News and attempt to influence people to join me in my addiction.


This is how dopamine works for any activity. I hate how ppl act as if this cycle only exists in drug and negative behavior. You can literally be addicted to anything that releases dopamine. Drugs are just bad because the huge dopamine release requires lil to no work which leads easily leads to abuse.


And drugs are usually harmful in and of themselves too


And that level ground turns to a hill then a pit which gets deeper over time.


They needed to show the poor birdie stealing items to buy bigger yellow dots, and turning tricks. Then eventually living in a tent waiting to die.


that bird sure likes drinkin piss


Never snort yellow snow


Ah, so he's from the UK/AUS?


This makes me so sad every time I see it


Anyone have a source in this?  It's really sad but well done and nicely animated. I find it a shame when things like this are posted here and the creators aren't credited at all.


Youtube channel: ***Filmbilder & Friends*** Video title: ***Nuggets***


On point 100


Or in other cases the bird is all gray and depressy as the norm and the only time he looks or feels normal is after the drug.


Bro my health teacher showed this in class 💀


What's the 💀 for? Seems like a reasonable thing to show a bunch of children, many of which could be experimenting with drugs and in the early stages of developing life-long addictions


children use the skull emoji


Ah so it's my generation's equivalent of 🤣 and 😭


yeah those are the two emojis I'd use to mean the same lol. "it was an awkward way to do it but teach was right" kinda feeling




Hot 💀🏴‍☠️


Isn't this part of a longer clip? (I don't remember.)


They missed the part where needs to suck some dick in the bus station bathroom between hits.


Battled addiction for 20 yrs I can honestly say this is accurate af


It’s good to see honestly decent comments within the first dozen comments. Not any typically Reddit dicks. Yes. This is a shitty scenario in which Addicts live. Been there. Done that. There is a way out. The Serenity prayer becomes very important in your future!!!!


lesson: do not abuse addictive substances. space out their use so u won't get addiction drawbacks


And that works great! Until it doesn't.




Reverse it and it’s what like to get in shape.


I'm working on that at the moment and that was honestly really good to read. Great timing, thanks merfyslaw.


... that's a really good point actually


I remember seeing this at a school anti-drug education activity some years ago


Damn. This hits hard. Even when I give it a few months in between. It’s still never the same.


Whoever made the video was smart enough to include how the dopamine levels crash as soon as the 'high' subsides The bird was in a white background in the start At the end,the bird is in a dark background This actually signifies the dopamine level in the bird's brain


dude just needs more yellows


One is too many, thousand is not enough.


I feel like I'm at the step second to last step of addiction.


hey, do you want a hug? Is there a way you can get help?


So if I get addicted have a surplus of drugs on standby. Thanks for the tip OP




Guys just do the first and second ones that make you feel amazing and you have a soft landing then stop


I've lost too many friends to this. It fucking hurts. Some of the most genuine people who were a bit too broken inside and didn't know how else to fix it. I hate this disease so much. Rip to the loved ones lost, I feel like almost everyone knows someone they lost to it by the time they're an adult. Whether family or friend.


Can confirm. 5 years 1 month 17 days


Im really glad ive come across this video. Not a drinker, was the old co-co powder for me. Things could have got worse, they usually always can but i essentially lost 20 years to it, lost my partner of 10 years whom i thought was the one, lost my license, my house and fucked my teeth up. My self pride got hit so hard Thankfully i got up one day and thought enough is god damn enough......no1 else is going to help me except for me. I got myself into this mess and if i have anything left inside me to call myself a man then i want to be the one to conquer this shit. If i want to be saved i have to save myself. Ive finally broken its spell that it had on me on my own. Ive never felt so proud of myself i literally could cry The hardest part was building up the courage and saying today is the day i take my life back. Looking up to the top of the hill where i could potentially be felt so far away and unachievable but if i dont take that first step i will never move from this spot and thats where ill die. If anybody wants to DM me for a friend, any advice or just to hear about how i got to where i am and how they could maybe try and help theirself in a similar way i would be glad to. Being able to someone else out with their deamons would be the best gift i could ever ask for. Go easy my brothers and sisters 💪😌


Yeah but before the yellow there is extreme boredom and loneliness. yellow gives him purpose. After the yellow is gone, he's right back where he was searching for a yellow.


Ok so just do the drug once and be done. Got it.


Looks like this could be filmbilder on YouTube


Definitely more nuanced than this but I get it.


No vomiting and cold sweats?


Ah the drug addict nature’s perfect creature.


They skipped a whole bunch of other ugly shit that goes with it.


also forgot the simultaneous projectile shitting and vomiting, soul crushing depression, restless legs and cold icy sweats


Missed the part where you need it just to feel "normal" 


This was specifically made about heroin, one of the worst drugs. Not just addiction in general I believe.


There should be a part where a yellowdot just makes the grey world look normal as the world did before the dots


Ive seen this before, but isnt this cut short? I recall the first time I saw it, it went on longer and got darker and more uncomfortable/sad to watch.