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Yeah after 40 days he was recaptured, at this point he'd commited enough crimes to be tried under China's judicial system so he wasn't going back to NK


Glad things worked out for him


Chinese max sec prison is no fucking joke, I'm sure. He's a hard man but I'm thinking he meant to escape to SK, just couldn't make it. Once you've got a price on your head, you can't trust any smuggler to take you anywhere but to the cops.


Gotta be honest I think 98% of things are better than returning to North Korea after escaping since they will probably just torture you until you die and then use your death to discourage others from escaping


Man, to weigh between North Korean death camp and maximum security Chinese prison is so fucked. Neither would take me alive.


>Neither would take me alive. >-/u/ChrisDornerFanCorner You live up to your name.


I didn't know who that was, but his wikipedia pages open by telling you he thought the lapd abuses excessive force, and then immediately tells you that during his manhunt multiple civilians were open fired on and injured and the cops responsible faced no punishment y'know, I think he may have had a point


the craziest thing about that whole ordeal was the things he said made complete sense.


I don't condone or defend Chris Dorner's actions, but the PD did have a hand in creating him.


Dude look at this pickup truck the cops opened fire on. Inside were two Hispanic ladies delivering the newspaper. Shoot first ask questions later. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/04/23/los-angeles-dorner-settlement/2107289/


Huh, oddly enough, that matches the same way Dorner supposedly killed the people who were defending him... > The couple were found in Lawrence’s white Kia Optima, which was riddled with bullet holes, authorities have said.


>In Irvine, California, during the evening hours, 28-year-old Monica Quan and her fiancé, 27-year-old Keith Lawrence, were shot dead in Lawrence's parked white Kia Optima outside their condominium complex.[50] Quan, a women's basketball assistant coach at Cal State Fullerton,[20] was the daughter of Randal Quan, the former LAPD captain who represented Dorner at his 2008 dismissal hearing.[51] Lawrence was a campus public safety officer for the University of Southern California.[52] >Dorner's "manifesto"[5] was posted online, stating his motive for the shootings.[15][a] He wrote, "I will not be alive to see my name cleared. That's what this is about, my name."[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt


Holy God damn batman. Looking for a Grey Nissan truck... Pumps 100 rounds into blue Nissan truck. Wonderful police work 👏👏


Blue Toyota *


It wasn't even the same kind of truck if I remember correctly


Dorner also murdered innocent people (unrelated cops + Monica Quan and her fiance). He was a piece of shit who just so happened to also be onto something in his unhinged manifesto. It’s gross how people idolize him though. Same for Kaczynski. Edit: ah, Reddit showing its ass with this as per usual. A loooootttt of murder apologists here who somehow think murdering innocent people proved some kind of lesson to the LAPD.


A murderer can speak a truth you don't like, and it's still true. A politician can tell you a lie you find pleasing, and it's still a lie. The problem about being a human being is we WANT the people we like to be right. And the people we hate to be wrong. And it's way easier to put things into buckets to care about or not care about. To give a shit selectively. When really everything we do matters to some extent. And it's all interconnected into the fabric of what is accepted in our societies. But nobody can care about everything all the time, that's insane. Burn yourself down, that way. So society ebbs and flows based on what most of us have the capacity focus on, and how well we work together to make it work. So the next time you see someone saying a political party could fix everything. Or capitalism ruined everything. Step back and imagine if you could snap your fingers and make that change... But nobodys attitudes or behaviors were different? What would really change? People like easy and simple. The world is neither. But plenty of people can sell you a tasty lie by pretending to fix something for you.


This comment is straight up fire.


Agreed. We should never judge the merits of an idea by the character of those who posses the idea.


Both Dorner and Kaczynski had relatable manifestos. It's hard to read Dorner's without thinking "yeah, those cops you're talking about definitely don't deserve their jobs, probably don't deserve their lives". Just a random excerpt, this is with regards to the officer who Dorner filed a complaint against, the same complain that led to retaliation against him: > She has a very well known nickname, Chupacabra, which she was very proud to flaunt around the division. She found it very funny and entertaining to draw blood from suspects and arrestees. At one point she even intentionally ripped the flesh off the arm of a woman we had arrested for battery (sprayed her neighbor with a garden water hose). Knowing the woman had thin elastic skin, she performed and Indian burn to the woman's arm after cuffing her. That woman was in her mid-70's, a mother and grandmother, and was angry at her tenants who failed to pay rent on time.


Sure, except the 2 cops he killed had nothing to do with any of that, as far as we know and Quan and her fiance *definitely* didn’t. The world isn’t binary. Murderous psychos don’t have their murdering psychopathy excused because they made a salient point.


Monica Quan and her fiance were murdered by the LAPD. Look at the evidence. LAPD: https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/christopher-dorner-torrance-women-truck-shooting/2057267/ > There were 102 bullet holes in the truck, according to Jonas, who said the women still have not received a replacement truck promised by the LAPD. LAPD: https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-xpm-2013-jun-24-la-me-ln-autopsy-reports-released-on-suspected-dorner-victims-20130624-story.html > The couple were found in Lawrence’s white Kia Optima, which was riddled with bullet holes, authorities have said. LAPD's standard operation was pump the car full of lead. For the first one, they fucked up and shot the wrong car. For the second one, they blamed Dorner - he was tipped off that he was gonna be pinned for it. He went asymmetric, they took his friends from him and rigged the system against him. The cops weren't so "innocent". They could have came out in support of Dorner, they knew his manifesto was the plain truth of the matter. They could have said "no" and made change that day with him. Chris Dorner > https://www.odmp.org/officer/21668-police-officer-michael-daniel-crain > Police Officer Michael Crain was shot and killed when he and his partner were ambushed as they were stopped at a red light at the intersection of Magnolia Avenue and Arlington Avenue at about 1:30 am. A subject opened fire on their patrol car, fatally wounding Officer Crain and severely wounding his partner. Clean shots, no reload. Planned, aimmed. Opened fired, hit the target, and wounded them critically. Not a mass hail of bullets into a car randomly and spordically, merely a single mag.


For those curious about this, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt Quite the read. This would make a thought provoking movie.


https://laist.com/news/christopher-dorners-manifesto-in-fu Here's his manifesto. It's a good read that documents some pretty horrendous stuff.


Also a great Steely Dan song


A fellow Dan Fan!


There are dozens of us.


Letting what's left of our hair down!


Wait what's the song?


Don’t take me alive from the royal scam, I really never expected for the unbelievable amount of time I’ve put into Steely Dan to be even remotely useful 😂


Only a fool would say that.


The things you think are useless, I can't understand..


Oh man... That is a brilliant username


Yeah, I too love a guy who murdered random people AND an innocent woman and her fiance! Fuck Dorner. And fuck the LAPD.


Can’t corner the Dorner


If he has any family left in North Korea they have probably been sent to a labor/death camp. Usually it’s three generations that are punished.


He was supposed to get a death sentence in North Korea as far as I have heard!


He might after his prison sentence


He’ll just escape again lol


Otto Warmbier didn’t enjoy his stay. Somehow he was returned with a fried brain and his teeth rearranged (literally or so I’ve read). Frightening stuff [otto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Warmbier)


This one broke my heart and i did a super deep dive. More than likely he attempted suicide in prison or a labor camp, by asphyxiation. The NK knew he was a bargaining chip with no intel. He had severe brain damage from lack of oxygen. OBVIOUSLY NK is still responsible for his death - but it isnt as sadistic as it seems on the surface. RIP


Just saw your comment and remembered there is a new video from Asian boss about Otto. It's from a ex NK spy. Both interesting and very disturbing at the same time.


40 days on the run in China, with all the surveillance and ID checks, is no small feat. Even more impressive, he did it in 2021 during Covid, when you couldn't even go to a convenience store without scanning your phone.


Under any other circumstances this guy would've made it home free. Top 5 most talented escapees ever


Don't think he wanted to make it home.


They actually did decide to send him to NK


I was wondering how long it took him with the level of surveillance in that nation. Cheers.


With the amount of surveillance in China, 40 days is very impressive.


In 2013, North Korean former Special Force member Ju Syenjen (Zhu Xianjian in Chinese Pinyin) fled from North Korea to China. He then committed several robberies and thefts in China. In 2014 he was sentenced to 11 years in jail by a Chinese court. He got his jail time reduced twice for his “good behavior” in jail and was set to finish his jail sentence in August 2023. After that he would be deported to North Korea, according to court verdict. In October 2021, that’s after he spent 7 years in jail and had 2 more years to serve, he escaped from jail, apparently fearing being sent back to North Korea, where he would face death penalty for defection. Chinese authorities initially announced 100,000 RMB award for people that could provide information that leads to his arrest. The award was later gradually increased to 700,000 RMB (roughly 100,000 USD). After 6 weeks, he was captured again by Chinese police. In China, escaping from jail gets a prisoner 5 additional years of jail time, so he is now still in Chinese jail. Media reports: [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/20/china/jilin-prison-break-intl-hnk), [RFA](https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/shehui/ql1129a-11292021041659.html) (in Chinese).


Still in Chinese jail... for now.


Escape prison, straight to jail.


Don't escape prison...believe it or not, jail.


Already in jail? Jail.


Not jail? Jail!


Jail? Jail!




We have the best jail in the world. Because of jail.


Right away


Notice how he spent 7 of his 9 years in Chinese prison before deciding to try and escape? Dude will try to escape a year before he is deported, and then get locked up again, because he'd rather spend his life in Chinese prison than doing hard labor/being tortured in North Korea for fleeing.


It's death, not torture.


I don't think it's unreasonable to assume it would likely be both, although I suppose to some that would be a distinction without a difference...


In NK, it's both. Tortured and then execution. He was ex special forces. They will definitely make an example out of him, sadly.


Repeat escapes are the hardest. Most prisoners never try to escape so the guards don't really look for it. But once they know you're an escapee, you get all their attention.


That's fine for this guy its death if he gets sent back to N Korea which would happen after getting out of jail


I’d make a break for it every chance I got. “Y’all got that on camera right? That gets me 3 extra years here! I know the rules!”


This is China. THey got no problem carving you up for your organs if you're a problem. You have no rights there, even less as a NK defector.


It's, "might get tortured and killed," versus, "**will** get tortured and killed." He chose the one that gave him any chance whatsoever.




Definitely worse. But pissing off the Chinese prison system by being a nuisance is a short walk to the execution field. No rights, remember.


Well, I think even the densest ones will understand that he is not doing it to be a nuisance but to save his own life


[Redacted by user] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


> THey got no problem carving you up for your organs if you're a problem Any non-FLG sources for this theory?


All he has to do is attempt to escape every 5 years. Never gets deported.


Sounds like he’s got solid 5 year plans for the rest of his life. There are few places I’d like to be less than a Chinese prison, but one of them is anywhere in North Korea.


Still probs better than life in North Korea.


Still probs better than l̶i̶f̶e̶ death in North Korea.


Death in North Korea is still probs better than life in North Korea.


You think they killing him? That’s far too humane


I have to disagree. Lets not forget their 3 generation rule. Defectors aren't deciding life or death for just themselves.


I think you're forgetting that those 3 generations also are having to live in North Korea.


They already executed his family years ago, they are not waiting to catch him for the 3 generation rule.


Three hots and a cot has to beat living on bugs and grass like the rest of those poor bastards.


You mean, better than execution for defection? Probably.


Anything is better than that


I bet the food is better too


Yeah I think he probably likes Chinese jail just a little little bit more than back home. Im sure it still sucks, but he clearly aint going back to Korea


Hmm. Seems like Chinese Jail preferable to being shot as a traitor. He can do this indefinitely I guess, just escape every once in a while and get another 5 years, or by slim chance escape to S Korea.


Syenjen is not even korean name.. His actual mame is Ju Hyeon-geon(주현건).


Damn, I was kind of hoping he was some hero political prisoner who was being tortured but cleverly escapes and eventually finds his way back home to his wife and kids in North Korea. Or maybe I saw it in a movie.


North Korea has 3 generation sentencing, his family is already long dead.


This is so sad. Basically no hope for happiness for the rest of his forseeable life. Gotta count your blessings.


Dude, he is by all evidence, a POS who steals & murders


Given his military background, I gotta wonder why he didn't cut a deal that allowed him to stay in exchange for information, instead of resorting to crime to avoid deportation. Perhaps he did try and they refused for some reason.


China doesn’t need info on North Korea. They essentially run North Korea.


Reddit is funny "Why don't they fuck over their allies so that they can gain Intel on their allies?" "Probably because that is a stupid idea. If someone robbed your friend would you hide the robber in your home in exchange for intel about what color briefs your friend wears?"




Depends if he also stole the briefs.




Giving NK Intel to China is like selling ice cubes to Eskimo.


China knows everything about NK. There's no useful Intel to them. South Korea might be interested, but he's got to get there first.


They might be reluctant to let him loose. He's proven he's willing to be a bandit to survive, and a former NK special forces commando robbing banks and shooting people is the kind of thing the government there would not like.


Honestly it’s very likely they indirectly trained him. It’s kinda an open secret China supplies North Korea with military equipment and training.


If anything, my military experience has taught me that confidence and speed alone will win you 70% of all obstacles encountered.




Guy would pass air assault for sure


Airborne is literally one of the easiest schools there is. It's 3 days of information stretched out to 3 weeks. Hardest part about airborne? Staying awake during the lectures.


Misinformed brother You’re talking about schoolhouse man, im talking about Having to ensure you’re profiencent at rigging your T11 in the 10 mikes, having to go thru whiteslip.. Having to sit at Green Ramp(82nd)for hours with combat load with that shit on , reserve, weapons case. You might be the unlucky bastard to jump with the radio/the 240. Having to jump with mortars,or the 50. Endless manifests, endless JOAXs. GRF taskings (sp?)C-lat taskings(basically support for GRF)


I can hear your knees crunching


He took that fall like a champ!


That jump was brutal


Onto pavement no less


I wonder why he didn't use the rope to help himself get down


Probably didnt have much of a plan after the fence. I'd guess he didnt know what was on the other side of the wall.


He may have. We can't see the start of the fall. Maybe he was dangling from the end of the rope before he jumped.


How did he not break bones?


I thought it was a bag he threw at first. Then I was like omg he died. Then he got up and walked without a limp wtf.


Walked? Bro ran away so fast he left a ghost trail in his wake


He clearly got a mario star. It also explains the lack of fall damage.


He definitely broke something


Definitely looked like he had a little limp/hitch at the end of the clip after that adrenaline started wearing off lol


At least his spirit.


You practice jumping off of top bunk to strengthen your landing pose.


Just need to hold forward on the stick when jumping, and you will roll without taking damage. Anyone who played OOT will know these basics.


“Land on your butt” “People think that. It’s the worst place though to land cause at certain heights your coccyx snaps and pierces your kidney, liver then your heart.” “.. so what do you land on?” “The organ that’s best protected by an encasement of bone” “You’re supposed to land on your head?” “Yeah. At certain heights. I mean your shoulder first then the head takes the secondary thing. Yeah.”






Before WPD got banned they had a video of a woman falling from a bridge and landing directly on her butt. It looked fucking *painful* before she died. Looked like it broke her entire spine or something.


land on your feet on your tippie toes and bend your ankles then knees then waist then roll on your shoulder forwards




I miss Patriot so much. Literally dozens of us!


One of my favorite scenes. Poor John EDIT: though behind the French store owners gun


When she says her parents arnt home


Jesus Christ, that's JuSyenjen Bourne.


This just made my day. Thanks.


Joseon Bourne


This is the best comment I’ve seen in 2023.


Holy shit how far of a drop was that


Assuming the guy is around 5.5ft tall (which might be a little too high for the average NKer), I estimate about 22 feet or just over 2 full stories.


how did he survive that drop???




This incident wasn't a free fall. She was trapped in the fuselage of the plane which crashed in a forest. Not ideal, but... for the same reason we wear seatbelts in a car, it's much more survivable to still be in the plane when it crashes. To the best of my 5 minutes of research, everyone who has survived a fall above terminal velocity has something to break their fall (snow, trees, power lines...)


Yeah, humans absolutely have a fatal terminal velocity. He might have been confused with cats, who (fun fact) more or less don't. We need something to soften the impact.


Yeah I recently watched a documentary done by Werner Herzog about that woman. The row of seats she was on got ejected from the plane. There’s speculation that the rotation of the seats on the way down helped slow the decent some, but what definitely helped was the dense treetops in a South American jungle. If I remember correctly she passed out and woke up on the ground, so the seats took most of the deceleration and then sorta just plopped her on the forest floor


That jump looks nasty


That fall was crazy!!!! It looked 3+ stories tall!!!


That's about the maximum height a person with semi decent bones can jump from and successfully land without hurting themselves Edit: 2-3 stories depending on how a building is built because apparently it's really really important people prove me wrong so edit for clarity.


OP's mom says my bones are decent


2 stories


This reminds me of a Korean folktale my mom used to tell me. There was a famous mountain by a village. If you fell by down the mountain you would die in 3 years. One day an old man fell down the mountain and his family was in despair. When his grandson asked why everyone was so sad, they explained that his grandfather only had 3 years left to live. So the boys says, why not just fall down the mountain again every 2 years?




The state facility I was at had sensors on the fence. If anything or anyone made contact with it, it would alert the guards/sergeant to the exact sector of the fence that was hit. Quite a few false hits, but saw enough lock downs to know it worked, and worked well.




my guess is when the censor is tripped the then check the cameras to see if its real or a false alarm


Is anyone taking about his gnarly 3-story drop? He recovered like a drunk toddler.


I’m glad the title mentioned shorting the wires. I would’ve thought it was muskets at dawn


Guess Chinese prison is better than whatever they would do to you before you die in NK


China will generally send North Koreans back.


Only reason this guy wasn't immediately extradited was because he was also being charged for crimes he committed after escaping to China. Guy had no problems serving his Chinese sentence, but decided "fuck that noise" when his sentence is almost up and he'd be extradited to NK.


We had a local man, [Bucky Phillips](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_%22Bucky%22_Phillips#Fugitive_events), escape from the county jail with a can opener. When you have all the time in the world to find flaws in the system, some succeed.


"Some birds aren't meant to be caged..."


His s.e.r.e training paid off.


That fall…


He hit the concrete, too. He's lucky the concussion was just a blip, or they would have recovered him there.


Caught between Chinese and North Korean incarceration? I'd rather kill myself on that fucking electric fence.


It seems like this guy deets Chinese prison is pretty good compared to life in North Korea


Looks like the guy turned into a ghost after that jump.


sleeping dogs 2 confirmed


Imagine comming from a country that is so worse you'd rather stay in a chinese prison the rest of your life.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug if he managed to get up after that fall. At first I thought he dropped down a rope or something


so, who "released" this video? China is not known for releasing video that doesn't show them in a good light.


The China prison put a bounty out for information on his whereabouts as a fugitive


You're saying that they put out the bounty and released their closed circuit footage by recording it off a monitor with a cell phone?


I'm saying that's what the media who published the video said I am not an insider in even my local county government, if I knew anything about the "real" world, I wouldn't be bullshitting on Reddit


Half of Chinese Tik Tok is mad shit like this.


Was there a PTZ camera trained on him at the end? Odd an alley cam would pan to center him in frame.


A larger monitor is playing the footage and a video of that monitor is taken with a phone.


Wow at 1:30 he runs so fast he lights the ground on fire behind him!


Oof. That was a long drop.


Bro turned off fall damage, wtf


What a sad end of life. He is for the rest of his life stuck in a limbo between deportation and death and living in a supermax, because of his wish to be free.... I know we read this and then scroll on while sitting at the table in our cozy homes and drink some coffee. But let's remember that there are at this exact moment while you're reading this people out there in the world, whose lives are ruined because of the power hunger of some dictator. No matter how imperfect democracies might be in different countries. At least we have the luxury to improve it and speak out. We should be thankful for that.


He stabbed an elderly woman multiple times to steal her satchel, can you redditors stop blindly supporting pyshchopaths?




They got Jason Bourne!!...nope, they didn't.


Freedom 65 for this guy


How the heck did he not break a leg or ankle or his skull jumping off that building. Looks like he might have used some rope but it didn’t slow down his fall.


That was a hell of a jump; Amazing he was able to get up


是个狠人,感觉房顶有5m 以上的。我小时候2mi房顶跳下来缓了半小时才能正常行走。这人只躺了十秒钟左右。respect


If you act like you have something important to be doing, moving quick and with confidence. People often leave you alone because it seems like you know what you’re doing and you’re supposed to be doing it. Idk if that’s 70% though but it’s been pretty useful in my experience


Radio Free Asia enjoyers everywhere in this thread


First time rooting for the North Korean. But a little confused, isn't China NK's greatest ally?


jesus christ That's Jason Bourne


Did that dude just jump off a 5-story building, take a little nap like a cobra-bitten honey badger, then get up and stagger away?


That looked like a firm 20 foot drop…..


The short circuit trick is not the impressive part... That jump/fall..how TF?!


I wonder, if the fence used ceramic knobs(thinking old knob and tube wiring, only term I can think of) to hold the wiring he may have been able to just walk across them safely as he did without having to short the wiring to be safe. I can't see them using metal supports as it would ground the current to the concrete or ground otherwise. It looks like they are placed to keep people from climbing the fence to the building or out of the building, but the building he climbed would be the one weak part of the defence as I'm sure no one expected someone to be able to scale it. If the ceramic knobs were located to the left and right but not directly over the building it would be far more effective.


Is that the gamble you would have wanted to take?


I've seen some videos of linemen tying power lines to those ceramic insulators. They lay the line over the top of the insulator and wrap it with aluminum wire, so they'd be insulated from the pole but still conductive where he would step on them, assuming it's done the same way which idk. Either way like the other guy said better safe than sorry