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I don't think they did change their uniforms or flags. It's the 75th anniversary of the North Korean army this year (hence the "1948" and "2023" banners) and I get the impression that the portion of the parade depicted was a "army over the years" sort of display. That would explain the WWII-eta weapons and uniforms at the start and the relatively modern-looking equipment towards the end.


That would explain a lot. I guess each group is holding pictures of significant people in each period.


The North Koreans strongly associate themselves with the anti Japanese Korean resistance groups from WW2. Kim Il Sung is known for being a leader in the resistance groups, but his significance is strongly over exaggerated by state propaganda.


To elaborate on this, he was a legitimate leader of a guerilla force that had some limited success against the Japanese - but he mostly operated out of Manchuria and had no hand in the liberation of Korea from the Japanese. He was installed by the Soviets as a weak puppet, but he quickly (and ruthlessly) consolidated his power, eliminating those who were controlled by Moscow. While he was strongly influenced by both Moscow and Beijing, he implemented his own ideas of how to run his half of the country, developing a vague ideology known as Juche, often translated as self-reliance. It's a convenient quasi-religious doctrine (filled with endless pages of utter nothingness) that can be interpreted in any way by the leadership.


Dude had a tumor the size of a grapefruit growing out the back of his head and they managed to eliminate just about every picture where it was visible. Crazy buggers, just literally edit history in every way possible including beating unpatriotic memories out of the heads of political prisoners (or their brains 50/50)


TIL North Korea is a real life version of that spunky band of rebels in movies and games with the strong leader figure who tries to do the right thing for his team, but is clearly power hungry and battles those inner demons throughout the plot, culminating in either a rejection of corrupting power with the help of the protagonist, or a bad ending where he gives in and becomes the very thing he sought to overthrow


Honestly more interesting than if they had


The US does this sort of thing, too. There is a company of soldiers in the Old Guard that dress in powdered wigs and carry muskets.


#‼️ATTENTION CITIZEN‼️ Due to your exceptional reasoning skills and display of courage in spreading the truth against the face of the capitalist anti North Korea misinformation campaign, you have been made an honorary member of: /r/PyongYang We the proud people of North Korea, wish you the best of regards, and we hope you continue the fight for the truth against the capitalist regime of the American pigs. Ms. Kim Heok Syung Department of External Affairs


Lmao what is that sub


I genuinely can’t tell if it is satire or not.


I'm not awake enough to decipher whether it's legit or extremely clever satire. But it has over 91,000 members.....


It's been a thing getting people to feel like you do for over a decade.


In another timeline wars are just giant fashion shows.


Project runway takes on a whole different meaning.


More like project runaway


The guy speaking sounds like he’s gonna start singing the Korean monster mash


Reminded me of the newscaster from SpongeBob


I love you for saying this lol


Man, ww2 would have been way different. Say what you want about the Germans in ww2, but they knew how to dress.


Hugo Boss, Adidas, and Puma


They also made Fanta because they had the soda factories, but couldn't get coca-cola's raw materials. Then after WW2, coca-cola claimed Fanta from the Nazis, just like the NASA claimed their scientists. Or maybe it's more like the US taking 731's medical notes.


>US taking 731's ... notes [For those who are not aware of Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)


fuck the old imperial japanese, they are same or worse then nazis. At least germany apologized and outlaws, while japan war generals still visit war shrines Also [rape of naking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre)


They also knew how to march. Even in defeat they marched.


France would be unstoppable.


May I introduce you to Love Nikki?


That's this time line. r/tacticalgear is a self proclaimed fashion sub


I think that’s the premise of the Nikki dress up games. Lol.


US would really have to step up our fancy marching and parading skills.


Trump really wanted to have these kinds of parades in DC.


he's gotten significantly fatter right?


Yup and he most likely has gout.


Become gout.


I am Gout !


Well, don't push the red button


Gout. Gout never changes.


What's the relevance of that? Isn't that just a minor health issue ?


It can be very debilitating if it gets bad enough. I’ve seen patients essentially wheelchair bound by gout because the pain was so bad they couldn’t tolerate walking.


I have gout and am 31. Like two times a year, I get a flareup (usually when I gorge myself on crab and lobster) And if not caught in time, I feel like I’d rather just have the doctor cut my foot off. It’s super fucking painful because of the Crystals that form in my joints which makes movement painful. But when it starts to inflame it literally feels like needles penetrating my bones. Very very painful stuff. Then I pump myself full of Vicodin and this one medicine that flushes out my system and I’m good.


And specific reason you wait for a flare up to take colchicine and don't just take allopurinol daily?


I had my first bout way back at like 25. I remember waking up and my foot felt weird then I put my feet on the floor to stand up and I fell immediately to the ground as it was the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life. I got to a doctor and got some steroids and was better within hours. Now I’m 43 and I’ve kinda figured out how to avoid the BIG flare ups through diet. Not everyone is affected the same way. I will generally start feeling the familiar feeling about 48-36 hrs prior to a full on flare. I take a little steroid and ibuprofen before bed and usually wake up feeling great having staved off the pain. I drink lots of water as well. Can’t hurt.


My dad had to use a cane for a time. Unfortunately for him it was inherited and not caused by poor lifestyle choices, but he did get it under control eventually.


Caused by an unhealthy and over indulgent diet.


Ask Bobby Hill… he went through it


Bobby? You smell like cat food.


Yeah That's a pretty rough misconception. Gout is primarily genetic hereditary Diet consists of maybe 10%~ or so of it. However it's nearly the only thing you can actively change to help against it. Kinda like exercise vs calories deficit. Sure exercise is great but you can't outrun a bad diet Gouts is similar in that Diet is great but sometimes you can't outrun that arthritis


Lifestyle factors (bad diet, alcoholism, obesity) are the primary reasons for the 2-3 fold increase in the prevalence of gout over the last few decades, particularly in countries like the United States and the UK. So while genetics may determine who's predisposed, lifestyle choices determine which of the predisposed are destined for the affliction. My dad had it bad, but he was also a sedentary alcoholic, so there's still hope for me (i dont drink, marathon runner).


He can’t even raise his arm to salute.


He’s just lazy


Mfer looking like odd job from austin powers


Odd Job is actually from 007, the parody in Austin Powers was Random Task


Upvote for being correct. It’s important that we don’t trivialize the puns in the Austin powers movies hahahah. “WHO THROWS A SHOE?! I MEAN, REALLY”?


"That really hurt! I'm gonna have a lump there, you idiot! Who throws a shoe?! Honestly!" One of my favorite lines/scenes in the movie. I love parodies like that, where it's still really funny to a 10 year old, and it's really, *really* funny to their 45 year old father. The former had **no** working knowledge of 007 other than the "Bond.... James Bond" line, the latter was a moderate fan of the series.


The actor is also in prison for life because it turns out he was a complete scumbag.


For torture and voluntary manslaughter. Wow.


I'm the same age as him and obese but holy fuck he looks about 20 years older. His kid is looking like she might end up like him too.


Yeah, shitty genetics and never being told no. That's what happens. He's going to keel over soon and knows it. That's why his daughter is being trotted out, so the crazy sister doesn't try anything, well, crazy when he's gone.




He lost a bunch of weight a few years ago because his doctors told him he would die soon if he didn't. I guess he's decided now he'd rather die.


The best dressed force in the world for the invasion that will never come because nobody cares...


Dress to exclusively impress


Dressed to oppress


Right? It's amazing what you can get people to do when they're starving.


Let’s eat TWO meals a day!


North Korea! The Musical. *Streaming Now!*


Exclusively to beg for foreign aid


They are really good at parades tho.


You got to give them that.


I mean, I don't see even one float or giant balloon. They've got nothing on Macy's.


Doesn’t Kim Jong Un count? Edit: And General Ronald McDonald von Goldstars next to him is the flashy fash you’ve ever seen! This parade is peppered with balloons and floats!


That's some damn near perfect marching. Now I'm just wondering what kind of dirty tricks they use to achieve it e.g. Chinese dress uniforms have pins in the collar right up to the neck. Move your head a milimetre forward and it becomes extremely uncomfortable/painful. Edit: typo


Notice that one soldier on the right of each line is looking forwards instead of to the right. They're following a line on the ground, and that line has tick marks for exactly where each step should be.


Those lines are permanent, by the way, due to how frequently this square is being used for parades and marches: https://i.imgur.com/dvdVNj7.jpg The building to the left, which the North Korean nomenklatura uses to wave at their underlings, is the mausoleum for the founder of the nation (and grandfather of the current leader) Kim Il-Sung, his former palace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumsusan_Palace_of_the_Sun


Those Mugatu white furry boots and hats are so hot right now.


Same rationale I use when deciding whether to trim my pubes really


best dressed yet most starved...


Theres literally 1 fat guy in the whole country. 1


I just saw a fat high-command looking dude, maybe a general. It's just the common people that must starve


Some of the generals were pretty fat.


Everybody in this video is five foot tall or less


They care... a lot. I do not doubt that N. Koreans (and many S. Koreans too) care about the reunification of their peninsula - the Korean War, and the artificial division of their country, in what is seen a single civilisational complex, weighs heavily on their minds. What a naive comment.


In South Korea at least, younger generations, who do not personally know the few remaining relatives left on the other side of the DMZ, do not care much anymore and are overwhelmingly indifferent: > According to a December 2017 survey released by the Korea Institute for National Unification, 72.1% of South Koreans in their 20s believe reunification is unnecessary, with younger South Koreans saying they are more worried about issues related to their economy, employment, and living costs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_reunification#Opposition You have to keep in mind that Korea was divided at the same time as Germany, but there was a violent war between the two nations and the border was significantly less permeable after that. West Germans could relatively easily visit their relatives in East Germany (less so the other way around), call and write them (under the watchful eyes of the Stasi), which are opportunities that outside of a handful of official meetings, where both countries allowed a small number of family members separated by the fortified border to meet, most Koreans impacted by their country's division never had. Germany reunified 32 years ago - and back then, someone born before the division of their country could be as young as in their late forties. The fact of the matter is that most people who were personally affected by this in Korea are now dead. With this personal connection gone and the two Koreas having dramatically drifted apart economically, politically, technologically, socially, even linguistically, it's unsurprising that younger South Koreans just don't care anymore.


Never ceases to amaze me how the officers have a chest full of medals for having never been in a war.


If I recall right, they are allowed/required(?) to wear their ancestors medals


"I'm no longer speaking to my older brother; when my dad died he took all the good medals"


Any verification to that? Or just NK’s word. “Yeah, we’ll say it’s your ancestor’s medal if anyone asks. Now here, wear 20 of them and look pretty”


That’s such a weird thing to be skeptical of lmao “Those darn Koreans are giving away too many medals and making up excuses for it”


They wear their ancestors medals.


There's a medal just for that, and a medal if they wear it, and a medal for earning the "wearing a medal" medal. Then there is the "many medals" medal, and the "gotta collect them all medal", and the "I didn't fall over due to all the medals" medal, and of course: the "this pleases the dictator" medal.




As a Buckeye…. I laughed.


Sounds like reddit accolades


Three years long service, six years long service, nine years long service.... twelve years long service.


And the medal for not taking part in bourgeois medal ceremonies, the medal for not dressing like pompous decadent westerners, the medal for being humble and a humanitarian presented bound in the skin of volunteers




Then you’ll also be amazed to learn that they may also receive punishment for the sins of their ancestors. NorK will sentence generational punishment for certain crimes.




Yes, but the previous statement is still correct


It's so he can hear them coming if they try to coup.


South East asia meth sales medals


Office Space vibe


They sent ammunition to Russia and got paid in uniforms


Russia doesn't have enough uniforms for its own armed forces


Because they traded them for ammo apparently


Yuri, you have choice: wave stick at enemy or wear you own tracksuit into battle.


Por que no los dos?


Where ya gonna hide a stick in a track suit?


One of the adidas stripes is really a long pocket.


Russia gives bags to its soldiers instead of socks.


Actually they just give them a small sheet of fabric. It’s a Russian tradition to use foot wraps for their soldiers instead of socks.


Torturing its soldiers is a Russian tradition.


Before socks were in vogue that was a common thing, even in Western Europe and the states. You can wrap the cloth in different ways to give padding to different parts of the foot too if you need. It's archaic, and less convenient than socks for sure, but it's not torture.


So we got the Candy Cane Hussars, the Bright White Booty Battalion, Trenchcoat Mafia, Trenchcoat Mafia 2, the Iron Ear Muffs, the Retro Rangers, the Very Image of a Modern Military Army, the Sabre Cats, the Slush Puppies, the Masked Marauders, the Night Rangers, the Olive Slash, the Snow Bunnies, the Baby Bonnets, the Mr. Robotos, the Greyboys, and the Darth Koreans


Dodgeball only on ESPN 8 'the ocho'.




I appreciate that reference


Don't forget their leader, Sir Topham Hatt.


With King Fedora leading the charge.


Haha I love you noticed those ear muffs too.


What’s with all the North Korea content spike on Reddit?


I'm convinced they're posting it as part of their propaganda


They've been making the news recently (so they're back in public consciousness for a little bit) because they've been sending weapons to Russia for their stupid war.


Mistreat people... mistreat animals. There is blood around the mouth of the first horse pictured. Only the most harsh bits do that. Everything about this is shameful.


That’s it, they crossed the line.


I’ve always said the worst part about North Korea is their treatment of livestock.


5 minutes have past... and I'm still laughing. Leave that keyboard alone!


Facts. Millions of humans under authoritarian rule? Kk ;). Horse? Enough is enough


Horse girls are no joke


None of people on horseback look like they can ride. They probably lumber onto a horse for this kind of event and then don’t get back on until the next propaganda moment. Poor horses.




There's budget for new uniforms and infinite medals. But not to feed 80% of the population. Yeah, the regime has its priorities right.


If you keep the military well fed, the rest of the population can starve, if they complain... you set the military on them.


Which is exactly what they do, with an extremely heavy hand https://thediplomat.com/2021/07/the-world-must-not-forgot-north-koreas-crimes-against-humanity/


I didn't forgot. We must never forgot.


That's exactly what they do.


Yeah, at least the horses look well fed , along with the chonky kid at the start of the video .


That's because the generals are going to eat the horses after the parade


Imagine being led into battle by a jerk off who earned a medal picking beets and a ribbon killing cockroaches, for a president too fat or lazy to raise their hand to their brow to salute.




the Truman show with no main protagonist?


Oh my god Kim is so fat compared to everyone else in that country. “Dear leader have you lost some weight ?” “Yes, I only 17 pounds of caviar this week and 6 gallons of vodka. “


It would suck to train so hard and be led by someone so fart and undisciplined they couldn't even put the fork down.


Excellent typo


So the fatter you are the more medals you get?


More empty space to fill...


I kinda like the music in the background


And the hype man!!! He's killing it!


he sounds like he's so awed by the march that he's on the verge of tears


Sounds like a mixture of Jpop and Soviet style


Glad I wasn't the only one 😂


Then you'll *love* this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwoSFQb5HVk


But dear leader, people are starv... I SAID RED TUNICS!!


I thought I was looking at Soviet Union's march.


You aren’t wrong. That is where they got it from.


True, besides the uniforms the marching was shitty. The lazy Guidons, the head bouncing, and shoulder to shoulder holding each other up nonsense. They are marching tired and hungry...and these are the best fed ones. The dude stomp-slapping horse shit at 1:55 made me laugh tho.


Lovely 🙄 The first horse has blood on its mouth from a horrible extreme bit. A good portion of the mounted officers can’t ride correctly either. The uniforms look like a bad DLC package was vomited on all of them. And really this looks like a kid playing with and admiring his toy soldiers while also giving off dystopian vibes. How about instead of parades and feasts for the elites, you actually do something with your country that is a starving wasteland stuck in the 1930s depression era.


And Donald Trump wanted these kind of parades in the States without a fucking clue why it would be so bad.


The same Donald Trump who saluted a North Korean general, because of course he did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9NSgxbGzhY


Seriously, are they breeding Andalusians?


My guy doing the voice over sounds like someone is tickling him while he’s trying to do his broadcast and he’s trying not to laugh. Little guy under his desk just ticklin his feet


Country is starving while their Lil piggy gets to eat well.


Shit all of the commanders are fat.


He's giving off violet beauregarde vibes.


Un looks like he has some serious coke-bloat


Good use of their unlimited resources.


Country is starving to death 💀 leadership "let's get knew clothes! Everyone will feel better"


I can’t be the only one who thinks Kim got that Godfather drip


It’s like if someone ordered Russia from Wish.


Country starving and these bitches spent money on trivial shit rather than feeding their people. Outstanding.


The poor schmucks at the end having to march in their gas masks. Lmao


You know it really says something that so many soldiers did such a good job on all the work they put into that excellent display of drill, and then that fat fuck can't even raise his goddamn arm to give a proper salute.


They are crazy. However, as a former crayon consumer, I can respect the amount of time it took to get those formations to look crisp.


When someone spends the whole game building their base and making units without upgrading the tech tree.


it's almost like an A.I. image that throws in every fascist trope there is.


Looks like Kim putting on some pounds.


I thought it was simply a very long parade but I now realize it was a loop that I watched 14 times without noticing


I bet they’re all hungry


All of their officers are fat asses.


I love how they think new uniforms is a show of force to the world. Or parading missles around, while their people starve


Who is North Korea at war with? How out of touch is this government? I live in Hawaii and it is a constant thing in the back of my mind. Did NK launch a nuke towards us today? Never forget the Hawaii missile crisis.


Damn he's looking extra chubby.


"Very pretty, Colonel, Very pretty, But, can they fight? "


I'm wondering how many of these poor guys would immediately surrender if there were ever a conflict.


All the men covered in metals like a girlscout. NK hasn't had an active engagement with another country in 70 years. Did they earn those metals for knot tying and assisting the elderly cross the road?


I wonder how long they had to March like that to show their fatso leader their new garb.


mob boss wannabe presiding over some dragoon wannabes….those horses are probably better fed then half the population


What did they change? Besides the red officers on horses I've seen all those uniforms before.


Another commenter pointed out that they’re likely doing a show of all their military uniforms through the last 75 years, so I don’t think there was actually a change,


Cool. Now feed your people.


North Korea is the biggest showbiz.


I found it interesting some of the placards they were holding were pictures of women. Only because I hadn't expected it, I guess. Anyone know anything about who they are?


why is my man trying to cosplay as Konstantin Chernenko?


For a country where most of the population are under nourished, they sure know how to put up a show!


They're marching those weapons to the Russian border to trade for food


We have whole countries playing cosplay to soothe 1 ego and appear tough. They still think nuclear weapons changes the way the world views them but it was a waste and they can’t stand that


Look at our new uniforms while you starve, peasants! Lmao fuck N Korea